The Secret Of The Powerful | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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The Secret Of The Powerful | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

Jonathan Cahn reveals the power of committing our plans to God. Our “I don’t know”, is not the end of us, but it’s the answer to success.

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To get Jonathan’s newest prophetic book: The Josiah Manifesto – or his other bestsellers: The Return Of The Gods, The Harbinger II, The Oracle, The Paradigm, The Book of Mysteries, The Harbinger, & more – Go to Amazon or anywhere books are sold.

Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy.

Recorded Live at Beth Israel at the Jerusalem Center in Wayne, NJ. Friday Nights (8pm) & Sunday Mornings (10am and 11:30am)

God wants to multiply your life he wants to multiply the effect you have on the life he wants to multiply Your Love Your Blessing he wants to mult not just add multiply who your who you are to to the world the blessings that are flowing from you but you got to [Music] commit you many of you know that the harbinger in the book came because I was in the airport and I’m in the airport but this is a perfect example and I wrote the book and I didn’t know what to do with it how to do people are saying oh go to this go do this one go to this
publisher this publisher make a name all that I said no I just bowed my head and I was waiting I knew I had to do it the whole week but I could not do it until I went to the airport that’s the only time I had entered the airport was it was like five it was like well I was there at 3: in the morning it was after a Friday service I left at 5: in the morning was in Charlotte about 700 in the morning I bowed my head and what I did is I committed it to God that’s what I did I wrote that and I don’t know what
would happened if I didn’t commit it to God but I committ it I said Lord this is yours not mine this book is yours you do it your way you have your way you move it you have your you do it by your hand not by people and that’s when I looked up and that’s when the man is sitting next to me on my left and says says so what’s the good word and then he gives me this prophetic word ends up through this man the book Goes Forth to America but it came first I had to commit it to God commit your Derek your way to God
and he will establish it now if God said listen I don’t want you to do that book he’d have something better for me but you have to do it I had I knew that see you know the guy is right there the God put him there he canceled his flights because of the weather kept canceling his flights until he was put on my flight put next sitting next to me not knowing who I was just to the moment I pray but I still had to commit it if I didn’t commit it I don’t know if that would happened would it be that wait God
wasted all that time and brought all this guy here and all that and then I didn’t commit well God knew I would you know but if he knew I wouldn’t he’d probably keep the guy in the other plan but it’s so tells you how important everything that came from that came from that prayer of committing doing this thing right here commit your way to God and he shall do it no limitation of it there’s no limitation on it it’s just it it it’s it well what what do I need him to do it’s it whatever he’s going to do
it’s going to be it going to be it going to be that thing now let me give you one as we bring it I’m bring it home because this guys take this this is not about it’s not about knowledge I mean it is knowledge but it’s not about but it’s about apply this and God will do it that’s the whole point God wants to do it in Mark 6:41 it says they they presented their loaves of bread you know the famous they didn’t have enough bread didn’t have enough of fish multitudes and thousands of people the Lord says
who what do you have and it says this is it this is it just this bread just these loaves of bread this fish it says they presented it the word that they says they presented this they didn’t have enough the word is in Greek which means which you know what the word means it means committed commit the same thing it says commit to the lord well they took their bread and they committed it to the Lord they rolled it to God same the word means commit same thing it’s the same word in Acts 20:32 it says it says I pray that you that I
commit you to God same word commit the bread commit people to God acts 14:23 it says these committed them to God committed people to God so here they’re presenting they’re presenting bread fish not much not much but what happens to the bread what happens to the fish miracle miracle multiply Miracle but if they but notice they first had to commit it to God so they didn’t have enough but they committed it and then God does this thing what’s that saying you look at your life and sometimes again you’re
looking at your life and you’re looking at looking at what you have and what you don’t have and it may not seem like you have enough or you don’t have what you want God’s saying that doesn’t matter commit what you have to me even if it’s not I don’t have enough commit not enough to me well whatever you have it’s a symbol of your life committed committed to God and what’ll happen who he’ll do it so they committed it to Messiah who is God they committed and what happened he did it he did it he
multiplied it God wants to multiply your life he wants to multiply the effect you have on life he wants to multiply Your Love Your Blessing he wants to m not just add multiply who your who you are to to the world to who the blessings that are flowing from you but you got to commit there’s nobody who sees that who knows it who lives it who has not committed to God and not just once commit it to God do it with whatever you have he will multiply it you know you know I’m not going to do the story but you know that we we we got the the
building the other building because we we did something so stupid and crazy and foolish and ridiculous we it was dead they weren’t going to give it to us it was over we circled it seven times like Joshua but what was that about it was about committing it to God it was because because if you’re doing that you’re either crazy or you’re crazy about God you’re crazy enough you believe God you’re committing it not to people not to you’re God you do it next morning we got the building next
morning commit your way to God and he will do it your life is God’s gift to you your time is God’s gift what you do with it is your gift to God present it back to him commit your heart mind soul strength talents resources whatever you got doesn’t matter how young you are how old you are commit it to God and he will multiply it look at the people in the Bible that God did it for them Abraham committed and God Did It Moses committed everything to God God Did It Paul committed everything God did the priest
with The Arc of the Covenant they had a commit they had to step about and Faith to go on there you know you know Peter to step out on that boat that was a committing to God lord Gideon had to just go forward and gone Lord you said it I trust you I’m going that’s committing I commit to God the blind man the pool of salom had to go you know he said he didn’t just heal him he said go down so he got he’s blind he’s going down he’s committed he’s trusting God he’s committing the whole thing the lame
man who didn’t walk everybody had to take that step I committed to God non had to go seven times in the Jordan he was trusting God committing things happen when you step out in faith in Trust in everything to God you do is like don’t live a life that never steps out don’t live a walk that never goes all out it’s never you’re never going to it’s a half life you don’t want a half life you want the full thing that way don’t live your life rest of your life wavering back and forth how long Elijah
said are you going to waver back back and forth between two opinions make your decision once and for all if the Lord is God serve him choose you this day whom You Shall Serve the Lord because you serve a God who actually here’s the other part he’s the God who committed everything to you I mean everything to you he he he G he rolled his life to you he gave every single thing to you so the least we can do is say yes and we’re going that same way same way cuz when when his commitment to you is matched by
your commitment to him in any way watch out because that’s Dynamite that’s explosive it’s life-changing it’s history changing it’s world changing that’s Paul that’s that’s the Apostles it’s victory it’s life on life it’s victory then he will do it turn to your neighbor turn to your neighbor to to your neighbor and say neighbor I love you but I have something to say you really should be committed no really you should be committed to the Lord who committed himself to
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