The Nazis, Esther & Paul & The Zero Point of Greatness | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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The Nazis, Esther & Paul & The Zero Point of Greatness | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

The Message of the Week – Part I of The Zero Point! A Secret that plays a part in the lives and stories of the great heroes of the Bible Esther & Paul, and a key that can change your life for greatness.

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Because our lives belong to god.
It’s not for us to be holding on to our life or fear about losing it because we’re not gonna live by fear.
The 2nd World War, the Nazis rounded up the Jewish people in Poland, put many of them or put something in a in a in a called a ghetto, uh, a closed city of Warsaw.
And they would strip them gradually of their of their rights of their, well, of their of their well-being, of their supplies, of their food.
And and it could they did it gradually, and they gave an illusion to them that they’re gonna they’re just gonna work and everything’s gonna be gonna be okay.
It’s just, you know, hardship and we’re ultimately gonna take you to another place that’s gonna be a workplace.
And so most of the victims cooperated because they thought that we better cooperate because we’ve got something to lose if we don’t what the Nazis will do.
And so they they ultimately just shipped them off into the death camps and people went because they thought they they were they had something to lose, but that’s what see, that’s what the enemy tells us.
The enemy wants to you to cooperate with him, to compromise.
He wants you to fear that he could take something away from you if you don’t if you don’t co if you don’t cooperate with him, he will do the he he ex he uses fears and cripples believers with fear Now finally in the ghetto of Warsaw, they realized they were going to concentration camps.
And they reached that point and said we’ve got nothing to lose anymore. It’s called calling it the 0 point.
This message is called the 0 point. They had nothing to lose. When they realized that everything changed.
They stopped cooperating with the Nazis they fought back with with war against them there.
They weren’t supposed to have arms in there. Everything changed.
They bought back with homemade weapons They smoke it in, and they actually fought the Nazi army.
They kept them off for weeks. These people who had nothing. Finally until they finally came in.
But the uprising had effects throughout the world that strengthened the resistance of the Nazis across the world and there were survivors too from this because they reached the point where they said we’ve got nothing to lose.
You might as well go all out. You see this principle is in the word of god as well.
And this is what you see in the lives of the great heroes and heroines of god their moment where it changes of greatness is this zero point where they come to that point.
I wanna show you some of them.
First one, the place is Babylon The Babylonian king nebuchadnezzer makes a decree that everyone has to bow down to this idol.
3 will not bow down. At least they are brought before the king. Daniel 3 verse 13.
Then Nevakanezor in a rage and anger gave orders to bring Shadrach Meshak and Abednego.
That these men were brought before the king. Nebuchadnezzar began speaking and said to them, is it true?
Shadrach Meshhek in a bed to go that you do not serve my gods nor worship the golden statue I’ve set up.
Now if you are ready, at the moment you hear the sound of the horn, the flute, the leer, the trig on the saltry and the bagpipe, all kinds of musical instruments to fall down and worship the statue that I have made very well.
But if you do not worship, You will be immediately thrown into the midst of a furnace of blazing fire and what god is there who can rescue you from my hands.
Shadrach Meshak and Abednego, replied to the king, nebuchadnezzar, we are not need in need of an answer to give you concerning this matter.
If it be so, our god whom we serve is able to rescue us from the furnace of the blazing fire, and he will rescue us from your hand, oh, king.
But even if he does not, let it be known to you, oh, king, we are not gonna serve your gods, nor worship the golden statue you’ve set up.
Wow. That is courage. Where’d they get that from?
You can see where they got it from in their response.
They trusted god first Number 1, that’s what gave them the power to not bow down to the gods in the first place.
You know, they knew it was a risk to not bow down, but they said we’re not doing that.
We don’t don’t no matter what. And now they’re saying no matter what, it doesn’t matter, King. Doesn’t matter.
We are not we are not affected by your threat.
We are not intimidated by it because even if we perish, we’re okay.
