The Full Meaning of Grace

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The Full Meaning of Grace.

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Coming up next on changing your world.
When there are situations that happen in your life and you feel condemned, Grace has got to come in to nourish that new man to keep you in the place you ought to be because the devil’s gonna try to draw you, but he has nothing like the grace of god, nourishing your new man.
And now, everything about you come from that new man out.
Your entire value system and who you are is based on that new man that you now have.
Hey, everybody.
I wanna give you a personal invitation to attend the Grace Life Conference of the reunion.
July 11th through 13th. It’s a reunion. It’s a gathering of believers and it’s freedom.
When people on the and grace, they are empowered to change. So don’t miss this opportunity.
I’ll see you at Grace Life 20 24 July 11th through the 3rd team.
I’ll see you to make it the
Now this morning, we’re gonna begin a series or a a part of this series that we’re talking about now, we’re gonna look at a deeper definition of grace.
We need a fuller meaning of grace. I’m teaching you how to live by grace.
But I don’t think people really understand what it is What we do understand is correct, but it’s so much more unmerited favor.
Absolutely right. But it’s so much more. Love. Absolutely right, but it’s so much more.
And so today is going to challenge you to understand what grace is and to look at your life and discover the areas that you’ve been doing and living by.
That’s not the grace life. So let’s begin, as we, as we, we look at this in John chapter 1 verse 1417, Let’s look at it in the King James and in NLT.
John 117. The objective of the next couple of weeks is that we want a fuller, more comprehensive live more practical and complete understanding of what this grace is.
Alright. Verse 14 says this. The word was made flesh.
And dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the father.
Now who is the only begotten of the father? Jesus. Alright. So watch this.
Jesus, the only begotten of the father, watch this, full of grace and truth.
Now, the truth is grace. So Jesus is full of grace, which is the truth.
Jesus full of grace, which is the truth. Now, move on down to verse 17s and King James.
For the law was given by who, Moses, but grace, which is the truth, came by who.
Jesus Christ. So please understand something. Jesus Christ is the source of all of this grace.
He is full of grace. And, and, and, and there are people who are more connected to religion and doing church, but not Jesus.
The, the, the grace that we’re talking about, grace and Jesus are 1, grace is not just a curriculum.
It’s not just a teaching. Grace is a person. Jesus is full of grace, which is the truth.
It’s Jesus. It’s Jesus. So so that you won’t get so lost.
Every night then, you need to remind yourself when you’re talking about grace, we’re talking about a person.
Jesus is that person full of grace and truth.
Now let’s go back and look at these 2 verses in the in the NLT. Oh, man, what?
What are all these scriptures in teaching? Sometimes at church, you just got to get some teaching.
Don’t get mad at that. Church should church should have never become an entertainment hour.
And we spent years learning how to do church, and it where did it leave us?
We it left us with the situation where we don’t know how to do life.
We don’t know what to do when the finances are short.
We don’t know what to do when sickness knocks on the door.
We don’t know what to do when we feel offended and hurt. We don’t know what to do.
And so we gotta defend. We’re fourteen. So the word became human.
Yeah. And made his home among us. He was full of unfailing love.
Notice no, no site translation grace here.
He he was full of unfailing love and faithfulness.
And we have seen his glory the glory of the fathers, one and only son.
Unfailing love, love that cannot fail won’t fail. Verse 17.
For the law was given through Moses, but god’s unfailing love. And faithfulness came through Jesus Christ.
His unfailing love, his love that will not fail came through Jesus Christ, and it’s called grace.
Now, let’s deal with some practical things here.
Grace never ever means a license to sin.
Grace never means permission to sin.
Grace never means tolerance and promis permission to just continue to misbehave.
That’s not what grace is. The grace still has this objective. Holyness is still the objective of grace.
Now let me show you how how religion has done to us.
It’s okay for the most part for a long time to hear that grace is is is is a license to sin.
It is not a license to sin. As some people think.
On the contrary, grace is, is that, which prevents a believer from sinning.
Grace is what stops you from sending. Grace is not what causes you to send.
Somebody says, well, you know, I I I love the message of grace, but, you know, we gotta we can’t talk about grace too much because people get to hear that grace too much.
