The Return of the Gods | The Deep Magic – Chapter 13

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The Deep Magic – Chapter 13

Is it possible that behind what is taking place in America and the world lies a mystery that goes back to the gods of the ancient world…and that they now have returned?
The Return of the Gods is the most explosive book Jonathan Cahn has ever written. It is so explosive and so revealing that no description here could do it justice. Jonathan Cahn is known for revealing the stunning mysteries, many from ancient times, that lie behind and are playing out in the events of our times. But with The Return of the Gods , Cahn takes this to an entirely new level and dimension.
The Return of the Gods , Cahn takes the reader on a journey from an ancient parable, the ancient inscriptions in Sumer, Assyria, and Babylonia that become the puzzle pieces behind what is taking place in our world to this day, specifically in America. Is it possible that what we in the modern world take as nothing more than ancient mythology could actually possess a reality beyond our fathoming?


Chapter 13, the deep magic.
If a nation changes its God, the nation itself will be changed.
So as America turned from God to the spirit of bail, a transformation took place.
The ancient God began working his deep magic and set in motion.
The pagan organization of American and Western civilization, it would happen on a multitude of levels, some brazen or overt others, not as obvious but deeper under the surface.
And in the end, even more profound and far reaching, these were the deeper consequences of America’s pagan organization, Gods ISMs and or when Israel turned from God, the land became filled with idols.
It was not an accident. It is an unchangeable dynamic.
The nation that turns from God will always turn to other gods.
Even if it never utters their names or erects their idols.
Even if it turns to atheism or a form of secularism, it will always be led to the worship and serving of other gods.
The dynamic can be seen in communism, nazism, fascism and any other ism that seeks to drive out God.
Other things will take on the aura and authority of Godhood and seek to reign in his place.
The reason is simple. When God is removed, the need to worship Him remains even in the modern world.
And if that need is diverted from Him, it will go elsewhere.
If a nation or civilization turns away from deity, then all things become subject to deification.
Or in other words, if nothing is God, then anything and everything is God.
So it was not only that Israel turned to bail, it also turned to the Balam or the many bales most Americans would never admit to turning to such things or creating idols.
Nor were they utter the names of the gods?
Nevertheless, as did Israel in its fall, America now turned to worship its own American gods and fashioned its own American idol deification.
As America turned from God, it began deifying the objects of its culture, the worship, the passion and the energy that had once infused its devotion to God were now redirected to that which was not God and that which was not God now became sanctified, empowered and enchanted substitutes for God had always existed.
But now with the expelling of God, they began taking on the garb of deity.
In the absence of God, there was nothing that could not be deified one’s God is that which is one’s ultimate reality.
Therefore, it cannot be questioned. So there now arose new movements causes ideologies and systems of thought that could not be challenged or questioned no matter how irrational they were since they were now gods rather one had to bow down before them, whether the gods were of political correctness or wokeness or a multitude of others.
As faith was removed from God, it was given to other things.
New ideologies came in to fill the void and rule as gods as their movements took on the characteristics of religions.
The worship of bail was one of carnality and vulgarity.
So as America turned from God to Bale, its culture underwent a process of vulgarization.
Its national discourse turned increasingly crude, its entertainment increasingly carnal and its overall culture increasingly profane the fabrication of truth.
The spirit of Bale works toward the altering of perception where there is one God, there is an ultimate and objective reality, a unifying reference point and standard by which all can be discerned, measured and judged where there is God, there is truth, but where there is more than one God or many gods and bales, the door is open for many truths, conflicting truths and thus no truth.
When one makes an idol, one is fabricating one’s own God, and thus one’s own ultimate reality and one’s own truth.
But when one creates truth, truth becomes a fabrication and ceases to be truth.
And when one creates or holds to one’s own truth, truth again ceases to be two plus two cannot equal four for one person and five for another.
So one of the signs of Bale’s subversion of a culture is that the culture will turn away from objectivity to subjectivity.
And so as America and Western civilization turned away from God, they began undergoing a process of subject education as they moved away from the truth, they moved away from the concept of truth itself, that there was any truth to begin with.
The transformation affected language. Truth was now what was true for the individual.
If a man believed he was not himself but was someone or something other than what?
He was a child, a woman, a leopard or a tree.
There was no ultimate or absolute truth or any truth, no objective reality to contradict his own personal truth.
And if one’s personal truth, contradicted reality, then it was reality.
That would have to be bent into conformity, the overturned.
And so without God, there was no more truth and in fact, no more reality, words were now redefined.
What was right was now wrong and what was wrong was now right. Values were altered.
People were altered and reality was forced to bend its knee before the new idols or else become the clay to be molded into the image of the new gods.