We’re good with god because our lives belong to god It’s not for us to be holding on to our life or fear about losing it because we’re not gonna live by fear.
We’re gonna seek first the kingdom of god and his righteousness. Paraphrasing.
We’re gonna do what’s right with no fear. And whatever happens happens, we’re good.
We’ve got nothing to worry about because we’re at the point We don’t care. We’ve got nothing to lose.
In about a month’s time, we’re gonna be celebrating the festival of Purim.
The story of is of redemption.
But the moment everything turns that redemption comes is the moment of greatness.
It’s the time when Mordahi pleads with Esther Say, listen, Esther, please approach the king and plead with him on behalf of the Jewish people because he’s gonna wipe them out if you don’t.
Ester says I can’t do that. If I do that, there’s a law.
If I do that without being summoned, I could be killed.
And so she and so she’s afraid of that. And then Ester says this.
Verse 13, this is Esther 4. You can just listen.
Then Mordhide told them to reply to Esther, do not imagine that you and the king’s palace will escape any more than the rest of the Jews.
Because if you keep silent at this time, Deliverance will come, rescue will come for the Jews from another place.
And you and your father’s house will perish and who knows Esther that you have all this has happened.
You’ve been put into this royal position for such a time as this?
In other words, Esther, Don’t even think about this. You’re trying to save your life. You can’t.
God gave you everything you have. You don’t have anything that he didn’t give you.
And if you don’t do his will, then you’re gonna lose everything you have.
You think you’re risking it by holding. You’re risking it by doing it. You’re risking it by not following god.
You have light, so you have life, not for the sake of holding on to life, but to use it for the will of god.
You think you’ve got something to lose?
He’s saying you’ve got nothing to lose because if you If you don’t do it, you’re gonna lose it all.
Then Esther Versa team said told them replying to Mordicite. Okay.
Go gather all the Jews who are in the city of Souza and fast for me.
Don’t eat or drink for 3 days, night or day.
I and my tenants will also fast in the same way.
And then I will go to the king, which is against the law.
And if I perish, I perish. That that those words, the whole book turns on.
If I perish, I perish. That’s the moment she reaches that point, the 0 point.
She’s got nothing. She stops holding on.
She realized she didn’t have anything to hold on anyway because she got it all from god.
This was her moment. And this was the moment she rose to greatness begins fulfilling the call and actually bringing redemption to an entire nation.
Messiah said he seeks to save his life. We’ll lose it.
But he will lose his life for my sake. We’ll find it.
He told the rich man, you know, you’ve got all this guy has everything.
He says you you lack one thing. There’s one thing you don’t have. What, give away everything you do have.
You lack that one thing just to give away everything because when you let go, that’s when you’ll really have.
Right now, you don’t have anything. Acts 21, Paul is heading for Jerusalem and says this. Verse him.
As we were staying there for some days, a prophet named Agabas came down from Judea, and he came to us and took Paul’s belt and bound his own feet in his own hands and said, this is what the holy spirit says.
In this way, The Jewish people in Jerusalem will bind the man who owns this belt and hand him over to the gentiles.
When we heard this, We as well as as well as the local residents began begging Paul not to go to Jerusalem.
Now Paul had already given his life to god. He was already at this point.
He kept a he was at this point. Verse 13. Then Paul said, why are you doing this?
Weeping and breaking my heart.
For I’m ready, not only to be bound, but even a die in Jerusalem for the name of the lord.
Yes,hua. Jesus, and since he would not be persuaded, we became quiet, saying, the will of the lord be done.
Paul is saying, I’m not afraid. I’m ready to be bound.
I’m ready to die in Jerusalem for the sake of the lord.
Paul will say, I don’t have anything to hold on to. My life is not mine.
I gave it to the lord. It’s for him.
The only thing I have is to do his will and glorifies That’s why I’m on earth, and so that’s why I have no fear at all.
That’s the 0 point. Of greatness. Hi. I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you were blessed with the video.
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