The Power of Agreement – Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts

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The Power of Agreement – Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts

Speaker: Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts

Conflict isn’t failure. It can invite a renewed alignment. If you’re stuck in the same old battles, you’ve probably fallen out of agreement with God. Trust that He has the way back because you were beautifully created in harmony with His purpose. Aligning with that heavenly plan requires your faith, because God is orchestrating at an eternal level. Look at the Samaritan woman at the well who came in shame to draw water but left filled with faith after receiving a revelation from Jesus. God won’t give you what you think you need; instead, He will always provide everything you actually require to walk in step with Him.

I have been fascinated by the woman at the well.
And I have done all that I can to try and make sense of this, but I think at this point, it’s probably a series or something, but I have been wrestling with woman at the well, and I would like to invite you all into this wrestling match.
And that I am understanding more about god and his plan and who we need to be and how we need to be postured in order to effectively come into agreement with his plan for our lives.
And so my subject is the power of agreement. And I am in John 4.
Versus 25 through 31.
At this point in the text, Jesus has gone out of his way to go to Samaria.
He’s had an encounter with this woman that is culturally unacceptable, and yet he has broken the rules in order to engage with her.
They have it back and forth that to be honest, I could read the whole section, and it would make a lot of sense for the content of the message, but I have reduced it down to verses 25 through 31.
For those of you who are not yet viable scholars or you’re new in your faith, for Jesus to be a Jew and this woman to be a Samaritan, them having dialogue and connection was culturally unacceptable.
Not only that he was a man and she was a woman and yet Jesus had this fascinating way of making sure that women were honored and valued in society regard of what the culture said.
As he goes out of his way, he meets this woman at a well, and it’s odd because she’s at this well at the time of day where Most women have already come to the well.
They like to go in the morning or in the evening to beat the sun.
But this woman, because she has a colorful pass, has started living her life in such a way that she is avoiding any possibility for discord or conflict and the well is supposed to be empty when she arrives.
And yet, Jesus is there offering her a drink of water not from the well, but a drink of water of living water from a well that will never run dry.
She doesn’t understand what he’s talking about until they have this encounter.
And in verse 25, it says the woman said to him, I know that the messiah is coming.
They’ve had an exchange. She shared about her past. She’s asked some questions.
He’s given her some answers, and she’s kind of resigned to the fact that she may never know the answers to some of the things that have bothered her.
And the woman said to him, I know that Messiah is coming who was called Christ.
When he comes, he will tell us all things.
And Jesus said to her I who speak to you and he.
See, this, really, in order to understand how impactful it is, you have to understand that Jesus really doesn’t confirm or deny his divinity throughout script sure.
And yet, for some reason, he went out of his way to make sure that this woman received a revelation that no one else hand And at this point, his disciples came, and they marveled that he talked with a woman.
Yet no one said, what do seek or why are you talking with her?
The woman then left her water pot went her way into the city and said to the men, come see a man.
Who told me all the things that I ever did, could this be the Christ?
Then they went out of the city and came to him.
And in the meantime, says his disciples urged him saying, Rabbi Eats.
I wanna talk about the power of agreeing it.
So, spirit of the living god bring my spirit into agreement with what you wanna do in this room.
I’ve studied, I’ve prayed, but at the end of the day, I don’t want to agree beneath what you have decided to do in this room.
And so, god, I pray that you would stretch me, expand me, that your people may be served.
And god, I pray, that where there is discord or division in this room, that this would be an opportunity for divine encounter in which these, your sons and daughters would see you clearly.
And as a result of seeing you more clearly, that they would see themselves, God, I pray that you would allow me access to all of heaven’s resources wisdom, prophecy, strategy, vulnerability, strength, energy, god, all that you need to get these, your people, positioned to go outside and establish the kingdom of heaven where you have assigned them.
I pray this in Jesus name, Amen. Amen. Let it rip. Not my spanks.
The Holy Ghost. I think one of the, uh, best parts of my motherhood journey has been the part in which I have learned not just about being a biological mother, but also navigating the reality of being a stepmother.
My husband and I are a blended family, and we have 6 children.
Together, and we got married at a critical stage in their development.
Our younger boys were becoming teenagers. My youngest daughter was 5, the older girls were beginning to drive.
And so we were navigating different spaces of parenting all at the same time, while also trying to figure out what it meant for us to be married and to set our family dynamic.
