The Host Of Heaven

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The Host Of Heaven

Romans 8:28 tells us that “all things work together for good,” but it doesn’t end there. There are two qualifiers to this promise. Do you know what they are? Let Pastor Jack tell you in today’s episode of Real Life TV.

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Romans 8:28 no doubt is one of the most famous verses in all of the Bible I mean you might even see it on a Hallmark card it’s so famous I’ve often as you have have often heard it misquoted you know all things work together for good well sort of there’s a qualifier to that people kind of use it like a blanket verse a blanket verse that’s my term blanket verse like just throw John 3:16 on something for God so of the world that he gave his only begotten son right that whosoever believes in him
would not perish but have everlasting life and then bam all things work together for good Romans 8:28 it’s not that simple now hear me out the word of God is simple but we rush through things the Bible tells us very very clearly in Romans 8:28 that there are two qualifiers that we’re going to get into and study in this message and that is this and we know that all things work together for good to those who love God and to those who are called according to his purpose to activate that you number one begin with Jesus Christ being your
lord and savior number two it means that you now Embark upon a walk with God in the realm of sanctification that is God works with you working all things for your good because you love God and that means you’re a child of God and he’s doing it that you might become more like Jesus and how does that happen through all of these difficult things things we hang on to Romans 8:28 because in whatever you’re going through in life right now God is making you more like Jesus through that rough stuff friends listen it’s the rough
stuff of life that makes things difficult and it causes us to turn to God some of you will turn to a bottle or turn to the Savior I recommend the Savior let’s grab the Bible that you have pen notepad let’s dive in right now [Applause] the word here in Romans 8:28 is the Greek word IDU and it means this and listen as we read this it’s not future it’s already it’s already happened it’s now for us in the past tense it means now we have seen have you now we have perceived you need to ask yourself that
are you really a Believer now we have experienced or now we have the knowledge of do you know what it is can you define to somebody what it is to be a Christian to be a witness to can you bear testimony of the fact to be able to testify like you are in court for example of having come to know something of course this something is someone having come to the Discovery and you circle the word discovery that is very important because we launched from the word Discovery because the word discovery Y in Hebrew is the Hebrew word
yadada y a da a in your notes and is found in Psalm 46:10 be still and yadada discover that in the circumstances of your life as a Believer wherever you’re at as a Believer no matter what’s going on as a Believer God says be still and know discover that I’m right there in the midst of everything taking place you say Pastor that cannot be true my friends I’m telling you Thank God it is true he is a that is with us at all times the worst of times that we could be having and for us you know look
Life Is Life and then it gets tough sometimes bumpy okay fine uh oh no really difficult and then at some way shape or form either if we get raptured then awesome if not it’s going to get very painful and guess what our God shows up in the pain it’s the god of the Bible who has told us in advance that when everything is coming to what you think is an absolute end that’s when all things come together and work for good to those who love God to those who are called according to his purposes God’s got a plan and you’re
going to see that plan today but you’ve got to apply it to your own life Heaven is working for us we’re not alone God’s doing something the great scholar the great pastor of Westminster Chapel in London England in 1929 Dr D Martin l Jones if you can buy any book by Dr Martin Lloyd Jones buy it he’s a wonderful plus he’s dead so he can’t change his mind I love that he never went woke so you’re safe in Reading him because he can’t go woke he’s already dead so this is good news
we’re safe here look what he says about this he said it is to be noted that our text begins with a conjunction this means that the truth of this section is linked with what has already been set forth as we have seen the Holy Spirit dwells within the believer and makes intercession prayers for him according to the will of God thus God’s holy spirit is directing each believer say Amen to that am I mean come on that is great news ah according to a predetermined and definite defined plan Lloyd Jones says he’s
right God’s got the blueprint for your life God knows what’s next God knows exactly in this Fallen World even though it’s Fallen God knows exactly what needs to happen in your life next somebody might say I’m having a moment well from this moment on when you’re having a moment you need to stop as a Believer and understand wait a minute if I’m having a moment right now that means God knows about it yall hear me I don’t know why I said y’all I haven’t been to Texas in a couple months
