Unshakeable Trust – Part 4 | Joyce Meyer | Enjoying Everyday Life

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Unshakeable Trust – Part 4 | Joyce Meyer | Enjoying Everyday Life

Can our words really make a difference? Discover the truth as Joyce Meyer explains the importance of our words and the various ways they impact our lives, on this episode of Enjoying Everyday Life. Get Today’s Offer From Joyce:

Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives. With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

Free too. I do what I do because I’ve seen god’s power, transform my own life, and he will do it for you.
The key to everything is found in god’s word.
I’m Joyce Meyer, and I believe that god can heal you everywhere you heard.
A wise man suffers much less than a fool.
Proverbs 18, 67. Gonna talk to you for a minute about our words.
A self confident fool’s lips bring contention, and his mouth invites a beating.
You know, that that’s actually just worth reading again.
A self confident fool’s lips bring contention starts arguments, starts fights, causes strife, causes problems, how many times have you said something dumb, or have I solved blame on me.
How many times have I said something dumb? Cause I know you don’t do that.
And I’ve just started some big ordeal with somebody and just thought later, why didn’t I just keep my mouth shut?
It’s so hard for us to just keep our mouth shut.
I often say, god gave us 2 ears and one mouth that must mean we’re supposed to listen more than we talk, but we failed to do that.
Proverbs 1218. There are those who speak rationally That means they just say whatever floats around in their head, and they don’t really give any thought to what they’re about to say.
There are those who speak rationally, like the piercing of sword, but the tone of the wise brings healing.
Isn’t that good? Proverbs 1821.
The power of life and death is in the tone. And get this.
And those who indulge it must eat the fruit of it. Uh-oh. Come on.
I’m not making this up. This is real stuff. You know, I didn’t know this.
I was a Christian for many years, and nobody told me this.
And I don’t care how many times you’ve heard messages about the power of your words.
You’re gonna get a little refresher course this afternoon because we still it’s one of the areas we have one of the biggest problems with is we just say a bunch of dumb stuff, and then we get in trouble, and we’re mad at god because he’s not fixing it.
We have to be especially careful how we talk when we’re under pressure.
How we talk when things aren’t going the way we want them to go.
In John 14:30, I love this What a lesson this is.
It was getting close to the time when Jesus was gonna begin to go into his suffering and disseminate.
And and he was trying to convey the disciples.
Some of the things that were getting ready to happen and In John 14:30, he said, I’m not gonna talk with you much more after this.
Because the wicked one is coming, and he has no part in me.
Now, what are we gonna make out of that other than Jesus said, look, what’s going on right now is really important.
The decisions that I make now there’s a lot based on these decisions.
And so even Jesus in his humanity decided that he was gonna just Be quiet during his time of suffering because he did not wanna open a door for the enemy that would give him any act says to anything that was going on.
How many of you think sometimes when you’re going through trouble, you’d just be so better off to just go lock yourself in a room somewhere and just not say anything to anybody.
Oh, we’re not done with you yet.
We still got tonight to go.
And then I love this in in, uh, Isaiah 537.
He was oppressed.
Yet when he was afflicted, he was submissive, and he opened not his mouth.
Like a lamb led to the water, and as a sheep before her shears is dumb, so he opened not his mouth.
Now how many years did I read those scriptures? And I didn’t have a clue what that meant.
And I think it means exactly what it says. When Jesus was under pressure, he kept quiet.
Because although he was god, he also was man.
And do you know, he was a a god man, and that’s what the Bible calls him.
And you know what? That’s exactly what we are today. You’re a god man or a god woman.
You have a human flesh, but god lives in you.
And the Holy Spirit is in you, guiding you, and directing you, and he’s in me, guiding me and directing me.
If we would just slow down just a little bit And just when the lord says, keep quiet.
Just keep quiet. How many of you think how many of you agree with me that you could change a lot of things in your life if you just change some of the stuff you say?
Okay. So then it’s not god’s fault, is it?
A wise man has a lot better things going on in his circumstances than a foolish man does.
Another thing that we should not do that we do, just trying to be real practical here this afternoon, The Bible says in Matthew 712 do not judge and criticize and condemn other people.
