The Book of Daniel Explained | David Jeremiah
The Book of Daniel Explained
Take a quick and exciting visual journey with us back to Babylon to learn important cues for living in our culture today.
Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week..
Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….
From turning point, the Book of Signs, Dr David Jeremiah’s definitive guide to biblical prophecy, understand the profound implications of 31 major signs of the end times as you gain hope and confidence for the future and a renewed purpose for today.
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Have you ever considered that if God were able to create the universe, surely he’d have no trouble giving us accurate pictures of world events long before they happened.
Though most people believe that biblical prophecies about the final days of the earth can only be found in the last book of the Bible.
The Book of Revelation. You may be surprised to know that end time prophecies are found in the Old Testament as well recorded hundreds of years before John’s revelation.
Yet for many Bible prophecy appears to be a mystery that cannot be understood nor believed.
But the more we know about prophecies fulfilled in the past, the more we can have confidence in the prophecies that foretell our future.
If we look to the Old Testament Book of Daniel, we find amazing prophecies that have been fulfilled and many yet to be fulfilled.
Though this book might read like fiction. History has proven a strange reality.
The unchanging word of God gives us a future and a hope we can count on as being absolutely certain we live in uncertain times.
But in this new book, David Jeremiah reminds us that we can be certain that through Jesus, we have hope for every circumstance and challenge we encounter.
That theme resonates throughout answers to questions about living in the last days in which Dr Jeremiah uses scripture to answer more than 70 questions to help you stay faithful in these turbulent times.
Questions like what signs of the last days are being fulfilled in our world today?
How can I maintain a calm spirit in times of trouble? Why is it important to study prophecy?
How can I grow stronger as a person of faith in today’s world and more answers to questions about living in the last days new from Doctor Jeremiah, yours for a gift of any amount in support of this program.
And if you want to learn what it means to live in uncertain times from the first hand experience of someone who has done it, you can apply the lessons of the prophet Daniel with the agents of Babylon set or your gift of support of $100 or more.
Doctor Jeremiah will send you both the agents of Babylon set and answers to questions about living in the last days to order or to find out more call or go online today.
The book of Daniel and the prophecy found there in all begins with a Godly young teen torn from his world and exiled to Babylon where he would live the rest of his life.
Who is he Daniel, the hostage, an agent of Babylon historians record that Jerusalem fell to Nebi Nazer and the Babylonians in 65 BC.
And it also tells us that the king deported Jewish hostages from Jerusalem to Babylon leaving Jerusalem in ruins with only a few of the poor aged and infirm still in the land.
At the end of the days, verse 18 and 19, none was found like Daniel Hanaah and Michel and Azariah.
Therefore, they served before the king.
And now here we are with these four Hebrew boys in the palace with a Babylonian king in the place where God is going to use them to influence things that we’re going to see in the future.
He brought these young men out of Jerusalem.
They went through the training program, maintained their faith in God and here they are in the palace of King Nezar.
I happen to believe that most of us in this room are going to face some major issues that we have to stand up for before we go to heaven.
But let me ask you this question, what’s going to prepare us to do that?
You’re just not going to stand up for the big thing.
If you haven’t had some small victories along the way.
In the book of Daniel, we witness a powerful king disturbed by a disruptive dream and its troubling interpretation.
He would be brought to his knees by the meaning of that dream.
Who is this king? Ne ne the insomniac, an agent of Babylon.
This less than 20 year old boy stands up before the king with courage and strength.
I have a God who lives above the stars, a God in heaven who reveals secrets.
And I know that God and I walk with that God and in the name of that God, I stand before you today and I’m going to give you the answer to your dream and I’m going to give you the interpretation to it.
You will know the dream and you will know what it means. I love Daniel. He inspires me.
He was never afraid to stand in the place where God put him.
A prophetic figure emerges from the darkness of King Dean Deer’s dream bringing with it a message from the future.
What is this prophecy bearing giant, the colossus, an agent of Babylon.
He had given him an outline for all of world history from Babylon all the way to the coming of Christ.
That’s why this dream is so important.
All of the rest of the prophecies of the Bible just fit in the empty places in this massive dream.
So Daniel is done. He’s finished.
He’s told the king, this dream, the king’s kind of recovered a little bit from the shock of it all.
And Daniel 2 45 says, the great God has made known to the king.
What will come to pass after this? The dream is certain and the interpretation is sure.
And what desert does next is nothing short of astounding.
Verse 46 he praises Daniel King Zer fell on his face prostrate before Daniel and commanded that they should present an offering and an incense to him.