but did you all hear me say that God knows about about it in advance he knows things are not falling apart they’re falling together but they don’t feel like it he never asked us what we felt like I don’t understand it you’re not supposed to it’s called faith God says I know what I’m doing he says follow me yeah but it hurts yeah let’s go eventually it’s not going to hurt we’re going somewhere listen you have a choice today to stay where you’re at hurting or to pick up your hurt and
follow him I highly recommend you pick up your hurt and follow him none of us need to spend time telling you how valuable and how powerful he is with what he does with our hurt all I can tell you and I’m telling you now before God angels you in this Bible Looking Back Now after 60 almost 66 years of my life I would not change one thing in my life now that has been placed in the hands of God none of the stuff none of the things that I came to learn about my life what I could not be what I was what this how come I can’t why this how come
you don’t and all the things that only I know and God knows and in that day when God says I know there’s a moment in your life where you you’re either going to go run and hide with Adam or you’re going to say Lord I Surrender don’t run anymore from the one that loves you the most his Bible is communicating to you his great love for you Dr Gray barnhouse the great Theologian he too is safely read as he is dead as well he’s in heaven re rejoicing with Lloyd Jones all things work together for the
good e listen to this even the fall of Lucifer in eternity pass stop right there for a second have you ever had someone tell you oh what about your god of love if go if your God is a god of love then how come he invented the devil he never invented the devil I thought you God invented everything NOP there’s some stuff on us and there’s some stuff on the devil watch this it’s brilliant actually I wish I would have thought about it but he thought about it even the fall of Lucifer in eternity pass was for the greater
purposes of God to establish good that’s a deep sentence a great question does arise here did God create Lucifer or did God create Satan I’m going to pause for a effect because this is pretty cataclysmic if you have the wrong answer the Bible says Jesus Christ himself created all Angels did you know that the creator of Lucifer was Jesus Christ himself says the Bible Well that means Jesus made a bad Angel no he didn’t angels can worship God that means they have free moral agency just like you and I do now we’re
not Angels right now we are sub version of what we will be in eternity right now angels are greater than us but the Bible tells us that when you and I enter Heaven we will be greater than the angel wow so did God create Lucifer or did God create Satan the answer is according to Dr barnhouse and I agree with him God created Lucifer it was Lucifer who chose to become Satan by the choice he made is that not what Isaiah tells us that it was Lucifer who said I want to be like God I want to be worship I want all the
attention I want everything to be about me and the Bible tells us in eel chapter 28 that evil sin was found in his heart on and in that day he fell from heaven remarkable according to Psalm 139 listen to this I want all of you to just really enjoy this let this wash over you this is the psalmist writing Lord you have searched me and known me number one as a believer I’m refreshed by this if you’re not a believer that makes you nervous God knows what you did last night now what you do with what you did
last night is between you and God are you hearing me God searches me and he knows me verse two you know my sitting down you know my rising up you understand my thought a far off you comprehend my path and my lying down and are acquainted with all my ways for there is not a word on my tongue but behold oh Lord Lord you know it all together verse 5 I love this one this is the god squeeze you have hedged me behind and before just I love it and laid your hand upon me such knowledge is too wonderful for me it is high I cannot
attain to it where can I go from your spirit or where can I flee from your presence if I Ascend into heaven you are there if I make my bed in hell behold you are there if I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea even there your hand shall lead me and your right hand shall hold me listen to this anybody fighting depression in life listen to this if I say that’s us if you say if I say surely the darkness shall fall on me have you ever been depressed it feels like darkness is
choking you you can hardly catch your breath it’s like somebody has punched you right in the middle of the gut and you’ve lost all your ear have you ever had the wind knocked out of you people you know there’s Brothers and Sisters in Christ and there’s people of the world predominantly maybe most of them that feel like the wind has got knocked out of their lungs and when you get the wind knocked out of your lungs you feel like you’re dying I guess because when it happens you can’t feel your lungs up and you
