The Chastening of the Lord

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The Chastening of the Lord

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Coming up next on changing your world.
If a thought comes up, oh my goodness. God’s punishing me.
Or, you know, because of god’s punishment, I’m gonna end up in hell.
Uh, no, no, no, your destiny has already been set. You’ve already passed from death to life.
You are being dealt with by a father who loves you. Remember this is chas chastening of the lord.
It’s the father dealing with you
in law, but he is going to be dealing with you.
Did you miss the homecoming last year?
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It’s happening again in 2024, July limit through 13th are the dates.
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Don’t miss 3 days jam packed with the word, wisdom, and fun.
There’ll be special sessions for men, women, ministers, and more.
Text grace life, one word, to 51555 to claim your seat today.
This is your world. It’s all as to make it a better place.
Let every hard than me is now.
You love today.
I’m gonna talk to you about the chastening of the lord.
What is that? How does it work?
Is god gonna go back to punishing people?
If you know him, you know the answer to that.
But what I need to do is really dig into this this morning.
And I need you to really dig in this with me this morning.
I don’t have any cartwheels or flips just digging into this thing.
Just going line by line. You can do a cartwheel when you get it. Amen?
So let’s go to the book of Hebrews chapter 12 in the King James Hebrews chapter 12, as we begin to deal with this issue of the chastening of the lord.
Hebrews chapter 12. And let’s start at verse 5.
And I read read verse 5 through 11. He brews 12, 5 through 11.
And you have forgotten the exhortation which speaketh under you as unto children.
My son despise not the chastening of the lord. Don’t despise it.
There’s a reason for it. There’s an objective behind it. There’s something that he’s trying to work out of you.
He says, no faint, so don’t despise it nor faint when thou art rebuked of him.
For whom the lord loveth, he chasteneth and scourges every son whom he receiveth.
If you endure Chest chastening. God delivers with you as with sons.
For what son is he whom the father chasing, if not.
But if you’d be without chastisement, whereof all our partakers, then are you bastards and not sons.
Furthermore, we have had fathers of our flesh, which corrected us, and we gave them reverence or respect.
Shall we not much rather be in subjection until the father of spirits and live?
For they verily for a few days chastened us after their own pleasure, but he, for our profit, So this is gonna be for our prophet that we might be partakers of his holiness.
Now, no chastening for the present seem it to be joyous, but grievous, Nevertheless, after it yielded the peaceable fruit of righteousness, onto them, which are exercised, it it’s yielded onto them, which are exercised thereby.
Now one aspect of of the discipline of grace is not always recognized as being of grace.
And it is the chastening of the lord It’s an aspect of the discipline of grace.
We we gotta we gotta we gotta teach on this too. We can’t bypass this.
You know, well, I know it’s in the scriptures somewhere, but I don’t really wanna heal by Chasening is god the father dealing with his child in love.
Now, that’s the foundation of this. Chastening is god the father.
Now, what I just said, god the father is god acting as father disciplining or dealing with his children in love.
God deals with us. He doesn’t punish us, but he deals with us.
Under the Old Testament, there was punishment for not keeping the law.
But in this new testament under this covenant of grace, god is not the judge.
He’s the father and he will deal with his children how in love. Everybody’s saying love.
Cause the scripture just said, for whom the lord loveth he chasing it.
And that now he says if he love you, he chasing it. Wow.
It is a sign of that one has not been forsaken by god.
Chastisement is a sign that you are a son of god.
If you don’t know chastisement, your sonship is in question.
And if everybody’s on the bus say amen, I know I ain’t lost nobody quick.
I just got started, amen. Now because chastening is at times, accompanied by the visitation of distress, and affliction.
It is that time.
In fact, let let me show you this before I get going first, Peter, chapter 59.
I was I was pretty fascinated with this.
Because, you know, he says that, you know, our the the chasing of the lord is a sign that we are sons of god and that, uh, he chasing his all of those who are his sons.
In 1st, Peter, chapter 59, he says, whom resist that fur steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions, afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world.
So not only you and me, but all of our brethren around the world, he said there are some afflictions that are gonna be accomplished.
