Wednesday Blessing! December 6, 2023

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Wednesday Blessing!

Prayer for the day

All I have or am, Lord God, has been given to me by Your almighty hands. Forgive me when I tend to boast about my own accomplishments—for I am nothing without Your grace and love.

Prayer of the Day: Father God, I’m ashamed that I’ve allowed money or other problems to become so important that I’ve lost my perspective. I now understand that my problem isn’t money; my problem is my lack of trust in You. As I meditate on Your promises, help me to truly believe that You will perform Your Word in my life. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray, amen.

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Wednesday Morning Blessings

I pray for a Wednesday morning that is full of Christ’s grace for you today! That you would feel His presence throughout every moment and find strength in Him. That His blessings would abound in your life today.

Have a blessed Wednesday! Full of God’s comforting love and strength to get through today with ease and pleasure.

May this Wednesday morning bring you much joy, love, and peace from the Lord! May you feel His presence throughout the day.

Blessings for this Wednesday morning! May Jesus fill your heart with His grace and love this day.

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Wednesday Morning Prayers

For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and self-discipline. – 2 Timothy 1:7
Lord, this Wednesday morning I ask that I would not walk in fear. That I would not be subject to the fear of man, but I would walk in Your power, love, and self-discipline. Help me Lord not to partner with the lies of the enemy that would make be anxious or worry about situations.

Precious Jesus, I praise You today! Thank You for this beautiful Wednesday morning. Thank you for your protection over my family. I ask that today that my lips would be filled with praise and worship. That this day would bring You glory, for You are good and kind, Lord. Thank You, for Your salvation that brings me so much joy. Bless this Wednesday Lord, in the name of Jesus, amen!


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