WE23 x Sarah Jakes Roberts

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WE23 x Sarah Jakes Roberts

One year ago, for the very first time, 40,000 women—hungry after Jesus—came together under one roof, and what happened in that room was nothing short of a move of God. Chains broke, hearts healed, and a generation of women stepped into their purpose like never before. This is not just another moment; it’s the spark that ignites the fire in your spirit, calling you to rise, to evolve, to step boldly into the future God has prepared for you.

Get ready. What God is did through this gathering will shift your life in ways you can’t even imagine. WE23 isn’t just an event—it’s your next level unveiling! See you tomorrow at WE24!

Watch the FULL “Take form w/ Sarah Jakes Roberts” session on the Woman Evolve TV App.

is anybody grateful to finally be here at 2023 woman we doing stadiums now make some noise in here [Applause] [Applause] [Music] I don’t even I don’t even know what to say thank you for coming thank you for
trusting the grace and the anointing that God has placed on my life I felt so strongly as we were planning and preparing for this moment that there was a glory Cloud over this stadium and I felt like God was telling me that when the right women came into this room that God was going to release a glory like never before and that Glory was so thick that we could feel it even when the room was empty and so I want to do something crazy I just want to take 10 seconds and lift up a praise to God for what he has allowed to happen in this room I know we
still got two or three more days left but I want us to start praising God in advance like the cancer out of the body like our hearts have been healed like our worship makes a difference I want us to take about 10 seconds and thank God in advance for breakthrough I want us to take about 10 seconds and thank God that I got the right woman in my RO I got the right anointing over my life I want to take about 10 seconds and thank God that the plans of the enemy did not work that the enemy Meed for evil but God L for
good I want to take 10 seconds and let the anointing of God fall on this place there are women in this room and you carry breakthrough and sometimes we come to see the anointing that’s on someone else’s life not realizing that the anointing we see on someone else’s life is actually a reflection of the anointing that is on your life and I came here to let you know that this is not my moment this is our moment this is when we serve the enemy notice that you should have took me out when you had the chance but I didn’t mess around and got
in an environment where I can give birth to who God has called me to be somebody’s getting ready to push in this place and I hear God saying this time when you push it’s not going to break you this time when you push it’s going to push you into the next Dimension it’s going to push you into your destiny it’s going to push you and it’s going to push every generation connected to you I don’t know about you but I feel like there’s some World Changers in this room I don’t know
about you but I feel like somebody’s going to war for their great great great great great great great great great great great great great it’s got to end with me great it’s got to start with me CR I got to do something different so I have an assignment for the women in this room who had to be in this room for some people it was optional but there are some women it is not convenient for them to be in this room but I’m asking God for something so inconvenient that I had to show God I’ll go out of my way to make room for the
thing I’m praying for I’ll go out of my way to make room for the generations connected to me I got a word for you s Esther 4 verse 10 I’mma tell y’all something on the floor all the oil is in the balcony y’all better hope it might hit up there first and then it’s going to hit the floor is that right or is all the oil on the floor I don’t know is [Music] it okay thank you Jesus thank you Jesus
thank you God for predestined moments thank you for constantly being one time I have to tell you that um this has been the most intimidating thing that I have ever done I was intimidated up until about an hour and a half ago child cuz God just be doing stuff and you just be like okay but then he when it’s time to do it you be like wait a minute wait a minute I wasn’t ready I just want to thank my husband who’s been my covering throughout this process Pastor tray what a gift you are to me I love you tremendously thank you so much and my
parents bishop and first lady thank you so much for your love and gifts I don’t see oh there they are okay so listen I’m going to say this I’m going to get into my word right woman evolve started it was 2017 and there were a few crazy people in 2018 who was like I’ll go it’s never been before some of them they still in the room they said uh we’ll go we’ve never been before we’ll see what happens hey girl and um I was in the kitchen frying chicken and I was like I have this idea for a
conference but you know I didn’t have any resources for it it didn’t really make any sents on paper and it felt like a little different so I told my children first and one it’s cheap labor you know like cuz I’ve already invested so much into them but I told them I have this idea for a conference but I can’t do it by myself I can’t afford to hiring anyone would you all serve alongside me and making this happen this room you’re stand standing in right now was built on the backs of my six children who are in
