To See The Impossible – Faith Sees
To See The Impossible – Faith Sees
God’s Messages 💌
Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week..
Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….
The believer’s Walk of Faith is paid for by Bill Winston Ministry’s Partners and viewers.
Up next, on the believer’s walk of faith.
Don’t you gotta see yourself on top. You gotta see yourself a weapon. You got to see yourself.
Come on. Come on. The head. You got to see yourself the lender.
Other than that, this system is strong enough to keep you borrowing.
I got to overcome the world, and only can do it by what? My faith.
Faith sees the victory. You shall know the truth.
Well, what is the truth? The word of god. The truth is what is written.
And god has already written a plan for your life.
He’s already written a plan for it. And watch this.
It’s a plan for good Come on and not for evil.
Keep on to give you and expect it in.
He he’s gonna give you the end that he Now how many of you know god plans, good plans?
Yes. Every 1 of you, all you have to do is look over in Revelation chapter 5 and verse 12, and you’ll see all your inheritance.
You’ll see that he plans for you to be healthy and strong.
You’ll see that he plans for you to be rich. He plans for you to be honored.
Keep all this is god’s plan for you. So I know the plans I have for you.
So satan is here to ruin god’s plan.
Watch this, but god said you shall know the what, truth. And the truth will make you free.
Alright. Watch this. So here comes the spies back from flying out the land of Canon.
When they came back, 10 of them said we can’t take it.
2 of them said, we’re well able.
Who was telling the truth to 2. See, god planned for them was victory.
You got it? Yes.
So this lady 1 time, she was you know, pentecostal 1 of them strong sisters and she was a she heard her son, uh, who was, uh, uh, in the ministry and another minister came over and she overheard him talking.
And and and the other minister said, you know, my my grandfather died of of cancer at at 60 something.
And and and my father died of of cancer 6 something. I guess that’ll happen to me too.
And she overheard that. So she went in there and said, now say that again.
She said, well, my grandfather died of said, And then when she ran it, he ran it down again.
Uh, she said this. Tell me the truth about that.
See, because that’s not written in heaven. Your whole life has been written.
If you say you’re gonna fail, you are not telling the truth because god said everything you lay your hands to is gonna profit.
Now, we know we’re not talking about if you steal somebody’s purse, you’re gonna prosper. We know that.
We’re talking about good things. And and I’m just saying She she grabbed him in the car and said, tell me the truth, and he he got it.
He said, well, my granddaddy and and and my daddy, but long life will he satisfy me.
You got what I’m saying? And and, saint will try to get you to lie about your life.
He’ll try to get you to lie about your children.
He’ll try to get you to speak words to your children which are alive.
And he hoped that you’ll speak it long enough so he can fulfill it.
Not you. I know you won’t go that route.
But my point to you is anybody, any business, whatever have you, you can’t go with the world if the world seemed to be failing, what are you gonna say?
Everything I laid my hands to is gonna prosper. I’m gonna be the head. Not the tale.
I’m gonna be the lender. You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
Hey, man. Yes.
What did they say? I’m gonna throw you in the fire. This is the Nebuchanesa.
And I’m a heated up 7 times harder to know.
But they said the god that we serve, he will deliver us.
Say him into that.
When they heated he heated it up, did they change their confession? Nope.
Nope. The the idea about the pressure is to make you change your confession.
It’s designed to make you change your confession.
Notice, if if if for you to walk by faith, the the the unseen is gonna have to be more real than your circumstances.
And that’s 1 of the reasons why you meditate the word because you’re transforming on the inside because there’s gonna be a fight that you’re going into.
Satan wants you to lie about your life.
Are you with me here? Yes.
So what happens here is Jesus and how he’s uh, even, uh, this whole idea about, uh, god’s plan for you Jesus came down to help us to fulfill that plan, and here is Peter, and Peter’s acting up trying to think he’s all of that.
Because he told Jesus, you don’t need to go to the cross.
And, you know, don’t don’t pay no attention to that. And Jesus said, get thee behind me, satan.
He didn’t even talk to Peter. He talked to the devil. Are you with me here?
Yes. Now watch this. I’m still going now. Yes.
