The Real Reason Why The Enemy Wants to Wipe Out Israel | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Real Reason Why The Enemy Wants to Wipe Out Israel
Message Of The Week – A mysterious principality who appeared in ancient times, the question of its appearance in modern times, even behind current events, and the revelation of what it has to do with your life, spiritual warfare, and attacks. What it reveals, and how to turn it all around for victory.
Tuesday, August 29, 2023 – Getting out of Judgement
A very simple truth, judgement and judgment are the same word. Now that doesn’t seem to mean anything, but there are two kinds. The judgment of God against you, your sins, and the judgment you pass on other people. You can’t have one without the other. Luke 6:37 says, “Don’t judge and you won’t be judged; don’t condemn and you won’t be condemned; pardon and you’ll be pardoned.” If you want to have nothing to do with the judgment of God against your sins, then you have to have nothing to do with judgment against other people’s sins. Messiah died so that He would have nothing to do with judgment, not only the judgment of God against our sins, but our own judgments against others. Both are crucial. Becoming a person who has nothing to do with judgment means you are someone who doesn’t judge, you don’t condemn, you don’t gossip, you don’t slander, you don’t revile. Overcome judgment with mercy. As you forgive, you shall be forgiven. Have nothing to do with judgment on earth and you will have nothing to do with it in eternity.
Since the days of Israel’s rebirth, the forces of hell have been trying to wipe it out.
From the very moment, the day that it was declared tried to wipe it out.
And the whole world, the United Nations, you know, with all that they do, all the nations of the world kill, you know, China.
We’re so union, others killing millions of their own people never condemn them, but they have condemned the tiny little democracy called Israel more than it’s condemned all the nations of the world put together.
It was what was happening recently when all those rockets were fired at Israel from god the Gaza Strip by Hamas that was supported by Iran that made me turn to the book of Daniel.
Now the Bible reveals this demonic entity in in the Hebrew, it’s Sarras, Persia.
Sarras, the principality of Persia. What happened to it? The nation of Persia has not died.
It’s still alive. and principalities don’t die.
These two things put together means what would the prince the tsar Piras, the prince of Persia be today.
It would be the principality of Iran. Iran is Persia.
Now under the shah of Iran, while back, Iran was not against Israel, but it was overthrown by a radical Islamic regime, which is empowered to this day.
Amazing to Fathom that the same principalities are at work. They don’t disappear.
And today be there could be today behind the news can be ancient principalities behind Hamas, behind Hezbollah.
And it reveals something else because ancient Persia was not Islamic. It was pagan. but you have that principality.
Well, the fury now against Israel, against America, a for terror, for Hamas and Hezbollah, is Islamic. Yeah.
What it reveals is behind be a deeper than Islamic, deeper than the labeled is our principalities.
They don’t care if it’s Islamic or not. They will use anything.
And that that mean and that take take this further, this revelation, because it’s means not just that means that there could be organizations, movements, nations, people in the 21st century that may be considered themselves secular.
Doesn’t matter. Right wing, Left wing, but behind it may be principalities. Ancient principalities.
Even that things that are happening in America, I won’t go more into it now, but this is pray for me because this is linked to the book that I have not been able to write because because I’ve had this such warfare about stopping this book, but is even linked to things happening in right now affecting lives that are linked to ancient principalities.
But that’s for another time.
the revelation, but this is also about that in another way.
The revelation that the angel had given to Daniel had to do with the Jewish people in the end times.
And it’s blocked by the principality of Persia, Iran.
Today, Israel views as its greatest enemy, not the Soviet Union is gone, not even China, not even but Iran.
that happens to be the same one that is linked to the principality that’s trying to stop the revelation of Israel in the last days.
So now Israel comes back Think about that. Israel comes back as the prophecy. The the Bible said coming back.
Israel comes
back into the world, and it’s as
if it activated, activated the principalities because the principality is trying to stop the revelation that’s talking about what’s happening now or what’s going to happen.