Well, well, well, We have so many opinions about what everybody else does, and we get so caught up and what we think other people should do when our own lives are much more of a mess than theirs are.
And if you don’t need this, I’ll preach to me because I’m pretty opinionated.
Do not judge and criticize and condemn others so that you may not be judged and criticized and condemned.
Okay. So when you hear that somebody’s been talking about you, Boy, it makes you mad.
But let me ask you a question.
Are they sowing a bad seed or are you reaping off bad seed that you sowed in somebody else’s life.
Some of you didn’t even get that.
We’ll make another pass at it.
If we gossip and judge and criticize other people, then the Bible says, that’s what we’re gonna get back.
So we do it so much, to be honest. We don’t even really see the problem with it.
It’s just like, we just think that’s fine. They just try to run everybody else’s life.
Well, let me just throw this out. I haven’t got to say this for a while.
You know what? You can improve your life a lot if you just mind your own business.
Man, we get involved in other people’s stuff, and it’s just so silly.
We have so many opinions about what other people should and shouldn’t do.
Save yourself a lot of trouble, then just mind your own business.
And if you really feel like that somebody’s doing something against the word of god, pray for them, and don’t go tell somebody else what they’re doing.
So on. This is just good plain Bible teaching.
And so here’s the thing.
The devil’s not just looking for an open door in your life.
He’s looking for any little tiny crack he can crawl through.
And the more opportunity you have to do things for god, the narrower your path is gonna become.
Can I tell you something?
There might be things that you could do and you wouldn’t have the same repercussion that I would if I did it because of what I’m doing and what I’m teaching The Bible says, don’t let many of you become teachers because there will be much greater condemnation for those that are telling other people what to do if they don’t do it.
When I stand up here and tell everybody else how they should run their lives, my path gets narrower and narrower and narrower.
Bibles says in Matthew 7 stay on the narrow path that leads to life and off the broad path that leads to destruction.
And I remember one time murmoring to god.
Like, well, you know, I just feel like my path gets narrower and narrower all the time.
He said, that’s right. There’s no room on it for your fleshly baggage.
So just drop it You know, we wanna have all the privilege and still do dumb stuff, and that’s just not gonna work.
Now none of this means god doesn’t love us. He loves us.
But nonetheless, a parent who loves us is not gonna stand by and just let us do all kinds of goofy stuff and not bring any kind of correction in our life, whom the lord loves, he chastises.
And in Revelation, it says be enthusiastic when god shows you your faults.
In the amplified Bible in Revelation 3.
So be enthusiastic and full of zeal when god shows you your faults because it’s just a sign of his love.
Well, sometimes I’ve thought could you love me a little less? Maybe go love Dave a little more.
Don’t judge and criticize and condemn others so that you may not be judged and criticized and condemned yourselves.
For just as you judge and criticize and condemn others, You will be judged and criticized and condemned.
And in accordance with the measure that you use, when you deal out to others, it will be dealt back out to you.
Galatians 67, be not deceived and diluted.
God is not mocked for whatsoever man soweth, that, and that me is what he shall reap.
If you sow to the flesh, you’ll reap from the flesh, ruin decay and destruction.
If you sow to the spirit, you will reap from the spirit life and life eternal.
Now let me give you an example concerning the words of your mouth.
I believe that when we talk the way we’re supposed to, being careful, not to be critical and downgrading of other people and being more careful about just saying negative things, I think it adds to our joy.
I think we just have happier days.
You know, the Bible says a man has joy in making a right and an apt answer.
And I also believe that sometimes when people are depressed They’re just having a bad day, and they just feel all down.
They’re like, I don’t know what’s wrong. I just got a heaviness, and, yeah, get it rebukedy down.
I think a lot of it’s caused just by the way we talk.
Come on. You’re not gonna go to church on Sunday.
Sit at the lunch table at work on Monday and gossip about everybody at the office and then go home and feel happy.
We’re in the world.
We’re not of it. You don’t get to act like everybody else. Amen?
We’re having fun. Okay. Now, a person can do everything right, though.