They’re gonna start living careless lives. No. It’s because they’re not hearing it. And it’s because they don’t understand it.
Grace is never responsible for you sending.
You can’t hop in the bed with miss Besse, And and then hop out the time out, well, I’m under Grace.
Grayson had nothing to do with that.
Grace is not a license or permission to sin, but grace is what will help you to stop sending grace prevents sin.
Think of that. Grace prevents sin.
Now, because of this, there’s a lack of understanding of grace.
And so it is necessary to consider the true meaning of grace.
Now, I’m gonna give you what I feel is the complete definition for grace if you can just put that on the screen because it’s long.
And then I’m gonna work on breaking it down. Here’s what I believe Grace is. Grace is.
Unmerited abounding provision. When something abounds, it continues to increase. Grace is unmerited.
That means you can’t do anything to deserve it. It’s unmerited abounding provision.
Of the unrestrained operation of god’s infinite love that comes through Jesus Christ on behalf of man, especially for those who depend on him.
So you see why it’s gonna take some time to break this down?
It is the unmerited a bounding provision.
Grace is a provision, and it’s it’s it’s nothing you can do to get it.
Nothing you can do to deserve it. It’s unmerited. Abounding constantly increasing? Provision. It’s provision.
Graces, provision. It’s provision of the unrestrained.
So at one time, this love was restrained, but it’s provision of the unrestrained operation There’s an unrestrained operation of god’s infinite love that’s over us, uh, a love that can’t be restrained that’s free to operate.
And it all works through Jesus Christ, but And, and it works on behalf of mankind.
I’ll show you that grace was given for mankind. For you.
So my won’t won’t won’t god show Satan some grace? What grace one given for Satan?
Hell was given because of what he did.
Grace was given for mankind, especially here, the one gonna really walk in, especially those who depend on him, especially those who depend on him.
Who? So if you’re if you’ve made your life up and made a declaration of dependence, boy, you’re gonna bump into this a bounding provision of god’s unrestrained operation of his infinite love that works through Jesus Christ, especially for those who depend on him.
Amen. Alright. Now, Let me see if we can break this down.
Let’s start off with this word, providence. God’s providence.
It’s literally talking about his his care of everything that he created.
Uh, god’s providence, his protective care. It’s the protective care of god.
In his provision for all of his natural creation.
In other words, god’s providence is that all of his natural creation, he has provided nourishment and care for it.
It is god’s providence. It’s all of everything that god created.
He had to provide the care and the nourishment for it.
Let me give you a few examples until you can get this.
For example, rain, sunshine, and the elements in the earth are part of his provision or providence for plant life.
He created plant life, and now he has provided the necessary provision and nourishment for plant life, sun, and rain.
If you understand that, say amen. Look at another one.
Food, food for animals and all other things needed to sustain their lives That’s a gift of god’s care and god’s providence.
So if he created animals, he’s committed to make sure that they have food and all the things they need for care and nourishment.
So also our food and clothing and shelter and everything needed for the well-being of man’s natural life.
So the well-being of our natural life, god is committed through his providence provision so that so that he has available all of the nourishment you’ll ever need, all of everything you need to care for your natural life.
I’ll even go farther than that.
There’s probably no sickness in this world that somewhere on the earth, god got something, man’s just trying to discover what all of it is.
That’s his providence.
God’s providence for his creations, the whole how do I say this?
Because of man’s sin in the garden, it’s partially withheld and partially limited by the curse because of sin but his providence and his nourishment and his care for mankind has never failed.
Now if you understand all that, say amen. Alright. Now watch this.
Grace is a similar, great, and a bounding provision of god.
Grace is like the food that was provided for the animals.
Grays is like the sunshine that was provided for plant life.
Grays is a similar provision uh, provided by god.
But instead of being for the physical creation, it is essentially a 4 the spiritual realm.
Grace is a provision for the spiritual realm.
It is a provision of god to restore all that was lost spiritually because of man sin.
And think about this man sin and lost his whole relationship with god.
And god says, alright, I am gonna create a new creation in man, but I gotta get a provision for that new creation to be nourished and cared for once man gets it.
