The Messed Up Calendars And The Mystery Of Messiah | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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The Messed Up Calendars And The Mystery Of Messiah | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

Jonathan Cahn reveals the secret day of the Biblical New Year that we’ve all missed giving us understanding of the times we’re living in.

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Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy.

Recorded Live at Beth Israel at the Jerusalem Center in Wayne, NJ. Friday Nights (8pm) & Sunday Mornings (10am and 11:30am)

Nissan 1 is the true biblical new year, so that would make it also the true Christmas.
I will just say this. Messiah did all his greatest works on Hebrew Holdings.
And so Leviticus 23 verse 4 now, It says these are the appointed times of the lord.
Holy convocations, which you shall proclaim at the times appointed for them in the first month, it says then it says it talks about Passover.
Passover is in the 1st month.
So that means the beginning of the year has to be the springtime.
In Exodus 12, god says to Moses and Aaron, he said this month, shall be the beginning of months for you.
It is to be the 1st month of the year for you. There it is.
It’s what month It’s the month of Nissan. Nissan literally means the beginning. So god makes it pretty clear.
God is saying that the new there’s only 1 month that is the new year, and that is Nissan in the spring time.
And so where so Nissan here actually, it says it says you shall keep this month.
And deuteronomy 16, x is 13.
It says you shall keep it says you’ll the children of Israel came out during this month, also called Aviv.
It says you shall keep it. Observe it.
The the Hebrew word, you shall guard it, you shall protect it, you shall watch for it.
Well, that is what Ezekiel is talking about when he says This is Russia, the head of the earth.
Not the Russia, we know, but springtime. Now there there now the thing is this.
Now there are a number of ideas why There’s a confusion why they think why Jewish people think that September is the new year and yet it’s released.
God says it’s really in the spring. It’s usually it’s March, April.
So the and some people think that that was that was already the new year in the middle east or 1 of the new years.
And so that became the then god made a new new year when he said in Exodus.
So so so the the calendar changes by god.
God actually in Exodus 12, undoubtedly god is making a whole new calendar because if that month was already the new year, he wouldn’t say this month is now gonna be the beginning of months.
So god comes in and he changes their calendar.
We’re not sure where the old month with the old calendar began or not.
But god is making a new calendar.
He say and and the thing is for 2000 years, the Jewish people have missed, actually, maybe 3000 years out They have missed the true new year.
And you know how many people celebrate the true new year? Almost nobody. God gave a new year.
The Jewish people don’t celebrate it. They celebrate what is not the new year.
They celebrate in the 7th month, the feast of trumpets as if it was. So it’s been mitten.
Most Christians certainly don’t even know about this.
But even most Jewish people don’t know when their own new year is.
I mean, that would be that would be that would be enough.
But the fact is when god gives a day, it’s gonna be important.
And when god gives a day, this day, it’s so important that it begins every other day.
This is the 1st day of the new year begins everything. You don’t have anything else until you get this.
And yet, they don’t observe it and god gave it.
You know, there’s a lot of other holidays that are observed that were never given by god, but this was given by god.
You know, now now before we came to the meaning of this, and there’s gonna be an, on, uh, a mystery here.
Uh, this, we’re kinda putting the puzzle pieces together.
I wanna just show you something strange about our own western calendar. September. Okay.
What what month what number month is it of the year? Okay. October? November? December?
You are so smart. I don’t know what to do here. September is 9th month.
What does Sept mean? 7. What is October? What does Oct mean? But it’s the 10th month.
What does November mean? Nov? Not but it’s the 11th month. But what what is DECA December mean? 10th.
10th, but it’s 12th. See, we’re confused too. Did you ever think about that before?
It’s all messed up. Some people say, why? Never realized it’s all messed up.
I’ve been doing this all my life. Why?
Well, it means is originally The new year was in January in the western calendar.
In the Roman calendar, it was March similar to Israel.
In fact, under the Julian calendar up until, like, 16th century, it was March even in the Christian world around the similar or the end of March similar to the Hebrews.
That’s why the months are are named all wrong because they’re going by a spring thing not January.
Now a question here. For so what is the New Year?
What is the the the the Hebrew New Year? The Biblical Bible New Year? It is Nissan 1.
Nissan 1. The 1st day of Nissan, that is Happy New Year. Okay? Not January 1st, Nissan 1.
Now just the 1st of Nissan, but again, this is a mystery thing because The Jewish people don’t celebrate their own new year.
Does it have any other significance in the Bible? And I looked, and I wanna show you some things here.
And you can you now now here’s one. Remember, Ezra returning to the land. Right? Ezra returned.
They’ve been they’ve all been exiled in Babylon. God says he’s not finished.
I know the plans I have for you. I’m gonna bring you back to the land, comes back.
And when does that happen? Well, Ezra says, It happened on 1st day of 1st month.
It happened on New Year’s that Ezra’s return began and he’s gonna restore them, and it begins on Nissan 1.
The group the this restoration of Israel begins.
Now now At the same time, Daniel says in Daniel 9, he gives a countdown.
And the countdown he gives is the to the time of messiah.
It says in Daniel 9, there shall be 70 sevens.
You’ve heard it, and he gives an exact mathematical countdown, but he he counts.
It starts when he says with the giving of it will start with the giving of the decree to rebuild Jerusalem.
He right? The remember he says that? Well, when did the this is the countdown going to Messiah himself.
And when you when you go through it, what it turns out that the king that who gave that decree and that to rebuild Jerusalem and that begins the countdown according to the the the calculations happened on Nissan 1.
The countdown of Daniel is is reckoned as beginning on Nissan 1 to Messiah.
And, ultimately, to the book of Revelation, all begins on the 1st day of the Hebrew.
Now I can’t go into something else. I can’t go into it.
I mean, the the the reasons for it. It’s overwhelming numbers. It’s another teaching.
Of biblical markers and keys and clues, but just sub just to say right now that I believe that with, uh, I’ve that we we could we’re not dogmatic about it, but I believe very strongly that Messiah was born, not on December 25th, but Nissan won.
Nissan 1 is the true biblical New Year, so that would make it also the true Christmas.
I will just say this. Messiah did all his greatest works on Hebrew Holy Days.
He died on a Hebrew he came in he came into Jerusalem on a Hebrew Holy Day, Nissan Tem, Palm Sunday, day of the land, He died on a Hebrew holiday.
Passover. He rose to life on a Hebrew holiday. First fruits.
He does everything on a Hebrew holiday, and he does everything in the springtime because it’s its first coming.
The Autumn speaks of the second coming. Everything’s and he does everything in Nissan.
I mean, you know, of course, he after he ascends the heaven, he sends the spirit on another Hebrew holy day, Shavuot, Pentecost.
Hi. I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you were blessed with the video.
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