The Cosmic Miracle Birth of Bethlehem | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

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The Cosmic Miracle Birth of Bethlehem | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

The Bible reveals a mystery – the entire world is in childbirth. What does the mystery have to do with Israel, with the world, and with you? Is it possible that you’re expecting? (even if you’re a man?) – What do you need to in the meantime? It can change your life: the cosmic miracle birth of Bethlehem.

To get Jonathan’s newest prophetic book: The Josiah Manifesto – or his other bestsellers: The Return Of The Gods, The Harbinger II, The Oracle, The Paradigm, The Book of Mysteries, The Harbinger, & more – Go to Amazon or anywhere books are sold.

Jonathan Cahn has been called the prophetic voice of his generation and is known for unlocking the deep mysteries and revelations of God’s Word. He leads Hope of the World, a worldwide ministry of outreach of God’s Word to all nations, and His love and compassion to the world’s most needy.

Recorded Live at Beth Israel at the Jerusalem Center in Wayne, NJ. Friday Nights (8pm) & Sunday Mornings (10am and 11:30am)

The world, the creation was was created to bring forth god’s glory. God’s love to bear his fruit.
And so the child born in Bethlehem is the fulfillment of the entire creation.
Amazing because the celebration of a size birth has been so separated that people don’t realize that Jewish people don’t realize they and most others.
It is the birth of a Jewish baby in a Jewish town to a Jewish mother with Jewish shepherds to fulfill the the prophecies of the coming of the Messiah of Israel.
And it is to all people, but it was to them and that first one.
And here’s more of the flavor of that.
And that and, you know, this is not a this is not this is a Middle Eastern event happening there.
And this is from Isaiah 9, and here’s what it says. Isaiah 9, this is the prophecy.
There are several, but this is one of the key prophecies we’ll fulfilled at that moment in the original language.
But it’s all my vet or not The people who walk in darkness have seen a great light, those who live in the land of the shadow of death, the light has will shine upon them.
For a son will be given, a child will be born.
Now what we’re gonna do is we’re going to do something that the rabbis do say you cannot do.
You cannot do until Messiah comes.
And that is that if you look to your right, you’ll see the maneuver, but the maneuver is not the same maneuver as you saw last week for a Honekup.
That one had 9 branches. This one has 7, and the reason it has 7 is because it is the of the actual temple maneuver.
And that maneuver is the one that symbolizes the light of the world. So it ultimately symbolizes Messiah.
And so they said you never can like this until only one thing happens, then you can light it.
So they’ve never lit It hasn’t had a temple for 2000 years, but they will never light it until they said Messiah comes.
So every year, we make a point of lighting it because Messiah has come.
And so this is the sign of it.
And while each one, I’ll be gonna giving one of the prophecies of his coming.
Eyes and shine for your light has come, and the glory of the lord is risen upon you.
And then a shoot shall rise up from the stump of Jesse, a branch from his roots, and the spirit of god shall be upon him.
He grew up as a shoot out of dry ground before the lord, there is no form or majesty that should attract us to But as for you, Bethlehem, though you be smallest of the clans of Judah, one shall go forth for me who shall be ruler in Israel, whose goings forth are from the days of eternity.
And the virgin shall conceive and shall be with child and His name shall be called Immanuel.
Immanuel god is with us.
For unto us, the child is born, and unto us, the son is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulder.
It’s El Gabor Aviyad Hassan shalom, and his name shall be wonderful.
Counselor, the mighty god the father of eternity, and the prince of peace.
And there shall be no end of his government or of peace on the throne of David, for the lord of hosts shall establish it.
Open up to Isaiah 7 or You can just listen because you know it, but here it is.
And I just actually was one of the scriptures that were mentioned before.
And is one of the prophecies of Messiah, Isaiah 7, and the lord shall give you a sign a virgin shall conceive and shall be with child And his name will be called Eem with Anuas el god Emanu el Emmanu el god is with us.
Never again. Is what my wife said after the birth of our second son.
Never again. It was a hard pregnancy, and she said, it is over. Finished, no more babies.
That lasted about 2 to 3 years. Then she became kinda quiet.
She wasn’t so saying it so much. Then came the first sign.
Do you think maybe we could have another one? I miss having a little baby.
Uh, I missed their diapers. I mean, really? That’s how it began.
The 1st the 4th year, 5th year, I think we’re supposed to. So we got a dog.
I thought that would do it. Didn’t do it. Then please, come on, please. I said, okay. Alright.
And now we’re gonna have a baby. We broke the news to our 2 boys this way.
We had a treasure hunt, uh, in the house, clues, and finally led to a puzzle made of pay or cut up.
They put it together. And it said, you’re going to have a baby brother.
