The Lost City | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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The Lost City

The Lost City #2237. The mystery that began with The Stranger continues – the Man with the measuring Line, the Man with the measuring Line, the Lost City, a three thousand year old mystery, and the marker of end times.

Thursday, May 25, 2023

As a child watching the Superman show, I always wondered why Superman would stand up to bullets, but he would duck when something was thrown at him. There’s a truth here, and in the Song of Solomon. It says, “”Catch the little foxes that spoil our garden.”” It’s often the little things that mess us up the most. On the big things, we’ll give up our lives, but cut us off on the highway and we lose it. We’ll give great gifts to God, but ignore us and we get angry. I knew someone who was leaving for Israel planning to preach a great message on the peace of God. Then he misplaced his Bible and peace went out the window. He went crazy. Watch out for the little things the enemy throws at you to catch you off guard. Often that is how we slip up because we’re not prepared. If Superman laughed at bullets, but panicked over someone throwing a gun, then you have to watch out for things such as these. It’s the little foxes that spoil the garden. God has called you to be wiser and stronger than Superman.

In the jubilee, the land is restored to the owner and the owner restored to the land before the jubilee.
He can’t, the owner cannot walk his land. The jubilee restores the connection before that.
There’s a barrier in 70 ad, the Jewish people lost their land.
Romans drove them out and the Romans tried to erase every connection between the Jewish people and that land.
They renamed it. They called it Palestina or Palestine named after the Philistines means the land of the Philistines.
They remade and renamed Jerusalem as a pagan city. They called it a Capa.
They banned the Jewish people from ever setting foot in Jerusalem except on the one day celebrating the Romans destroyed it.
So the owner was cut off from his land and after that other powers came and occupied the city and the and the land for most of 2000 years, most of the Jewish people were banned or exiled or kept in some way from setting foot in their land.
And the remnant that was there was a remnant there, but they were under the rule of others who said this is our land.
You are strangers in it. But in the jubilee, the that which the owner loses lost is found again.
So something else happened, Charles Warren, who came to measure Jerusalem in order to measure it, he had to dig because he’s going for the ancient city.
So he comes with shovels and a pick axes and men. He uncovers the walls of Ancient Jerusalem.
He uncovers the, the ancient gates of Ancient Jerusalem. He uncovers, he uncovers what was hidden under the temple Mount.
But something happens a surprise. He never intended.
He stumbles on him as he’s crawling through one of Jerusalem’s rock underground chambers, ancient chambers.
He stumbles upon a shaft, a shaft, the shaft that shaft would lead to the discovery of an ancient city, a lost city, a city hidden in the dust for 2000 years.
What was the ancient hidden city? It was Jerusalem. Now, wait a minute.
He said, I thought there was Jerusalem for ages.
Everybody thought the biblical city of Jerusalem was all inside the walls of the city.
Some of it was, but the original city of Jerusalem, the core city, the biblical was not except for the temple Mount was outside the gates of the present city.
Charles Warren accidentally discovers the original city of Jerusalem. It turns out Jerusalem. He found it.
It had been hidden for 2000 years.
It got swallowed up with dust after the Romans destroyed it, it was the city of Jerusalem of David and Solomon.
It was covered with sand. Nobody knew about it for about 2000 years.
But in the mystery of the Jubilee, what was lost has to be found again, Jerusalem was lost and now it is found again.
The land must be restored to the original owner and the owner to the land.
So here it was the beginning of the restoration.
It’s a foreshadow that God is going to restore Jerusalem to the Jewish people.
How did the Jewish people originally come into possession of Jerusalem? It was through David’s men.
Remember they enter the city through the water system, through the water tunnel. In the mystery of the Jubilee.
The original connection, you have a connection to the land that connection is restored on the day on the time of Jubilee.
What Warren accidentally discovered was the shaft connecting to that ancient water system, which is the original connection of the Jewish people to the city through which David’s men went.
It wasn’t the shaft. The shaft connected though to that Charles Warren was in the land of Israel for several years.
But when did Jerusalem after 2000 years, when did it reappear the year 18 67 again, Jerusalem is hidden.
Same year Twain comes, same year, everything the land is being ready for resurrection.
It was in the autumn of 18 67 September that mark Twain.
The stranger comes to Jerusalem to finish his journey and that’s when he’s dwelling at the same in the same place as is Charles Warren each with a different mission during those days, September less than 30 days after that time, that is after 2000 years.
That is when Jerusalem emerges from the dust.
Now, we have another Mr A one that also begins in the quiet, the world is unaware of all these things, but God is moving.
