The Call of the Watchman | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Call of the Watchman | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
Friday, August 25, 2023 – The Trumpet & The Harvest
Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year’s Biblical name is “Yom Teruah” Day of the Blasting – Feast of Trumpets. Israel was commanded to blow the Shofar; the ram’s horn, to signal that the summer harvest was over, the Great Day of Atonement was near. Get ready to stand before your God. The Feast of Trumpets is prophetic. We’re in the age of the great harvest. The next great event will be the sound of the trumpets which will end the harvest. Then we will each stand before God. We pretend this life will never end. We waste our time putting off what we know is right for tomorrow. We fall asleep. But the Feast of Trumpets is God’s wake-up call; you don’t have forever here. You walk through this life only once and one day you’ll stand before your Maker. Therefore, if you would do good, repent, tell that person you love them, forgive or be forgiven, get right, step out in faith, live in righteousness. Do it now. Hear the trumpets, do it today. For tomorrow may not come and the day of salvation is today.
America clearly has not heeded that.
And 20 years later, we can say that America has not only not returned to god, it has hypothesized much deeper and farther since, and the warnings have gone unheeded.
And that brings us to where we are now.
This week, and I’m led to speak about the watchmen and about the call of the watchmen, and that means you.
God says in Isaiah 62, I’ve said watchmen on your walls, Jerusalem. They will never hold their peace.
Don’t don’t be quiet. Don’t be silent watchmen.
The word for watchmen in the Bible in the Hebrew There’s 2 major words.
One is the word so fat. Try it.
So fat means one who beholds, one who looks up, One who looks carefully, one who waits, and one who keeps.
The most famous word for the watchmen is the word show mayor. Try it.
means one who guards, one who takes heed, one who keeps, comes from a root word, Shamar, which means to hitch, hedge, to guard, to protect, to mark, to look narrowly, to observe, to preserve, to wait for to keep, to save.
So the watchmen could also be called the protector, the hedger, the marker, the observer, the guard, the preserver, the waiter, The watcher, the keeper, the one who saves.
It says I have appointed watch when the watchmen had to be appointed by man But here, god is saying I’m appointing WATCHMAN as well.
They had a critical calling on which the entire fate of their culture, their civilization depended.
The watchmen had gigantic responsibility. Today, we have defense systems all over the world.
Then you had a watchmen or or a or a few watchmen.
responsible for the entire city or the kingdom for the safety so they had to take their position seriously.
They didn’t have satellites. They had their eyes. They had to have a good eyesight.
The watchmen had to be focused. Couldn’t get distracted.
couldn’t get entangled on what couldn’t be couldn’t be distracted by what was going on in the city in the marketplace below him.
Couldn’t hang out in the city to be a watchman. couldn’t be involved with what everybody else was.
It wouldn’t be doing his job. How to stay separate.
He had to take his post on the walls. other watch tower on the gate.
If he didn’t take his position, could not do it.
It says in Habicoke, The prophet says, I will stand my watch.
I will station myself on the rampart of the walls, and I will watch to see what he will say to me.
Here, the prophet is speaking as the watchmen.
That one of the one of the symbols of the prophet is the watchmen because they had to warn their people.
But the watchmen had to be on the ramparts, had to be above the city in order to see what was coming over the horizon or in the distance.
Hi. I’m Jonathan Khan, and I hope you are blessed with the video.
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