When they read it, they they they screamed. They they said, really? You promise. Really? They were not up.
My wife brought out the clothes for the new baby.
And when Elielle, my oldest son, eight years old saw it, tears start running down his face.
And and he said, no, it’s okay. He said, are you okay? He said, no, it’s okay.
He said, it’s tears of joy, he said. He said, this is the happiest day of my life.
And since then, we’ve been preparing. It’s due to happen soon. Pray, it doesn’t happen too soon.
That’s why my wife’s not here. We’ve been preparing What does it mean to expect a baby?
Because that’s what this is about. It’s about the expectation of a baby.
When a baby comes when in your life, there’s it’s a it’s a of hope. It’s about the future.
It’s new life. The birth of a baby is linked to a purpose that god has a purpose for all people.
We’re all I mean, I mean, it doesn’t matter whether you have children or not.
God has a purpose and you’re to have spiritual children, but physically, we’re made to have children, a man, and a woman are made to be fathers and mothers.
So it’s a fulfillment of purpose.
Thus, we are made to be fruitful, and that’s what a char the birth of a child’s about.
The birth of a child is a miracle. Doesn’t matter how many times it happens. It’s a miracle.
Renata was watching all these programs before we had our first baby and she’s watching, I mean, had I don’t watch a 100 programs, plus I’ve seen a 100 births, but when still when you hear the crying of that life, the first voice of it, our firstborn son, Elielle, it is a miracle.
She was crying, and and we’re both behind the screen and just hearing it a miracle.
And I and they they placed the baby in our hands and crying.
And I said to him, I said to Eli, I said, Hey, buddy, and that second, he stopped crying and didn’t cry again for days.
Our first son had curly hair like me and had had my eyes, eyebrows, and cheeks.
The bottom part was more Renata, but see a child is a incarnation of love, and that is it’s the joining of the father and the mother together.
You know, you so you look and you can see parts. It’s the joining of 2 lives together.
A child to be born, it changes your life more probably than marriage because everything, your schedule, your everything, your sleep, your sleep revolves around them, your your life revolves around the new life.
It needs to eat and sleep and be protected and held. When a baby is born, you have to prepare.
With our first baby, we had We didn’t have barely had room for the baby.
And we and we and we kept a lot.
We kept it just in case you after the the the last after Dael and my other son We kept the crib.
We kept it for years years. Just in case, finally, we gave it away in the 5th year.
And right after that, we’re gonna have a baby. We gave away everything. So so those who do.
So when when you’re having a baby, you have to make room for it, space for it, time for it.
You gotta arrange everything around it. When you’re expecting, it’s a new responsibility.
It can be a scary thing for parents at first.
Yet a beautiful thing, a little life is dependent on you.
And you’re responsible to bless it, care for it, nourish it, feed it, protective.
And so here we read now of the birth.
Where it said in Luke, in those days, Caesar Augustus issued a decree.
A census should be taken a cosmic event, a prophecy event.
The nativity is the most supernatural of events. God coming down. And yet it’s the most natural event.
It’s a birth. It’s both not and supernatural because god comes to fulfill the world.
He comes to fulfill life. He comes to fulfill every part of our life.
And so the supernatural comes into the natural and fulfills the natural.
In the little city of Bethlehem City of Rolling Hills. Some of you have seen it.
Some of you will see it. In Israel, we go there. Sheep are still there at some places.
There are shepherds still there. And this homeless couple gives birth to a baby in the middle of nowhere under the stars.
And yet, it’s the most awesome thing that that little helpless being little helpless baby is Yahweh is the eternal is Adonai, the shepherd of Israel, the almighty, hot humbling himself.
The greatest act of love, the most incredible miracle.
The awesome almighty god becomes a helpless baby to come and redeem our lives.
The mother, Miriam, for her, it was the fulfillment of her life.
You know, a lot of, you know, women have when they have children, it’s like the fulfillment.
It’s a fulfillment of something that’s been way saying, well, well, look at this one.
It’s the fulfillment of, I mean, so many, I mean, Jewish women would have dreamed of having the Messiah being the mother of that But here it comes to her, what if fulfillment is fulfillment of everything?
And undoubtedly as there is in the elements of birth all those elements are here, but multiply. Excitement.
There was excitement. The the the shepherds who are first, they’re scared.
And then there there’s an ex the the whole a account is filled with excitement.
And as every as a birth of a baby’s linked to purpose, this is linked to the purpose of purpose.
It’s the birth of a child It’s always a manifestation of love. I said you could look.
The mother and father can look and see the other one join together. They are 2 are joined together.
Well, here is the joining together of Mary and god, the the heavenly father.
The child is a joining for her.
