The Trinity Mystery & The Amazing Paradox Scriptures | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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The Trinity Mystery & The Amazing Paradox Scriptures | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

The Message of the Week – Part II of The One Who is More Than One – It’s one of the most unfathomable, paradoxical, and mind blowing of mysteries. It’s been used by cultists and has baffled believers for ages. Discover the answers!

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Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy.

They will look upon me. God speaking. They will look upon me whom they have pierced.
And more and for him again. Me him as for an only son.
They will look upon me How could you pierce god? It’s god speaking. You can’t get away.
God speaking. And he’s saying they’re gonna pierce it. How can you pierce god unless he has flesh and blood?
Genesys 18.
It says the lord appeared to Abraham near the great trees of Mamre while he was sitting at the entrance of his tent in the heat of the day.
Abraham looked up, listened, looked up, and saw 3 men. 3. Standing there.
When he saw them, he hurried in the entrance. He bowed to the ground.
It says the lord appeared to Abraham, and it says he saw 3 men. That’s awesome right there.
The lord, uh, it’s it’s it’s 1, and it’s 3. And it goes back.
If you keep going back and forth on the thing, it the the lord said, and then the 3 men said.
And Abraham said, lord 3, they answered, and the lord answered back and forth, uh, continuously with that whole thing.
It makes, again, it doesn’t go. It’s beyond regular logic.
In the lunacy of our culture right now, you can choose your pronouns, which is crazy.
It’s like choosing your attributes I am, you know, I am a 100 feet high. I am a this.
I’m a whatever you are. You know, it’s great. You cannot change reality. My name is John Smith.
And my pronoun is he and they. No.
The only one who gets to say that is god because if you’re not god, you’re not triune.
You can’t say that. So get back to reality. Then he says then it says the men got it.
The lord says, I will go down to sodom And then it says 2 men went down.
2 of the 3 went down, but the lord remains. Okay.
So you could say, well, the lord is here with Abraham.
The 2 men are 2 angels, and the Bible does call them angels, but god can call, uh, means a messenger.
But then just when you think, you know, with that’s that’s makes it Genesis 1924 says, then the lord rained down burning so far in sodom and Gomorrah from the lord out of heaven.
What? The lord reigned down from the lord in heaven. What is that? And the word here is not Elohim.
The word here is Yahweh. So what is it to Yahweh’s?
The lord caused rain to come from the Yahweh in heaven. What? But that goes with something else.
I’m gonna give you another mystery verse, Psalm 110.
The lord said to my lord, sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet.
What is that? The lord said to my lord, what? Now the lord who’s speaking it, David speaking.
Who’s David’s lord? Only the lord has looked David’s lord. So who’s the other lord?
Now amazing because Messiah himself used that scripture.
He said to the Pharisees, what do you think about this?
First, he said, what do you think about Messiah? Who’s son is he?
The Ferris, he said he’s the son of David.
Then he says, then how does David in the spirit call him Messiah, lord, and saying the lord said to my lord, sit at my right hand until I’m put your enemies under your feet, clear the messiah.
If David calls him lord, this is Jesus speaking.
Yeshsu If David calls him lord, then how was he his son? Awesome. Lord and another lord.
Now we’re gonna go into Zechariah.
Now you read Zechariah, I’m sure, in different ways, but you can read it.
If you read it fast, you miss it. But you read it slow. It’s woah. Listen, Zechariah too.
When you read it slow, it’s amazing.
Now some will argue Zechariah is speaking about himself or an angel, but it doesn’t work.
I’m gonna just highlight some key passages in one prophecy, Zechariah 2 starting with verse 8. For this.
I’m gonna read all of it, but this is what the lord almighty says. Who’s speaking? The lord almighty.
It’s the lord speaking. What does he say? Look what the lord says.
After he has honored me and has sent me against the nations that have flundered you, Wait.
The lord almighty is saying after he, who’s he? This is the lord speaking.
After he has honored me and sent me, how can the lord send the lord?
He is the lord the lord has sent me.
It says, then you will know that the lord almighty has sent me, but this is god speaking.
So the lord almighty is saying, then you will know the lord almighty has sent me what?
Then it says verse 10, I am coming. Lord speaking.
I will dwell in your midst, says the lord, clearly the lord, then I will dwell in your midst, and you will know that the lord almighty has sent me.
What? If this is god saying, god is saying, you I will dwell on your miss.
And then when I dwell on your miss, you will know that the lord has sent me.
But this is the lord speaking. How can the lord send the lord?
And so the lord is the he, and it’s me. It’s He and I, it’s the same.
It’s all Trinity, try you. Sec now let’s go. That was that’s Zechariah too, but let’s go to Zechariah 8.
First 2. This is what the lord says. I will return to Zion, and I will dwell in Jerusalem.
Okay. Then it goes on. Next chapter’s, Zechariah 9 is gonna say how he’s gonna return.
Zechariah 9 9. Rejoice great Leo daughter of Zion, shadow daughter of Jerusalem.
Behold your king is coming to you. The lord, righteous, having salvation, lowly, and writing a donkey Okay.
What is this? This is the Messiah. This is yeshua. This is Jesus.
And yet the passage says, it says the lord is going to come, and then it shows you Messiah coming.
And in and and in zechariah, in in the second chapter, it goes right.
It goes it hits it like exactly because it says, shout and be glad, oh, daughter of Zion.
This is Zechariah too. For I am coming. I will dwell among you now.
And Zechariah 9, it says rejoice, greatly shout for your king is coming on a donkey.
But it said the lord is coming. Virtually identical. The lord almighty who sent me.
Now now look what else is in Zechariah. It’s like this mystical threat. Zechariah 13 verse 7. Listen.
Listen to this. God says, strike the shepherd Okay. Well, we can handle that. That Messiah will be struck.
It even says that in the new testament.
It says this was fulfilled as he was gonna be delivered to his death on that night, strike for it is written, strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered.
Well, the disciples were scattered. Actually, the Jewish people have been scattered for 2000 years because he’s their shepherd.
But he says, strike the shepherd. Now listen, the man Who is my fellow? Okay.
What is that? My fellow, or the NIV translated the man who is close to me. Okay. That’s good.
But it’s not enough. The Hebrew word is Amit.
Amit means my fellow, my associate, my comrade, my neighbor, my equal.
So god is saying, strike the shepherd, the man, Who is my equal? Woah.
How can you cannot what what’s equal to god? Nothing but god.
So the lord almighty sends the lord almighty, and now here is the one who is equal to god is struck, but that’s not all.
Zechariah 1210. Listen. Listen. On that day, I will pour out my spirit. Here it is.
And then it says they will look upon me God speaking, they will look upon me whom they have pierced and mourned for him, again, me, him, as for an only son.
They will look upon me. How could you pierce god? It’s god speaking. You can’t get away.
God speaking, and he’s saying they’re gonna pierce it. How can you pierce god unless he has flesh and blood?
Unless he comes as flesh and blood and is killed which is Isaiah for D3, which is all the prophecies of Messiah.
And right there, he says, me and him, they will pierce me and mourn for him. Me him.
It’s all there.
And then at the very end of Zechariah, I’m not gonna go into, but Zechariah Four It says, then the lord, his feet will stand on the mount of olives.
Now it’s not just saying his presence is gonna be.
It says his feet will stand on the mount of olives. Who’s gonna stand on the mount of olives?
Messiah is gonna stand on the mount of olives, but it says the lord Hi.
I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you were blessed with the video.
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