Because for you to manage this earth, you’re gonna have to do it supernaturally. Yeah.
Absolutely. Got it. Now, your job is
to manage it. He turned this earth over to his people. Alright. Alright. Let’s keep going.
Faith sees the invisible.
And if you could see the invisible, you can do the impossible.
I have some seeds here, and these are seeds of different kinds of things as squash and all of that, seeds.
Look how small the package is.
Look what they put on the front of the package.
They they they didn’t put seeds on there. What they put on there.
Because when you plant the seeds, this is what you’re supposed to see.
Faith sees the invisible. More than your circumstances.
So even though Satan has got the king turning up the furnace, You’re supposed to see something different.
Watch this and don’t let it slip.
And keep saying it in the face of the circumstances.
Well, I’m telling you.
I’m telling you, I got I got to I got to tell you all this.
Now, you you gotta see because this is the way this got here.
He said, Abraham, as far as you can see to thee, have I given it to you?
Then you’re gonna have to see the invisible.
And if you do, you’re gonna be able to do the impossible.
Now the battle is where, right up in the mind, because that’s where you see from, right there.
Your heart, it it it it the spirit no. It’s right up here in his mind.
And I got to see something different.
So you can almost see where people are at by the fruit in their life.
Somebody planted the seed of poverty, and they are still broke.
Now, let’s look at this because faith sees the invisible.
Got it. Some people talk about blind faith. They’ll just think. Okay.
Faith, glory to god. You all stay with me here now.
Faith in blind bartimaeus.
His blind man.
And he, in mark chapter 10, He it’s starting at verse 46.
He set by the Highway side, begging.
And what happened was as he, Jesus passed by, He said, Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me.
The people told him, shoo.
But what did he do? Why? Because revelation brings revolution.
You cannot be turned back.
You can’t. You hear what I’m saying?
So revelation brings revolution And that revolution will bring restoration.
So now watch it. Just stay with me now.
He cried out son of David.
That means to me, he had a revelation of him being the messiah.
He said, have mercy on me. He said, uh, bring him here.
Bring me there, and he took his coat and left it. That was a beggar’s coat.
Why did he leave it? He didn’t need to take a coat off.
But why did he take that coat off? Because it wasn’t coming back.
Revelation is the strongest asset in the school of faith.
When the revelation comes, faith is there.
That’s why the enemy fights to keep you from revelation.
Oh, you heard the word, but it not gotten due to place which revelation. And he fights that.
Cause when you get revelation, you’re about to cause a revolution. You’re about to take everything he’s got.
Say amen to that. And you could hear the word.
And sometimes, um, unbelief can seep in and do things.
I told you I was up there and and somebody, I was preaching on Sunday after service.
1 of the services, I think it was first service.
Somebody came up, and they wanted me to say, pastor, you know, hurt my need, blah, blah, blah, and so forth.
And and this and and this is what I said. Now what’s this?
Now this is a man of faith and power. I’m talking about me now.
And I’m talking about I have just finished preaching on miracles, and I have just finished preaching on the fact that that you are a miracle worker and so forth and so on.
And then and that’s what I did. Now then I then I told everybody, we need to follow Jesus.
Jesus was our example, say amen to that.
Well, when a guy came up, someone came up, young guy, you know, 25 30, I came up, he came up, and I this is my reply.
Now watch it. Watch this. Have you had an x-ray? Now, let me ask you.
Would Jesus have said? Have you had an x What will he have done to? He’ll heal him.
And then he say, we supposed to copy him. We we supposed act like god, we are tomorrow.
Am I right about it? So it can be inflammation, but not revelation.
And you’ll find when it’s not revelation, then when the situation comes, you’ll do just what you’ve been doing.
You gotta get the revelation.
So notice what he said, he said over in Matthews’s gospel, And Matthew chapter 15 and verse 14, let them alone they be what?
Blind leaders of the blind.
And if the blind me the blind, what’s gonna happen fall into the ditch.
So when no 10 spies came back and said, we can’t take it, Let’s make another leader.
Let’s go back to Egypt. Do you consider them to be blind? Yeah.
They were blind leaders, and blind leaders will take you to a place where you never thought you would go.
