The Watchman Must Stay Above | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Watchman Must Stay Above
Tuesday, October 24, 2023
The Chanukah story tells of Antiochus Epiphanes, a shadow of the antichrist, who defiled God’s Temple. Epiphanes means, “God manifest.” 2 Thes. 4 speaks of the antichrist who will exalt himself over everything, setting himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming to be God. When man seeks to get rid of God, he makes himself god. When any government denies God, it becomes its own god. This same spirit fills New Age teachings. Even as believers, we can fall into the Epiphanes Syndrome. When our concern above everything is ourselves, as if we’re the most important thing, more concerned about our reputation than God’s, seeking praise instead of giving it, we’re falling into the Epiphanes Syndrome. But if you empty yourself of the Epiphanes Syndrome, in true humility and selflessness, then the true God will manifest Himself in your life. Those who empty themselves of self, their life will become a Holy of Holies filled with the presence of God. Stop trying to be God Manifest and your life will be filled with the Manifestation of God.
The watchmen was above the city. You gotta station yourself above the city.
If the watchmen gets lost in those things, he’s not gonna fulfill or she will not fulfill her call.
If he’s in the mist, you can if you’re in the mist of everything, you can’t see in the distance.
You can’t see the bigger picture when you’re getting lost in everything around you.
You won’t be able to warn them. The key is you’ve got to you’ve got to get into living above.
Fighting your fight above, ministering from above, everything from above, the watchmen posts.
You see, it’s a balance. How do we relate to the world?
See, some believers say We should have nothing to do with the world at all.
Just get out of the world. Okay? Others say you gotta have everything to do with the world.
Which one is right? Both are The lord said you are not of the world.
Be separate, but the lord also said you are the light of the world.
You are the salt of the earth. Go into the world. The answer is the watchmen’s post.
You see, you are to engage the world, affect the world, impact the world, but in order to do that, you have to be separate from the world.
You gotta be above the world in order to impact the world. It actually goes together.
If you are of the world, how can you make any change in the world?
Should believers affect the political realm? Absolutely. Should they be up the political realm? Never.
That’s the that’s the balance. Should believers affect the culture? Yes. Should they be up the culture? No.
We have to be above.
If we fight our fight, if you fight your fight from below, you’re gonna lose.
Even if you win, you’re gonna lose.
If you fight the culture war, From the culture below, you’re not gonna win.
You gotta fight from above, speak from above, see from above, act from above, sound from above, Minister from above.
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