The Secrets Of A Powerful Life | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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The Secrets Of A Powerful Life | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

Jonathan Cahn shares about the Secrets of a Powerful Life. If you want to get to the higher ground, you have to know the keys of the Great Ones of God. Learn the secrets of The Charge.

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Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy.

Recorded Live at Beth Israel at the Jerusalem Center in Wayne, NJ. Friday Nights (8pm) & Sunday Mornings (10am and 11:30am)

Then when I started writing books, forget it, I’ve had entire radio shows against me, entire organizations, entire book about me, but that’s the way it goes.
About 3 weeks ago I was ministering in Canada.
And one of the places I ministered was Canada Christian College.
And just before I left for Canada they told me they want to do something.
And before I I went up to speak, they gave me an honorary doctorate, a PhD.
Now I’m not gonna push this, but you are gonna have to call me doctor from now on.
I’m not really, you know, I’m not about titles, you know, but you might wanna write it down so you don’t forget.
From now on, it’s the honorable reverend, doctor, pastor, rabbi, brother, minister, grand big kahuna, Jonathan Cahn.
Make sure you get that. I’m just saying.
If you get 8 out of 10, I’ll be alright with that. It’s certainly an honor. I appreciate it.
You know, interesting because my father, when he escaped Hitler from Germany, he ended up in England.
They arrested all the Germans, Jewish refugees and Nazi spies, sent them to Canada and they’re put in prison camps.
Finally he got released. He went to college, received his college degree in Canada, and his Where he received it was not far from where I got this degree.
In fact his college was on Lake Ontario and so was this, you know. So it’s a special thing there.
But the thing is that the Bible God wants to entrust and in the in Throughout the Bible he does this.
He seeks to raise people to higher ground and entrust them. Give them a greater entrustment.
That’s what Paul is saying to Timothy. He says this charge I entrust you with Timothy.
I entrust this with you my son in accordance with the prophecies spoken over you, made concerning you, that you would fight the good fight.
I charge you Timothy. So there were apparently were prophecies spoken over Timothy about his life.
And Paul is charging him according to the calling you’ve been given, you need to live rise to that calling.
You, whoever you are, you have a calling. You have a calling no matter who you are.
Every child of God has a calling.
And you see this throughout the Bible, the moment of calling, the moment of entrustment and there’s There are keys about it, how to fulfill it, or how to go to higher ground because God’s always calling us to higher ground.
And so there is Moses An example. Moses is in the wilderness.
The angel appears to him in a blazing fire. It says, in the midst of the bush he looked.
The bush did, was burning but would not burn up.
He said let me see what this is, this sight. When the Lord saw he turned to look.
God called him from the midst of the bush and said, Moses, Moses. He said, here I am.
Then he said do not come near. Take off your sandals because you are standing on holy ground.
Moses in the wilderness. Now think about Moses. He’s already 80 years old.
He must be thinking, you know, it’s time for retirement because 80.
But at that moment, burning bush, voice of God, and he’s about to be entrusted with a calling for which he was born at 80.
And why the first thing God says is take off your shoes. You’re standing on holy ground.
The calling of God is holy. It is holy. It’s every calling of God is holy.
God doesn’t give you callings that are not holy. And that’s true for your life, with your calling.
Moses is called from someone who didn’t even really, we don’t know where he was with God, to know God, know the glory of God, chosen as the instrument of God, of redemption.
Called to walk in the presence of God, To move as a vessel of the power of God.
To call down judgment on Egypt. To set his people free. To part the Red Sea.
To lead them through the wilderness, to give them the law and the revelation of God, to actually be the one to begin starting writing the Bible, and lead them to the promised land.
That’s his calling. That’s a lot for an 80 year old man. You know, that’s a lot for anybody.
But this is the calling. What does that mean for him?
Because at that time it is so above Moses. It means he’s got to go higher.
This is a great responsibility.
Up to this point the only responsibility he had was the sheep and his family.
Now he’s gonna have an entire nation. The calling of God to much is given, much is required.
Every calling there’s a responsibility with a calling.
And if you don’t take the responsibility, you won’t have the blessings of the calling.
In fact, Moses, you know, he almost got into trouble because as he was heading back to Egypt, it says that that God almost killed him, because he did not follow the, the command that he had.
The one command is circumcise your children, your sons. He didn’t do it.