And ultimately, this would change world history though it would not be seen the effect for years, but it began.
It’s gonna begin here. It’s written in Leviticus concerning the jubilee, the field shall return to Him to whom the possession of the land belongs, the fields.
And then it says the people will return to the land or the possession.
But now it’s saying the land will return to the people. What does that mean?
It means the one when you lost your land, somebody else was on it. Somebody else is on that land.
But in the year jubilee in those people have to release it.
They have to it, they have to get off the ancient prophecies of the Bible declared that the Jewish people are gonna return to the land.
But how if others are, you know, you know, it’s not gonna be the human nature is not gonna leave a land alone.
People are gonna take over it.
So if others are occupying the land, how can the Jewish people return to that land?
You believe the one occupying the land must release, it must release it.
But now the people who are gonna occupy the land of Israel aren’t Jewish people, obviously.
And they’re not following, most of them are not following the Bible.
So they’re not gonna be observing a jubilee and people, people don’t give up land, they just don’t do it.
That’s not what happens. That’s not human nature. So what’s gonna happen?
The land of Israel has been occupied by the Romans when they drove the Jewish people out, then the Byzantines, then the Muslims, then the Crusaders for a little bit.
Then the Muslims again. Then finally, the Ottoman Turkish Empire also Muslim but not Arab, the Ottoman Turkish Empire is occupying the land, had occupied it for centuries.
Not about to give up their land to bless the Jewish people.
They’re certainly not gonna give up their, they’re claiming is Islam, but God is sovereign and his word is true and his ways are higher than our ways and his mysteries are higher and work through human history.
That mystery is about to manifest and it’s gonna begin with a star, the star of Bethlehem.
What do you mean? Begins in the church of the Nativity in Bethlehem.
The church is in the hands of the orthodox clergy, priests and the Latin or Catholic clergy priests.
A conflict develops between them. See one day a metal star linked to Bethlehem, marking a spot disappears and they think one thinks the other took it.
So it causes a conflict between the clergies that conflict starts getting bigger.
The Russian government sides with the orthodox priest because they’re Orthodox and the Ottoman Empire along with France, Britain and Sardinia side with the Latin or Catholic clergy.
Soon the conflict actually becomes a war over that little star. The Crimean War.
You ever heard about the Crimean War? That’s how it started Crimean War. All because of that.
The war becomes the turning point in the history of the Ottoman Empire.
In the course of fighting, it enters into massive loans with European creditors and the loans are ultimately going to lead the Empire into financial disaster.
The Ottoman Empire goes bankrupt. It finds itself in desperate need of money.
Two years after the end of that war, the Ottoman Sultan enacts the Ottoman land code.
And what does that mean? All land in the Empire has got to be registered. Why?
Same reason that Augustus registered everybody because they want money, he wants taxes.
So they for the first time in the history of the Ottoman Empire, all the lands which are just kind of all over, they are registered so that the Empire can tax them.
But according to Ottoman law, no land could be sold to a foreigner or those outside the Empire.
But the Jewish people are scattered all over the world.
So that would make them foreigners, most of them, they wouldn’t be allowed to purchase any land.
But the mystery ordains that the land must be transferred back to the original owner.
It’s got to happen one way or another.
The empire’s financial crisis remains critical so critical that nine years later, the sultan enacts a new law, a new Ottoman land code which says the land can now be purchased by foreigners.
Why? Because the financial situation but really not really because of prophecy and because of the mystery and because of the word of God, the prophecy says the Jewish people will come back to the land and it will become their land.
The mystery of the Jubilee is the one occupying, it has to release the land. So this is the beginning.
The Ottoman Empire has no idea.
They’re beginning to release the land and the first effect of it is almost unnoticeable.
But over time, it’s gonna change the history of the Middle East and of the world Jewish people begin purchasing their ancient land back often through third parties because the Ottoman Empire doesn’t wanna do that generally at highly inflated prices.
In other words, someone has the land or they buy the land, then they sell it to the Jewish people.
They kind of rip them off. It doesn’t matter.
The Jewish people say we have to get back to our land.
When the Ottoman authorities later on start realizing what’s happening, they try to stop it.
They don’t, they ban Jews from purchasing land, but the prophecy cannot be stopped.
The release of the land continues and continues and starts preparing the way so that when the exiles of Israel are returning for their lives, there is land there for them.
Everyone shall return to their own possession. It all began because of the star of Bethlehem.
In this case, a metal star to find out how you can receive more of Jonathan’s teachings to receive special free gifts or get in touch.
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