With Israel, Iran is behind it. Where did they get those missiles from?
They got them from Iran, or they got them from money to pay it from Iran?
all from Iran, which behind Iran is the principality, which wants to destroy Israel.
Where did all this conflict begin?
It began this most recent one began on the temple mount, or is linked to the temple? Why?
For the same reason that Israel itself is the center of conflict and fury. Why?
Because the Jewish people have to why do they have to battle just to stay alive?
because of the purposes of god.
Because the Bible says that the purposes of god come through that nation, come through Israel.
If you’re born again today, it’s because the purpose of god came through Israel and you are born again today.
They brought the word. They brought in them. It’s about god, but they brought the word. They brought messiah.
They brought salvation. So you could be saved.
And it is foretold that at the end, they will again the nation of Israel will come back.
It’s back. will usher in. The purpose of god will usher in the coming of the Messiah and the kingdom of god.
And Paul said when that happens when that happen, when they come back to god, the curse itself is gonna be lifted off the creation.
How big is that? the enemies finished, and the knowledge of god will cover the earth. Now this is big.
This is the end game. It’s the fulfillment of all the prophecies and purposes of god that darkness knows it.
The they don’t the the the enemy doesn’t know everything, but he knows some things. Yeah.
The forces of hell know it the czar Piras, the principality of Persian owes him.
He stopped he’s tried to stop the angel from even talking about it to get to Daniel.
Since the days of Israel’s rebirth the forces of hell been trying to wipe it out.
From the very moment, the day that it was declared, they tried to wipe it out.
And the whole world the United Nations, you know, with all that they do, all the nations of the world kill, you know, China, Soviet union, others killing millions of their own people never condemn them, but they have condemned the tiny little democracy called Israel more than it’s condemned all the nations of the world put together.
What is that? That is demonic. That is not natural.
That makes no sense, but it makes sense spiritually because Israel is back for a reason. And within Israel.
It centers on the city of Jerusalem. That’s why Jerusalem is always the conflict. Always.
And within Jerusalem, it centers on a little piece of land called the Temple Mount because that is where god’s gonna reign.
That’s where messiah’s coming. that that’s where the temple stood.
And so the enemy has focused his fury on Israel, the Jewish people, on the land of Israel, the city of Jerusalem, and the temple mount.
When has the enemy done?
Well, you look at go to the temple mount today, and you will find on the Temple Mount is a dome of Iraq, a Muslim right on where the holy police may have been right on there.
Why? Cause you can’t build with that thing on there?
On the eastern side of the temple mount, the golden gate through which Messiah is going to enter in the you have a reproduction of it right in that corner there.
It’s all walled up. Why? Because the Muslim rulers that who’s told that Messiah is coming, we’re gonna wall it up.
When you go to the temple mount, they don’t they they’re getting a little looser, but they they don’t don’t even allow you to pray there.
Like, why is it getting me? So why is it so much? Why? Can’t pray? Can’t open up a Bible?
I always try to nevertheless get the Iranian blessing in without them arresting me.
One time, I thought, you know, you
know, because they’re we got kicked off once, you know, but one time I was there, I this is not in the notes.
You’re I get a little looser on the second service.
Uh, one time I was gonna
I was gonna pray an an an an and and also because usually they’re watching all over everything you do, and they’re all gone.
All the Islamic authorities are gone, and we didn’t know what happened.
Turn out somebody from our group, a lady, one of one of the buses, uh, ran up the Temple Mount waving an Israeli flag.
They all got distracted. I gave the blessing.
So he said from now on, we gotta have somebody running up with that. No. We’re in.
Why is the enemy so sensitive about that temple? amount because of what is coming.
Coming. And so all this that happened was triggered by the temple mount It triggered all this hell fury against Israel linked to Iran.
The war, funded by but linked to the TempleNow. Hi. I’m Jonathan Khan, and
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- The Kisses of God | Jonathan Cahn SermonTháng 4 30, 2023