just you just got to wait you you think you’re dying but you’re not well emotionally you think you’re dying but God is saying you’re not so if you say to yourself surely the darkness shall fall on me listen what God says about that even the night shall be light about me indeed the darkness shall not hide from you but the night shines as the day the darkness and the light are both alike to you no wonder why you want to hang out with God with all that’s being thrown at you in the world get close to God
draw closer to him there’s no excuse we all need to make our way closer to him yeah but you don’t know Pastor I don’t want to know I can’t do a thing about it besides you don’t know I don’t know but we know him press into God and he’ll never let you down Heaven is working church for us and God is bringing all things together for us we remember this regarding Jesus’s promise we must never forget this the Bible says in John 14:16 and I will pray the father so it’s not only the holy
spirit that prays for us the Bible says Jesus is praying for us and he says I will give you another helper that is the holy spirit that he may abide with you forever even the spirit of Truth whom the world cannot receive because it neither sees him nor knows him but you know him for he dwells with you and will be in you listen what Jesus said I will not leave you orphans I will come to you the way that Christ comes to you is by the person of the Holy Spirit during worship this morning you were singing praises to God and what
was happening is if you meant it the Holy Spirit was ministering through you to the very Son of God and to the father himself and you were caught in between that’s the best place to be caught in between of the incourse of God he’s the savior of your soul and he loves you but he requires that you come that you run out of the burning home the burning house and you run to him salvation is waiting as it were at the curb but you got to go to him he will not make you he will not force you John 16:12 tells us
and still Jesus says I have many things to say to you imagine talking to Jesus personally and he says that to you I have a lot of things that I need to say to you don’t you would don’t you think you would say to him okay tell me all of it tell me what you want to say he knows how frail we are he says but you cannot bear them now you can’t handle it verse 13 however when he can you circle the word he in your Bible this is not May the force be with you Luke this is not an it our are Jehovah Witness friends that
say the the spirit isn’t it it’s not a person there is no Trinity well the Bible says there is a trinity and the Bible says the holy spirit is a person Jesus calls him a he when he the spirit of Truth has come he will guide you into all Truth for he will not speak on his own authority but whatever he hears he will speak and he will tell you things to come you want to know what’s up next you don’t need to read the paper talk to God ask the spirit of God what do I need to know next for my family what do I
need to know next about my home or about the world or about my state or about my kids about my husband or my wife what do I need to know God he will tell you things to come what do I need to know about the future what’s going on with the world in the Middle East right now how is this going to play out now God’s not going to answer you like you know some ticker tape thing spitting out the information that way he’s going to give you discernment to unpack the times and you won’t be caught off guard
on’t get sucked up in the lunacy of the world let him speak to you Jesus went on to say that verse 14 he will glorify me for he will take what is mine and declare it to you notice we’ve got several uh persons involved here we’ve got Jesus speaking that’s God the son we’ve got the Holy Spirit is being promised to be the minister to us and then we’re talking about here in a moment the father he will glorify me for he will take of what is mine and declare it to you verse 15 all things that the
father has are mine therefore I said that he the holy spirit will take of mine and declare it to you God the Father God the Son and one person is the Holy Trinity of God Ephesians 4:30 says and do not grieve the holy spirit of God by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption there’s a lot there in that verse number one again my friends the spirit of God Is Not An it how do you upset an it can you upset an IT May the force be with you no no no maybe you not me I don’t want the force I want God the holy spirit in my
life think about that for a moment the power May the power be what is this power you know what if you sit right here and you move in this direction and you put this Crystal in your Naval don’t don’t laugh you’ll offend somebody who’s watching from Sedona Arizona or or lagona Beach oh is that too close sorry but you know wait face in this direction put your hands up put the put the little receiver Oracle and your Naval and then start to chant and you’ll get the you’ll get the power really really no
listen to grieve the holy spirit is to upset hurt the Holy Spirit you can’t hurt an it you can go yell at the fire hydron outside all you want it’s not going it’s not you’re going to hurt it feelings doesn’t have any feelings I saw a guy this true story last night he was pushing his Tesla in the battery was so low there was not even emergency blinkers on it was just gone and the poor guy pushing it and I thought for a moment wow this is a great picture but but I was driving and I didn’t want to endanger anybody um but I