And so how is he gonna be the law giver? To much is given, much is required.
And it means everything His entire life is going to change now. And he’s gonna be open.
You know it’s hard to do that.
When you get older, you really don’t want as much change, you know.
Even when I’m Even me at my, my youthful state, in my life, there’s new technology.
I don’t want to know about it, you know. I have a son.
I have a a 10 year old, a 13, 10 and 4.
I can go to the 4 year old and have him do it. Have him set it up.
You know, I can barely operate the remote control on, uh, truly.
I bare I can turn it on and hope I don’t mess up something. That’s it.
But for Moses, he’s 80 years old and God is asking him to change.
You know, because if we stop changing we stop growing. We have to be open. You’ve got to call.
If you want to fulfill something that’s better than what you know, you’ve got to be open.
And so he’s got to prepare for it. He’s gonna, he’s got to go against his fear.
Callings often involve you going against your fear.
He’s got to go down and meet pharaoh, who he ran away from.
He’s got to practice, he has that rod, that snake thing there. The calling is gonna require sacrifice.
He could have had an easy, maybe an easy retirement. You know, we don’t know.
But he’s gonna be working for the rest of his life.
He’s gonna be dealing with 2,000,000 Jewish people with 3,000,000 opinions.
And they’re gonna be unhappy a lot of time. They’re gonna complain a lot of time.
He’s gonna be writing the Word of God. He’s gonna be overseeing a nation.
He’s gonna be, he’s gonna be setting up the tabernacle. He’s gonna be a prophet of God.
And there’s gonna be greater challenges too, than he would have known without going to higher ground.
He’s going to deal with a pharaoh. He didn’t have to do that.
The Israelites, I said the, the everything else. You know there are things you can no longer do.
We’ve You’re going higher in your calling. There are things you cannot do. You have to stop doing.
Cause you can’t stay on a low ground and go to a high ground at the same time.
There are things he can’t waste his time anymore.
You know he might have had doing things in his life that were not fitting for a man of God.
We don’t know. Or a man of his calling. He’s got to stop now.
And he’s gonna do what he never did.
You know, we don’t know if he was a great prayer warrior before this, but he’s gonna become 1.
We don’t know that he was courageous but he’s gonna become courageous.
In fact at the beginning he seems real scared.
I mean in the beginning he doesn’t see He’s scared about doing anything.
You know, he says, you know, you know, do this as I can’t Lord.
You know, do this as I can’t talk. You know, I’m, I’m slow of speech. I can’t talk.
I’m slow, you know. You know and it’s been said, somebody who’s slow of speech he sure said a lot after that, you know.
We don’t know if he was reading and writing. We don’t know.
I mean, they didn’t have the magazines in Midian, you know, but he’s gonna write the Bible now.
He’s got to be open if he’s gonna go higher. We have to be open if we’re gonna go higher.
And then there’s Aaron, his brother. Aaron was the older one.
Now he might have been thinking, hey I’m the older one. I should be Not not my younger brother.
Interesting in scripture, God generally goes with the younger son. Generally. Isaac and Ishmael? Younger one. Isaac.
Esau and Jacob? Younger one. Jacob. Moses and Aaron? Younger one, Moses. David and all the rest?
David. God kind of I think he kind of likes the unlikely.
The people who everybody kind of looks down on. Aaron was also called though.
He was actually given a a tremendous ministry that’s gonna go on, you know, if if unlike Moses his family is gonna be ministering as priests you know, in generation and generation.
But Aaron is past 80. He’s probably not thinking he’s ready for anything and now Moses is 80.
And now Aaron’s ministry is gonna begin.
And the first thing he does is he’s sent to go back to find Moses and bring him back.
And you know Aaron, we don’t think about Aaron so much but Aaron was the one who really spoke.
He was the spokesman of Moses.
And Aaron It was Aaron’s rod that did a lot of that stuff that you see there.
Exodus 40, if you have your Bibles. Verse 12.
Then you should bring You will bring Aaron and his sons to the doorway of the tent of meeting and wash them with water.
And you’ll put the holy garments on Aaron and anoint him and consecrate him so he may serve me as a priest to me.
So this is a whole new thing for Aaron. He’s gonna be the priest of the Most High.
This is high. This is an honor. Every calling is an honor. It’s a privilege.
He’s gonna dwell in the holy of holies. He’s gonna keep the holiness of God.