They’ll take you down a street that you never want you wonder how you got on.
They’ll take you further than you ever thought Are you from what? The wrong way.
And what you can’t do is can’t listen to that because they’ll tell you you are a minority, and these people don’t like you, and you can’t do this, and things can’t happen for you that way.
And so forth. And if you take that and and and believe that, then you will receive that.
That’s the first thing they said. Now watch this.
I know y’all getting quiet on me, but I don’t care.
They said we’re in our own site as what?
Glass hoppers and so are we and what? Their site. Folks Miles Monroe said this.
Doctor Monroe said this, and I’ll never forget it. He said 2 people need deliverance.
Both the oppressed and the oppressor. Both need deliverance. Both need deliverance.
See, Satan is wise enough to establish a culture, a culture, a black people being under the bottom, and white people being on the top.
Now I’m not talking about anybody. That get that out of your mind.
I’m telling you what he has established into society.
So when all of a sudden 1 of the people of color move up top.
It’s like, well, how did you get up here?
Well, see, they need deliverance too because they they see, he set it up in their minds.
He’s got them thinking, that’s where you belong.
You don’t belong here You don’t belong controlling of a fortune 500 company. You don’t belong.
You women, you don’t belong here. This is what he’s saying. And the culture is set up.
See, now what we’re doing is we’re invading a culture.
When the kingdom comes, we’re breaking the power of a culture.
When I was flying fighters and and over and over in seeds and and in the states and so forth, I’ll tell god come up fly long, I’d land and come up with the parking ramp and so forth.
And they have the crew chiefs, you know, getting us out.
And let’s say 1 of the crew chiefs is African American, Well, he’ll tell the other creatures, Hey. Come it.
Come it. Come it. Come it. Come it. Come it. Come it. Come it.
Because the culture wasn’t you don’t you don’t you don’t see that. But I’m breaking culture.
I’ve been breaking culture ever since I was a boy.
And you gotta get used to that.
And when they get mad, don’t man get mad at them.
They’re just responding out of what they’ve been taught which is a culture that they’re living in.
But we are kingdom citizens. We’re coming here to break culture.
Do you hear what I’m telling you?
The culture told them that I couldn’t buy this shopping mall. Why? Because I’m not the right color.
And I know they wouldn’t call all their fraternity people in the and told them no self, don’t give me no money.
I know they did that, but that won’t stop you. So you don’t need to get mad about nothing.
See, when you get mad, you get on the defense.
And god is not on the defense. He’s only on the offense.
He said occupied, Saul tried to hang that armor on David to put him on the defense.
God is not on the defense. He is not on the defense. God only moves forward.
He’s only on the offense. He says occupy till I come. That means advance, come on, and hold.
But we’re in our own site as grasshoppas, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Don’t speak for yourself. Don’t speak for me. Well, they don’t like us down there.
Speak for yourself. They love me. Because I’m gonna establish a new culture.
Are you following what I’m saying?
So in that fly on fighters, I knew that part of my job was to change the mindset of people that have been oppressed.
Both need deliverance. Don’t get mad at anybody. Get yet understand your role.
Now, you’re you’re you’re listen. They have given you government handouts long enough.
You are the government. You’re the government of the kingdom of almighty god.
Say amen, And the Bible says that you’re gonna be the head and not the tail.
That means, let me translate it. You’re gonna be the wealthiest person wherever god sent you.
And look in that Bible and see am I right about it.
All this is not possible if you are only looking at circumstances.
You’ve got to see the invisible. This is your season.
I didn’t mean to preach all that, but I guess it just came out.
So you look at this and you look faith sees the invisible.
So look at Abraham. Let’s take him for example. So understand Blying.
Faith is not blind. That now Abraham God called him to offer up his son.
Now, he took his son and going to offer him up to the mountain that god had showed him.
And that was Genesis chapter 22, and verse 5.
Now, in in new living translation, he said this, Me and the boy are going up on a mountain.
It’s what he told the men that worked for him. He said, y’all keep the donkeys and everything here.
Me and the boy are going on up on the mountain, and what did he say about him?
We’ll be back. We’ll be what? Yeah. We’ll be back.
1 translation says, we’ll be right back. We’re going up there.