Now, I don’t want you jumping ahead of me because if you do, you might get in fear or you might get a little depressed.
So don’t jump ahead. This is a good story.
Like, for a moment, it’s it’s gonna feel like, oh my god.
What happened to the freedom and grace?
Now we gotta get to the nitty gritty on this stuff. Amen?
So because chastening is at times accompanied by the visitation of distress and affliction, It’s often confused with punishment.
And so we just showed you that afflictions and distresses will come as a result of chastening, but it’s not punishment.
It it’s not true. That it’s punishment.
For punishment is, is of, of, of, of, of, of god who was the judge.
Punishment is dealing is the god who was the judge in exacting the full penalty of his broken law.
So in the old testament, if you broke the law, you were punished because God, because of the god of justice, there had to be that punishment.
The Bible says the wages are seeing his death. People died. For complaining.
You remember that little list about I mean, several thousand people failed dead because they were complaining.
You know, the church will be empty this morning if people still fail dead for complaining.
And the pulpit will be empty too.
In this covenant, In this covenant of the law, there is no fatherhood of god in that covenant of the law.
There is no expression of his love in that covenant of the law.
Punishment is the wrath of god poured out upon all who reject his son today.
It is condemnation that should come upon unbeknown, uh, upon this unbelieving world.
And the believer in Christ, the Bible says shall not come into condemnation, but it’s passed from death until life.
I need you to see that. Uh, John chapter 5 in verse 24. King James Jones 524.
I need you to see there is no way, no how you and I who are born again today under the father of love, we are not to come into condemnation.
He says, verily, verily I say unto you, he that heareth my word and believe it on him that sent me half everlasting life.
Now if you’re safe, say it loud. I have we’ll say I have everlasting life with Christ.
Alright? He says, and he shall not come into condemnation.
But what happened is you passed from death when you unsaved to life now that you’re saved.
Praise god. And then, Romans 614, just to verify this again for you, Roman 6 4414 says, foreseeing shall not have dominion over you.
Why? You are not under the law where there is punishment.
You are under grace where there is this unrestrained, restricted of the love of love god.
He is you are not under the law, but under grace. Say, I under the grace of god.
Okay. So if that comes up anytime throughout this sermon, just just wipe it out.
If a thought comes Oh my goodness.
God’s punishing me or, you know, because of god’s punishment, I’m gonna end up in hell. Uh, no, No. No.
Your destiny has already been set. You’ve already passed from death to life.
You are being dealt with by a father who loves you. Remember This is chast chastening of the lord.
It’s the father dealing with you
in love, but he is going to be dealing with you.
Now let no one presume, and this is just a to get this out to make sure we got it.
The that the grace of god, don’t presume upon the grace of god and think that because he shall not come into condemnation, don’t think that just because you don’t come in a condemnation that you can live according to the desires of this old carnal nature without suffering the full consequences thereof.
What am I saying? Sin has consequences.
Oh, but I’m under the grace of god, and the father loves me, sin has consequences.
It does. I told you another week.
You go fooling around with somebody’s wife, and your husband come home early and and he pulls his shotgun out, and you died early and and gossip, what you’re here for?
The consequences. You under grace being buried.
You get that. Right?
There there’s no way, nowhere where grace is the license or the okay to sin.
Grace is how you get out of sin. It’s not permission to sin.
Amen. And the church said, Amen. And the wall said, Amen.
God does deal with the sins of believers. This is by chastening.
He does deal with the sin of believers.
And how is he gonna deal with the sin of believers? This is by chastening.
Now god’s chasing it chastening is to correct and to purify. So there’s sin going on.
There’s some habits going on stuff going on. You’re saved.
You’ll get to heaven, but he says, I I have the job as a father to correct And I have a job as a father to purify, not, uh, to imply that is, you know, to make you guilty.
God’s not gonna use guilt to try to get you out of it.
But he, he wants to clear up the per the imperfections. To correct and to purify.
The chastening is to correct it and to purify it. See, you you we’re we’re no longer slaves to sin.
You just might need a little help to correct and to purify. Alright.
