The Netzer and The Nazarenes | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Netzer and The Nazarenes
“In the months and years after 9/11 it appeared likewise as if things had returned to some state of normalcy. As time passed, as the initial shock wore off and the trauma lessened, there was a growing temptation to go on almost as if it had never happened, as if the nation were still somehow immune to destruction. So it was in the last days of ancient Israel. But it was all an illusion.” There was a long silence after that…broken only by the sound of the seagulls. Then he continued as if there had been no break. “It was all a fatal illusion. So then…what of America?”
― Jonathan Cahn, The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery that Holds the Secret of America’s Future
The nets are, do you know what one of the first names were?
The first names of the, the believers, the first believers they were called in, they were called in Israel, the Nazarene.
Why? Because of Nazareth Nazar?
And, and, and to you know that to this day, if you go to Israel, the is the, the Christians are called in Hebrew.
The not the Nazarian from way back then to this day, which is amazing because it all goes back there.
And it means a follower of the Nazarene, a follower of the Messiah Jesus of Nazareth.
But we also see in Hebrew, we now know it also means the branch.
So it means also it could be interpreted as little branches.
You, if you’re a Christian, you are a, you’re a believer in Messiah, you’re a little branch.
We are following him, little branches. And that’s a high title. We are to be righteous branches.
And this alone, we’ve looked at a prophetic mystery, but this alone is giving you a secret on how to live your life, on how to prosper and how to be blessed in God.
How do you live a life of blessing follow the branch, a branch picture, a branch.
Imagine I’m holding a branch, branch has two ends, one end is attached to the tree.
The other end bears forth fruit or, or flowers or leaves. So, what does it tell you?
Well, the first thing is the, look at the first end of the branch, one end is always connected to that tree.
If it loses the connection, it’s gone. No life withers up.
So, in your life in God, you have to be plugged into God.
If you don’t plug in, if you’re not connected, you’re gonna dry up.
One end is always there.
And so one end of that branch is always receiving from the tree and the nutrients are coming.
So one end of your life has to be always receiving life from God.
Not once when you got saved every day. Because if you don’t receive, the branch can bear nothing.
So if you’re not receiving, you’ll end up bearing nothing in the end.
Now, now you don’t see the branch receiving anything. Why?
Because the the receiving is on the inside, it’s the sap.
So you don’t see people around you receiving, you don’t see people don’t see you receiving because it’s inner, it’s hidden.
It’s spiritual for that reason. It’s the very easiest thing to let slide in your walk because nobody sees it.
You don’t see it. It’s of the spirit. And yet it’s the most crucial thing.
The life of the branch your life and God is, is all hanging on your being plugged into God every day.
So, so if you don’t, don’t think your prayer life is something nice and extra optional, it’s life.
It’s gonna determine everything else in the end. It may not look like it.
Your prayer life, your life is all spiritual life, your devotional life, your word life, your worship life.
That’s where it all comes. That’s what’s gonna change your life.
And so don’t let things crowded out because that’s life. The more plugged in you are, the more you get.
But there’s another side of the branch. That’s one side, there’s two sides.
The other end is the one that bears that blossoms that, that produces leaves and fruit.
So there’s another end to your life. The side that produces fruits.
And unlike the plugged inside this side is visible, people can see it. You see the world sees it.
You see this is this, this is the side of your life that manifest to the world.
The fruit of your life is what the manifest good works. Acts of love, a changed life.
That’s all the fruit you’re producing.
Your ministry, your, your, your generosity, your giving your blessing, others, your forgiveness, your joy, whatever you do to bless me, that’s the, the fruit of the spirit.
And so note everything that they see you do, whatever you produce, it’s all starts with what they don’t see what’s plugged in.
You can never bear more than you’re getting.
I mean, you may look like that for a time, but you’re gonna run dry.
What you receive from God in that secret place is what’s gonna become your life.
All your good works and all the things you need to do that God has called for your life.
God is a calling on every one of your lives. All that you are called to do.
The power comes by receiving it first from God, you receive, then you give, you can’t give anything.
You don’t receive a branch, can’t give anything it didn’t receive and you can’t do anything that you haven’t received.
So the two go together, the fruitful life, the fruitful branch is always receiving and giving, flowing in and flowing out.
And that is the secret of a fruitful, abundant life in God of spirit that always, you’re always receiving every day, always receiving but not just receiving.
You’re giving, you’re converting what you receive. You’re the blessings from God.
You’re converting it into love, you’re converting it into repentance. You’re converting it into joy.
Get into this flow and you will be blessed. You’ll have a blessed life.
Now, that’s just from this one little scripture. Hi, I’m Jonathan Khan. Thanks for checking out my youtube channel.
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