the room and I just don’t want to go any further without taking the time to thank you all for your sacrifice for your love for serving for showing up I can’t do that with y’all right now but just know this moment would not be possible if it wasn’t for you all thank you thank you thank you I don’t see all of I see Kenzie right there I don’t know where Kai is oh there he is Kai hey baby but Ren TAA Isaiah Ty Britney you in it now I want to thank you guys so much for all that you sacrificed sharing us with the
world I know it’s not easy I had to do it myself but you all have stayed honoring you have stayed close to me and being a PK is not easy but I’m telling you right now that the same people who have my back have your back too same people and we’re loving and covering and praying over you every step of the way and so I thank you so much okay I had to do that this is not an acceptance speech this ain’t the Academy Awards but I had to thank my family okay here we go Esther 4 verse 10 I love you too girl I love you
too I am um my subject for tonight is take your form take your form and I’m talking about Esther at a time in scripture where her people are under persecution and as a result of them being under persecution her cousin comes to her her cousin morai and says to her you should do something about this and he says that she should do something about this because she is in a position as Queen to make a difference with the King and her goal is that the king her his goal is that she would say something to the king that would change
his mind about persecuting her people it’s really not the king who actually wants to persecute them but his right-hand man and when we find her in the scripture she’s battling with the reality that she is thrust into a role that she’s not exactly sure she can sacrifice in order to accomplish she’s questioning herself and God gave me Insight on this I want to share it begins it says then Esther spoke to he and gave him a command for morai all the king’s servants and the people of the king’s provinces know that
any man or woman who goes into the inner Court to the king who is not been called he has but one law put all to death except the one to whom the king holds out the golden scepter that he may live yet I myself have not been called to go into the king these 30 days so they told morai Esther’s words and morai told them to answer Esther do not think in your heart that you will escape in the king’s Palace any more than all the other Jews for if you remain completely silent at this time relief and deliverance will
arise for the Jews from another place but you and your father’s house will perish yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this then Esther told them to reply to morai go gather all the Jews who are present in shushan and Fa and fast for me neither eat nor drink for three days night or day My Maids and I will Fast likewise and so I will go to the King which is against the law and if I perish I perish so morai went his way and did according to all that Esther commanded him Spirit
of the Living God thank you thank you for seeing thank you for knowing thank you for pushing thank you for staying thank you for being consistent in every way now God you got me into this and I know you have have a plan for why it’s me and why it’s here and why it’s them so I lay myself down my fears my nerves my insecurities and I ask that the spirit of God would stand tall in me and thank you God for every woman in this room thank you for every Scar and every dream for every hope and every hurt I truly believe that you make all things
work together for our good and so God I’m praying that this would be a mechanical moment where you take the good the bad the ugly and you work it all together until the only thing that’s left is anointing have your way in this place great God that you are in Jesus mighty name I pray amen and amen again amen hey core y’all show my sister some love she she’s in the building [Applause] too child if don’t nobody shout Cory going to shout try me if you want to have me a Amen Corner okay I was doing some research and one
of the things that I was studying was the rise in crime that we have seen in unique ways not just some of the thefts that we are used to but specifically I noticed that there’s been a rise in crime in catalytic converters on cars if you guys are on TI Tock you know about this cuz there’s the Kia boys I don’t know I don’t want shout out no gangs out here but uh people who were literally taking the catalytic converters out of cars and it’s really interesting that they chose to take this particular part
out of a car because the thing about this is that this essential part of an engine ‘s function is to take the harmful toxic fumes that the engine creates put it in this catalytic converter which transforms it into something less harmful before it releases into the Earth it was a part of the Clean Air Act when they started this having this essential part of the car because they recognized that if the fumes that came from the engine went right into the Earth there would be a pollution problem the reason why people
are stealing these catalytic converters though is not necessarily because they just want to see the Earth deteriorate is that they understand that there is a value placed inside the catalytic converter there is an essential substance inside the catalytic converter that creates the very transaction that turns it into steam that makes it valuable that substance is platinum or rodium and this chemical is called a catalyst in chemistry a catalyst is a substance that speeds up a chemical reaction without itself being consumed