Glory, to god, Law spiritually because of man’s sin.
Now, it makes it possible.
He says, to sustain a new creation, a new creation that’s gonna be on a higher plane than any other creation.
When you got born again, the old you departed the new creation came on inside.
In order to nourish that new man in you, god had to provide grace because that’s the only way he can care and nourish you.
So when there are situations that happen in your life and you feel condemned, grace has got to come in to nourish that new man to keep you in the place you ought to be because the devil’s gonna try to destroy you, but he has nothing like the grace of god nourishing your new man, and now everything about you comes from that new man out.
Your entire value system and who you are is based on that new man that you now have.
I am the righteousness of god that was that was given to me through the grace of god And now that righteousness in me flows out of my new man affects my soul.
And I now wear the identity of a right chessness. And and y’all, you get this?
This is so strong. So grace is God’s care.
And nourishment for the spiritual realm designed to nourish the new creation Once you say, I believe Jesus, and the old man leaves.
And the new Christian comes in.
Grace is now what’s gonna keep you nervous and keep you right and never ever go back to the devil.
And the devil says, wait a minute. I only got one thing.
If they don’t believe it, I can get them. Oh, that’s true.
If they don’t believe it, I can get them.
If they don’t believe it, I can get them.
And religion has been Satan’s attempt to keep you away from this gift of grace.
This great provision of god is summed up in Romans chapter 832. Turn there.
This great provision of god is summed up in Romans chapter 832. This is awesome.
Now why’s this? He that spared not his own son.
Well, he that spared not grace, You thought you see that?
He that spirit not his own son, but delivered him up for us all.
How shall he not with him also freely give us all things? Alright. So now watch this.
He nourished us with Jesus, grace, so he can give us all things.
He nourished us with grace so he can give us all things.
There is nothing that God can’t do for you when you believe in Jesus and begin to allow this grace to show up in about 7 fold definition of grace, which gives me the opportunity to break down that big definition and also break down what we’re talking about now.
I like to get stuff in you so it can be moving around.
So then when I say it in a clearer way, you’re like, the light bulb comes on, and you really get what happens here.
Alright? So what is grace? 7 fold definition of grace? Here’s the first slice. The first slice.
Grace is the operation of god’s love.
Grace is the operation of god’s love to them that believe and receive Jesus and receive this providence and this provision of grace.
Now, I’m gonna go through several scriptures In fact, 5 right here.
And I want you to see if you can locate the operation of grace in each one of them.
Alright? First one, John 316. You don’t have to turn now. Hope you know that. For god’s soul, what?
Love the world. Alright. What’s his operation?
That he gave his only begotten son, and his son is grace. Right?
So god so loved the world, did just like Titus, He’s made salvation available to the whole world. Alright.
He he loved the whole world. Gossil loved the whole world.
Uh, that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever, what, believeth in him, believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
This is an operation of god’s love that I love you so much.
I gave my son so that you won’t perish but have everlasting life. So we take that so lightly.
I’m telling you he loved you. I mean, do you which one of your kids you gonna give up?
Which one of your kids are you willing to give up?
And I’m I’m gonna say this ahead of time. I’ll say it again.
Jesus died for his enemies.
That that’s mind boggling.
He died for his enemies. And you think about somebody that had dumped you out, gave you a hard time And you’re like, I ain’t done for now?
Jesus died for his enemies.
That’s an operation of his love that came by grace, that came by Jesus.
Look at the second scripture. He brews 2 and 9 in the NLT.
He brews 2 and 9 in NLT.
He says, what what we do see is Jesus who wow was given him position a little lower than the angels.
And because he suffered death for us, look at that operation, he died for us, He is now crowned with glory and honor.
So we, so when I talk about I love you, we see him operating like this. Yes.
By grace, Jesus tasted death for everyone.
So when I talk about, I love you, there’s an operation of it. He died for you.
He died for Listen. He died for everyone that is ever gonna be born on the earth so they would all have the same opportunity to believe him.
Let’s keep going, John 1 in 16.
The giving of the son of god is in death for every man is said to be by grace.
