The Technological Beast [From The Mysteries of The Fourth Beast ]

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The Technological Beast – From The Mysteries of The Fourth Beast

“To be heedless when God is speaking, by whatever voice He may address us, is surely iniquitous enough, but to act in deliberate defiance of the Almighty is, by many degrees, worse.9 “Proud defiance of God always brings disaster.”
― Jonathan Cahn, The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery that Holds the Secret of America’s Future

Interesting. The word in Greek for something that is fashioned by man. Artificial, artificial is the word techno.
We get the word tech from it.
We have the most high tech civilization but there’s, and, and going along with that is the essence of this, this fourth creature that is not natural.
It’s unnatural, anti natural. So saying that in the end times, the culture will be unnatural, will be altered, will be man, changing the nature of nature and man changing the nature of man.
Does this sound familiar? It should because you’re living at it by this, we can say just by this now say we didn’t know we didn’t say we weren’t living now in 2021, but we just saw Daniel.
That’s what it, it’s there. We can say in the end times, the global culture will be based on the word or which means it will be, it will go against what is you can take it as it will go against what is nature, it will war against the nature of God’s creation.
It will war against the nature of man, male, fatherhood, women, womanhood, female, it will war against gender, it will war against the nature of sexuality.
It will war against the nature of marriage, of family, of society, of humanity, of everything.
It will seek to transform it, it will seek to alter it.
And that very thing when it says the antichrist will seek to do this.
He’ll seek, he’ll seek to alter, transform morph these things. It is linked to his war against the saints.
So now combine that all I combine that word and the word crush.
And you’ve got a civilization, put it together that will war against the natural and will seek to crush anyone who opposes it.
And you got right there political, you got cancel culture right there and that’s not the end of it.
What we’re seeing now, this is the beginning of it.

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