We have been married almost 10 years now.
And I cannot tell you, hey.
How many times I’ve been told he’s a good man Savannah in the last 2 weeks.
One of the things that we’re often asked though as a blending family is what tips do we have.
And I wish I could tell you that we went into our marriage thinking about how exactly we would blend our family.
We knew that we had a word from god about us being together.
We knew we shared some of the similar philosophies about parenting, but there was no way that we could have been fully prepared for the dynamics of blending a family till we were actually in it.
And most of what we learned about blending our family and are still learning about blending our family came as a result of conflict.
We learned the lessons about blending the family as a result of conflict.
It took us some time to come to a space, took me some time to come to a space.
I think he was here. But it took me some time to come to a space where I saw conflict as an invitation.
People are probably more healed in this room than I am.
But there are some people who, at the very sight of conflict, begin to think that their marriage, their relationship is over.
You would never know this, though, because they are so conflict averse that they are so conflict avoidant that even at the very sign of conflict, they just swallow it, tuck it underneath the rug, and never address it because there is a fear that conflict means that there will be destruction.
We never really talk about the reality, though, that just because I don’t have conflict with you verbally doesn’t mean that the conflict doesn’t exist.
Unacknowledged conflict is not invisible. It’s still existing somewhere.
It just exists within you whether the other person knows it or not.
We see this all the time in relationships and marriages where there’s a conflict, but the conflict has never acknowledged, has never addressed, and we try to live around this conflict that’s taking up space in our homes, taking up space in our families.
And one of the things I had to learn is conflict can be an invitation.
As I was studying for this message, I recognized that there are 2 types of conflict There is destructive conflict, and there is constructive conflict.
Whether or not conflict is destructive or constructive has a lot, has a lot to do with the tools and language that we’re using when tackling the conflict.
And so once I got to a place where I began to realize that not all conflict has to be destructive, we were able to blend the family beautifully You know why?
Because we agreed that conflict was an opportunity for us to examine our family values principles and to set boundaries.
The most difficult part, though, about conflict resolution is not necessarily agreeing on the resolution.
The most difficult part of conflict resolution is agreeing on what the conflict is.
It’s not that we don’t want the same thing.
We just don’t always agree on what the conflict is.
And we had to wrestle and talk and communicate to get to a space where we agreed on what the conflict is.
Because as long as there was no agreement on the conflict, there was no strategy on how to tackle whatever was in front of us.
This isn’t just in friendship or in relationships, even at work.
If we don’t agree on what the conflict is, then we don’t have creativity on how to tackle it because you think the issue is one thing I think the issue is another thing.
And as a result, we are at a stalemate.
The division and where the conflict resides is how many things begin to deteriorate.
This is how the enemy exploits our weaknesses.
It’s not the conflict that the enemy uses.
It’s the division about what the conflict is that the enemy uses.
You see, we can have conflict if I know we’re on the same team.
We can have conflict if I know that we all want the same things, and we’re gonna tackle it with the same energy.
But when we do not agree on what the conflict is, then we have a real issue because you don’t see me and I don’t see you.
And when I cannot be seen and I cannot be hurt, then we cannot combine our strength.
We cannot combine our anointing. We cannot combine our gifts and talents to go after the resolution we need.
So I have to see conflict as an invitation for sure, but then I have to be willing to do the work to make sure that we have agreement on what the conflict is because where there is no agreement, there will be division and where there is division, there will be destruction.
This is why when Paul is building the church, Paul makes it a point to tell Ephasis.
He makes it a point to tell Philip.
He makes it a point to tell the church in that you’re gonna have to keep the unity of the spirit and the bond of peace.
Make sure that you are of one mind.
You’re gonna have to make sure that you live harmoniously amongst one another because what you’re building can fall apart if you don’t keep agreement It’s not that you won’t have conflict, but we gotta make sure that we keep the same mind.
We gotta make sure we keep the same spirit. That’s how we blended the family.
There will be moments where we would have conflict with the children. We wouldn’t address the conflict with the children.
We’d go and huddle with one another.
Because we gotta make sure that we have agreement on what the discipline should be.
We gotta make sure that we have agreement on what’s right and what’s wrong.
And then once we have agreement, we can build this family because we’re gonna set the tone on what is acceptable in our family, so we gotta be in agreement If you’re gonna build the ministry, you gotta be in agreement.