The virgin shall conceive and be with child and call his name, god is with us.
The birth of a child, you can ask any woman is also painful.
But when the birth comes, the pain forgotten because all the pain was moving for this purpose.
So Miriam went through hardship, labor, and there they are homeless, but seeing the baby I’m sure she forgot everything.
That changes everything. Every birth is a miracle, but this birth is the miracle They went up to register with Miriam to Bethlehem.
And while they were there, the time came for them to give birth for the baby to be born.
She gave birth to her firstborn a son. It’s amazing.
It says that as if you didn’t know who’s gonna be a son, a son She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger because there was no room.
When a child is born, it changes everything.
The birth of messiah’s change everything, everything in her life, everything in Joseph’s life.
When a child is born, you gotta prepare And they do the best they can, and they’re getting ready to imagine all the talk they must have had is what are we gonna do?
You know, parents talk. How are we gonna do?
What are we gonna do with the how are we gonna raise the baby?
Well, they’re talking about raising the messiah. What what a what a responsibility that is. You wanna challenge born?
You gotta make room, so they’re gonna making room in their little mud brick uh, house in Nazareth, probably, undoubtedly poor.
They have to arrange everything around the baby and it’s Messiah. They watch the baby. It’s Messiah.
And here, they have this responsibility. Every child, when it’s born, you’ve the parents have a responsibility.
Well, now what a responsibility this is.
You are caring for the fulfillment of every prophecy of the one who protects everyone.
Gotta oversee his growth. You gotta teach him of of even though he’s he knows that his spirit a teacher.
He’s gonna learn how to speak. They nurse him. They teach him. They teach him how to walk.
He learns to speak Hebrew Aramaic. You see god empty says in It says that he emptied himself of everything.
That means of knowledge, everything. Could only imagine what a joy that was.
Now let’s take that miracle We’re taking the miracle of birth, and we’re gonna keep on moving it a step up or, you know, to another level.
Now we take that miracle And this birth, it is not only the blessing of a couple It is a blessing of an entire nation.
You see the nation of Israel is giving birth. As well. It is the birth of their child.
Messiah is the child of Israel.
I mean, he’s a child of but but he’s so So, therefore, he is he is now the fulfillment wonder he will be called wonderful counselor almighty god All these ancient prophecies centuries before are being fulfilled in this unto us a child is born.
A son just say unto Mary, and Joseph, it says unto us, a child is born.
A son is given, so the angels appear to the shep today in the city of David because he’s the Messiah.
He’s gonna be born of David.
So he’s of the line and the place of David And so now look at what all those things about having a baby and apply it now in a larger a larger dimension.
Now apply it to an entire nation. Israel. Uh, a baby is hope. Gives hope.
Well, Messiah, this baby is the hope of Israel.
A baby represents the future, well, this baby represents the future of Israel, the kingdom of god.
The birth of a baby is announced, you know, in different ways, but this one is announced by angels.
He will be from the root of Jesse. Excitement for Israel.
You know, the whole all of Israel has been waiting for the Messiah, waiting back then, waiting now for 2000 years.
And there’s no Messiah coming in the last 2000 years because he already came.
He is the one they are waiting for.
And the orthodox Jews are waiting for him are are waiting for that that coming in some way, but they don’t realize he’s come.
He’s coming again, but but there’s that excitement for the waiting of a child.
And so when when the woman Anna sees her, sorry, sees Mary and Joseph in the temple, they they rejoice with prophecy because they know it’s the hope of Israel.
And Simeon says the the it says prophetically, now I can go.
I can be with peace because I’ve seen it the birth of a child. Is linked to your purpose.
Well, well, the purpose of Israel is linked to this baby and the Israel, the Jewish bill can never be fulfilled until they find this baby.
It’s an awesome mystery that, you know, you know, even though they don’t recognize it, even though they hear Christmas songs, they don’t think it has anything to do with them.
It has everything to do with them. It’s the fulfillment of their purpose of the nation of Israel.
See, Israel was in a covenant with god. God called it a marriage.
But, see, one of the things about a marriage, one of the reasons of marriage is to become 1.
And then you have the fruit of that. The joy together.
Remember the child is the joining together with the father and the mother?
So the child is now the joining together of god and Israel. And one hand, he’s Jewish.
He is a flesh and blood, Jewish. But on the other hand, he is god. He’s the son of god.
You know, a wife can look at the baby and see herself and her husband and so you could we Israel can look at this life and see it’s it’s their own life.
He’s he’s the king of the Jews. But he’s also gone.
What the ultimate the ultimate story of Israel and god is a story of covenant that they will become 1.
