The Power of Serving Others | Joyce Meyer | Enjoying Everyday Life

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The Power of Serving Others | Enjoying Everyday Life

In God’s eyes, true greatness has everything to do with how we treat others! Today on Enjoying Everyday Life, Joyce Meyer teaches on the incredible joy of serving the people around us.
“God doesn’t tell you to do hard things so He can stand back and laugh and watch you struggle. He tells you to do things the things that He knows are gonna work out to your good in the end.”
― Joyce Meyer

Embrace the adventure of being led by the Holy Spirit while discovering how to love every moment with Joyce’s book, Living a Life You Love and the booklet, God’s good plan for your life with living a life you love.
Learn how loving life really means.
Loving God yourself and others begin to see each day as an opportunity to serve him and pursue the dreams.
He’s put in your heart, then speak God’s word over every area of your life with God’s good plan for your life.
This scripture filled booklet is due divided into different areas that you can choose to focus on while trusting God and growing closer to him, living a life you love and God’s good plan for your life are available today for your gift of $25 or more.
Connect with us. Now visit online at Joyce Meyer dot org or call 1 807 092895.
This program has been made possible by the friends and partners of Joyce Meyer ministry.
The disciples are busy competing with one another for positions of authority and Jesus reminds them that being a servant is what they should be seeking everybody, say, seeking the word Sikh means to pursue and go after with all your might.
So seeking ways to serve means we’re gonna have to put a little energy into it.
Don’t be the kind of person that’s gotta have three prophecies and two appearances from angels before you’ll do something for somebody else.
Well, God, if you can, please confirm that you want me to help my fellow employee move this Saturday.
I’m waiting for confirmation. God.
Now, God, if this is really, you come on, I went through all that and I finally figured out, you know, even if it’s not really God, he’s not gonna get mad at me if I help somebody, I’d rather be on that end of it than the other end of it.

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So I’m just gonna, I’m gonna give you a word right now.
Here’s a word right now. Thus saith the Lord.
You don’t have to have a word to be good to somebody.
That’s the word for the day. I just prophecies.
When’s the last time you sat for even 15 minutes and pondered prayerfully what you could do for somebody else.
Yeah, that’s one of those cela.
Let’s think about that for a minute.
Now, I have formed that habit over the last number of years and I can tell you when I do and I’m being very honest, the more I think about what I can do for somebody else’s.
God. Start showing me little things I actually start to get really excited and I can tell you that when you feel that excitement, that’s the approval of the spirit of God saying.
Yeah, I like this. I like this plan.
Let’s don’t sit here all morning and think about what you want for yourself.
Well, God, if I don’t have this breakthrough within the next 24 hours, I just don’t know if, I can even.
not even sure I can stay saved if I don’t get a breakthrough.
You know, I have a few people. Actually, I’m not a few.
I have two people. I mean, we’ve got a lot of people that are great servants that work for us, but there’s a couple of them that when I asked them to do something, the way they respond is just amazing.
They say my pleasure and I love that. Do you know how that is?
Just like I hate it when I ask somebody to do something for me and you can tell they will but they really don’t want to or well, I will because you’re the boss, but kind of ticks me off my pleasure.
Let’s all start saying that when somebody asks us to do something, I’d be happy to my pleasure.
I’m glad to do it instead of okay. Okay.
We are servants of God and servants of Christ.
Now there’s just tons and tons of scriptures. I’m just gonna read a few of them to you first.
Peter 2 16, live as free people yet without employing your freedom as a pretext for wickedness, but live at all times as servants of God.
Everybody say I’m here to serve Ephesians 6, 5 through seven servants be obedient to those that are your physical masters having respect for them, an eager concern to please them in singleness of motive and with all your heart as service to Christ himself.
Verse six, not in the way of ice services if they were watching you and only to please men, but as servants or slaves of Christ doing the will of God heartily and with your whole soul.
Remember one of the ways that we can say, thank you Jesus for what you’ve done in my life is to add on that.
Please show me somebody I can help today. Yes.
Thank you God for what you’ve done in my life. Thank you Jesus for the breakthroughs you’ve given me.
Now, please show me somebody else that I can help. Show me what I can make happen for somebody else.
I hope you’re getting a little bit of a sensing inside of how this is gonna just maximize your joy and how it’s gonna add to your life.