And we’ll be right back. Now god told him to offer him up.
Now why could he say that? Hebrews chapter 11.
And verse 19, I think it is.
He saw that if Isaac was offered.
God would raise him from the dead.
You could look at the new, uh, the, uh, whatever translations, uh, AMPC, so forth and so on.
He knew. Why did he do? He saw it.
He saw that if he did give his last, he did give his best.
He’s gonna get it back.
And when you can’t see anything, you can’t give your last or your best.
How did I leave IBM I at last at IBM at that time was my best. Big check.
Say big check. Every 2 weeks, big position.
So far, they had me earmarked to go on up to be, I mean, I mean, executive staff.
I mean, they they had me pegged. Here’s a guy who’s a fighter pilot, black man.
Blue, we can get a lot of points out of that. Let’s go.
Let’s take him on I’m not saying they thought like that, but the the average person does.
But my point to you is, uh, you know, we can meet some equal opportunity credits with this thing here.
Praise God. And so what happened? God was calling me.
So I go in my boss’s office, hey, John. I’m leaving IBM.
Uh, wait a minute, Bill. Uh, he jumps up, closed the door shut down.
Bring, build a cup of coffee, uh, would you bring a cup of coffee?
He said, uh, he said, he thought I was going to competition.
Honeywell or sperry Rand or somebody. He said, Bill, what’s happening? I said, I gotta call him a life.
You gotta what? I said I’ve got a call on my life.
Take 2 weeks off. He thought I had
something was wrong with me, working too hard.
You know, so forth and so on. I took 2 weeks off.
And while I was off 2 weeks, I kept meditating.
And the clearer the vision, the faster your acceleration towards your goal.
If you move in too slow, medicate some more. Excuse me more.
I just wanted it to rhyme. Do you hear what I’m saying?
Yeah. Yeah. Make it clear. Amen.
Because when it’s clear, You can let go of what you’re holding on Do you hear what I’m saying to you?
Is this coming through? Okay. No. You gotta see yourself on top.
You gotta see yourself a winner. You’ve got to see yourself. Come on. Come on.
Uh, uh, uh, uh, the head. You got to see yourself the lender.
Other than that, that system is strong enough to keep you it.
I got to overcome the world, and I only can do it by what?
My faith, faith sees the victory.
No. Praise the Lord.
I trust that you enjoyed that. Now, that was on a mid week service. That was on a Wednesday night.
I was teaching on faith and faith sees faith sees faith sees what a natural person can’t see without god, without faith.
They can’t see it. Well, I just can’t see that. It’s because they don’t have any faith. Faith sees.
And if you can see the invisible You can do the impossible.
And that’s something I’ll tell you, I saw a shopping mall.
And we got it because I could see it. Faith sees.
I want you to get this teaching because want you to develop your faith so you could see the impossible.
See things that that other people can’t see. So you can do the impossible. It’s a powerful teaching.
Get it. You’ll be blessed. Bill Winston saying, see you next time, and they’ll then keep walking by faith.
In today’s powerful message, faith sees Doctor.
Winston teaches that faith sees the invisible realm, clearer than your natural circumstance.
When you see the invisible, you can have and do the impossible.
It’s time for you to see through the eyes of faith and grab hold of the best of god in your life, to get the series in its entirety on MP 3 or CD on MP 4 or DVD order today.
By calling 1 800 7119327 or go online at bill winston dot org
Greetings, pastor Winston.
I watch your live services as often as I can.
And at night, I listen again to the powerful word of god that you preach.
You speak of owning our homes debt free and owning businesses.
I want to tell you that those seeds were planted into my heart and the lord bless me to purchase my home in Atlanta, paid in full and a vehicle.
Praise God. I thank you for helping me to stretch my faith and to believe that god can do more than I can ask or imagine.
Doctors’s Bill and Veronica Winston are dedicated to seeing lives changed through the power of prayer.
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We know that prayer can turn around any situation in your life.
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Together, we are transforming lives throughout the world.
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Now, remember, we need faith to get to your destiny.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking
by faith.
- Jonathan Cahn: New York’s Gruesome Law of BaalTháng 3 22, 2023