The God-Man – Jack Hibbs

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The God-Man – Jack Hibbs

Welcome to today’s podcast, where we dive into a profound post-Christmas reflection: Who is Jesus after His birth? What does it mean for God to take on human flesh and dwell among us? How did His earthly life, spanning 33 years, transform humanity? As we transition from celebrating Christmas, it’s time to explore what it truly means for Jesus to have come into this world and what that means for us today.

You’re listening to the Jack Hibbs Podcast—a space dedicated to proclaiming truth, equipping believers, and impacting our culture with boldness and intention. If this message encourages you and helps you grow in your faith, we invite you to leave a five-star rating. Think of it as saying “Amen!”—a simple way to support our ministry and help others discover these teachings. Now, open your heart to what God has in store for you today. Here’s Jack Hibbs.

Hey everyone! Welcome to this special episode of our podcast. I hope you had a blessed Christmas season! Now, I have a small request—if you didn’t get me a Christmas gift, don’t worry! The best gift you can give is to share this podcast. Copy the link and send it to friends and family. Spreading the word about this ministry is the greatest compliment and blessing you can offer. Your support helps us reach more people with God’s message.

Speaking of reaching people, let me share a quick story. George Whitefield, a famous preacher in the 1700s, once spoke to a crowd of over 30,000 people—without a microphone! That was his reach. Today, we aim to reach millions through this podcast, but we need your help to make that happen. Every time you share, rate, or review, it helps extend our reach and impact lives for Christ.

As we enter a new year, I want to wish you a holy New Year. Yes, you heard that right—a holy New Year, not just a happy one. Why? Because God calls us to holiness. Psalm 65:11 reminds us that God crowns the year with His goodness and provides abundance along His path. My prayer for you is that you walk in His direction and experience His provision throughout the year.

Now, let’s get back to our focus: the significance of Jesus after Christmas. We just celebrated His birth—the miraculous event of God becoming man and being laid in a manger. We attended Christmas services, exchanged gifts, and listened to heartwarming sermons. But what comes next? What does Jesus’ incarnation mean beyond December 25th?

For believers, Christmas isn’t just a once-a-year celebration. It’s a daily reality. We honor Christ every day—His birth, His life, His sacrifice, and His resurrection. Why is this important? Because the gift of Jesus wasn’t a one-time event; it’s an ongoing, daily gift from God.

Consider this: Jesus was born in Bethlehem, placed in a manger, and grew up to fulfill a divine mission. His life didn’t end with His birth. He walked among us, taught us, healed us, and ultimately gave His life for us. That’s why, as Christians, we celebrate every aspect of His life—not just Christmas or Easter, but every moment that shows us His love and grace.

As we move forward, let’s take a moment to reflect on the depth of this truth. Jesus’ birth was just the beginning. His life, death, and resurrection continue to shape our faith and guide our daily walk with God. Every step of His journey holds profound meaning for us as believers.

So, if you’re a note-taker, grab your notebook. Let’s dig deeper into who Jesus is beyond the manger. We’ll explore what it means for Him to be both fully God and fully man, the significance of His teachings, and how His presence continues to impact our lives today.

Before we wrap up, I want to share a quick prayer request. Here in Southern California, we’re experiencing a particularly dry winter. The low humidity has been tough on my eyes, and I’ve had to use eye drops constantly. Please keep us in your prayers for rain and relief from this dryness. We appreciate your prayers and support!

In closing, remember this: Jesus didn’t remain a baby in the manger. He grew, lived, taught, died, and rose again to bring us salvation. The story of Christmas continues every day in our hearts and lives. Let’s keep celebrating His gift daily and share His love with the world.

Thank you for joining us today. Don’t forget to share this podcast with others and leave a five-star rating if this message blessed you. Until next time, may God guide you into a holy New Year filled with His grace and peace.

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