It’s said to be by grace.
For god’s soul of the word, it gave his own, I got a son that was by grace.
John 116, he says from his abundance, we have all received one gracious blessing after another.
From his abundance, gracing blessings after another. See, see, see, see, look at the operation of god’s love.
Grace upon grace. Uh, one one blessing after another, grace upon grace.
And I’m telling you, it it’s gonna be like Bam, bam, grace upon grace upon grace, bro.
But but but it’s but all of that’s gonna come from his abundance, glory to god.
Be careful not to take credit for something you all know about. Talk about what you know.
Don’t be careful not to do that.
I’m telling you in the name of Jesus out of his abundance, we have received one gracious blessing after another.
Has anybody ever received a blessing from god? I’m telling you it came out of his abundance.
Those who received grace upon grace out of his fullness are the same who Jesus loved until the end.
And in John 13 1, he talks about those who he loved, uh, until the end.
It was his disciples that he loved until the end. Alright. Now look at this.
Ephesians 1 and 4 in NLT.
Even before he made the world, God loved us, shows us in Christ to be wholly and sanctified.
And without fault, in his eyes before the world. How you do that?
Before the world, God called the end at the beginning.
He didn’t wait to the end to see it, to call it.
He sought at the beginning before the end showed up.
And god saw at the end that you would be holy and without fault in his eyes.
He knew a Jesus would come. He knew grace would be provided.
He called your number at the beginning before you were born and before he made the world, glory to god.
It’s supposed to be. Look at Ephesians 2 and 7, NLT.
Ephesians 2 and 7. So god can point to us.
Oh, in all future ages, as examples of his incredible wealth of his grace.
And kindness towards us, as shown in all he has done for us who are united with Christ.
Jesus. And god says, we’re gonna be the example.
Somewhere around our future, I don’t know.
Maybe it’s in heaven or whatever, but we’re gonna be the example.
We’re gonna we’re gonna be the ones that he says, come here.
The you guys who were under the age of grace come here.
You are the examples of the incredible wealth of grace that I showed.
Are you searching for a deeper understanding of god’s grace In the series, a deeper definition of grace, creflo dollar gives a solid understanding of our covenant and a true picture of our god.
Grace is the truth. Anytime you hear grace, it’s Jesus. Jesus is the source of grace.
The very same grace that brings salvation also teaches those who are saved, how to live pleasing unto god.
Growth in your spiritual life can only come by grace. He will work out his plan for your life.
And you know he’s working out that plan right now.
All three messages in this series can be yours today for a love gift of 20 US dollars.
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Hopefully, you’re gonna choose so that heaven determine your thinking.
Because whatever choice you make, then that’s gonna be your mentality for today.
Can you say that he’s a way maker? Yes.
Can you say that he’s a god that sits high and looks low? Yes.
Get the message of grace any way you want.
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We must respond to the spiritual laws of god.
A proven principle task that I have operated in for many, many years is the law of sowing and reaping.
Now when you sow into this ministry, you are sowing into good ground. Why?
You see, your seed is not wasted.
In fact, your seed is a twice sone scene, meaning that it’ll work in different places at the same time.
Your financial seed goes toward helping hurting people, both globally and within our local communities.
We thank god for your support.
You may support creflo dollar ministry’s outreach missions by calling us or visiting our site, you and rich lives in ways you can’t begin to imagine.
God bless you.
We never want to assume that all of you are born again Christians.
Being born again is the key to experiencing god’s promises in your life.
It’s the most important decision you can make.
I wanna say a prayer of of salvation with any of you who would like to receive it.
Right now receive the gift to salvation. Pray with me and just repeat after me, heavenly father.
I believe that Jesus died for my sins.
I believe that Jesus was the payment for my sins, that he was the sin offering, and I receive him as my peace offering.
Jesus, come into my heart, save me, and today by faith, I receive you and declare that I am saved in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Well, if you prayed that prayer with me, I wanna welcome you to the kingdom of god.
Thank you, partners and friends.
Your love and financial support makes it possible to bring this mess into millions of homes all across the globe.
The preceding program was brought to you in part by the partners and friends of creflo Dollar Ministries.

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