during the reaction the Catalyst inside the catalytic converter can be exposed to as much harmful pollution ever and still not change its form want to that’s the whole point of it being the catalyst is that it can it can withstand the type of exposure that most substances cannot I think this is probably what scripture means when it says to be in the world but not of it when you’re in the world but not of the world you can be exposed to everything that’s happening in the world but not let what’s happening in the world change you
in order for any of us to consider what it must be like in order to be a catalyst we have to understand that we must be intentional about never being consumed in processes that might be harmful God help me often times when we are exposed to disappointment we are exposed to betrayal we are exposed to abandonment we are exposed to other people’s failure it’s not just that what they did hurt us the real weapon is what happens when we can no longer maintain our form because of what they did we think to ourselves that because
this form made me vulnerable I’ll never take on that form again the hardest thing that any of us will ever have to do is there to maintain our form in the midst of what’s taking place in our world I think that’s what makes God so powerful that’s how we know that God is the ultimate Catalyst because no matter what we have exposed him to he doesn’t change his form the thing that makes God’s faithfulness so powerful is that his faithfulness remained in the face of our betrayal the thing that makes his glory
So Glorious is that his glory remain in the face of our debauchery God is the ultimate cat because he knows how to still be God even when we’re being whoever life has changed us into becoming when we start talking about him being an ontime God we’re not talking about a God who was on time one time we’re not talking about a God who was on time two times we’re talking about a God who is in his character always on time God says I wish I could be late it’s just not in me all I can do is be on time it’s who I am
when you call me I respond because at the end of the day I don’t know how to ignore you your parents May ignore you your friends may not get you but God says no matter where you are no matter how dark that place is I know how to come I know how to be there because it’s just who I am I am that I am I am the one that you need in the middle of the night I am the one that you need in the middle of that heartbreak and I have not changed my form you see it would take testimony service for us to really go into the reality that God has not
changed his form even when we changed our form we see him changing sometimes his expression but he never changes his form sometimes I change the way I show up but I’m not changing that I’m showing up if you’re in a season and you’re wondering where God is I hear God saying you may be looking for the way that I showed up yesterday but I brought you here so that you could open up your eyes to see how I could be showing up right now I hear God saying that somebody’s already gotten a revelation that they
can worship in a way that they never thought even possible they thought the Breakthrough was coming on Saturday but I hear God saying no I’m getting ready to give you breakthrough on a Thursday night you could be a fool if you want to and wait until the conference is over but if you get a revelation that I haven’t changed my form then I can help you get back in form there are some women in this room and I hear God saying that you are not in the form that God has left you in but you’re moving into a
season where the only way that you can get anything done is if you get back to the form who am I in that form in that form I believe I’m fearfully and wonderfully made in that form I believe no weapon formed against me will prosper that weapon formed but it didn’t change my form because I understand that no weapon formed against me will prosper in that form I prophesy in that form I rebuke the devil in that form I believe that though he slay me yet shall I trust in him in that form I believe that I can
decree a thing in the earth and it will be established in that form I believe I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus in that form I believe I am a part of a royal priesthood in that form you better not mess with my child in that form you better get up off my baby and that form I don’t care how many women are in the room I understand that God’s glory can fall no matter where I am sitting somebody came to woman evolve to get back in form there’s a form that you’ve been flirting with but I hear God
saying by time this is over you’re going to step all the way into that form I hear God saying you’ve been playing with it but I’m getting ready to push you into it cuz you got a form you got to take cuz if you don’t take it the world doesn’t change if you don’t take it the kingdom is not established if you don’t take it then we can’t rebuke a devil if we don’t take it then we can’t get rid of a generational curse if you don’t take it generational I got to put pressure on you and I know you’re tired