And still suffer. 1st Peter, 21920, are some scriptures that I just really wish were not in here, but they are.
For one is regarded favorably is approved and acceptable and thank worthy.
If as in the sight of god, he endures the pain of unjust suffering.
After all, what kind of glory is there in it if when you do wrong in your punished part, you take it patiently.
But if you bear patiently with suffering, which results when you do right, and that is undeserved, now this is acceptable and pleasing to god.
And I wrote out beside that scripture, very painful.
What kind of a god is it that would be happy If I’m suffering unjustly, it doesn’t really say that he’s happy if we suffer unjustly.
It says he happy if we keep a good attitude when we suffer unjustly. Come on.
Let’s not misread it. He says, look, anybody can have a good attitude if things are going their way.
But when you’re suffering, when you’re doing right, when you’re on your best behavior and you’re the one serving god, and you give offerings, and you walk in the fruit of the spirit, and, and you help other people.
And now, you the wrong things are happening to you, God is pleased as even in those times, if we keep a good attitude and we hold our temper, I’m gonna tell you something that I learned a long time ago.
And I think this would be up on the top part list of some of the things that god’s given me to say to people that I think are important and very helpful.
In Galatians, it says, be not weary and well doing, For in due season, you shall reap if you faint not.
And we don’t know what that due season is.
It’s whatever time god feels is the right time in our life.
And there are times when god will let things go on longer than we would like them to go on because for whatever reason.
You know? He’s doing something in else.
He’s doing something in somebody else, but I want you to remember what I’m getting ready to say.
When you can keep doing what’s right, while you’re still not yet getting the right result, You’re growing spiritually.
Can I give you a secret when you’re growing spiritually?
It usually really hurts. Amen?
A lot of things that feel good may feel good, but they don’t really maybe help us all that much.
But I can tell you sometimes when you’re going through really, really hard stuff, stuff like I’ve gone through, stuff like you’ve gone through, Even though you decide to trust god, you can have a pain in your soul that you just sometimes feel like you just can’t stand.
And one of the things that I’ve come to realize is it’s almost like I can feel that digging a deeper place in my soul for god to come and reside in.
You’re never alone in your suffering.
And when you trust god in your times of suffering, they will never be wasted.
Because god will take them, and he will work something good out of them, and he will make you a better person than what you ever thought that you might possibly be.
Amen? How many of you could say right now?
That you are the person you are because of some of the painful things that you’ve gone through in your life.
I mean, I absolutely have to say that the things that I’ve gone through is part of what is qualified me to help you.
You know, all we gotta do is look at Jesus.
It says that the things that he went through This is in Hebrews 5, 8, 9.
He learned obedience through the things that he suffered, But how could you learn obedience when you’re never disobedient?
Well, he learned the cost of obedience. And, you know, obedience is costly.
When you do the right thing when it doesn’t feel right, there’s a pain involved in that.
And we do that because we love god.
The reward may come later, but right now, I’m doing this.
I’m doing the hard thing because I love God.
And then in the amplified Bible in Hebrews 589, it says that he learned obedience through the things that he suffered and his completed experience.
Equipped him. Our experience equips us.
His experience equipped him to become the author and the source of our salvation.
I preached a message earlier this year in a few places, and I really enjoyed it called the value of experience.
You know, if nothing else, what you’re going through right now is giving you experience.
And it’s gonna be something that you can tuck away that nobody can ever take away from you.
And one thing is for sure, when you go through something hard and you watch god deliver you and you watch him bring that reward in your life, honey, let me tell you, all the pain that you went through and all the weighting that you went through is worth that when all of a sudden god’s reward comes in your life.
Hey, ma’am.
And they tell you something.
The people that hurt you will someday have to watch god reward you. Hey, ma’am.
1st, Peter, 415, and 16, but let none of you suffer as a murderer or a thief or any sort of criminal or a mischief maker, And here it comes, are a meddler in the affairs of other people.
Uh-huh. So you thought I was making that up. It’s right here in the Bible.
Mind your own business. Now you know, the thing that I find interesting with this is, all of a sudden, we’re talking about murderers and thieves and criminals.
And in the same sentence, Nye talks about not meddling in the affairs of other people.
