The Schemes of Your Warfare | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Schemes of Your Warfare
War has been waged in every age – even now – So too, Satan, the Enemy, wages war against your life. Discover what happens when you take the keys of war and apply them to the spiritual realm – The exposing of the Enemy’s schemes that he uses against your life.
Richard Wurmbrand, who was in prison for his faith in Romania, said the strongest people in prison when the communists were torturing where those who were the most humble before God, they relied on god’s power.
Now we’re gonna look.
I’m gonna add some of the strategies, the tactics of warfare on earth, and we take them into the spiritual realm.
Now you may be losing in some amount because you’re not realizing what you’re dealing with and you’re not dealing with it effectively.
So here we’re gonna look at this starting. With the first one. We do a number of them.
And there’s more, but tonight, we’ll do these.
The first tactic of of warfare tonight is that of wearing down your enemy?
Wearing down the opposition Sometimes it’s called Wars of Attrition.
That means you may not have a decisive victory, but you can wear down your enemy, for instance, Vietnam.
Vietnam, they could not defeat America in power, but they wore America down.
Every day there were news American public opinion turned against it.
The idea of this kind of warfare is to break the opponent’s will. Right now in Ukraine, same thing happening.
Russia is trying to wear down Ukraine. Ukraine is trying to discourage Russia in order to give up.
We don’t realize, but some of the most effective tactics the enemy now in the spiritual realm uses against you is obvious he tries to wear you down.
It says he’ll try to wear down the saints.
Right now, he’s trying to wear down the the people of god in America with a culture war, continuous bombardment.
Continuous. In your life, he tries to wear you down by attacking you with continual discouragement.
Frustrations, bombardment, problems, failures, temptations, even your own failures, And that may be, you know, how do you overcome that?
How do you deal with continual bombardment and discouragement?
Each survival says that god is the god of all encouragement.
The enemy is the the spirit of discouragement in god. You fight discouragement.
How do you with Well, one of the things that that David learned in spiritual warfare is he learned he had to learn how to encourage himself He could not wait on others.
It’s nice when they do, and we are to encourage each other.
The Bible says, but you can’t wait on people encouraging you to be encouraged in the lord.
We need to learn how to do that.
It says that David was a mighty man of god and sometimes he got down. He got discouraged.
He says David strengthened himself. The word in Hebrew Hazak.
He strengthened himself armies have to be re strengthened in order to keep fighting.
How do you how do you get strengthened? Well, one is continual time with god.
That reef precious you that enables you.
If you’re not doing it, you’re you’re you’re not getting the strength you need when the enemy is attacking.
Time in continual time in prayer, continual time rejoicing and praising god.
We need to have this daily practice in our lives.
And I’ll be on the offense with it You know, strengthen yourself in hope.
The Bible says in due season, we will reap if we don’t give up.
Hope strengthen yourself when the enemy’s attacking. Here’s another strategy, tactic of warfare in the world.
When the British were fighting the French or what they were competing with the French.
They gave aid to the Portuguese who were in battle against the French French as well, it was cost effective because it costs a lot less to have Portuguese people fighting, which are already fighting, than to do this with a British army.
During the American revolution, the French in turn aided Well, actually, they were aiding America against the British.
Why? Because they were all for America? Well, they were against Britain. So by Aiting America.
They know they’re weakening their their foe, Britain. In other words, here. Now, is it in warfare?
It’s the the rule is aid those who will fight your enemy.
Arab proverb The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Iran does this all the time.
They aid. They pour money and aid into organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah.
And the the the those who are the red sea attacking American ships, that’s Iran is funding that.
Because if you aid that, you’re weakening your enemy, you’re distracting your enemy, The more your enemy has to spend time and energy on these things on the the more he can he will not be strong against you.
So the enemy does it too. The enemy uses this against you. How?
He gets others He uses others to disturb you, distract you, oppose you, slander you, fight you.
He entered into Judith, you know, to do what he was gonna do.
He was with when when Paul was on the mission, He used the possessed girl to distract Paul and confuse the whole message.
He used the idol makers in another in a city to come against the disciples.
He will aid them. I remember I was going on a mission once and this other Minister in New York City, who had a lot of issues, decides to preach an entire sermon against me.
That’s an honor. I mean, you know, when somebody spends that time and a friend came over with me with with the to me, with the recording of that, and he said, you gotta hear this.
I said, okay. Interesting. But you know what? So I said, I don’t have time to deal with this.
I have a mission to go on. I have things to do for the canine.
I can’t get involved in this.
The enemy will seek to bog you down and distract you to weaken you and stop you moving forward in god.
Because you get so involved in fighting this thing. That’s not the thing. How do you overcome this?
First, recognize it. It’s the enemy. Recognizing, you know, you know, the enemy uses them.
Your war is not against them. It’s the enemy.
Messiah said to Peter get behind me, but he wasn’t against Peter who he loved. He was against Satan.
