The Great Amnesia | Jonathan Cahn Special
The Great Amnesia | Jonathan Cahn Special
Have we fallen under a spell.
Has the work of an ancient entity of spirit cast a spell on America and the West and even much of the world so much so that we can’t even realize it.
Who is this entity or spirit. And what exactly is this spell? This is Jonathan kong.
The Return of the gods is the latest book I’ve written, which reveals this mystery of the spirits of ancient times that have returned to our world that are affecting our culture, transforming it even now affecting your life.
And I spoke of how in ancient Israel when they turned away from God, there was an ancient trinity of dark gods or spirits that came in the first one was the possessor.
And we revealed last time this in Hebrew. His hebrew name means master Lord owner. It’s in Hebrew.
How well what if he came back as he did to Israel?
If he came back to America to Western civilization, but to America.
And what if he came to do to America and the West?
They didn’t just turn from God, they forgot God. I want you to think of America in the mid-20th century.
It was a nation where teachers actually led the Children of the nation.
In public school in the Lord’s prayer.
It was a nation where the biggest movies and and had names like Kuala bears or uh King of Kings, the 10 commandments.
Ben hur it was a nation where the bible was taught on television in prime time where commercials on television urged americans to go to church to pray.
But something happened in the early 1960s.
This spirit of Ba Al Bell the possessor did what he did began to do in America what he did to ancient Israel.
He caused an amnesia to come upon the nation a spell if you will, he caused America and it has been so successful that today America has forgotten God.
He caused America to forget the God of its own foundation.
And not only to forget the God that it once knew, but to forget that it ever knew God.
You see it’s interesting the national memory is preserved in history in schools passed on to the next generation.
So we began erasing God changing the history, changing what we were teaching the Children to erase the memory.

This is the spirit of bail. Erasing the national memory. Another form of national memory. Our memorial statues.
Well look what’s been happening, We’ve been changing our memorials, changing our statues, taking down crosses all over America, removing the memory of jesus of the gospel, removing it and replacing it with Other things and reinventing changing history.
You know, George Orwell in 1984 spoke about a totalitarian regime that actually changed memory changed history.
Well, we saw that we saw that in the Soviet Union in in Nazi Germany while it’s happening now in America.
The Bible says bail caused Israel to forget and also to turn away from the ways of God.
So from the 1960s, particularly onward, this is exactly what we’ve been seeing.
The overturning of God’s ways one up to the next after the next.
You know the spirit of bail caused Israel to basically put away the 10 commandments.
So literally the same spirit has caused America to put away and strike down the 10 commandments from public view.

The America of then could hard imagine the existence of an America, the America that is now today and America today can hardly imagine and even picture the America of then we have forgotten God.
The spirit of bail has done it. It’s amazing because the darkness always reverses everything.
And so we have a movement now called wokeness as if one has woken up from a sleep but it’s the opposite.
It’s the great falling asleep and the great amnesia. This is a little taste of the return of the gods.
The latest book I’ve written which reveals this mystery and everything.
It’s available everywhere where there are books for you to get and for the people in your life who need to know and this is what we’re going to be revealing next at the next message.
We’re going to go deeper and we’re gonna actually expose what is behind wokeness is actually ancient paganism and the work of this entity.
The possessor hit subscribe. So you don’t miss it.
This is Jonathan kong, I’ll see you next time coming up with the pagan secret of wokeness.