So by the spirit of bail, the eternal truths were overturned.
Values and standards that had stood for thousands of years were now discarded with a single vote of a legislature or a president’s executive order.
And the foundation stones of Judeo Christian civilization could now be struck down by a single ruling of the nation’s judiciary.
Of course, any position that denies truth and the existence of absolutes must ultimately contradict itself.
It will in the end assert its own absolute truth.
But even this was a sign of Bale’s spirit, it was the other side.
If one can turn the absolute truth into what is subjective, then one can turn the subjective into absolute truth.
The very act of creating an idol or a God is to forge out of nothing. A new absolute.
And so in the absence of God, American culture, forged new truths, created new laws and commandments and molded new absolutes out of the molten metal of its apostasy.
And as it was in ancient Israel, when bail came into power, those who would not bow down before the new gods and idols would be punished, canceled the gods repackaged.
But it was not only polytheism, the belief in multiple gods that characterized paganism, but pantheism, the belief that all was God.
And so the return of bail would also bring about the return of pantheism.
It could be seen in the secular or materialistic belief that there was nothing other than or more than the world or the universe.
Thus, the physical world was the ultimate reality. The world was God and God was the world.
And it was no accident that as America began driving God out of its life, it began opening itself up to other spirituality.
Several of these fell under the umbrella of new age teachings, movements, sects and practices.
But behind the new veneer and modern packaging was ancient paganism.
Some of the streams of new age movements and teachings had a distinctly polytheistic bent.
Some involved the conjuring of spirits.
Others involved the invoking of ancient gods and goddesses, but other streams were distinctly pantheistic.
God was all and all was God.
Beyond the return to paganism, the embrace of new age beliefs often represented a turning to Eastern beliefs and a further departing from the Christian and biblical faith.
But it was the more imperceptible penetration of pantheism into American and Western culture and consciousness that would prove to be more profound and pivotal.
Even those who saw themselves as Christian were often unwittingly affected as their thinking and perceptions were subtly altered.
Worshiping Gaa. Bail led Israel into the worship of nature.
So it is no accident that it was at the same time of apostasy and the spirit of Bail that American and Western civilization began to embrace the worship of nature.
Nature was no longer a gift from God to be stewarded. It was now the ultimate reality.
The earth would be christened with the name of the ancient goddess Gaa. And the world would be defined.
Man was of nature. Nature was God, man was God and God was everything.
Pantheism distinctions were eradicated and lines were crossed. One of these lines was that between man and animal.
This too went back to bail.
The rise of the animal men as we have seen, Bale was depicted in both human and animal forms.
It was typical of paganism in its mythology and imagery to merge form to mix humans with animals, one species with another.
While the Hebrew scriptures emphasized uniqueness and distinctions, the pagan world nullified them.
So as the spirit of Bail came upon America and the modern world lines that had never been crossed were now breached and distinctions that had undergirded society and life were eradicated.
Whereas ancient artisans had merged man and animal and images of stone and clay.
Modern scientists now merged them but not through molding clay or chiseling stone.
But by molding and splicing the genetic code, the distinction between man and animal was increasingly blurred, the offspring of animals could now be given rights and protections that millions of human babies were never afforded.
And man was increasingly viewed as something of a glorified animal.
It was one of the unvarying effects of Bail and the gods, they degraded all who worshiped them and debased all who served them.
The drowning lifeguard, the bending, blurring and breaking of distinctions, characteristic of the pagan world began seeping into nearly every corner of American culture and life.
The distinctions between right and wrong, life and death, the natural and the unnatural man and woman, good and evil.
They were now blurring, bending and breaking.
It was all born of the same root, the pagan confusion and merging of the creator and the creation, God and man, if the world was God and man was one with the world, then man was God.
As God, he could nullify reality or create another. He could even recreate himself.
He could make the unnatural, natural and the natural, unnatural.
He could alter values, turn right into wrong evil into good and good into evil.
But if man had become God and God was the world, then there was nothing else, then there was nothing beyond the world to give meaning to life or purpose to existence.
And if the world was broken and the world was God, then God was also broken and then there could be no repair.
And if man was lost and man was God, then God was lost and there was no hope of redemption.
And so the dismal emptiness and hopeless despair of ancient paganism began creeping back into Western civilization and darkening it.
For how could there be any hope of redemption or salvation?
If the one drowning was the lifeguard under the deep magic of bail?
America was morphing into something altogether alien to what it had once been.
And once stood for as he had done to ancient Israel, he was now doing to America.
The leader of Christian civilization was becoming distinctly pagan. Bail had turned America into its own antithesis.
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