He’s gonna, he’s gonna see the glory of God. He’s gonna wear the breastplate. He’s gonna minister.
He’s gonna represent the whole nation. He’s gonna, he, everything’s gonna be on him. It’s a big thing here.
And so he’s got to The first thing he’s got to do is, is God says you got to be separate Aaron.
If you’re gonna fulfill your calling you have to be separate from those things that are not of your calling.
He has to be He has a high responsibility. Again, there’s that thing about responsibility.
In fact he would see 2 of his sons die because they didn’t take seriously the holiness of God.
There’s a sacrifice with his calling, greater challenges with his calling.
He’s got a He’s got the nation on him, but it’s But what a glorious high calling.
You know, if you’re going higher in the Lord, God God wants you to, you’re gonna deal with greater fights.
If you go higher, more opposition. I mean spiritually and sometimes physically.
You know some people said great higher level, greater levels, greater devils, you know.
When I came to the Lord, you know, I was in college and a lot of people, you know, we went to a Bible study and that you know, most people like me.
Didn’t have a lot of, you know.
When I started leaving the Bible study, okay, then someone we don’t like the way he’s doing this, you know.
Some people, you know. That’s what it is.
Then when Then I was asked to become pastor, then you have You know it still might be 5% of the people but it’s getting bigger now.
Well we don’t like this. We don’t like this, you know.
Then when I started writing books, forget it, I’ve had entire radio shows against me.
Entire organizations, entire book about me. But that’s the way it goes. And one more.
One more case. And that is the one of the man who’s I started with Shaul.
We know him as Paul. It says the Lord said to, to Ananias, get up and go to the street called Straight and inquire of the house of Yehudah, Judas for a man named, a man from Tarsus named Shaul.
He’s praying right now. He’s seen in a vision a man named Ananias come and lay hands on him, so that he might regain his sight.
Ananias answered, Lord I’ve heard about this guy.
I’ve heard from so many people about this man. How much harm he did to your saints in Jerusalem.
And here he’s got authority from the chief priests to arrest everyone who calls on your name.
But the Lord said no no no. Go. For he is a chosen instrument of mine.
To bear my name before the Gentiles and to the king before kings and the children of Israel.
For I will show him how much he must suffer for my name’s sake. Shaul.
He set on becoming a rabbi before he’s found Messiah.
He probably If he never found Messiah, he’d probably be in the Talmud. He was so great.
He was so brilliant. He was rising above everybody else that he, he says that beyond all the people around him he was rising up.
And he was, he was being taught by hill, by, by, by Gamaliel or the you know, we believe in and those there.
He was like, he was like gonna be this gigantic rabbi.
He could have had no idea of what was ahead of him.
And it happened on the road to Damascus where he’s blinded by the light.
He hears the voice of Messiah. He says, so why Why are you persecuting me?
He says who are you Lord? God’s gonna raise him up far above anything he ever dreamed.
He’s gonna become the apostle of the Messiah who more than any other is gonna bring the Gospel to the world.
He’s gonna become a light to the nations. He’s gonna change the course of world history.
He’s gonna touch the lives of 1,000,000,000.
He is a chosen instrument of mine says God, before it all happened. Interesting.
The Lord didn’t say he will be a chosen instrument. He says he is. Interesting.
Because he’s not done doing anything. He’s against God and God says it’s my That’s my instrument there.
He’s just turned the wrong way. God saw through the sin of Paul.
And thank God he sees through our sin. He made you. He sees, he sees through the junk.
He knows what he made. He knows what he called. He knows what he has called you to be.
To bring my name to the Gentiles, the kings, the children of Israel.
And I’m going to show him how much he’s got to suffer.
The most glorious of callings but there is also gonna be a price.
He Paul is gonna be called like, like He’s gonna touch the world like few other people ever have.
He’s gonna move with the power of God. He’s gonna get revelations from God.
He’s gonna be held to a higher standard.
At one point it says God gave me a thorn to the flesh. He’s to keep him humble.
He had to deal with stuff. He’s gonna journey the world.
He’s gonna give Messiah to the, to the nations. Many are gonna come against him.
He’s gonna be beaten and stoned and imprisoned, but he embraced it.
For him it was like, hey this is more than worth it.
Because he said, I don’t even, I don’t even consider this to be worthy of being compared to the glory that’s coming.