Well, if you’re not quite there yet, we’ll get there.
See, to be honest, what our problem can be.
I’m not saying it is with everybody in here, but what our problem can be and it certainly was with me for a long time.
We are so focused on what we want and what we need and what we don’t have and what people aren’t doing for us.
I’m gonna try that again over here.
I mean, don’t we spend a lot of time thinking about what we want, what we need being a little bit aggravated at people that aren’t giving us what we need and you’re not appreciating me.
And here’s the thing that doesn’t increase your piece, it doesn’t increase your joy and it doesn’t cause God to bless you.
But I’ll tell you what does cause Him to bless you when right in the midst of even your own deal that you’re going through.
If you say God, you know, this is hurting and it’s hard for me and I’ve prayed about it and I believe you’re working on the situation.
But while I’m waiting for, for you to give me a break through, show me somebody else that I can be a blessing to.
And the thing that’s really probably more important to me than anything about this message today is that I can help move you over to the place where you’re going to aggressively begin to pray about this on a regular basis.
Just like last night, I said, humility is not just gonna fall on you.
You’re gonna have to start praying that God will teach you humility and show you areas in your life where you have pride.
And pretty much everybody admitted that they’re not used to doing that.
You know, we spend so much of our time praying about stuff that’s useless and not nearly enough time praying for things that really matter to the heart of God.
The Bible says that God knows what we need before we ask him.
So we don’t have to camp on top of what we need and just harp on it day after day, after day after day.
God knows what you need now, get busy being a blessing to somebody else.
Galatians 5 13 says for you brethren were indeed called the freedom.
Only. Do not let your freedom be an incentive to your flesh and an opportunity or an excuse for selfishness.
But through love, you should what serve one another.
You know, we cannot separate love from serving and giving.
I love you. Okay?
And we just love you to pieces.
I love it. People always tell me I love you to death.
I’m like, please don’t love me to death, love me to life.
I want to hang around. I mean, is that not the dumbest statement?
I love you to death. I mean, we got some really weird things we say it’s raining cats and dogs like, okay.
Well, I got too many good scriptures.
Which ones do I want to? Oh, yeah.
Well, if we do that, we’ll be here longer and you’re gonna wanna be, trust me.
Actually, we’ll be here longer than I want to be.
Well, I might as well not stand up here and lie.
I mean, I’ve been here all weekend. So, all right.
Do you know that Jesus after he died and was resurrected from the dead?
The third time that he appeared to his disciples? You know what he did? He cooked on breakfast.
John chapter 21. You can go look it up for yourself.
I don’t have time to do that today, but he actually appeared to them and they were fishing. Yeah.
And they were actually not catching anything.
And he said, well, your, you got your net on the wrong side. And sometimes that’s our problem.
We’re out fishing but we don’t, we’re not fishing in the right pond.
And when they did what he told them to message after message in this, they caught so many fish that they could hardly drag them in.
And Jesus was preparing breakfast on the beach, come and eat and I don’t know about you.
But that’s just such an odd scripture to have in the Bible.
So God must mean what he says the resurrected Jesus was cooking breakfast for the disciples and I can get an attitude about cooking breakfast for Dave.
Can’t you just eat cereal today?
Why don’t you just get a sandwich and Starbucks on the way out?
You know, actually the truth is I don’t cook for him very often.
But man, this preaching and being truthful is tough.
Mark chapter 20 Beginning in verse 17 Mark chapter 10, There is no 20.
See, now you can see why I need to go home soon.
And as he was setting out on his journey, a man ran up and knelt before him and said, teacher, you are essentially imperfectly, morally good.
What must I do to inherit eternal life? And Jesus said to him, why do you call me good?
There’s none good but God, yeah, you know, the commandment don’t kill, don’t commit adultery, don’t steal, don’t lie, don’t defraud honor your father and mother.
And he replied to him, well, teacher, I have carefully guarded and observed all these things and taken care not to violate them from the time I was a little boy and Jesus looked upon him, loving him, say Jesus loved him.
And he said to him, you lack one thing, go and sell all that you have and give the money to the poor.
Now that just scares the daylights out of people when they read that scripture and you will then have treasure in heaven.
Now, Jesus was not trying to take everything away from him. He starts us saying it because he loved him.
This is what he said to him.