Well, they become one in this child. And so he is all those things.
The birth of a child is a miracle so for Israel. This is the miracle of Israel.
Israel was brought into existence to bring into the world. God.
Bring into the the word of god, the prophecies of god, the works of god, the kingdom of god, but ultimately to bring god himself.
And so what happens when a child is born changes everything in your life?
So what happens when the child of Israel is born? It changes the history of the Jewish people.
If you take the history of the Jewish people from Abraham to now, you can divide it into two parts.
Abraham to Messiah and Messiah until the second coming. And you have the 2 thing.
Everything changes when even though most of the Jewish people have not yet it even though many did, but the most did not.
Nevertheless, he still is the center of Jewish history. It’s divided right in the middle. That first set tree.
Everything changed. The Jewish history changes. The temple changes. The religion chain everything changes when he comes.
Something happened 2000 years ago. And that is the birth of the child who came to Israel.
And that’s the sign that even to this day, Jewish history is centered around his coming.
But then there’s another realm.
Let’s take it to another dimension, this birth of a child, birth of a baby.
There is another mother here, not just there’s Mary, then there’s Israel, but then there’s another mother.
It says in Romans, it says we know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.
Not only so, but we are selves having the first fruits of the spirit groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as children, the redemption of our bodies in this hope we were saved.
The whole creation listen to this. This is an amazing thing. We can go right over it.
The whole creation has been groaning in the pains of childbirth right up to this moment.
It has been groaning. What’s it saying?
The creation itself was created to bring forth, bear the life of god. The whole creation.
That’s why God created It’s like the creation was made to be joined to god like a bride.
That that’s why that’s why it’s groaning in childbirth. To bring to be married to god.
It says in the prophecies, in that day, your whole land will be called married to join to god and then it will bring into the world the life of god.
Gods love the the the world, the creation was was created to bring forth god’s glory.
God’s love to bear his fruit.
And so the child born in Bethlehem is the fulfillment of the entire creation.
The birth, the birth of a baby is hope. It’s the hope of the entire creation.
It’s the child of creation, the birth of a child makes things new, makes everything new.
Well, the birth of this child made everything new.
May for all who receive it makes it makes everything new in Hebrew. In fact, he made history new.
It wasn’t just it was god gives a new beginning to the world through this birth.
It wasn’t just Jewish shepherds who came to see him It was the Magi, the gentiles who came because he was also for them.
A child born is the bird is the joining of the father and mother.
So in this case, he’s the joining of of heaven and earth in one child.
He’s he’s he’s the joining of the spiritual and the physical together. God and the creation all joined together.
And so as a child is a miracle to the parents, this is the miracle of the creation that god actually sends his life into the word world, not just the Jewish world, but into the entire pagan world, every world.
And what happens? So he said, you know, when a child born, changes your life.
It is so dramatic that he literally divide not only affects Jewish history, he divides the history of the world into.
BC AD divided by his birth. That’s how much this child has changed the world.
And a child changes the world. Well, changed your life. Well, a child, this child has changed the world.
But there’s another part of this mystery.
One more miracle one more of one more mother who is having the baby.
Galatians 4 verse 19, one more mother.
My little children for whom I am in labor until Messiah is formed within you.
See, what happened at Bethlehem is also what happened to you.
You see, if you are born again, it doesn’t matter who you are.
In one sense, you are having a baby.
That means what we just looked at has to do with you, your life. What does that mean?
Let’s let’s now apply to you. You all doesn’t matter man, woman, child, doesn’t matter. You are.
You are created in the image of god to bear the life of god through your life into the world.
You were made to be the vessel of his life.
That means your whole life, the purpose of your life is to bear god everywhere you go.
To bear the love of god, the joy of god, the presence of god, the the knowledge of god, the truth of god, from your being, from your heart, from your soul, from your life.
Your life is meant to carry his life and bring it forth.
That the life of god is supposed to is is to come through you.
And that’s why you could never be fulfilled until that moment. Until that happens.
Your whole life is like waiting for a birth until it hap until he comes into your life.
This is Jonathan Khan. Thanks for watching, and the Josiah manifesto, the ancient mystery and guide for the end times is available everywhere on Amazon wherever books are sold.
God bless you. Shalom.

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