The Devil’s Counterfeit Gifts | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Devil’s Counterfeit Gifts
“If America upholds God’s eternal standards and follows His unchanging ways, then it will be blessed with His favor…His protection…His prosperity….But if America should depart from the ways of God, if it should disregard His eternal standards, then the smiles of heaven, the blessings of God, will be withdrawn-its prosperity, its protection, and its powers would be taken away. He’s giving a warning to the nation: The day America turns away from God will be the day that begins the removing of its blessings.”
― Jonathan Cahn
Friday, July 7, 2023 – Being Where He is
The Lord’s prayer begins with, “Our Father who ‘art’ in heaven.” Our prayers often start with our problems, predicaments, situations, wants or needs. But it’s not supposed to be like that. Prayer should start with focusing on where He ‘art.’ In other words, focus on where God is. What you’re dealing with or upset about, is where you ‘art.’ It has a place, but it is not the most important place of prayer. Lay down your ‘art’ and focus on God and His ‘art,’ and your problems aren’t going to be such a problem. That’s when you’ll start dwelling in heavenly places. But you can only do that when you start from where He ‘art.’ When your ‘art’ is right, your heart will be right also. Then, you’ll end up dwelling in, what you dwell on. Where your treasure ‘art,’ there your heart will be also. The point is, “Our Father who ‘art’ in heaven” forget where you ‘art’ and focus on where He ‘art.’ Most of your problems will be solved right there and you’ll be dwelling in heavenly places. But it all starts where He ‘art.’
The enemy is a counterfeiter. He substitutes for the things of God.
So the things of the spirit, he’s got a counterfeit dark version. There’s a spirit of here of divination.
That’s a counterfeit for the gift of the spirit.
The word of knowledge, fortune telling a counterfeit of the spiritual gift of prophecy.
The demonic realm is a counterfeit of the angelic realm.
And what he offers always comes with a price and there’s always harm in it. The enemy is a liar.
A lie is a counterfeit of the truth. It in it uses truth, twists it around.
So there may be times that someone in the occult may hit on something, but it’ll always be mixed with lies and falsehood and harm.
There is a demonic realm that we are to be aware of that masquerades as ghosts and aliens.
Gods have nothing to do with these things.
Even the popular versions of them that seem innocuous like horoscopes, astrology, tarot cards, oi boards new age have nothing to do with it.
It is opening a portal to a dark realm.
You may not be aware, but there is now an explosion of the occult.
There’s an explosion right now of witchcraft in America.
There are now more witches in America than there are Presbyterians in America in the ancient world.
As in the Book of Acts, what we would call witchcraft was widespread, it was linked to pagan religion.
In the days of Christian culture, witchcraft was taboo.
So why is there now an explosion in the occult and the numbers involved in witchcraft?
The explosion of the occult is often linked to the breakdown of order.
It’s certainly linked to the turning away from God.
In the early 19 sixties, we began driving God out of the public square. In the spiritual realm.
There are no vacuums, it will never remain neutral.
If you drive God out, there will be other forces coming in.
If you drive God out of the schools back then, that was a major thing that they didn’t allow prayer in school, there was prayer in American schools.
They took it out. Look what is now in American schools.
So it is as in the days of the book of Acts, though we live in a world where the occult is an act of force.
So you have to be wise, discerning, pure, avoiding every form of darkness, give the enemy no ground, no loophole, aware of the spiritual realm.
And yet also aware that God is much greater than any darkness.
If you stand in the purposes of God, if your life is not in God’s will get it in God’s will, then you’re safe.
You stand in the purposes of God and you make sure your life is in God’s will.
Then you can stand on the scripture that says no weapon formed against me shall prosper.
No omen, no spell shall have any impact. Remember he was a prophet outside of Israel.
We don’t know what’s going on, some spiritual thing realm.
He tried to curse Israel but he couldn’t curse Israel because God’s blessing was on Israel.
Hi, I’m Jonathan Khan and I hope you are blessed with the video.
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