And so but the enemy was using Peter to distract and try to hinder messiah.
Do not fight against flesh and blood. Do not stop loving them, but oppose the enemy. That’s right.
To not get into fighting the flesh because that is not your battle.
There are people who continually wanna get into stuff, and you have to say, sorry.
I don’t have time for that. That that is not what I’m calling for. I have a greater mission.
God, I’m not gonna move ahead if I focus on that. I’m gonna move ahead.
I mean, there are things that to deal with, but you can’t that you can’t let that become your focus or your life.
Some of you were getting into fights, you shouldn’t be fighting. It’s the enemy.
I’m not talking with people, whatever he’s using, distracting you, draining you, and stopping you from fighting the fight you’re supposed to fight.
There’s an expression choose your battles. And you have to choose what is not your battle.
That’s not my battle. Be encouraged that you’re considered worthy of the enemy attacking you.
Next tactic of earthly warfare, and that is to entrap your enemy.
Lure your enemy into a place where he will find himself entrapped and not with a way out.
It’s used throughout warfare. Armies have lured other armies into a field to trap them.
Or sometimes, you know, you know, they were they they went pursuing a a small force and all of a sudden they realized the whole big force was coming at them.
The American war of independence Washington. Yeah. I don’t know if you know this.
They don’t teach us this. Spend much of the war running away.
Much of the war, he just kept his army away from the British, kept running.
He came to New Jersey. He can that’s where you see the whole Washington was here. Why?
Cause he was running away from the British for a lot of the time, but he kept but he kept them.
The the British army finally found themselves entrapped.
With Washington coming from one side the French on the other and America won the war.
So the enemy also seeks to entrap you.
How to lure you into a situation where you’re weak, and you’re gonna fall.
Taking advantage of carelessness, to have the wrong person at the wrong time, to have you in the wrong situation in a time of weakness, The enemy is real.
And often before god is gonna do something great in your life, the enemy is gonna attack and seek to trap you to bring a substitute.
That’s another way. Bring a substitute for god’s will when god’s gonna do it.
Or you’ll suddenly have a temptation, a person, or something, not the lord, or people appear in your life to take you away from that or doors open that are not the lords.
The enemy is always trying to trap you.
Even with people who may not mean to do that, They can be used.
The enemy can use them also in the trap and can trap them as well.
I know somebody who had a bible study, but after the study, a woman hung around, a married woman, and he was lured into a trap.
I don’t know if she planted or rigid, but the enemy did.
And before you realize it, You know, you’re in that.
So the Bible says we are not unaware of his schemes. Therefore, how do you deal with it?
Be sober Be vigilant. It says be watchful. Know when you see the re there’s a red flag.
It’s a red flag. Take it. Stop when you see a red flag.
Know your weakness and stay far away from it. At the first hint of it, get away from it.
If you see something heading, sign of it, that’s the time to turn.
Don’t wait till you’re in it because it’s much easier to get out when you’re not in than to get out when you’re in.
Turn your course. And if you find yourself trapped, you don’t realize it’s a trap, do whatever you have to do to get out.
The Bible says in every temptation, god will make a way of escape. There’s always a way.
There’s always a way. It may be rude. It may be to do it. It may be unseemly.
It may be it may appear inappropriate, but do what you have to do.
If Joe I’ve had to run away from that woman and she kept his clothes. He’s running away without clothes.
Do whatever you have to do.
Uh, when I when I was a new believer and I was working, I was going to college at night and I was working, oh, at the daytime, I was working as a watchmenite, watchmen to get my work done at a factory.
They said we had to drive peep if someone got injured, we had to drive them to the hospital.
So this woman said she needed to be driven to the hospital. I and I had to drive her.
And when I’m starting to drive her, I know she’s unbuttoning her shirt. I didn’t know what to do.
First, I couldn’t look. 2nd, I thought, what can I do to stop this? I’m kind of trapped.
You know, I could try to button it up, but that wouldn’t work. That wouldn’t be good.
So I thought, what how can I what can I do to stop this?
I started talking to her about the book of Revelation.
Nothing quicker to end something romantic, then talk about the beast and talk about everything.
And the and miraculously, the buttons went right back up. Miraculously.
I don’t know if she did it or was a miracle. I don’t know what.
But it’s acts absolutely what happened.
And after that, I don’t know if it was weeks or months that I and I and she came to the desk again.
And she and she’s and and for and I I was to drive her and I I said, wait here.
And I went and I got the other guard who’s a man in his, like, his eighties.
He’d long lost all interest in women. He was safe. I was safe. Everything worked out. No.
The enemy will seek to entrap you, and he won’t usually tell you what he’s doing.
And he can even make it look like a godly thing.
It can be with a godly person, a person who appears spirit. Fill all that doesn’t matter.
Do whatever you have to do to avoid it in the first place. Better to avoid the trap.
But if you’re in it, do what you have to do to get out the moment you realize.
