The State of Charis | Jonathan Cahn
The State of Charis
Thursday, May 4, 2023
Do you know how long the Jewish people have been waiting for Messiah? Since the time of the prophets. They waited through the first century, the second century, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the Industrial Revolution, and the Twentieth Century. That’s a long wait, and they haven’t given up. The religious among them are still waiting. Imagine waiting for someone for 2,000 years. That person must be so important. And yet, you have the One for whom the Jewish people have been waiting thousands of years. How much more should you live gloriously in light of that. How great is your Messiah and your salvation. If they waited and longed for Him so long, how much more must you live for Him with all faith, confidence, joy, and perseverance. You have the One worth waiting for, for more than a millennium. You don’t have to wait to know Him, love Him, follow Him, sit at His feet and dwell in His kingdom. Go all out for Messiah, because He is the One worth waiting for.
Something very important. The word word that is central in our faith is the word grace. Grace.
You are saved by grace must be very important by grace. You have been saved. Not of works by grace.
What is the word in the Bible? In the original language? I’m not talking about the Hebrew scriptures.
There’s also a word for grace there.
But when the Bible speaks about you’re being saved by grace, the word is triumph.
You know, you see the C H, you know, it’s like in Christmas, it’s really, it would be Christmas, it would be, it’s, it’s, it’s the Greek and Hebrew same word.
And from that word, you get charisma, charisma. What’s the connection between charisma and grace?
Well, the word means also gift.
So the word charisma has been associated with the gifts of the spirit.
That’s why Charismatic from the of grace, our faith, your faith is based on grace.
So what does that mean? It’s based on a gift. Our entire faith is based on a gift.
No other faith is based on a gift. No, nothing like this.
Like like what’s in the, what’s in the Bible.
It’s based on the fact that a gift has been given to you.
Not just that you believe something theologically, believe something uh philosophically, you believe that’s not what that’s, that’s, that has a part, but that’s not the center, the center of faith is not just we just believe something, it’s that something has been actually given to us, something has been given, something has been sent, not just something, some God is the giver and God is the gift.
Messiah is the gift. And so it’s about our faith is about receiving becomes crucial because we’ve been given something.
So receiving is crucial and having something that we didn’t have before Messiah, our whole faith is based on the gift.
Therefore, we have to live our lives with a gift, consciousness, a gift, spirit, a gift, heart, a gift attitude.
What does that mean? It means you are conscious of being, having been given something that you didn’t have before.
It means you have a spirit of blessing.
If you’re, if you’re right with the faith, you are a spirit of, I have been blessed with something.
I have an attitude of blessing. If you don’t, you’re off, we’re off somewhere.
If you’re complaining, you’re focusing on what you don’t have, then you’re in the opposite spirit of our faith.
It’s not that there aren’t issues and problems, but it’s the opposite spirit of our faith.
If you’re, if a gift, faith it produces a spirit of what I have. I am blessed.
But they might say, well, look at what I don’t have, but the thing is what’s more important, what you don’t have in the world or what you have in God.
You see. So it’s still, if you’re focusing on what you don’t have, it doesn’t mean there’s not a place for dealing with that.
But if you’re focusing all the time on what you don’t have, then you are not focusing on the faith or God or what he did for you.
What I do have and then I’m gonna have the wrong spirit and I’m not gonna be blessed if I’m focusing on this, my salvation, it’s a, I have a gift conscious.
So I’m focused on blessing, the blessing I received the blessing.
I have the blessings I will receive and the blessings I will give which leads to the next truth.
And 1st and 2nd, Timothy Paul says, I thank Messiah for putting me into the ministry. I thank God.
But the word he uses for thank in the Greek isn’t, isn’t what we think.
It’s the word, the same word grace.
Then you can even see this in the English language or in Latin language. He speaks Spanish.
You can see it very easily.
When I was a kid, my parents sent me to a summer camp run by a relative of mine who was a bit crazy.
He pretended to be an Indian chief the whole summer, he walked around with a headdress and people had to call him Chief.
It’s kind of crazy. And at lunch, he would say everybody, let us say grace.
So everybody would say grace and that was it. But what is grace? We say? We’re saying Grace Gray.
Think about that. We’re saying grace. But what are we doing? We’re thanking God. Well, look at the Spanish.
How do you say thank you grace or in Italian? You know, it’s thanks.
What is gratuity a tip? What is that? It’s a way of saying thanks.
So even in English and in the Bible, in the New Testament, the word grace, ris is linked to it also means thanks.
See God, grace means the gift, but it also means thanks.
So what’s to say the two are, you can’t separate it.
If you are of a faith that is of grace, then it’s a faith that’s of the gift.
Then you have to be a person of thanksgiving.
If you’ve received grace, then you have to and you hear of grace, you have to be someone who is known by.
They are a person of thankfulness. If you’re not thankful, then you have an absence of the evidence of grace.
If two people claim to receive a wonderful gift, but only one is telling the truth and one is thankful and the other is miserable.
Which one are you going to believe? Someone just says I won a million dollars.
One person’s miserable, the other is rejoicing. Which one are you going to believe?
So, if you are telling the world, I have received salvation, but you’re miserable, the world is not going to believe you.
And if they don’t believe it, hell yeah, you, you’re just like religious but I don’t see, I don’t have any evidence of that.
If you’re not thankful you didn’t receive it or you don’t realize you received it.
And it’s hard to do that because it’s by faith. So you have to.
So your thanks should, is to be in proportion to the gift that was given in Second Corinthians 9 15.
Paul says, give thanks for the unspeakable gift, the unspeakable gift.
Now what if somebody says, well, wait a minute, I believe in grace.
Yeah, I said, but, but you’re not thankful, you’re miserable. Then it’s a doctrine to you.
That’s not, that’s not the real receiving.
It just means your head is saying yes, I believe that it’s a but you, but your heart doesn’t know it.
If you’re not grateful. If I’m not grateful for the fact that we are saved every day, then you have to question, have you really received it?
Do you really, or, or did you forget something or did you lose sight of it if you’re complaining and complaining?
You are lacking the evidence of grace because either you’re saying you haven’t received it or it’s not as important as all the problems in my life.
But that’s the same thing because if you receive this, it is more important than the problems in your life to find out how you can receive more of Jonathan’s teachings to receive special free gifts or get in touch.
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Hope of the world is dedicated to the goal of spreading God’s word and salvation to every land and people who do this by spreading the word throughout the world and sponsoring compassion projects to the most poor and needy around the earth to get in touch or have a part in God’s work.
Just write to Hope of the World box 1111, Lodi New Jersey, 07644 USA or go to Hope of the world dot org or call 1 800 Yeshua one that’s 1 809 374821.
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