Uh, and and the reason why I’m so just kinda making sure we start off right is that you sometimes don’t go you’ll get you’ll get to the extreme.
And every time something bad happened to you, you’re like, well, god, let that happen, uh, because he’s trying to show me something.
Now sometime it happened, Carlos, what you did? Yeah.
God was like, oh, I wasn’t intending on using that at all. What happened?
Now, will he permit certain things? Yes.
And sometimes some of the stuff you start he’ll just permit it on. Yeah.
I’m gonna show you this. Now before you pull out your degree, thanking you knowing more than everybody, just let me finish saying what I gotta say.
Can see about some of you not.
Well, you know, I I I I I I don’t agree with that right now. You ain’t even at me.
Because I had a chance to sit down and look at 40 something years of my life in ministry and say, That’s the truth.
That’s the truth. Oh my god. Man, I wonder if that hadn’t happened, what would I have done?
God knows how to get your attention.
Well, the lord, the lord, the lord, the lord, the lord corrects us with words. I don’t I don’t disagree.
He does correct you with words. The problem is you ain’t listening to those words.
He told you to stop. He told you don’t do that.
He told you don’t go no that way.
He told you to lead that girl alone He told you, don’t don’t call Fred no more, and you keep calling him.
He’s he told you that. He told you that.
He told you that not only through your spirit, but he had a prophet come up and said, thus, saith the lord.
So he he’d been trying to talk to you in words.
Y’all know what I’m talking about.
Don’t he been trying some of y’all remember it talking about. I knew I wasn’t supposed to do that. Yeah.
Oh, watch this. This is a famous one.
Something told me now you now you wanna call god or something.
Something told me not to come here.
You get married, Wick up next morning, or, or, or, or, or, Roscoe wakes up with this curly in curls in his hand, the 6 pack, and he’s floating in the air, turning his head around, spinning up green stuff.
He looks at you because you are biblically a quietly woman, and he says, give me some coffee or I’ll choke you out.
And you’re like, ah,
something told me not to marijuana go.
So let me show you something.
Now I wanna use gold and, and, and, and, and the dew drops of the morning as an illustration of what I believe is going on here.
Hebrews 12 20 reminds us that god is a consuming fire. Yeah.
Gold is chastened that that it may become pure.
How intense heat melts it into a liquid and thus separates it from all of the impurities.
And then there’s the, the dew drops, sparkling in the morning, And that was by the heat of yesterday’s sun drawn as a vapor from the stagnant pool.
And then the cool of the night condenses it into water, so pure that it refracts the rays of the sun into full beauty of the spectrum when you see it.
Now both of these both these processes, the one dealing with the goal and the one dealing with the the do drop both these processes are for the sole purpose of purification.
And so, likewise, is the chastening of the father’s love.
It is to remove all which is unpleasant to him.
And what have we learned that is unpleasant to him. Self dependence. Self dependence.
Listen to me carefully, self dependence.
Remember the series we did on the purpose of trials The trial of your faith is the purification of your faith.
It is a removal of all impurities of dependence on self.
Dependence on self versus dependence on god.
Self dependence is impure and needs to be removed.
You cannot will not spend time, you will not spend time in heaven in self dependence.
That is going to be burned off. You’re gonna go to heaven.
I people like, if I can just make it in, I’ll be alright.
I don’t wanna just make it in because I’m gonna show you the night today.
A lot of folks gonna make make it in, but some will have gain and will suffer loss.
You’re still gonna be in heaven. And I was looking at that.
I’m like, I I got kinda nervous when I saw it. I waited a minute.
And am I still in heaven?
And and the scripture letter says, you’ll still be in heaven, but you may suffer loss versus game.
And I’m like, man, I got to get in this. I wasn’t gonna teach it.
I I figured they ain’t ready for it. Let’s let’s do this next year. He said, no, now.
Now the
answers to this question The unrighteous, why do the righteous suffer?
Why do the righteous have to go through stuff? Why do the righteous have to be afflicted?
Y’all do know that, right? No, no, no, I don’t believe the righteous have to suffer. Boy, read the Bible.
They that live godly shall suffer what? How many y’all trying to live godly?