If you’re gonna build the marriage, you gotta be in agreement.
It doesn’t mean there won’t become but we gotta be in agreement that conflict cannot stay in this marriage.
We gotta be in agreement that conflict is not something we sweep under the road.
We gotta be in agreement that if we need therapy, we gotta go to therapy.
When there is no agreement, there will be division.
Some people say you gotta pick your battles.
And that’s true. But what’s most important is that you make sure that you agree on what the battle is gonna be.
Agreement is so powerful that in Matthew chapter 18 verse 19, Jesus says, again, I say to you, that if 2 of you agree on earth concerning anything they ask, it will be done for them by my father in heaven, No wonder there is no agreement because agreement allows for heaven’s resources to get behind whatever you have agreed on.
That’s why every now and then we say you gotta touch and agree with your neighbor.
See, some of y’all just touching, but I need some of y’all to start agreeing because I got a real battle I’m fighting So when I asked you to touch and agree, I need some faith filled believer.
Matter of fact, if you can’t agree, don’t touch me, but I’m believing in God to do some things in my life and I need somebody who will come into agreement that what I’m asking God to do in my heart is gonna happen because all of heaven’s resources are backing me up.
I feel like preaching church. I gotta tell you something. That word agree.
Translated into Greek. It’s a word that says harmonious.
That means, again, I say to you that if 2 of you are in harmony on Earth, the beautiful thing about harmony is that you don’t have to echo my sound.
Agreement does not mean that you are a carbon copy of what I think and what I say.
In music, harmony is the concept of combining different sounds together in order to create a new sound.
So when I ask you to come into agreement with you, I’m asking you to bring your sound to my sound so we can create a new sound.
And if we mess around and get harmony, and we make a new sound.
Gus is I can get behind that sound.
I know of a guy who said there’s gonna be a sound like a mighty record that my sound matters in this season.
So if you can’t be in harmony with me, I do need you to step aside because I’m trying to create a new sound, and I can’t do it with just any old person making noise.
I need someone who is trying to come into agreement with what I wanna see happen in my family.
I need someone who’s willing to come into agreement with what I wanna see happen in my health.
If you can’t pray for my healing, don’t pray for nothing at all. I don’t want an empty prayer.
I want someone who will come into agreement with me that this child is gonna be say, I’m trying to create a sound baby, and I’ll do a solo if I have to.
But if you mess around and touch and agree with someone who’s the same sound as you.
I need you to be in harmony. Don’t just be my friend being harmoned.
Don’t just be my man. Be in harmony. Don’t just be my coworker. Be in harmony.
I gotta create a new sound. There’s a sound waiting to come out of me.
And I can’t do it unless we agree. How can two walk together? Unless they agree.
We gotta be in harmony.
You gotta be in harmony.
This isn’t this isn’t just a reality.
For building a family or building a ministry, this idea of agreement coming into harmony also exists with our identity.
Many times, we’re at a crossroads in our faith.
For honest, many of us often get distant from god because we’re not in agreement with god.
And when we’re not in agreement with god, we distance ourselves.
I can tell you it’s easy to not be in agreement with god.
Not y’all because y’all super safe, but for those of us, I know y’all agree with everything.
God has ever allowed to happen, didn’t intervene on, but some of us have had some moments, set some people to religious, but I’m a say it anyway.
Where we didn’t always agree with God.
And because we didn’t always agree with god, we couldn’t get our faith back in harmony.
I, uh, couldn’t agree with God that I was fearfully and wonderfully made after some of the things I it. I couldn’t agree with god that that plan that the weapon wasn’t prospering when I saw the weapon literally wounded me in the presence.
There were some scriptures that really sound good, but they only sound good until you actually gotta lay hold of them because if we’re honest, sometimes those scriptures are not harmonious for my pain.
Those scriptures don’t feel harmonious for what I’m going through, and so I cannot agree with God so I can’t receive healing from because I’m still stuck in this reality that I can’t agree with I’m not saying it’s right.
I’m just saying it’s where we land sometimes.
I think the greatest gift that any of us can offer an hour relationship with god.
It’s not that we won’t be conflicted with why things are happening.
It’s not that we won’t be conflicted in our experiences or conflicted in what we went through or didn’t go through.
It’s not that we be conflicted. It is mastering the art of being conflicted, but still listening.
