The Cryptology of The Cross | Bishop T.D. Jakes

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The Cryptology of The Cross | Bishop T.D. Jakes

Just as encryption safeguards vital technological information, the Bible’s encrypted messages protect God’s profound plans. Jesus’ use of bread, wine, and baptism symbolizes ongoing transformation and rebirth, instilling in us a sense of hope and renewal. Trials refine us, eliminating the old self to bring forth new life. That’s why it is crucial to commit to a deeper relationship with Christ, release the past, and have unwavering trust in His process! God’s love and sacrifice provide the strength required for our faith journey. Trust Him and watch as He transforms

your life!

[Music] see see that’s what I love about sisters when sisters get behind something they get behind it men and be talking about yeah man that’s nice that’s nice s be that’s cuz they’re evolving they’re evolving and they don’t want to evolve without you evolving we have to evolve together but anyway woman evolve is coming they’ve got great speakers Dr Anita Phillips is going to be with us uh grow with Joe is going to be with us Crystal Renee uh hazelet Priscilla shower of course Pastor Sarah Jake Roberts it’s
metaphorically through examples Beyond human comprehension bless us now and we will be blessed keep us and we will be kept in the name of the Lord Jesus we pray somebody shout amen amen you may be seated well I sent my notes in to the television people and they got creative and they made a little video uh out of out of my notes to prepare you for what we’re going to talk about take a look at this and then I’m going to teach cryptology is the study and practice of encoding and decoding information to
 ensure it reaches only its intended recipient encoding information is called encryption and it consists of converting ordinary information such as text made of words and sentences into unreadable information like a string of seemingly random letters or symbols this conversion is done using a code called a cipher only those who possess this secret key the cipher can unlock or decrypt the encoded information returning it to its readable form this process of encryption and decryption can enable a message to be hidden inside
something which may appear to be something else the practice of protecting and concealing important information through encryption is ancient its first known possible use dates back almost 4,000 years to ancient Egypt throughout history cryptology has been used wherever secret Communications were required in war and Espionage in diplomacy in Commerce even ancient Hebrew scribes were known to use what’s called an atbash Cipher today cryptology in all its forms is used virtually everywhere information is being
transmitted or stored making possible many of the advancements of our digital age throughout history and it is now information is power the ancient art and modern science of cryptology is one way we preserve protect and harness that power so then we understand yeah yeah yeah that was interesting wasn’t it so whenever we have a message and we want to send it in such a way that only the recipient can receive it we we use the same root word when we say it is encrypted okay sometimes it is letters sometimes it is symbols but it is used
to convey a message that you that the sender only wants a specific receiver to be able to decipher the code and walk away with the message if you can decode the sentence or the statement it means you might want to pursue a care career in cryptography because you are so endowed with the ability to break down the essence of things when something is encrypted you’re passing it in such a way particularly in times of war in times of battle where you want to get a message out there but you don’t want everybody to receive the message it
kind of drives me a little bit crazy with our media today when we have conflict with other countries and they report what we’re going to do before we do it see cuz I wouldn’t say nothing I would just come up like a submarine you just look up I’d be standing up here at the to come on somebody it wouldn’t be no opad no press release No notice it would just happen have you ever have you ever opened up your phone and and you had to prove you weren a robot and you that’s that’s a way of cryptologist is able to decode the fact
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