The enemy has you in his car. Jump out. Do what you have to do.
So have hedges, whatever that is.
When I if I’m weak, if this is my week, I don’t call near this or when this happened, I don’t allow this situation.
Next, tactic of warfare in the world is part of intelligence.
The enemy know, you could see it in the Bible, Joshua used this when he sent the spies in that was intelligence.
In civil, the civil war, The union had several leaders. Lincoln didn’t have any good one.
He kept replacing them and replacing them because they were they weren’t good But the south was more consistent, had Robert Lee who was who was a brilliant tactician, and they said Lee always knew his enemy.
He always could he knew he could he knew like what they were gonna do.
Finally, Lincoln put in grant.
Grant was not like it wasn’t like he was a brilliant, but Grant just took just overwhelmed the south.
He just numbers, and that was it.
The strategy is to know your enemy, but also know, you know, that that the enemy knows you.
He knows your patterns. He knows your weakness.
Messiah said to Peter, the enemy wants to sift you like wheat. He had plans for Peter.
The enemy already knew Peter. The enemy knew he was gonna fall at that time But the lord, you know, the enemy knew also, you know, he could get Peter by not only denying the lord, but being filled with guilt and regret and he maybe not get up again.
The enemy uses that too. Know your own weakness, but take provisions against that.
A joke was told during World War 2, you know, Hitler was known for being punctual on time.
So there are 2 assassins waiting to to assassinate him, and he was supposed to be at the event.
The time comes, there’s no sign of him. 5 minutes go by, No sun. 10 minutes, no sun.
20, no sun. 30 minutes go by. Finally, one of the assassins looks like the others says 30 minutes.
This is not like Hitler. He’s always on time. Gee, I hope nothing happened to him.
It doesn’t help to live in the old patterns when dealing with the enemy.
Living the new because the enemy doesn’t know the new.
The more you’re living, the Bible says walk in newness of life, the more the enemy cannot understand that.
You know, when you step out of the old and and grow in the lord, that that, you know, and living by god’s strength, you know, you know, the enemy can maybe figure out you.
He can’t figure out the lord or the spirit. Live by the spirit. Live by god’s strength.
You know, little children, they’re they’re someone trying to get them.
Now there’s a father to hide behind the father against the bully. Well, hide behind him.
You know, in one of ways of hiding, is humble yourself. Hide your ego. Get in inside Messiah.
Richard Richard Wurrenbraun who was in prison for his faith in Romania said the strongest people in prison when the communists were torture were those who were the most humble before god.
They relied on god’s power. Now now turn that around at the same way, you know, turn it around.
Know your enemy. You should already know about him.
Now we don’t we don’t get we don’t wrap ourselves with him. It’s god.
We’ve but we we are not unaware of him. We need to know know what he wants to do.
Know that you’re in a war. If you’re not, you’re already at a disadvantage.
Know the signs when the enemy is attacking.
Know the signs of something that is leading you the wrong way. Isn’t it? This is not god.
David came to take Jerusalem, and he did not take Jerusalem the way they would expect.
He attacked through the water system. Like the sewers that he went through that, it surprised everyone.
Hamas attacked Israel when Israel was not expecting.
The Yonkipur war 50 years before on Yonkipur attacked Israel when Israel was not expecting both on the Sabbath, both on a Hebrew holiday.
Pearl Harbor came when America wasn’t expecting it. Know that here’s another tactic, the tactic of surprise.
To attack where it’s not expected and when it’s not expected, the enemy uses that.
And another thing, you know, Messiah said I saw the enemy fall from heaven.
The word in Greek, it means he he fell from heaven, but Oranos also means the eternal.
He he cannot win in the eternal. If you’re dwelling on the eternal, he doesn’t win.
If you’re dwelling on the short term, he can get His power is only temporary.
It only works for the temporary. It’s a power of a lie. It’s temporary. His time is limited.
Revelation 12 says the devil that same one about the dragon, he said he was cast out knowing that his time was short.
He acted with great wrath. That’s his nature. If you just go by the moment, it’ll look overwhelming.
But if you look at the long term, whatever you’re dealing with, he’s a look at the long term.
He’s using temptation. Look at the long term. How am I gonna feel tomorrow and the next day?
How am I gonna feel 10 years from now? Stand. He must say he discourages you. Discard you.
He would say, okay. That may hurt right.
But but but how am I gonna feel if I don’t do this for god?
I want I’m gonna do it even if it’s hard.
I’m I’m going for it because I’m gonna I’m gonna rejoice. It says those who persevere win.
The one who perseveres to the end. You had says you have need for perseverance.
This race is not a hundred yard down it’s a long run.
Resolve for the long run no matter what I’m gonna keep going. If I fall down I get up.
If I fall down again, I get up again. And I keep going and I’ll win.
You are guaranteed to win if you keep going. Is Jonathan Khan. Thanks for watching.
The Josiah manifesto and all my books you can get anywhere Amazon where her books are sold.
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