and I know you’re stressed but maybe you’re tired cuz you’re out of form I hear God saying if you had the right form this thing wouldn’t break you if you had the right form this thing wouldn’t shake you if you had the got to get back and form can I just tell you something I was getting attacked in the back and my daddy started praying for me and when my daddy started praying for me it did something for me cuz it reminded me that my in security that got me out of form and the moment I stepped out
here I wasn’t nervous the way I should have been cuz I realized that all I was doing was stepping into my form this ain’t everybody’s car baby but I know it’s mine so I’m stepping into [Music] form I don’t know what you’re up against but I hear God saying if you’re up against it it’s because you’re qualified IED to lift it if you’re up against it it’s because you’re qualified to push it off of you I hear God saying I just need you to get your heart right I just need you to get your life right
and that’s why the enemy has tried to make it hard for you to get back into form that’s why the enemy has tried to make it hard for you to lift Your Hands In Worship that’s why the devil didn’t want you in this room cuz when a woman gets in position she doesn’t just shake up her world she [Music] [Applause] up [Music] [Applause] okay if our God is a catalyst and we can recognize that and we are made in the image of God that means that we ought to be Catalyst too which means what happens in the
garden was meant to Rob us of the knowledge of our identity because if you can be robbed of the knowledge of your identity then you will never be made in the image of God the way you were supposed to and you’ll start question questioning who God is in the first place but thank God for Jesus because everything that the enemy meant for evil Jesus says I’m going to come and move some things out of the way not just so that you can have church but so that you can establish the kingdom everywhere that you go the enemy tried to get you
out of form but God says I’m not I’m so committed to who they are that I had a backup plan just in case they got out of form and I don’t know who you are but I hear God saying I got a backup plan for the area where you are disformed that area that area where you lost your form I got a backup plan for that that backup plan his name is Jesus Jesus that backup plan is the model that shows you how to take on the very form that will allow you to be made in the image of God so that you can be the Catalyst that you were called to be what
is a catalyst a catalyst is a chemical reaction that allows you to be exposed to harmful situations but still maintain your form and it’s not just that it also EX accelerates the process I came here to let somebody know that when you step into your form it don’t care I don’t care how long it’s taking you to get in that form that God says there is acceleration connected to you getting back in form I want to take 10 seconds and talk to somebody who feels like they’ve lost that on time I want to take
10 seconds and talk to somebody who feels like their best days are behind them and I came here to tell you that when you take your form God’s going to accelerate and Everything You Touch Is going to have wind connected to it and everything you decree is going to take off if you don’t believe what I’m saying you’re standing in a room that is evident that God will accelerate you far beyond what you thought was [Music] [Applause] possible somebody say acceleration say it again say it again say it again say it
again I hear God saying I’mma do in 3 days what you couldn’t get done in 30 years somebody say accelerate I’m going to do in 3 days what your mother couldn’t do somebody say accelerate I’m going to do in 3 days what you thought was going to take 5 years somebody say accelerate somebody say accelerate I’m going to do in 3 years what the therapist couldn’t do in three sessions I’mma do in 3 days [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] I
really have six pages of notes here but we didn’t come to stay on program so I’m going to tell you that I believe God gave me Esther for such a time as this because when Esther finds herself thrust into a situation where she must choose between being a catalyst and just surviving she finds herself torn between the two see cu the reality is that sometimes we find a way to be at peace even if we aren’t in truth we call it
peace but in reality we’ve just learned to live without confronting the truth and what Esther is afraid of is that if she steps into this vulnerable position of being a catalyst that it will require her to no longer be in hiding yeah we get comfortable in relationships and opportunities and we call it peace but it’s not really peace it’s just us shrinking Our Truth and yet the only way that Esther can really step into this moment that God is requiring her to step into as if she is willing to betray what
has made her comfortable if she’s willing to betray what has allowed her to hide and instead own the fullness of not just her truth but God’s truth about why she is position there God gave her the gift of beauty that would strategically place her in a position not to just be seen and looked at but to be a change agent sometimes God gives you a gift as a disguise for the ministry that he actually wants to see you accomplish in the Earth and when she has to choose between being a catalyst or just surviving she has to