If we can find a way to be conflicted but still listening, if we can find a way to be conflicted but still open.
There there have been times even in our in our marriage where we had some moments where we had conflict, but we didn’t just let the conflict stay right there.
We had to keep listening and sometimes we had to take a break and reengage and sometimes we had to find better language.
But when you are conflicted and you stop listening, then you never really get the healing, but there is something to be said about being conflicted, but still listening.
Moses was conflicted. Not about what god wanted to do for the Hebrew children.
I believe that they should be out of oppression.
I just don’t believe that I’m the but he kept listening, conflicted, but he kept talking.
And the more that he kept listening, and the more that he kept talking, the more that god could give him to empower him to move into what god had called him to do.
I wish I could say that better.
But because he kept listening, he was able to come into agreement with god.
You may not agree with god when it starts.
But if you keep listening, when it’s all said and done, you’re gonna agree when it’s all said and done.
I know you may not agree right now. But sometimes you gotta trust what god sees over what you see.
And in hindsight, you’ll see that what god was calling you to.
God had a provision to sure that the weapon you felt was prospered was really just playing chicken with you because when it was all said and done, God made sure that it didn’t damage you.
God made sure that you could still be restored versus restored.
God made sure that you still made it to the other side. You gotta keep listening.
I was praying about this, this reality that sometimes we don’t agree with how things have played out in our lives.
And in those moments, we get upset with god.
And when we get upset with god, we miss out on something.
God agrees with you. That that should have never happened.
God agrees with you that death should have never been in the world.
God agrees with you. That that level of pain, that level of trauma should have never been your experience.
Sometimes we miss out on the reality that we are currently living in is a fallen world.
This was not god’s plan. This was not god’s desire.
God didn’t want you to go through that abuse God didn’t want you to go through that abandoned.
God agrees with you that that should not have been how your story ended where you and god disagree is that your story ended the moment that pain entered.
God says I can agree that you should have never went through that. I can agree that you deserved better.
I can agree that someone should have done right with you. I can agree with you on that.
Where you and I disagree is that your story is over. The moment we’re pain entered the picture.
God says I disagree with that.
As a matter of fact, I can make all things work together for you could if you just love me and allow me to call you in spite of your pro in this, where you and god disagree is not about what happened.
You and god disagree about what he can do with what you have October.
If anybody gets that revelation, you would stop wrestling with God about who left you and who her you and why you’re still grieving?
Cause said I never wanted you to know death. I never wanted you to know what Pandemic.
I never wanted you to know the 4 but now that you know it, I wanna show you what my glory can do.
When it sits on top of your brokenness, I wanna show you what my glory can do.
When it gets in the middle of that heartbreak. I come into agreement with you guys.
That’s a good word. That’s a good word.
And I wanna break up against something that the enemy has been using He’s been using god’s name in vain, trying to make you think that god did you wrong, trying to make you think god did you dirty, try make you think that god left you.
Trying to make you think that god forsook you.
And I hear god saying that the enemy’s using my name in pain, but in my people who are called, but my name will humble themselves and sink my face.
They’ll begin to understand That I didn’t want that to happen to you either.
Jesus. Jesus. Jesus.
So hurt was god by the fact that you have experienced other people sin and battled with your own sin.
That he sent his only begotten son. He says, I wanna show you I put skin in the game.
God didn’t even have to do it.
But because sin entered the world, he says, I’m gonna put some skin in the game myself because I wish that never would have happened to you, but sin you bleeding, I’m a bleed you.
Since you hurting, I’m a hurt you.
I’m a make sure you understand that I know what it’s like to be rejected.
Know what it’s like to be abused, but I also wanna make sure you know that death is not being.
I wanna make sure you know that resurrecting power still exists for those who have been wounded and broken and damaged.
I wanna make sure you know something about that thing that tried to wipe you out, that you get ready to breathe again.
Get ready. Get ready. Get ready. Get ready. Get ready. Get ready. Get ready.
Get ready. Get ready. Get ready. Get ready. Get ready. Get ready. Get ready. Get ready. Get ready. Get ready.
Get ready. Get ready. In about 3 seconds, somebody’s gonna have to air, and they love.
I dare you. To take a deep breath.
I dare you. To take a deep breath. I dare you.
To send a sign to the enemy that I’m still free. I dare you.