It’s more than worth Just like Aaron would have said it. It’s not Moses would have said it.
Elijah would have said it. Uh, Isaiah would have said it.
They He knew it was such a high calling that he could not live as he did before.
He went total for God. And God honors that.
It says the eyes of the Lord are searching the entire earth looking for the one whose heart is his.
Completely his. To show himself mighty to that person.
Paul’s the one who said listen I beat my body every day like an Olympic He uses the, the analogy of an Olympic champion.
He says an Olympic champion is nothing compared to what we have.
But he says, I’m living, I’m gonna live like an Olympic champion. I’m gonna, I’m gonna discipline my body.
I’m gonna, I’m gonna, I’m not gonna go here and there. I’m gonna be focused for God.
He spoke about, he says you know when someone’s in the army they can’t get involved with a lot of other stuff.
They got to stay that focused. Well he says, well you know, I’m gonna live like that.
In other words do whatever you have to do to fulfill the calling God has.
And that brings us full circle because it be I began with Paul speaking to Timothy, about Timothy’s call.
Well Paul certainly knew about the calling of God.
And he tells Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to you. Don’t be careless with your with your life.
Don’t be careless because you’re called by God. Don’t give yourself to that. Don’t give yourself to that.
Don’t get Don’t go that way. You are called.
God will hold you to a higher standard and thank God for that.
You know if you, you know, it’s like if you have parents I remember I’m not gonna go into the person, but on, on In our growing up, there were some kids who just did their own thing and they stayed out till late at night and we said to our parents, why can’t we do that?
They’re doing that. Why can’t we do that?
And they said, well, because we we care for you being here right now.
We care for this and for this reason this reason. Well you are, you’re not an orphan.
You have a father. You are a child of God. That’s why he holds you.
That’s why, that’s why he, he doesn’t let you get away with things. That’s a good thing.
That’s a good thing. This is to all of us here. It doesn’t matter who you are.
You have a calling on your life. And not just a calling, a high calling.
And not just a high calling but a great calling because God doesn’t give mediocre callings.
He only gives high callings. So it doesn’t matter who you are. It doesn’t matter what you’ve done.
It doesn’t matter if you messed up. It doesn’t matter how you messed up in the Lord.
It doesn’t matter anything because God hasn’t called you based on what you did.
God calls you based on his calling. So nothing else is needed.
If you want to fulfill it, you got to take seriously what God has called, put on your life.
If you’re not fulfilling it, it’s because you’re not taking it as seriously as you should.
Or you’re not treasuring it like you should.
Meaning, you want to First thing is like these people did, you got to believe the call of God.
Even if it doesn’t match up with your life, that’s all the more you got to believe it.
God Listen, no matter who you are, I don’t know all the things God may have for you.
But I do know there are certain things that God has has called all of us to.
Holiness, righteousness, royal priesthood, victorious, more than conqueror.
All that is what God Now you might not be able to picture yourself like that.
You got to believe it anyway. God says it so I’m gonna picture.
Think of all the blessings that will come when you walk in your calling.
Think of all the blessings when you go to higher ground. Think of all the blessings.
Power that is yours. Peace that’s yours. Ability, access that’s yours. Miracles that could be yours.
You got to believe the calling of God. If you don’t believe it, you’re not gonna fulfill it.
That’s the way. If you don’t believe it, you know if someone’s calling on the phone, you don’t believe they’re calling you, you’re not gonna answer the phone.
If God is calling, you don’t believe it, you’re not gonna answer it. You got to believe it.
You got to be able to see yourself. Actually see yourself living as God called you to live.
Can you picture yourself having victory where you haven’t had victory? God wants you to.
Can you picture yourself walking in victory? What, walking in breakthrough? Walking as a mighty person of God?
You got to picture it. God told you. You got to That’s You got to go along with that.
To every calling and what we’ve seen in each case, in every calling there are things you cannot do anymore.
If you want the calling. Not that you’re gonna be perfect. Nobody is.
But if you want to go higher, you have to allow God to make you more perfect than you were.
In other words, the more you wanna go higher and find what God has for you, the more you have to take out of your life what God doesn’t have for you.
This is Jonathan Kann. Thanks for watching, and the Josiah manifesto, the ancient mystery and guide for the end times is available everywhere on Amazon, wherever books are sold.
God bless you. Shalom.

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