And you’re about to find out here in the next few verses that the man was unable to do what Jesus asked, which tells me and teaches me that he had a money problem, anything that we have that we cannot let go of when God asks us to is a problem in our life.
Well, it’s funny the things people get excited about and the things they don’t Verse 22.
And at that saying, the man’s countenance fell what?
And he was gloomy and went away, grieved and sorrowing for.
He was now I love this holding great possessions he was holding on to them.
And Jesus looked around and said to his disciples with what difficulty will those who possess wealth and watch this and keep on holding it.
There’s not a thing wrong with having money.
God wants you to have be blessed.
He wants you to not only have your needs met but have plenty to be a blessing to other people.
But when we have finances and all we can do is hang on to them and hide them, then they become a problem in our lives.
We need to realize that we are not owners of anything. We are stewards.
Well, mm mm.
Well, well, I felt a change in the atmosphere.
I’ll tell you what people get a little strange when you start talking about money.
And the disciples were disciples say it’s time to quit.
And the disciples were amazed and bewildered and perplexed at his words.
But Jesus said to them how hard it is for those who trust placed their confidence, their sense of safety in riches to enter the kingdom of God.
So it’s not about having money. It’s about where you put your trust.
It’s easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.
And they were shocked and exceedingly astonished and said to him and one to another then, then who can be saved?
And Jesus glanced around at them and said, with men, this is impossible, but not with God.
All things are possible with God. Now, we’re not even to the good part yet. Hang on.
So Peter said this to Him, behold, we’ve yielded up and abandoned everything.
We’ve given everything to you, Jesus. We walked away from our homes, we walked away from our businesses.
We’ve given everything to follow you as your disciples And watch verse 29.
And Jesus said, truly, I tell you, there is no one who has given up and left houses or brothers or sister or mother or father or Children or lands for my sake.
And the Gospel who will not receive 100 times as much.
Now watch, it doesn’t even say when you go to heaven, it says who will not receive 100 times as much.
Now, in this time, that’s what they have given up.
Wow. So God wasn’t trying to take anything away from that rich young ruler.
He was trying to get him to not hold onto his possessions and to realize that he had a great gift in his hand, he had the ability to sow.
And as he sowed. He could even have a greater harvest than what he had right then.
And in the process, he could be a blessing to the poor and the needy.
He said, get rid of your stuff. It means too much to you.
Give it to the poor and the needy.
And of course, he and Jesus didn’t tell him right then and I’ll give you much more.
He wanted to see if he would obey him.
But then he teaches the disciples a lesson and says, whatever you give up for my sake and for the sake of the Gospel, you will receive 100 times as much in this lifetime.
You cannot out give God I love it.
And I, you know, when I came into The relationship with God that I have now, back in the 70s, there was a lot of teaching about giving and we don’t hear as much now because to be honest, people have a tendency to get a little bit aggravated.
And when you start talking to them about their money, it’s probably one of the more uncomfortable things for a preacher to do.
But it’s important for people to be taught how to give because you open up unbelievable blessings in your life.
The more generous you become the more miracles you can expect in your life.
If your heart motive is right and you’re really doing it to help people when you get on board with God and you live to want to help people.
The blessings of God are gonna chase you and overtake you. You won’t have to chase blessings.
They’ll be chasing you. God. Show me what I can do for somebody else today.
I mean, there’s a lot of creative ideas and I’m certainly not trying to sound like I’m good and spiritual.
But I was thinking this morning and I thought, you know, I’m gonna ask Mike because he’s the staff pastor.
I’m gonna ask him about some of the single ladies that work for us and which ones maybe are a little more strapped financially.
And I think I’m just gonna buy a bunch of gift certificates and give them a blessing.
Maybe to take their kids out to lunch.
You know, there’s so many things that you can do to help other people.
I mean, let’s stop sitting around acting like, well, I don’t know what to do.
Well, just, you know, I’ll give you a few ideas.
Oh man, I gotta skip all that stuff.
Let someone have the parking place you’ve been waiting for, man.
Let someone who has fewer items than you do.
Go in front of you in line while you’re shopping, pay somebody’s rent who’s having a hard time making ends meet.
Well, cook someone breakfast and I wish that wasn’t on the list cause now I’ll probably have to get up in the morning cook Dave’s breakfast.
I might as well just ask you now what you want in the morning, get it over with rub someone’s feet.