I dare you. Tried to kill me, but I’m still living.
Tried to take me out, but I still got another shot. Tried to keep me oppressed.
But who the sun has sat free. It’s pre indeed.
You’re trying to wake me out, but god said not yet.
Not yet.
I didn’t want you in it.
I didn’t want it to break you.
I didn’t want to hurt you, what you’re living was not my plan, but god says I can still interject my plan.
If you would surrender of your wheel.
If you would lay down your creep, if you would lay down your vision, God said if you let me off the hook, I’ll get off the cross, and you will live again.
Says, I agree. I agree.
It shouldn’t have gone down like that, but I’m a make sure you got a way up.
I agree. It shouldn’t have gone down like that.
But if you can agree with me, that this is not the end.
I’ll show you what I can do. With leftovers.
I’ll show you what I can do.
With broken pieces and broken people and shattered past.
Welcome to the potter’s house where the potter wants to put you back together again.
I don’t know who broke you.
I don’t know who drops you, but I’m glad you at the potter’s house this Sunday, because I wanna tell you about a man named Jesus.
The power of agreement It unlocks revelation.
It unlocks activation.
And there are some things you will not be able to access until you come into agreement with god.
Fearfully and wonderfully made. I agree.
This weapon’s not prosper, and I agree. I come into agreement with god.
When the angel of the lord came to Mary, and he says to Mary, bless her you amongst women.
Highly favored. She was troubled by this manner of agreement.
She was troubled by this greeting because it was conflicting for how she saw herself.
And then she was conflicted, but she kept listening.
And because she kept listening, the angel of the lord was able to unpack for her, the plans that god had for her, how the holy spirit would be dwelling inside of her.
She was conflicted, but she kept listening.
And when she got finished listening, the most powerful thing she did was not is carrying Jesus.
It is when she said, let it be unto me according to your word.
When she came into agreement with what god said oh, I wish I had time in here.
We got to go. When she came into agreement with what god said, the text doesn’t even tell us the moment she got pregnant.
All we know is that one minute she was conflicted, the next minute she was in agreement, and then somewhere along the way, she started walking out the thing that she came into agreement with god about.
I don’t know who you are, but I hear god saying you’re not even gonna know when it hit shit.
All I need you to do is agree.
And the moment you agree, you’re gonna look up and somebody else is gonna be telling you something’s different about you.
You that came into agreement with god about what he could do with your life.
You must have came into agreement with god.
According to my text, Elizabeth was the one who told Mary she was pregnant.
All she did was come into agreement.
And then those who were around her, informed her that what she’d come into agreement with god about was showing in everything she did.
I chose this woman at the well.
Because the initial stages of her conversation with Jesus, center around the reality of them having a conflict.
They have a conflict.
But they don’t really agree on what the conflict is.
Her initial thought is that they have a cultural conflict.
I’m a woman, you’re a man. I’m a Samaritan. You’re a Jew.
We have no business talking to one another. Jesus isn’t even worried about that.
Because what he sees as the conflict is that this woman has come to the well over and over and over again.
And each time she leaves thirsty. Oh, god. Help me.
You think the conflict is one thing, but god has a whole another idea of what the conflict really is.
You think the conflict is about something that’s happening outside of you.
It’s not gonna work because I looked at the bank account.
It’s not gonna work because I don’t have the tools.
It’s not gonna work because culturally financially, professionally, there’s a conflict. God, you told me one thing.
But what you’re asking me to do, we have a conflict about.
That’s not a conflict for Jesus. Jesus says, I can look over those things.
Those things were manmade. Those things are in the controller, man, and I am not subject to man.
What I wanna talk about is the conflict that exists on the inside of you.
The that keeps you coming to this well at the time of day where no one can see you, the conflict that keeps you from engaging with people, the conflict that keeps you from speaking up, when I put words in your mouth, I wanna talk about the conflict that has left you thirsty.
What’s crazy about this woman being thirsty?
Is that it’s not that she wasn’t trying.
We’re not talking about her being naturally thirsty.
I know this because when she finally says to Jesus, she’s engaging to him this water, he brings up her relationships.
So this isn’t really about her being thirsty for water.
This is about her being thirsty for partnership for love.
And it’s not that she’s not trying.
It’s just that every time she tries, It leaves her thirsty.
