The God Who Opens Doors | Joel Osteen
The God Who Opens Doors | Joel Osteen
You may have been waiting for a long time. You could easily settle where you are, think it’s never going to change. But you’ve fought off that doubt. You’ve waited with expectancy. You’ve kept an attitude of faith. God is saying to you, “Soon you’re going to see your healing. Soon the right person is going to show up. Soon that new door is going to open. You’re on the verge of seeing God do something that you’ve never seen. He is about to show up with blessings, favor, opportunity. There are things already en route to you right now that you can’t imagine. Now do your part and keep thanking Him for what He promised, keep waiting with expectancy, keep declaring that it’s on the way.
We all face situations where it seems like the door is shut. We’re working hard, but not getting good breaks.
The loan didn’t go through. We still haven’t met anyone.
Thoughts will tell you that door is never going to open. You can’t accomplish your dreams.
You don’t have the training. You’re locked out. Sometimes it’s like a door has been slammed in our face.
Person walked away. Friend betrayed us. We came down with an illness. The door looks permanently locked.
But the scripture says, God will open doors that no person can shut. God is your door keeper.
he’s in control of the doors in your life. You may be up against a door that seems locked.
No way you can get well, No way you can start your business. No way you can break that addiction.
That door is dead bolted, chained. No. When it’s your time, the most high god will break the chains.
He’s about to unlock some doors that have been locked.
You’re about to walk in to what you’ve been shut out of. Promotion, healing, freedom, the right people.
Don’t believe the lies that the doors are permanently closed.
The god who opens doors is about to show out in your life.
Maybe you’ve been shut out of abundance stuck behind a door of lack, Not enough.
I can see that door opening right now. God is doing a new thing.
He’s about to take you where you’ve never been. The Israelites wandered in the desert
years shut out of the promised land. They could see it, but they couldn’t go in it.
The door was closed. The people living there were bigger, stronger, more powerful. They couldn’t defeat them.
But just because the door has been closed doesn’t mean it’s going to stay closed.
God told Joshua, it’s time to possess the land.
He was saying, Joshua, I know the door has been shut. I haven’t allowed you to go in.
The obstacles were too big, but this is a new season I’m going to open this door so you can enter the promised land.
Doors that have been closed a long time for you are about to open.
David said in Psalm 24, open up ancient gates, and the king of glory will come in.
ancient gates means things that have been shut for years, doors that have been closed in your family line for generations, things you’ve been shut out of, dealing with addictions, depression, low self esteem, mediocrity, those ancient gates are about to open up.
Like the Israelites, you’re about to walk into your promised land, to blessings, freedom, wholeness, success, I can see chains breaking right now.
Dead boats coming off, doors opening. You’re coming out of generational curses.
generational limitations, generational struggles, into generational blessings.
What’s been stored up for your family is about to be released with you.
What’s been held back, what should have been yours. It’s not lost.
It’s been accumulating ancient gates are going to open up. You couldn’t make this happen.
It’s the king of glory. It’s the most high God it’s your doorkeeper doing what only he can do.
And here’s the key. The doors that have been closed weren’t closed by accident.
God was getting you prepared for what’s next.
The scripture says, he didn’t take the Israelites, the shortest route to the promised land.
because they weren’t ready for war. They would have been defeated by their enemies.
That time you’ve been shut out, the door has been closed was not wasted.
God was doing a work in you, getting you stronger. making sure you could carry the weight of glory.
You were faithful. You kept doing the right thing. You didn’t complain when it wasn’t fair.
You didn’t get bitter over who did you wrong. You passed the test.
You proved to god that you would be faithful.
Now you’re going to
come into favor, resources, opportunities, You’re gonna see what your parents and grandparents dreamed of.
You’re gonna walk into the blessing that they prayed for. These ancient gates are about to open for you.
It’s because of your grandmother’s prayers. It’s because your great grandfather honored God. You’re gonna see generational blessings.
I hope you enjoyed watching this clip. You can watch the full message here on our YouTube channel.
We’d love to hear your prayer request and how the ministry has impacted your life, you can leave a comment below.
Make sure to subscribe to our channel
to stay inspired all throughout the week. We’ll see you next time.
The loan didn’t go through. We still haven’t met anyone.
Thoughts will tell you that door is never going to open. You can’t accomplish your dreams.
You don’t have the training. You’re locked out. Sometimes it’s like a door has been slammed in our face.
Person walked away. Friend betrayed us. We came down with an illness. The door looks permanently locked.
But the scripture says, God will open doors that no person can shut. God is your door keeper.
he’s in control of the doors in your life. You may be up against a door that seems locked.
No way you can get well, No way you can start your business. No way you can break that addiction.
That door is dead bolted, chained. No. When it’s your time, the most high god will break the chains.
He’s about to unlock some doors that have been locked.
You’re about to walk in to what you’ve been shut out of. Promotion, healing, freedom, the right people.
Don’t believe the lies that the doors are permanently closed.
The god who opens doors is about to show out in your life.
Maybe you’ve been shut out of abundance stuck behind a door of lack, Not enough.
I can see that door opening right now. God is doing a new thing.
He’s about to take you where you’ve never been. The Israelites wandered in the desert
years shut out of the promised land. They could see it, but they couldn’t go in it.
The door was closed. The people living there were bigger, stronger, more powerful. They couldn’t defeat them.
But just because the door has been closed doesn’t mean it’s going to stay closed.
God told Joshua, it’s time to possess the land.
He was saying, Joshua, I know the door has been shut. I haven’t allowed you to go in.
The obstacles were too big, but this is a new season I’m going to open this door so you can enter the promised land.
Doors that have been closed a long time for you are about to open.
David said in Psalm 24, open up ancient gates, and the king of glory will come in.
ancient gates means things that have been shut for years, doors that have been closed in your family line for generations, things you’ve been shut out of, dealing with addictions, depression, low self esteem, mediocrity, those ancient gates are about to open up.
Like the Israelites, you’re about to walk into your promised land, to blessings, freedom, wholeness, success, I can see chains breaking right now.
Dead boats coming off, doors opening. You’re coming out of generational curses.
generational limitations, generational struggles, into generational blessings.
What’s been stored up for your family is about to be released with you.
What’s been held back, what should have been yours. It’s not lost.
It’s been accumulating ancient gates are going to open up. You couldn’t make this happen.
It’s the king of glory. It’s the most high God it’s your doorkeeper doing what only he can do.
And here’s the key. The doors that have been closed weren’t closed by accident.
God was getting you prepared for what’s next.
The scripture says, he didn’t take the Israelites, the shortest route to the promised land.
because they weren’t ready for war. They would have been defeated by their enemies.
That time you’ve been shut out, the door has been closed was not wasted.
God was doing a work in you, getting you stronger. making sure you could carry the weight of glory.
You were faithful. You kept doing the right thing. You didn’t complain when it wasn’t fair.
You didn’t get bitter over who did you wrong. You passed the test.
You proved to god that you would be faithful.
Now you’re going to
come into favor, resources, opportunities, You’re gonna see what your parents and grandparents dreamed of.
You’re gonna walk into the blessing that they prayed for. These ancient gates are about to open for you.
It’s because of your grandmother’s prayers. It’s because your great grandfather honored God. You’re gonna see generational blessings.
I hope you enjoyed watching this clip. You can watch the full message here on our YouTube channel.
We’d love to hear your prayer request and how the ministry has impacted your life, you can leave a comment below.
Make sure to subscribe to our channel
to stay inspired all throughout the week. We’ll see you next time.