just I just thought about there’s a vehicle that is very fast when it has the power but when there is no power you got to push it and some of you have religion and you’re so tired you’ve been pushing your religion and you’re just you you don’t feel you don’t feel loved you don’t feel defended you don’t feel accepted because it’s all on you not being a believer in Christ it’s not he’s done it all and he gives the Holy Spirit to get you and I through this world in this wonderful thing of
sanctification where we are living life bumps and all pains and all we have a purpose we know what’s coming and we don’t have to worry about how this ends We Know How It Ends we read the back of the book it’s awesome well what an amazing promise right I mean I have to tell you that there are times when I go and check Romans 8:28 to make sure it’s still in the Bible it’s so great it’s so wonderful for we know we know that all things how many things all things things work together for good to those who love
God to those who are called according to his purpose that means God’s got a plan for your life and those two prerequisites I’m telling you make sure number one is Jesus Christ your lord and savior do you believe that you are saved by you putting your faith in him and him alone no works of righteousness will he accept in faith in him alone but when you make that decision then what happens is you love God because he has forgiven you of so much that you fall in love with the God who saves so friend listen after that
relationship begins that relationship grows it’s what we’ve been talking about and so all the things that are going on in your life my life because Christ is the one who captivates our love he’s our affection he’s our purpose he’s preeminent above all things in our our life Jesus first Jesus first over everything over everyone when that is the order of things you can take a deep breath and relax because everything in your life is working out for your good because you’ve been called by God
for this purpose so friends listen it’s called sanctification and it’s what’s happening to you and I if Christ is the Lord and savior of Our Lives listen to help you walk with Jesus more and more and study more and more and get to know him more and more is your stop from there you can learn so much more so much more teachings and various platforms by the way Facebook Instagram and other sites as well jacks.
com we’ll learn together so let’s move on in our faith with Christ you are watching real life with Jack hibs have you ever wondered what it would be like to travel the world and swim with wild dolphins along the coast of Ireland or walk the war torn beaches of Normandy where so many lost their lives Fighting For Freedom or sail the ancient prophecy filled Seas of Israel in Egypt in now I see Jenny El Cody takes you on an ocean Voyage around the world to discover life lessons that point to God’s goodness and Grace from
smooth sailing to turbulent Tides her spiritual insights will have you thinking about the sea in new and inspiring ways learn to approach Faith from A New Perspective and apply Jenny’s biblical teachings to your life when you order now I see Jack hibs loves this book and recommends you get a copy as well one will be sent to you with our thanks when you make a gift of any amount to real life visit Jack kbs.
com or call 8777 2346 to claim your copy order now life is full of fear doubt and worry the more you listen to and see the world today the easier it is to feel hopeless and helpless amidst the confusion a voice of Hope has emerged the real life Network founded by Jack hibs the real life network is a free digital media platform void of the noise of secular media that attack people of Faith click on the QR code or sign up for free at realwork tocom fastforward your faith [Applause] welcome to real life radio with Jack
‘s word never will return void God’s word is spirit its power and it has its effect God did not give us Bible prophecy to scare us but to prepare us you are the light of the world Jesus said you are the salt of the earth how does that [Applause] happen Jack hibs truly believes we are living in some of the most exciting days in history which brings some great opportunities to share with the world a powerful non-nonsense presentation of the Gospel to this generation who are searching for answers and
truth will you stand with us in sharing this message in real and practical ways we ask that you commit to support real life and the teachings of Jack Hibbs with a gift of your choosing simply go to and there you can simply follow the instructions of how to give a one time gift or a recurring gift if you would prefer to call our toll-free number is 877 72346 again that’s 877 72346 and of course you can write us our address is real life with Jack KBS box 1273 Chino Hills California 9179 your gift will be Faithfully put to
work because it’s our desire that through through Jesus Christ you will know real life


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