This would be like someone thinking that degree after degree after degree is eventually gonna make you feel satisfied.
But you still end up thirsty. I’ll tell you something.
A lot of the people you call them blessed are still thirsty. They got the money.
They got the man. They got the house.
They got the friends, but they still thirsty on the end side because what’s happening on the inside of them, no one can see.
And while everyone is envious because they see how hard they’re working at something, nobody, but them in god knows how thirsty they are.
You now grew up with y’all and Black church.
And whenever Jesus brings up this woman past, we act like Jesus was going off on her.
Tell me how many husbands she said, the one you have now was not your husband.
Like, Jesus, like, like, he was popping his you know what I mean?
Like, Jesus wasn’t popping off on her. Jesus was confronting her.
With her own cycle that was leaving her empty.
And sometimes we can’t get conviction from god because we don’t wanna own the truth of our story and we want god to pretend that we’re not in the same cycle over and over again that’s leaving us thirsty, but I thank god for Jesus because he loves us too much.
To keep us in this same cycle that’s leaving us thirsty over and over again.
Sometimes the church people aren’t judging us.
Sometimes people are trying to us deal with the things that have kept us thirsty time after time after timing.
Jesus. Wants us to understand that if we’re gonna be in agreement with him, We gotta agree about where the conflict is.
This woman at the well. Comes into agreement.
Y’all, there is so much in this text. It’s 1050. Okay. There’s so much in this text.
Jesus says to the woman, if you knew the gift of god and who it is who ask you for a drink, you would ask him for a drink, and he would give you living water.
Y’all have been studying this for weeks now.
And there was a connection between what the woman did it from who she was talking to because they weren’t in agreement about the gift of god.
Because they weren’t in agreement about who she was talking to. She was asking the wrong questions to Jesus.
She was asking where are you gonna get a cup from? And how are we gonna do this?
Because you’re a Jew and you’re a Samaritan. And Jesus says, I don’t mind that you’re asking questions.
The thing is you’re just asking the wrong questions.
You’re asking uh, uh, and let somebody know that you’ve been asking god, but you’ve been asking god based off of what you know.
And it’s time for you to start asking god based off of the gift of god.
God, I know that you have all power in your hand.
God, I know that you love me, whether I make it in this lane or fail in this lane.
So rejection not an option. I have been adopted by a loving father. I recognize who you are.
And because I know who you are, I ask questions differently. I don’t ask you to give me a job.
I ask you to give me the nations.
I don’t ask you to help me save a child, ask you to make that charter leader in your kingdom.
Sometimes we’re asking god questions on the level of what we know.
But if you knew what god knew about your ministry.
If you knew what god knew about your anointing, if you knew what god knew about the gift on the inside of you, you would ask differently.
And the woman starts asking questions about worship after that.
And she starts asking questions about truth after that.
And because she is postured to ask the right questions when we find her in the text, This woman receives a revelation about who Jesus is.
That no one else in the time had access to.
I told you earlier that conflict is an invitation.
I want you to know that once you recognize that conflict is an invitation, that it sets the ground stage for that invitation to turn into revelation.
Once you recognize, that you and god are on the same page about the conflict.
Once you recognize who god is in the row, he plays in the conflict.
Once you come into agreement, and you’re on the same side, then god begins to give you revelation on how to handle the conflict.
God begins to give you revelation that you need to have in order to build the business god begins to give you revelation that helps you understand who you’re supposed to be and who you’re supposed to be?
And how do I worship? And where do I worship?
Because now that we are in agreement, I can give you my downloads.
Now that we’re in agreement, can tell you how I see the world.
See, some of you just wanna know God. I wanna be a friend of God.
I wanna receive revelation from God God, I wanna walk into a room and see the room the way you see it.
God, I wanna prophesy over these children. God, I want Revelation.
This woman receives a revelation because she dared to engage with god.
But I chose this text because I feel like it demonstrates the power of agreement.
Because once she came into agreement with god, and she received that revelation.
This particular portion of the text is where we see the woman experience trans formation.
I’m wrapping up.
But I want you to know that I realized that this woman received transformation because my text tells me that once she received revelation from God, that she dropped her water pots.
The woman who came to the well for water.
The woman who thought that she was really thirsty for what was in the well messed around and got a drink of living water.
So much so that she dropped her waterpox because what she thought she needed is not actually what she really needed.
