The Greatest Change of All | Joyce Meyer | Radio Podcast

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The Greatest Change of All | Joyce Meyer | Radio Podcast

The Greatest Change of All-4 A 15-minute teaching applying practical principles from God’s Word to everyday life.

Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives. With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

Welcome to enjoying everyday life with New York Times best selling author Joyce Meyer.
On today’s program, Joyce will be teaching you about change. The perfect topic to kick off 2024.
This time of year, we all take stock and evaluate the changes we like making our lives.
Today, Joyce is here to remind us that as we trust in the lord, he is able to change us from the inside out.
So be encouraged as you seek him to do a new thing in this new year.
Now, here’s Joyce with today’s teaching.
2nd Corinthians 5 2021. We are Christ Ambassadors, and I I like the amplified translation of this better, so I’m gonna ask them to put that up.
It says, we are Christ’s personal representatives.
And he is making his appeal to the world through us, 2nd Corinthians 5 20.
So we are Christ’s ambassadors. God making his appeal isn’t worth through us.
We, as Christ’s personal, Representatives beg you for his sake to lay hold of his divine favor and be reconciled to god.
God is making his appeal to the world through us. Wow.
You don’t have to have a reverend in front of your name to be in ministry.
Everyone, if you’re a Christian, you’re in ministry.
You’re in full time ministry because that means everywhere you go, You represent Christ.
Yeah. You get to be nice to people. Loving. Forgiving.
I have a story that I tell that I think makes a good point.
We we had done a conference in St. Louis and I’m I’m always tired after the conferences.
And back then, I was doing 5 sessions, not 3.
And We went to a restaurant to eat.
And it was very crowded and we had made a reservation.
And then when we got there, they told us it didn’t take reservations.
I’m like, but we made a reservation. Well, we don’t take reservations.
Well, why did you take our reservation?
So you can feel your blood starting to So then you gotta go.
How many of you can feel it rising?
That’s when you gotta push it down.
So we had to wait 45 minutes to get a table.
And then we we gave a girl our drink order, and she came with this huge trade balancing it with all these coffee, water, tea, and all this stuff on it.
And she hit the wall and dumped the whole thing on Dave.
On his nice three piece suit. Dave was so sweet.
He said, that’s okay. Don’t worry about it. Just wasn’t your fault. It’s crowded in here.
He even called the manager over and said, I don’t want her to get in trouble. It wasn’t her fault.
And I’m maybe kind of wanting to say a few other things, but I thought just shut up.
I’m not quite as nice as he is.
And so she came back then with the second set of drinks and you could tell she’d been crying.
And she said, I’m so sorry.
She leaned over and looked at me, and she said, I was so nervous when I saw you because I just started watching you on TV.
Oh, I thought, and so, thank you, Jesus. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you. That I did not have a fit in here. Thank you.
I see, that’s what happens.
You put a bumper sticker on your car, and everybody’s waiting to see. Uh, we’re gonna find out.
We are being watched.
And the world yells, hypocrite, hypocrite, hypocrite.
I don’t go to church because it’s full of hypocrites.
Well, why don’t you come on in and change us all then?
Or be a hypocrite with us. Whatever.
And then verse 21, a life changing verse for me.
He that knew no sin became sin.
He didn’t just take our sin. He became sin.
Can you imagine how awful that had to be?
For our holy Jesus, that we might be made the righteousness of god in Christ.
He took our sin and gave us his righteousness So you are right with God, not because you do everything right, but because you’re in Christ.
Okay. So let me show you how it works. Amanda, you can bring my stuff out here.
I have to take my coat off to get to see my muscles. I work out.
Of course, I still got some of that going on too.
Okay. Now, this is the way we were.
Just rag chains and bondage, life’s a mess, How many of you does pretty much find you well?
Jesus comes into our life and he takes this And he gives us his righteousness.
But but there’s a problem. It’s too big for us.
Now, this is a good lesson if you get it.
So we got it, but it don’t fit. So guess what?
We get to grow into it.
And every year that you’re in Christ, it fits you a little better.
And a little better and a little better. But while you’re growing into it, you can still say it’s mine.
Because it’s yours. You got it. Everybody say I got it.
See, you need to start saying What the word says about you, thanks, Amanda.
You need to start saying what the word says about you, and believing what the word says before you see it.