But wait a minute, Jesus. I mean, that’s not a big thing.
I mean, yeah, I made goss up some, and Maybe I could mind my own business a little bit more, but, I mean, I didn’t kill anybody.
I didn’t rob the gas station. I mean, I’m doing good. No.
He’s got it all in the same sentence.
You know, one of the mistakes that we’ve made in the church is we have sins, and then we have acceptable sins.
We’ve got a whole list of these things that we just get so used to doing that we don’t even really recognize what they are anymore.
And that’s why we need to pray, if you’re bold enough to pray this, God, I don’t wanna get by with anything.
Come on. How much courage do you have?
How much do you wanna grow? God, I don’t wanna get by with anything.
I wanna be exactly what you want me to be And if I’m doing things in my life that I’m not seeing open my blind eyes and unstopp my deaf ears, And how does this suit you and deal with me however you want to?
I’m a preach the rest of this turn backwards.
Deal with me however you want to, but don’t let me get by with nonsense.
We suffer persecution because of our faith in god.
I’m telling you, what if I went and read you the scriptures about persecutions, and sufferings, and things that are gonna happen to us just because we love God, and we wanna grow in him.
Anytime that you’re gonna take a step of progress, you’re gonna get some opposition.
A wide door of opportunity opened under me and with it many adversaries.
I don’t care what it is.
Maybe you’ve not been a good student of the Bible and you decide you’re gonna join us small bible study group and go every Tuesday morning.
Well, you might as well figure Monday night you’re gonna have a problem.
Because the enemy is gonna do whatever he can possibly do to try to keep you from making any kind of spiritual progress.
One of the first recorded messages, well, actually not one of the first, back then, cassette tapes, teaching cassette tapes.
How many of you remember those? Okay. How many of you still have some of mine? Cassette tapes.
Oh, look at you. Aren’t you sweet?
The first one that I ever listened to was a message called cross over to the other side.
And it was taken out of scripture starting in Mark 430 going through chapter 5 verse 1.
And said, Jesus came to them and said, let us go over to the other side.
And they got in a boat, and they started for the other side.
And the Bible says that a storm of hurricane proportion arose on the sea.
And Jesus went and took a nap.
And the disciples were in a frenzy. Well, don’t you love us?
Don’t you care about us? This is so indicative of everyday life.
You have a dream or a vision. You wanna move to a new level.
You wanna get a promotion at work. You want a new financial level, whatever it is. You wanna get married.
Let me tell you something. When you get married, you’re gonna have some opposition.
Can I tell you something funny?
I did not even know that Dave played golf until we got married.
Because when he was dating me, he gave up golf and practicing for golf.
And I didn’t I didn’t know that he did that.
I didn’t know that was gonna be an all time thing in our life.
I didn’t know that anything rolled or bounced that he loved it.
So when you get buried, The honeymoon will be over, and you will find out things that you didn’t know.
There will be opposition. The babies will grow up.
They won’t just always be this little ball of fluffy fat.
And when you tickle them, they’re gonna laugh out loud, and we’re gonna think you died and went to heaven.
They’re gonna be 2 and 3 and they’re gonna tear things up and they’re gonna cry in the middle of the night.
Let us go over to the other side. Yeah. Let’s take a trip.
And here comes the storm of hurricane proportions.
And Jesus is asleep in the boat, and we’re all having fits. You get it?
So Jesus got up, and he said, Why are you afraid? I am here.
And I love the very next verse, chapter 5 verse 1, says, and they arrived on the other side.
I love that. You start over here and Jesus said, okay. This is what we’re gonna do.
This is where we’re gonna go. This is what’s gonna change in your life.
And if you don’t give up, you’ll end up on the other side, but in the middle, you may have a few storms.
You know what?
God has anointed you to make it through the middle Can I tell you that?
You are anointed to make it through the middle, and you don’t need to quit and give up because you will arrive on the other side.
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The mind actually is the bat field.
That’s where we win or lose the war with Satan. He said all he gets to Satan.
He uses it. He uses it a lot of it. Today is time.
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It’s the god of all comfort, and I am so grateful that I know how to call on god.

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