make the decision to come out of the hiding that has consumed her when God gave me this he showed me how easy it is for us to be consumed by something that keeps us from being the Catalyst that we need to be you wouldn’t know it cuz we’re all in this room together but in this room there are some women who have been consumed by some things they are so consumed that the idea of being a catalyst seems incomprehensible consumed by doubt consumed by loneliness consumed by worry consum assumed has become such a part of their
identity that the very idea of coming out and not being afraid there are some people and I’ve been one of them that are so consumed that they don’t even trust that if God calls them out that he’ll also cover them because they have been uncovered in the past so consumed that consumed has been their IDE identity longer or maybe the only identity that they have ever possessed so when I talk about being a catalyst it feels foreign to them the Catalyst that can break that generational curse the Catalyst that can
change the way things are done in your industry the Catalyst that can write that book by a catalyst I’m talking about your form doesn’t change but also that there is an acceleration on a process that means that there are women in this room who are not just called to accelerate the process but are also called to be accelerators in someone else’s process I wish I could say that a little bit better but I hear God saying as long as you are consumed you cannot be the Catalyst that your sister needs if we overcome by the blood of the lamb
and the word of Our Testimony but we’re so consumed by the shame of Our Testimony we’re not just keeping ourselves from overcoming I’m keeping my neighbor from overcoming too and the enemy likes it just like that because when you are consumed you are self-focus and self-conscious but when you are a catalyst you are God focused and godc conscious you start saying things like God I don’t know why you did it but I’m going to step into it anyway because I want to match your effort God if you’re
calling me to be a catalyst in my family then I’m going to step into this moment and you may be the only Catalyst that your family sees that’s how that works when you’re a catalyst it’s lonely and it feels like it’s just you God shakes up Esther’s definition of peace for the sake of purpose and he puts pressure on her because he recognizes that the pressure is not meant to break her the pressure is meant to push her into a posture where she begins to seek God for what she is supposed to do I don’t know who
you are in this room maybe you have been experiencing pressure after pressure but I came here to let you know that that pressure is not meant to break you that pressure is not meant to shame you that pressure is meant to force you onto your knees that pressure is meant to get you into rooms like this where you start making a demand from God where you start saying God I feel like there’s something going on in my life and I don’t know how I am supposed to take form and I don’t know how I’m supposed to step up to the
plate but God because I feel this pressure I’m going to fast and pray until the vision is clear in front of me I had women in this room fasting for 40 days I knew not everyone else was going to do it but I knew if I got just a few women to fast before they came into this room that we could do enough heavy lifting for the women who didn’t fast that we could put her in a position too where she got Clarity from God about who she is supposed to be in this season and Esther begins to pray and she begins to
fast but she does not do it on her own she ask Mori to gather my people and have my people start fasting and praying on my behalf and she says and I’m going to gather my ladies and we’re going to fast and pray as well and in three days I’ll tell you what we’re going to do in three days I’ll tell you what God has decided is the next PATH I got I believe that God gave me this text because there there are some women in this room who are going to get an answer from God in three days in three days God’s going to
give you an answer about who you are to be in the earth God’s going to give you an answer God’s going to give you a healing God’s going to give you a breakthrough God’s going to give you Deliverance because she was not just praying for position Esther was praying for deliverance God I don’t know who is in this room but somebody’s got the weight of Deliverance on their shoulders and they cannot do it on their own but we serve a god of acceleration and because we serve a god of acceleration
that same God that allowed the walls of Jericho to come down with a shout that same God that dried up the blood for that woman in 18 years she had an issue in one touch everything changed you can’t tell me we don’t serve a god of acceleration I’ll accelerate what the doctor couldn’t do I’ll accelerate what a war couldn’t do and I hear God saying there are women in this room who are going to be deliverers and as many women are in this room I want you to know that you are just a seed compared to who God
wants you to be when we leave this place the Earth will have no choice but to shake because there is a catalyst coming out of Globe Life Field that’s going to shake up the globe for the glory of God no wonder it had to be you no no wonder it had to be now no wonder it needed to be here because I wanted you to get a view of just how crazy I am says God I wanted you to see just how fast I’ll flip the script I wanted you to understand just how fast you can go from uncertain to taking your form I want you to see just how fast I