So she able to let go of the lesser need because god gave her living water.
I wish I had about 10 more minutes with you.
If I had about 10 more minutes, I would tell you that Jesus tells the woman that if you drink from this water, It will be coming you a spring.
I like this part of the text.
Because this is the part of the text where we see a woman who was once so upset and so avoidant of conflict that she went to the whale in the heat of the day.
A woman who was so disconnected from her reality, that she went from husband to husband to husband and still didn’t have peace.
This woman who was so thirsty This part in the text is when we see that woman become a whale.
We see her become a spring of living water.
We see your transformation take place in John Ford. We’re a woman.
Went from taking a drink to becoming a spring.
Man, I wish I could tell you this. The way this text is so beautiful to me.
It was just supposed to be a drink.
But it turned it said that Jesus says it will be coming you that if you nurse this drink I gave you, If you protect this revelation, that what is revelation, if you take care of this revelation, if you allow this agreement that we have.
If you allow it to take root and produce fruit in your life, what you’re gonna see is that it’s gonna become, it’s gonna grow I hear god saying do not despise the drinks of revelation that god has been giving you.
Some of you want a revelation that feels like it has so much power.
That it’ll break the generational curse and propel you in the generational wealth.
And all God has given you is drink after drink after drink and you’re trying to figure out God, what am I gonna do?
Yes, I know what I’m supposed to do, but how was this business gonna turn into what you told me?
How was this child gonna become what you said it was gonna be How was this man?
We had a good day today, but how was this gonna heal years of broken past?
God says, I’m gonna do it one drink at a time because that drink has multiplication connected to it.
That drink is gonna become something.
And I hear god saying if you pass on the drink, you’re gonna miss out on the spring.
I don’t know who you are, but I hear god saying everything I throw in your direction, you better take it because everything I throw in your direction has multiplication connected to it.
It doesn’t matter how big it is. It doesn’t matter how small it is.
You got to come into agreement that if god gave me I access to it.
It’s got a becoming factor connected to it.
I don’t know who you’re sitting next to, but I want you to understand that it may just look like a drink.
It may not look like much of nothing you sit next to, but I hear god saying you wait until you see what is becoming on the cited them.
You wait until you see, all that I have deposited on the inside of them, you sitting next to a spring.
And that woman receives this revelation from Jesus and the disciples come.
And I love the fact that when the disciples confront the woman, well, this is not really a confrontation, but it should be a confrontation because Jesus has no business talking to a woman.
So this should be a moment in which he begins to back off.
This should be a moment where she’s like, see, I told you you wouldn’t stick beside me, but then she recognizes that the disciples may have thought it, but they didn’t say anything.
Because the disciples have been following Jesus long enough to know that he’ll break the rules.
Oh, gosh. Help me to say the disciples have been following Jesus long enough to understand that I don’t wanna be in conflict with what he’s willing to do.
So they sit back and see what god is doing because they recognize that if I step in and intervene, when god is already headed down a path, then I may stop the glory of God.
See, we gotta be more like the disciples when Jesus is doing something in someone because we mess around and insert what we think is a conflict and will stop the development of what god is doing in someone’s life.
God says some of you are in your witnessing season.
I just want you to sit back and watch how I will break the rules to break someone through, how I will break the rules to pull you out of that mess, how I will break the rules to go and touch someone who is untouchable and the disciples do them a favor, and they stay silent.
And when they stay silent, they don’t recognize that they have cleared the runway for this woman because she recognizes that god didn’t just come into agreement with her.
The god didn’t just allow her to become a spring that god also cleared her lane so that she would have no conflict when she decided to take off.
So that she would not have any obstacles when she started moving in the direction of what god had given her because god gave her a revelation that must be released in the earth, and he recognized that if she has an obstacle that she may not release the revelation, but god says, not just gonna give you a revelation.
I’m gonna give you room to release it. I’m not just gonna give you a revelation.
I’m gonna clear the runway. I hear god saying that you’re prepared for a fight, but it’s gonna be easier than you think because all of the fighting had to do with what was in you.
Once you get finished fighting what’s in you.
You will be released as tanned up to whatever is happening outside of you.
And I don’t know who you are, but I hear Josh saying that you are getting ready to be released like never before, that you’re getting ready to move into spaces where you thought there would be opposition.
And I hear god saying I already cleared the path. I’m just ready for you to take off.