Alright. You’re going to go through some stuff. You’re gonna need some stuff.
I I I just get so freaked out when I meet Christians who are are planned like they never went through nothing.
Hey, man. How you doing? Perfect flawless all is well. It’s all well all the time.
Oh, yes, amen. What no. No. No. You’re lying.
You’re lying because god is going to use these afflictions and the things we have to go through and the persecutions and people talking about you and, and and losing your job and not having enough money to pay your rent.
All your money’s spent. A little bit to buy some food. Baby need to pass you.
Look that light bill do. You can got a gas bill too. Telephone disconnect. Wait till your next paycheck.
Paycheck mounts on you. What are you gonna do? We have issues.
It’s called life.
No one’s exempt from it.
So what does he plan on doing with all of these things, persecutions, and stuff that comes our way.
And so this answers the question why do righteous suffer?
The unrighteous, all who have not accepted righteousness of god, all who are not born again, they are not in the sight of god gold to be chastened.
There’s no chastisement for people who have not been born again.
That is is is for those who are sons, not for those who have not been born again.
Okay? There is no spiritual life to free from in impurities of this world.
There is no no spiritual life to to free from the impure impurities.
I mean, a guy who’s not born again, there, he he ain’t got no spiritual life.
So we’re not the if he he he already bound to hell.
So there is no need to try to do any getting rid of impurities of self dependence because that’s that’s how you live.
This is my life. I’m a do what I wanna do with it.
Ephesians 2 verse 1 says something. Look at that.
I wanna show you this real quick.
I mean, those people are already dead and trust passes and sin.
There’s no there’s no spiritual life to to free some somebody from some impurities.
Verse verse one says, and you have he quickened who were dead in trespasses and sin.
There are people that are dead in trust passes and sin.
So while the unrighteous do not suffered by chest, uh, chastening, there awaits the judgment and the fiery indignation, which shall devour them who failed to make Jesus lord of their life.
People don’t go to hell because of their behavior. They go to hell because they reject Jesus.
He brews chapter 1027. Let me show you that real quick.
Hebrews chapter 1027. Is everybody on the bus still?
I know I’m overemphasizing this, but you’ll see why.
We we got this, like, got to get this foundation down.
Verse 27 says, but a certain fearful looking forward of judgment and fiery indignation would shall devour the adversaries.
And so Yeah. Unless, unless the unsaved received Jesus as a lord and personal savior, they, they will be divided.
They’re going to hell. There’s none of this stuff stuff of, well, you know, everybody’s going to going to heaven.
Only those who accept the, um, sin offering, only those who accept the peace offering, only those who accept the ransom that was paid for us.
And that’s Jesus. You you don’t go somebody says, well, you’re going to hell because of bad behavior.
Well, everybody got some. That’s why you need the grace of god to help you through the bad behavior.
The behavior will get better, but you’re going to heaven because you accept Jesus as the lord and savior of your life.
That’s why you go to heaven.
Do you ever wonder if god is punishing you?
In his 2 message series, The Disciplined of Grace, Crippleodollar uncovers the truth about how god actually corrects and guides his children.
Self dependence is impure. God’s take is to correct and to purify.
If a thought comes up, oh my goodness, because of god’s punishment, I’m gonna end up in hell. Uh, no.
No. No. Your destiny has already been set. You’ve already passed from death to life.
You are being dealt with by a father who loves you. This is chastening of the lord.
It’s the father dealing with you in love.
But he is going to be dealing with you.
Both messages can be yours today for a love gift of just 15 US dollars reward for CD or 25 US dollars or more for DVDs, visit and click e store, scan the Q code or call the number on your screen to get yours now.
How do you know when god begins to swoop down? Things began to happen?
Then possible becomes possible. Miraculous things began to happen. There is nothing that is too messy.
There’s thing that is too dirty that he cannot change.
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Your invite to unlock your harvest with Taffy Dollar, Doctor Anita Phillips, and more on March 14th 15th.
Don’t wait for permission to bloom.
It’s time for you to fulfill your purpose and receive all that you’ve worked for.
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God bless you.
The proceeding program was brought to you in part by the partners and friends of Dollar Ministries.

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