can move on your behalf she had Generations on her shoulders and God says I’m going to give you the manual for how you don’t just walk yourself out but how you take your form and such a way oh God help me how you take your form in such a way that I protect you while I expose you I’m going to show you how to take your form in such a way that you don’t have to betray yourself in order to step into it I’m going to show you how to take your form in such a way that you’re going to be having Generations on your
shoulders and the generations won’t even know that you’re in a position to help them that you were in a position and you took it seriously I hear God saying that you got to take this Deliverance seriously and you cannot be someone who delivers if you are still in bondage and Esther knew before she could step before the king and own her truth that she was going to need some backup in the spirit realm and that backup in the spirit realm was meant to help her step into it without drawing back I don’t
know who stepped into something and you ended up drawing back because you felt like you didn’t have what it takes and you felt like you didn’t know if heaven was backing you up but I hear God saying I’m want to give you another chance to step into position but this time I don’t want you to step into it as that old version of who you are I don’t know who you are in this place but maybe this is actually a funeral for who you used to be maybe this is actually a funeral for that old way of being come out come out
wherever you are come out come out wherever you are I hear God saying it’s time for some women to come out of hiding so that I can establish your family in a way that eyes haven’t seen in a way that ears haven’t heard and I just want you to know that God’s got the right woman in the right City in the right room to shake up Heaven on your behalf and to make sure that hell understands that you should have took her out when you had the chance but this woman has messed around and she has survived and she has lived to praise him
another day has lived to worship him another day and every time she worship God makes an exchange and every time he makes an exchange it gets her into form you thought you was just singing a song I hear God saying no baby I was getting you into form you thought you was just lifting your hands God said no baby I was getting you into form something happens something happens when I worship something happens when I pray something happens when I get in a room with thousands of other women that depression backs up off of me that
anxiety backs up off of me I start feeling freedom down in my bones I start [Music] feeling I start feeling like one can ch 1,000 and two of us can chase 10,000 and maybe just maybe we can turn this [Music] thing Deliverance Deliverance Deliverance is contagious that’s why you got to check your road cuz if you see Deliverance somewhere on your road I just want you to know you better watch out cuz in a minute that Deliverance that’s on your road is going to overflow and it’s not just going to touch you it’s going to touch your
house it’s going to touch your job it’s going to go back into your past and deliver that little girl and it’s going to go into your future and deliver that Destiny loose here devil loose that woman and let her go maybe woman that were loose ain’t over maybe we about to be loose again Deliverance Deliverance in the name of Jesus I’m ready for deliverance from my mind I’m I’m ready for deliverance from my trauma I’m ready for deliverance from this generational curse I’m ready for
deliverance from a curse God says as right as you open your mouth I’ll feeling if you really want some Deliverance you better let God [Applause] know I want to be delivered from the bondage of me I want to be delivered from the bondage of my mother I want to be delivered from the bondage of my father I want to be delivered from the bondage of the culture and I plead the blood of Jesus over every stronghold I plead the blood of Jesus over every chain I plead the blood of Jesus over every disease I ple the the blood of
Jesus over your children over your finances we came for deliverance and deliverance is what we going to get cuz I refuse to let you go until you bless me I won’t let you go until you bless me I didn’t come to Arlington Texas to go back in this same bondage God give them a taste of Freedom right now God give them a taste of breakthrough right now God give him a taste of Freedom give him a taste of worship give him a taste of power give them a taste of anointing give it to them I want to give you I want
to to give you a wave of Deliverance that no one has seen in your bloodline I want to give you a wave of Deliverance that changes the way you see that marriage I want to give you a wave of Deliverance that changes the way you see your worth I want to give you a wave of Deliverance that changes what happened to you I know they touched you I know they hurt you I know they broke you but I hear God saying I want to deliver you from the memory of their hand I want to deliver you from the memory of that molestation I want to
deliver you what’s up are we coming to talk real or whatever there are some women in this room fighting the same Devils over and over and over again and you came to hear me preach but he came to hear you preach about the goodness of God about his power to deliver [Music] [Applause] Deliverance so when the enemy has to loose his whole Deliverance is when you get the Revelation that he


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