The De-Normalizing of Heterosexuality | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The De-Normalizing of Heterosexuality
Message Of The Week – From the Book of Acts, an amazing phrase coined by a pagan and yet has everything to do with your walk – and even the cultures and times in which you live.
Tuesday, October 31, 2023 – The WellInsulated Heart
Have you ever experienced heat loss in your home through an opening, a crack around a doorway or window? You can feel heat escaping and cold coming in. A house that has openings, or doesn’t have enough insulation will always be subject to whatever’s outside. Luke 2:19 and 2:51 say, “Miriam (Mary) treasured these things in her heart.” She was a deep person, keeping the things of the Lord as treasures in her heart. We must do the same to have a strong inner life. Like a well insulated house, cultivate a strong sense of the Word in your life and heart, as treasures inside you. With no devotional or inner life, you’ll be like a house with no insulation. When it’s bad, cold, or tough outside, you’ll be depressed, sorrowful, and up and down with the world. But if you keep a strong inner life, an insulated heart, inner treasures, inner relationship with God, when the storms of life come and the cold winds of life blow in your direction, it’s not going to touch your heart, your peace, your faith or your joy. Because you have a well insulated heart.
When any authority or any government, a man, commands you to do that which clearly goes against god, that which is clearly against the will and word of god, that is the line when you must say no.
Messiah was crucified.
The king was crucified under the reign, the authority of Caesar.
So one king and another king at war, a war of kingdoms, but then Messiah rises from the grave and the power of this king starts entering into the Roman world, it will ultimately overturn it.
So the gospel is spreading through Rome, 2 kingdoms.
The persecution of Rome against the people of the science, a war of kingdoms.
So notice here, Who is calling him King here?
Not the believers, but those bringing charges against the believers because it was a dangerous thing to say.
And that’s what Rome feared and hated about the believers, not that they were religious people.
But that they were they were in Rome, but they were like, they were not of Rome.
They were of another kingdom. They were under another sovereignty.
So in the days of persecution, what do they try to do?
They try to make the people of god bow down and offer sacrifices to the of Rome.
Notice that happens again and again and again to offer to bow down before our god.
But the title wasn’t just Basel use king sovereign The title was titled name of Jesus. Yes. You are.
Basel Yous. Hatteras. Sounds like header row because that’s what it is. Hedero with an s.
Now as soon as I said, hedero, you thought of something that was not from the Bible.
You thought of the word heterosexual. And that tells you something of the times we’re living in.
The word heterosexual shoal did not exist in the English language.
It’s the made up world, word didn’t exist until 18 69.
An invented word, invented by an Austrian psychologist, the same one who invented the word homosexual didn’t exist either till 18 69.
Only and these words came into popular usage pretty much only in the 19 sixties.
But what is that about? I’m just throwing this in. This is extra.
But when you give a word, you see originally there was no word because that’s just the way it was.
You know, man, woman, marriage. That’s the way it was.
But when you give it a word like that, you’re saying, um, categorizing it. Now it’s a special thing.
It’s not the way. It’s not the norm. It’s denormalizing it.
It’s saying this is just one thing, and then you have homosexuality, then you have trans sexuality, but 1,000,000 sexualities, You understand what it means?
It’s a denormalizing of it. This is who you are like the word cisgender. What on earth is that?
It’s saying if you are a man and you are still a man, you’re assistant. What is that?
It’s just reality, but it makes it into a special variation. It’s denormalizing it. Okay.
Back to this, heteros. So what does it mean? Hedero means other different, not same other different opposite.
So, heteros, so Basal use, heteros, means the king who is other.
The other king, the the king who is different, the different king, the other sovereign, another king, the opposite king, the word heteros could also be translated because that word heteros is translated in New Testament as next.
It could be translated as the next king.
This is such a cool, profound title of Messiah that nobody ever uses, but it’s there in the Bible.
Messiah is the is the Basalius, the other king. What a great title. The other king.
How are we to relate to kings, governments, thrones, to authorities, Paul wrote, we are to be subject to the authorities.
And he’s speaking in the days of San Pedro and Rome.
Believers are to be the most lawful people the best citizens, the best employees, the best students, the best sons’ daughters, the best congregants in a house of god are the only But with regard to governments, there is one exception.
We are to be the best citizens.
But the one exception we find as well in the book of acts The sanhedrin commands the believers.
They summon them. It says they commanded them not to speak or teach at all.
In the name of yeshua Jesus. And you know their answer? They said this to the sanhedrin.
Well, Whether it’s right in the sight of god to listen to you and obey you rather than god you be the judge.
In other words, between god and man, we’re following god and not you.
The sanhedrin, the authorities of Israel, order them not to speak in the name of yeshua, but yeshua ordered them to speak in the name of yeshua.
2 kingdoms, 2 authorities, and now that’s the line that is closed.
When the 2 clash like that, when any authority or any government a man commands you to do that which clearly goes against god.
That which is clearly against the will and word of god That is the line when you must say no.
I will not obey because to obey is to disobey god, and god, not you, is my king.
This is not something just for the book of acts.
Now my years ago, it might have been, okay, book of acts and it’s interesting times. It’s not our times.
Now It is more and more gonna be the issue of your time.
And that issue is the issue that you’re gonna deal with, you’re gonna be confronted with, and be tested with, In the days of communist authorities, believers had to deal with it.
In the days when they ruled to obey the government Now if it did, there are laws that don’t have anything to do with going against god, they could obey.
They could they could be good citizens of the communist countries.
But when they when it did touch this ground, when it went it clearly against god’s ways, they had to make a choice.
They had to take a stand.
When the government says you cannot preach the gospel, they had to say no. God said, I must.
When the government said, you cannot teach your children about the ways of god. They that had to say no.
The Bible says I must. When the government said you must deny Jesus, they had to say no.
I will not. Now now so in some cases, there were those who went along with it.
There were those who apostasized. There were those who who went around, you know, but the the true believers, gnomes.
Now sometimes they didn’t say no. They just they just lived no.
They didn’t say anything, but they kept having services secret services. They smuggled Bibles. They spread the lord.
And when they were asked to deny the lord up front, they had to say no.
Some paid with their lives. Some risk they will receive a crown of glory.
Some were arrested and sent to prison. And in prison there, they stood for their faith. They prayed. They worshiped.
They spread the word of god. They evangelized in the prison walls. To the unsaved, even to their captors.
How? Where did they get the strength? When it meant the loss of everything, how?
They got it because they knew they had another king. Another king.
So it was for the believers of Nazi Germany.
They had to also make that choice, obey the government of man and disobey god.
Or disobey man and obey god. Most Germans call themselves Christians. Most Germans obeyed Hitler.
And disobeyed god. Early on in his rule, Hitler commanded all ministers to sign an oath of loyalty to him personally.
Most did because they saw it’s my life. If I don’t do it, they’re gonna come in.
That’s what they thought. Or someone’s we might say, might justify it saying, well, it doesn’t really mean anything.
Others did it without a second thought. Others did it did it enthusiastically. That couldn’t be real believers.
But those who stood against the ways of Hitler, risked arrest execution, and there were those who did.
Believers and pastors, but they were a minority, small.
How but how did they stand against this evil of the 3rd Reich, all powerful like evil over around their lives.
They stood because they knew they had another king. Hitler was nothing to them.
They had another king, Jesus. Yes, Shua. Hi. I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope
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- The Harbinger: The Third Witness – Chapter 18Tháng 4 22, 2023