Dave, rub someone’s feet.
Dave like someone’s feet who’s walked around on them for miles and miles all weekend on this hard platform.
Get up early and make the coffee now.
You know, I will, I just want to say a few things about Dave. Dave.
You know, I tease him a lot and tell all my Dave stories, but Dave is actually better at this menial tasks, servant thing than I am.
I, like I said, I don’t have the gift of helps. Naturally.
I have to do it on purpose. You know, I’m good with the spiritual stuff.
But when it comes to breakfast and you know, that kind of stuff, I’m like, don’t you think I work hard enough already?
Dave does the dishes.
Okay, men.
Dave is an example I want you to. This is for the men.
He, Ian makes the bed at night and that’s what I mean is he takes the bedspread off and fold it up and gets it all ready for me.
I have real dry eyes.
So I have to use humidifiers and so he fills up the humidifier every morning.
So it’s ready for me and we just added a new task and he’s just so gracious about doing it.
I don’t like to take tags. I don’t like packaging.
Like I can’t stand the packaging that they put on some stuff.
It’s like, really how hard do you want to make it to get into this and, and I’m not real fond of cutting all the tags off new clothes when I bring them in.
So now Dave cuts all my tags off and takes all my packaging off.
I just put them in a pile and he does it.
Oh, he heats up my heating pad.
I got one of those little bed buddies you put around your neck. He heats it up.
If I’m sitting in the chair watching TV, and I start to get up.
He’ll say, what do you want? What do you want? I’ll get it.
Hey, we got a man standing up for you, David.
You’re the man. You’re the man.
And see now that I’m telling this publicly, you’re gonna have to keep it up and ramp it up.
Maybe my motive is not so good.
I don’t know, Dave is very protective of me sometimes to the point that it annoys me.
I’m like, let’s give Dave a hand, embrace the adventure of being led by the Holy Spirit while discovering how to love every moment with Joyce’s book, Living a Life You Love and the booklet, God’s good plan for your life with living a life you love, learn how loving life really means loving God yourself and others begin to see each day as an opportunity to serve him and pursue the dreams.
He’s put in your heart, then speak God’s word over every area of your life with God’s good plan for your life.
This scripture filled booklet is divided into different areas that you can choose to focus on while trusting God and growing closer to Him, living a life you love and God’s good plan for your life are available today for your gift of $25 or more.
Connect with us. Now, visit online at Joyce Meyer dot org or call 1 807 092895.
The Joyce Meyer Conference is back.
If you will start crying out to God on a regular basis, I need more of you in my life.
You better put on your seat belt and get ready for the ride of your life.
Coming to Hampton, Virginia, April 21 and 22 with worship by Matt Brock In Tampa, Florida May 19 and 20th with worship by Pat Barrett for more information and a complete conference schedule.
Visit Joyce Meyer dot org or call 1866. See Joyce downtown L A.
Hollywood is right over here. This is a place where so many people come to make their dreams come true.
But as we have been in this place, we’ve been observing a much darker side of what also happens here and that is human trafficking.
One of the largest problems in the world for sex trafficking happens right here in this city.
Last night, late throughout the night, we spent time driving around observing, seeing what was happening and it is heartbreaking.
It’s shattering to watch these very young women and very young girls being watched by their pimps walking the streets, jumping in and out of cars.
It is a devastating thing to see the need to make a difference for young women and girls here is overwhelming and we want you to know that we’re fighting against it.
We’re not just silently standing by. We are working together with this amazing place where I am standing.
It’s the Los Angeles Dream Center and this is a place that is a safe haven, a place of rescue where women can come and have emergency shelter.
But they can go deeper than that.
They can also begin to dig into God’s word to be loved on in amazing ways and to understand perhaps for the first time that God has great love for them, that he values them, that he wants to take them into his arms and help them build a new life.
We are making a difference here.
The young women that we’ve that are incredible and we want you to be a part of it too.
If you want to fight for women and girls all around the world, join us in our project girl initiative.
This is what you can do right now.
Go to our website, give us a call, make a commitment to fight for women and girls. Right now.
We hope you have enjoyed today’s program.
Please contact us or visit Joyce Meyer dot org to share your prayer request or partner with us in sharing Christ and loving people all across the globe.
This program has been made possible by the friends and partners of Joyce Meyer ministries.

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