The Veils in Your Life | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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The Veils in Your Life

To get Jonathan Cahn’s full message “The Veiled” #2408, go here: (Go To Message #2408).

Monday, May 29, 2023

Messiah said more than once these words: “You have heard that it was said, but I say to you.” He now says the same words to you. And what it means is this: everything you’ve heard before, the old voices, the old temptations, the old life is not to you anymore, but what Messiah says is to you. When you’re being tempted, don’t take it as being to you anymore. If the enemy is talking, don’t take it personally, it’s not to you. But take the things Messiah says to you personally. When you read the Bible, it’s for you personally. If God gives a command, take it to you, personally. God so loved you, He gave His only Son. All the other voices, the temptations, the condemnation, the intimidation, it’s not to you anymore. Take the Word of God, the Word of Messiah as completely personal, totally relevant to you here and now. It will make all the difference in the world to your life. Because Messiah is talking to you, even right now through this teaching; it’s to you personally, so listen to His voice. It’s the only thing that matters in the end, because He just happens to be talking to you.

To fear. You know, we veil our hearts. If you’re holding bitterness on, you’re veiling yourself right there.
When you feel sorry for yourself, you’re veiling yourself to God’s love.
When you see yourself as a victim all the time, you’re veiling yourself to love you, veil your heart by or, or you getting into maybe you, maybe you’re getting into a, a substitute for God, an idol, something in the world, worldliness.
Well, you’re still, you’re veiling yourself to God.
You’re separating yourself or by simply keeping your heart from God, keeping the deepest part of your heart from God or keeping something in your life.
You maybe never gave it to God or you don’t let him touch it.
It could be a feeling of unworthiness, rejection, a scar, a wound in your life, a broken thing in your life and you’ve walled it up.
You don’t let him touch it to have his way.
We are the alma and without God, that’s all we would be. We’d be separated.
But thank God that God is the, the one who joins himself to us.
Even when we separate ourselves, he became one with us. God.
The came down and joined himself to us, joined himself, took flesh and blood because you had flesh and blood.
He went through sorrows, he went through weakness because He loves you because He joins himself to you.
God is with us. That’s what that’s about.
So from, from you know, so, so it’s an amazing thing because here it says the alma shall conceive and bear a child whose name will be God with us.
So from the Alma, the separated one comes, the comes the child called God is with me.
So we get to put that together.
The virgin is I’m separated, but the child born is God is with me.
The holy one joins himself to our sins, to your sorrows, to your burdens, to your judgments, to your pain, to your everything.
When you see Him on the cross, you’re not just seeing a man on a cross.
You’re seeing the the bride groom who joins himself to everything in our lives.
Calvary is the ultimate, the ultimate gift of the bride groom, the ha the ultimate joining.
He joins himself to the separated one that so we would no longer be separated.
You see, you think that everything we ever did that to separate us from God is gonna be nullified in one shot because think about it, sin separates us from God.
But now God joins himself to our sins. Get it.
If God joins himself to our sins, that we’re separate, then there’s no more separation, even judgment can’t because God joined himself to your judgment.
So even your judgment cannot separate you from God.
Hi, I’m Jonathan Kahn and I hope you are blessed with the video.
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