The Unlimited Life | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Unlimited Life
“They believed that if America followed the ways of God, it would become the most blessed, the most prosperous, and the most powerful civilization on earth. From the very beginning they foretold it. And what they foretold would come true. America would rise to heights no other nation had ever made. Not that it was ever without fault or sin, but it would always aspire, one way or another, to fulfill the calling envisioned by its founders at its inception.”
― Jonathan Cahn, The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery that Holds the Secret of America’s Future
So we got these two realms and we grow up in the first realm.
The audits, we’re, we, we’re Children of the art. We know what it is to be earthly.
That’s what we’re used to. That’s the one we’re familiar with most.
We think of it as home, but except now we know it’s not, but the audit is therefore limited. Limited.
It’s characterized by limitation. There’s never enough.
There’s never enough time in the day, there’s never enough money in the bank. Never enough love around us.
Never enough joy, never enough fulfillment. Never enough. We’re always running driving, never enough.
We live in a world of limitations. Even our earthly body, we’re limited.
Our resources are limited, our contentment, our joy is limited. We’re in this world.
Our earthly are limited by obstacles, things that come against what you want, things that stop you by problems by situations, limited your life, limited.
So much of the problems we do we deal with is linked to the limited of the, the earth.
That’s the way it is when there’s not enough and you want, you want something but you don’t have it.
There’s not enough, you get frustrated when you think you’re gonna lose something that you have, you get anxious because not enough, fearful, worried or you get into an argument or fight over, not enough or you want something, someone else has it.
You get jealous. What did Messiah say though?
He said pray this way your will be done on earth or its as it is in heaven.
Shami. Think about that. We are called to live on earth.
Limited, limited place as if we were in heaven. Shami, no limitations.
In other words, we are here to be able to live in a place of a lot of limitations as if we were not limited.
What an amazing thing, if we could do it, that’s what this is all about this morning.
How could we live on earth as it is in heaven?
How can we live in a world of limitations as if we were unbound? Now think about salvation.
What is salvation? Salvation is, you know, we, you know the world think salvation is, I’m gonna get up to heaven, but salvation is heaven coming down to us.
It’s the Miah coming into the. Think about the, what’s the incarnation?
It’s Messiah God coming down into the world and dwelling heaven, dwelling on earth.
Even the word for God is in Hebrew is what Elohim got that there. Why?
Because God is more than what you think He is. He has no end. There’s no beginning.
He’s also so therefore it’s, but here’s the, here’s the thing. How can you put something that’s bigger inside?
Something that’s small. Can’t do it if you take something big, Miah, heaven God and put it inside the earth.
How can you do that? What’s gonna, what’s gonna happen? It’s gonna produce an explosion.
It’s gonna produce uh something coming out because it can’t be contained.
That’s when the Lord said you cannot put new wine into old wine skins. The old wines is gonna burst.
How could you put the infinite inside the finite? No, it’s gonna, it’s gonna explode. It’s gonna flow.
Something’s gonna happen. What’s the final moment of our salvation? Messiah is put inside the tomb. Hi, I’m Jonathan Kahn.
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- Friday Morning Prayers! 💌🙏❤️Tháng 8 11, 2023