There’s Order To The Overflow // Livin’ In The Overflow (Part 3) // Michael Todd

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Welcome to this Inspirational Message!

I am so grateful you’ve made it to this video today! The message I’m about to share will truly bless your life. But before we dive in, I have something exciting to share with you. At Transformation Church, we’re releasing our debut album, Overflow, for the first time ever! It’s set to launch on May 17th, but you don’t have to wait – you can pre-order it today!

Like many of us, I know you probably stream music regularly. But here’s the thing: we have the power to represent God in the music industry. If we come together and unite our resources, we can make a significant impact that will change generations. So, I encourage you to click the link in the bio, scan the QR code, or visit to pre-order Overflow now. If this ministry has blessed you, and you love the music and the sound of this house, help us get the message out further and put Christ at the center of culture.

Thank you for your support. I love and appreciate you, and this message is about to bless your life. Peace!

This is week 3 of our sermon series, Living in the Overflow. Can someone shout, “I’m living in the Overflow!”? Say it with faith: I’m living in the Overflow!

I believe this is a prophetic statement for many of you. Right now, you might be living in a deficit, and that’s okay – it’s not where you’re going to stay. Some of you may be living in just enough, and that’s alright too because that’s not where you’ll remain either. Others of you may have just a little bit more than you need but not enough to be a true blessing. But that’s okay, because over the next ten weeks, the Holy Spirit has filled me with so much wisdom to change your mindset.

The truth is, many of us were born into environments, families, or ecosystems that work against the purpose God has placed in us. Often, we are conditioned to think about greed before blessing, to ask, “What do I get out of it?” before considering, “How can I give to help someone else?”

But the Bible tells us in Romans 12:2 to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. We must change the way we think! And the faith you need will come by hearing. Today, open your heart and mind because I have a message that will help you understand how to live in the Overflow.

Write this down: The Overflow is the abundance of what God has designed, destined, and desires for you. How many of you want what God has tailor-made for you? It’s easy to focus on what we design for ourselves, but there’s nothing like experiencing something that God has custom-made just for us.

Let me share a personal experience. Thanks to my amazing parents, I’ve inherited a unique body type, one that clothing manufacturers often overlook. When I go into stores like Zara, I find that their clothes just aren’t made for people like me – with thighs or curves. So, I either buy clothes that are too big and get them tailored, or I pick out an item I like and have it custom-designed just for me.

I know this may sound foreign to some, but there is no greater comfort than wearing something designed specifically for you. Just like some of you struggle with high-water pants or needing to adjust the hem on your clothes, there is a deeper level of comfort when what you wear was made just for you.

In the same way, God has designed a life just for you – one that fits perfectly, tailored to your destiny. Unfortunately, many people settle for oversized lives or misshapen purposes because they refuse to follow God’s lead. But if you trust Him, He’ll tailor-make a life for you that is a perfect fit.

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