The Parades Of The Transformer | Jonathan Cahn Special
The Parades Of The Transformer
“As God was expunged from American life, idols came in to fill the void; idols of sensuality, idols of greed, of money, of success, comfort, materialism, pleasure, sexual immorality, self-worship, self-obsession. The sacred disappeared, and the profane took its place.”
― Jonathan Cahn, The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery that Holds the Secret of America’s Future
Is it possible that what happens every year in the streets of the major cities and towns across America and the world is determined by an ancient mystery and an ancient entity, a goddess.
This is Jonathan Collins in the return of the gods.
The latest book I’ve written, I reveal the mystery that’s behind everything.
What is touching our culture, changing America, touching your life and the people in your life. Where is it going?
What is the future and what do you need to know to survive and prevail it is the mystery of the ancient Principalities that are coming back and possessing our culture.
One principality, the enchantress were also called Ash Torah in the Bible, ishtar was all about the bending of genders, male and female.
Now I looked into an ancient inscription about the goddess and it turns out she was the principality or the goddess of parades in Babylon.
The great parades began at her gate, her him speak specifically of the people parading before her where she made the people parade.
We actually have descriptions of her ancient parades.
What were her parades like she caused men to parade through the city streets dressed up as women.
She caused women to parade through the city streets, dressed up as men.
She calls people to parade through the streets, dressed as both men and women.
She, her parades were known for their displays of sexual licentiousness.
Parades were filled with color and the parades bent and merged the boundaries and definitions of gender.
She was the goddess known for her pride. They were pride parades.
Does this sound familiar if she returned to the world into America, what would we expect to start seeing the parades, parades the same parades again?
Men, we’d expect to see men again.
Start parading through the city dressed as women, women again, parading as men through the city streets, people parading through the city streets as a mix of man and woman displays filled with color parades filled with sexual licentiousness, the bending and breaking of the boundaries and definitions of gender.
This was all part of pagan civilization. What, what ended? It was the gospel.
But of a civilization that has turned turns away from the gospel that has known God and his ways turns away from him, then all these things will come back.
So if you see it reappear, then you know you are living in a civilization that is morphing from a Judeo Christian one to a pagan one and that the enchantress the transformer is back.
In fact, the gods are back and now, you know, this is just a taste of the mystery that’s revealed in full in the return of the gods.
The latest book I’ve written now, the return of the gods is revealing everything that you see what’s happening and you know what’s happening in crystal clarity and you’ll know what’s coming and you’ll know how to deal with it and how to survive and prevail the return of the gods is available everywhere, wherever there are books for you to get, but also to get for people in your life who need to know.
Now, the next time, the next message it’s gonna be the amazing mystery of something called a uni um hit, subscribe.
You don’t want to miss it. This is Jonathan Cahn.
I’ll see you next time with the mystery of the ancient warning.
Messiah said that the spirits that are cast out of their house or the where they’re casting their vessel, they return to the house they once inhabited in the parable.
The spirit doesn’t go to another person goes back to the person who was delivered of it.
- The Great Amnesia | Jonathan Cahn SpecialTháng 2 26, 2023