How many of you think you can start doing that?
Now it’s gonna be a big change.
That will be a big change, and the devil will tell you you’re crazy.
Oh, yeah. He’s very busy. You think you’re busy?
Let me tell you. In in here in this book, it says, You think you’re busy?
The devil is a busy character. He is busy. He is always working.
Oh, there’s so many good things in here I dare not try to get into all of them.
It talks about the church today.
And when I say the church, I’m not talking about this church or the church down the street or your church.
I’m talking about every church, everywhere, the church.
The church church’s success should not be measured by the number of people that are there by the number of campuses you have, by the money you have, by the great choir, by the eloquent speaker, by the beauty of the building.
It should be measured by our souls being saved and are the people in the queue becoming more holy all the time.
And that’s it. That’s what determines whether a church is successful or not. Is it anointed?
Is the presence of god there? Holyliness is not an outdated word.
There is a heaven, there is a hell, there is a devil, We have authority over the devil, but we have to walk in it.
He doesn’t have to run our lives, but we’ve gotta smart enough to recognize him.
And let me tell you, you have never seen anybody any slicker or trickier than the devil.
You’ll have trouble, and he’ll get you to blame it on god.
There’s nothing he delights in more than to get a Christian mad at god, thinking god is the source of their problems.
God is not your problem. He’s your answer. Amen.
God didn’t break my leg in the closet.
I fell and broke my leg because I was trying to answer my phone.
Here I’m on a walker, and my phone’s ringing back here, and I go, broke my leg.
So? God didn’t break my leg. But he healed it.
You know, the Bible tells us to put on stuff and put off stuff.
I love that. It says to put on Christ put on the new man, put off the old man, put on the full armor of god.
Well, how did you put on spiritual things?
It says put on love How do you put on love?
Do you want me to tell you how you do it?
You take time in the morning and you and you sit and you think about being loving that day, and you ask God to help you.
And you think about people that you’re gonna be around and how you can build them up and encourage them.
And you you think about, as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he?
Come on. You you put things on by thinking about them I have never yet walked in my closet and had my clothes jump on my body.
I think about what I’m gonna put on.
Sometimes I’ll pick out 2 or 3 things and hang them on hangers and I might try on something and if it don’t look good, then I’ll take it off and try on something else.
Well, some Christians need to look in the mirror.
Because they got on some attitudes that are pretty ugly.
Let’s talk about one of my favorite things for a minute.
I wonder how many people are in here that somebody in your life that you need to forgive for something.
Probably, I mean, unless you guys are better here in Louisiana than the rest of the world, probably about 70 to 80%.
Like I said, I’ve been doing this a long time.
And and the devil gains more ground in people’s lives through unforgiveness than through any other single thing.
You you can’t have a right relationship with god with unforgiveness in your hearts?
Well, you don’t know what they did to me. It doesn’t matter.
Whatever anybody’s done to you doesn’t even come close to what we’ve done to Jesus.
He’s not asking us to do anything that he didn’t do for us.
It’s so encouraging to know we have a heavenly father who wants the best for us and is able to change us to be more like him.
Today’s resource will help us walk through these life changes trusting in the lord by helping us daily apply God’s word in our lives.
Introducing the brand new White Meyer Daily Encouragement audio cube.
This small, simple to use audio Bluetooth speaker is preloaded with 365 day encouragement from God’s word, along with 31 full audio teaching messages from Joyce.
This cube is available now for the first time ever with your gift of any amount.
Order now at or call toll free at 1807890089.
Well, I hope that you feel that I’m a partner in your life by teaching you the word of god.
And I’m asking you to partner with me in helping us continue reaching out not only to you through this program, but to so many people around the world that still don’t know Jesus.
Together, we can do so much more than what we can do by ourselves.
So please become a brand new partner with us today. To join us in partnership right now, go to
Thank you so much.
Thanks for listening to enjoying everyday life.
Joyce Meyer Ministries mission is to share Christ and love people.
Together, we can do so much more.

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