I hear god saying already cleared your lane. I’m just ready for you to come into agreement.
I already cleared the lane. I’m just ready for you to drop the deadweight. Don’t need those water pots.
You don’t need this well. What you need is already inside of you.
So she drops the water pots and she clears the lane.
Once she recognizes that her and god are in complete agreement, that he can give her a revelation, but the rebel and won’t die with her.
This woman takes off in the direction of the very place she was afraid.
She takes off in the very direction of the people who she was trying to avoid.
I know she walked in there and say, who do you think you are? Baby, I just came into agreement.
Who would he think you are? You used to avoid me.
You used to not talk You used to hide and not show out, but something happened.
Something happened to this woman.
She’s not the same woman they want snooch, and she doesn’t need their permission to transform.
Because when you have been endorsed by heaven, it does not matter what man says.
When you have been endorsed by heaven, it doesn’t matter what your past has been.
When you have been endorsed by heaven, It doesn’t matter what the rumors said when you have been endorsed by.
I’ve been endorsed by heaven.
So I gotta release what sent me.
I’ve been endorsed by heaven, so I wanna prophesy in this place that we would come into agreement with who god says we are.
We will come into agreements with what god says about our families.
About our anointing that we will come into agreement.
Because the release was in the agreement.
You want the release but you’re not in agreement.
If you’re gonna really be released, you will have to agree with God.
There can’t nobody do this, but you.
You’re gonna have to agree with god that you’re anointed for this position.
You’re gonna have to agree with god that you can break this generational curse You may not be able to agree the culture, but I agree with god.
I may not be able to agree with the friends, but I agree with god.
And because I agree with god, I have all the permission I need.
Where 2 or 3 agree.
On anything on earth. Okay. I’m finished.
The power of agreement.
That’s how you gonna fix it.
You’re gonna have to remind your spirit that you agree with God.
I’m not saying that you won’t be anxious.
I’m not saying you won’t be afraid.
But you gonna have to make your fear agree with God.
You gonna have to confront that depression because you agree with God.
You will have to go see the therapist because you agree with God that this should not be my life, that I shouldn’t be stuck in this depo.
I’m gonna have to agree with God.
I’m gonna have to agree with God concerning some things, your language changes when you agree with God.
The agreement you made with God on the end side.
I just show up in the way you speak, and I just show up in the way you handle others.
You can’t agree with god and still play it small. You can’t agree with god and still be skeptical.
I agree with god that I will make it to the other side. I hear god saying something acting light.
Your destiny is optional. Strike acting light. Your destiny is non negotiable.
I agree with god, and I’m not gonna get to the or years of my life and start pretending, like he may or may not do it.
He that began to work in me is gonna complete it until the day of Jesus Christ, and I may not have much time left, so I don’t have time to waste.
I agree with God. I gotta start something for my family. I gotta watch something for my generation.
I gotta starting.
I may not finish it, but I promise you I’m a start it.
I may not see how it ends, but I you, I’m a start it because I agree with god.
And I will tell you from firsthand experience, if you are not agreeing with god, you are agreeing with something.
I tell you something. Oh, god.
I see you. I know firsthand what it’s like to agree with the enemy.
About my identity. I know what it’s like to agree with the enemy, about my destiny, but I came to have a break up ceremony on mother’s day.
I don’t know where you’ve been agreeing with the enemy, but before we get out of this place, I wanna tell you that somebody’s gotta break covenant with the enemy because you’ve been agreeing with hell, so haven’t can’t break loose.
But before you walk out of this room, I’m gonna agree with God this shall not be the end.
I shall live at nighttime. I’m gonna make it to the other side. I don’t agree with the enemy.
I’m concerning me. If you don’t agree with God, you agreeing with something.
And you gotta be willing to ask yourself, what have I come into agreement with?
Have I come into agreement with shame? Have I come into agreement with Trump?
Have I come into agreement with this depression.
I’m not saying it’s not there. I’m just saying do I agree with it?
Because the power of agreement releases strategy for you to live out what you have agreed to.
And that’s why you can’t leave the toxic relationship.
And that’s why you keep making the same poor decision over and over again.
Because you come into agreement with something that is beneath what god has for you.
And you are empowering that agreement by your decision.
But at any given moment, that agreement is not binding.
That agreement is not binding.
You have the ability to change your mind.

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