The Mystery of the Parthenos | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Mystery of the Parthenos
“That which God designs, in smiting us, is to turn us to himself and to set us a seeking him; and, if this point be not gained by lesser judgments, greater may be expected…”1”
― Jonathan Cahn, The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery that Holds the Secret of America’s Future
But we’ve got something more on this.
We’ve got an ancient decoder when the rabbis translated Isaiah into Greek, the version of the Bible, first translation ever made was called the septal region.
Except to agent is the Hebrew Bible in Greek. Long before Jesus came, the New Testament uses it.
So they had to choose a Greek word for Alma. When it said the Alma shall conceive.
What word did they use? They use the word Parthenon owes Partha knows. Okay.
So what is Partha knows you here? Can you think of anything like it?
The word Parthenon in Greece, there’s a temple called the Parthenon to the goddess Athena who is called the virgin goddess.
There’s a, there’s a scientific name which is parthenogenesis. It means reproduction without fertilization. Parthenon. Parthenon means absolutely virgin.
So therefore, the rabbis, when they translate, they clearly said this is a virgin and she is giving birth.
Now again, the immediate situation was a woman who had been a virgin, then she became pregnant by a man.
But ultimately, the ultimate sign is the ultimate fulfillment is Messiah will be born this way.
So when people say that’s not Jewish to believe in a virgin birth. No way. It’s right here.
And the rabbis themselves said virgin. So here, now we’ve got that a virgin shall conceive.
Now, when Matthew, so Matthew speaks about this, he’s speaking about the big picture, that whole section of Isaiah all about the child who will be born, ultimately, who will be Messiah.
A child will be born Isaiah 11. Rudolph Jesse again born but he will reign over the earth.
Hi, I’m Jonathan Cahn and I hope you were blessed with the video.
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- The Law of Favor | Dr. Bill WinstonTháng 5 21, 2023