Tim Sheets | 2025 Prophetic Summit

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The Holy Spirit declares to the Ecclesia of Christ the King: You are now advancing into the most supernatural movement I have ever led. I am releasing a fresh anointing, blending and synergizing the purposes, plans, and ministries of past movements. These will now intersect with the divine plans of the Godhead, activating a great Re-Formation in the earth. Not just reformation, but Re-Formation—a divine merging of past and present purposes, aligning with the supernatural Kingdom era.

Heavenly realms are shifting. Spirit Rivers have been rising as the rains of Heaven swell them, preparing for a torrential outpouring across the earth. This is an era where the River of God reaches flood stage, flowing through Ecclesia hubs, bringing supernatural resources, restoration, and refreshing. Kingdom reservoirs, fed by the endless aquifers of God’s presence, will never run dry. Prepare to move with the Spirit Rivers! The Ecclesia will experience powerful surges of the King’s omnipotence as Heaven’s sovereign reign is revealed in unprecedented power and glory.

A Supernatural Awakening Across the Nations

Days, regions, territories, and nations will witness the Majesty of the Omnipotent King—the All-Knowing, Ever-Present, Almighty God. Through the Holy Spirit, signs, wonders, miracles, and great deliverance will manifest like never before. You will see the strong arm of the Lord moving mightily upon the earth. Heaven’s angelic hosts are on the move, running with God’s people, carrying out Kingdom assignments with unstoppable force.

The Lord declares: My remnant warriors will rise in great power! This is the era where demons will tremble—not My Holy Spirit, but the forces of darkness. Principalities and powers will shake in fear as I raise My might through My people.

Ecclesia, be confident! The mighty winds of Heaven are coming upon you—just as they came upon My first Ecclesia at Pentecost. Powerful winds are building! Historic winds, Holy Spirit winds—each wave stronger than the one before—will keep coming until the fullness of Heaven’s power is seen in the earth. These divine winds will bring transformational change, growing in intensity, impacting the nations, and releasing Heaven’s glory.

Winds of Grace, Harvest, and Deliverance

The outer bands of Heaven’s winds are already here! My sons and daughters will be carried forward, their sails filled with:

  • Sustaining Winds – keeping them strong in faith.
  • Prevailing Winds – guiding them in their divine purpose.
  • Refreshing Winds – reviving their spirits with My presence.

These are not destructive winds, says the Lord. They are Winds of Grace, blowing across the harvest fields, white and ready for reaping. These are the winds of Good News, carrying the redemptive power of Heaven’s King—His forgiveness, His salvation, His freedom!

  • Winds of deliverance will break the chains of hell.
  • Winds of healing will sweep away confusion, addiction, sin, brokenness, fear, and hopelessness.
  • Winds of revelation will clear the minds of prodigals, breaking through the enemy’s deception and leading them back home.

These winds are carrying angelic armies, for the time of reaping has come! The Latter Rain is here, bringing the harvest of souls into My Kingdom.

So tonight, we declare:
🔥 Let the winds blow!
💨 Let the Holy Spirit rain fall!
⚔️ Let demons tremble before the armies of the Living God!

In Jesus’ name, let the Winds of Grace blow and bend the Harvest!


This version keeps the original prophetic message intact while optimizing for readability, clarity, and SEO. Let me know if you’d like any adjustments!

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