In other words, he thought Daniel was a God. He wanted to worship him.
Of course, Daniel wouldn’t have anything to do with that.
The next thing that happens is Zer praises Daniel’s God.
One thing to praise Daniel the human in front of you, but he got the messy, there’s something going on here beyond just Daniel and notice what he says.
In verse 47 the king answered Daniel and said, truly, your God is the God of Gods, the Lord of Kings and a reveal of secrets since you could reveal this secret.
When Neer says that Daniel’s God is the God of Gods.
What he’s saying is next to my God, your God is the real God.
I got all these silly, sorry, unproductive Babylonian gods. You got a God. You got the God of Gods.
He was convinced three Godly men stood 3 faithful hebrews elevated to prominence in Babylon, but then they stood in flames and then another stood with him who are these fireproof men who took a stand and changed the world around them.
The firemen, agents of Babylon, these were Jewish men who knew the scripture and they believed the scripture to be God’s truth.
And they understood what Exodus 20 verse four says.
You shall not make for yourself a carved image, any likeness of anything that is in heaven above or that is in earth beneath or that is in the water under the earth at the base of Mount Sinai, the newly redeemed Hebrews created an image of a gold calf on the plain of Dura.
Nebi Kneer created an image of a golden man.
And in both cases, the second of the 10 commandments was violated.
And these men knew that to worship an idol, an image made by human hands would be to defy and defile the Almighty God.
So they had a choice either I’m gonna defy and defile Nene or I’m going to defy and defile almighty God.
A choice that we will visit some time in our lives.
A great king who accomplished greatness in Babylon.
But with his prominence came pride hubris that led him down a path of destruction.
A path into the who is this prideful king?
Ne ne the wolfman and agent of Babylon.
Humility is not thinking less of yourself.
Humility is thinking of yourself less. Don’t forget that humility is not thinking less of yourself.
Oh, I am nothing. You are something you are God’s creation. And humility is not putting yourself down.
Humility is just not thinking of yourself so much and thinking of others.
In the story, Daniel was perplexed because he had to give a message of judgment to kneer whom he loved.
And oh, if we could get that message, men and women, this whole lesson would be worthwhile. Almighty.
God’s not gonna turn any of us into a wolf man.
But the Bible does say this, that pride goes before a fall and I have lived long enough on planet earth to watch that happen more than I wish I could remember.
Pride goes before a fall. When you see a man who is full of himself, you almost want to take him inside and say, look out, you’re headed for trouble.
It was in the midst of decadence, excess and godlessness that God made his appearance.
The handwriting was on the wall for the new ruler of Babylon who was this mysterious prophetic messenger, the fingers of God and Egypt of Babylon.
The message is numbered, weighed and divided.
It’s little wonder that the Babylonians couldn’t figure it out.
It was a cryptic code, impossible to make sense of unless you already knew the meaning and Daniel could read it because God had given the meaning to him.
The Babylonian kingdom had been measured, it had been weighed, it had been found short and it was going to end and it was going to be given to the medes and the Persians that very night.
But Daniel walked right out of Babylon and became a leader in the Persian Empire.
The Godly people who love the Lord will not be touched by the disaster that hits the world.
They will be taken to heaven ahead of time.
But the judgment will come when God says it’s time for it to come.
A new ruler, Persia, the same faithful man, Daniel, as always, Daniel’s loyalty to the throne was not greater than his faithfulness to God.
And so he was punished.
But this prayer warrior placed his hands in God’s Daniel, the lion king and agent of Babylon.
God usually intervenes in our behalf.
When with all of our hearts, we’re standing up for what we know to be right and true.
We can almost expect God to do that when we stand for him.
And that’s why we should never be afraid to stand for God.
I know that sometime this week having heard this message, something’s going to happen, you’re going to be in a place where you’re going to have to do the right thing or the wrong thing and the right thing is going to be hard.
Just remember Daniel, he stood up when everything was against him and in the midst of his standing up, not only did he feel the blessing of God on his life, but almighty God intervened in his behalf and helped him come through it with his hands up high.
The last phrase of verse 23 gives us the underlying reason for God’s intervention in Daniel’s life says in verse 23, because he believed in His God.
Daniel believed in His God. Let me ask you this. Do we believe in our God?
Do we believe that God can help us?
How many of you know that sometimes God doesn’t want to take us away from our problems.
He wants to show us his strength in the midst of our problems.
He wants us to be stand up people who stand up in the secularism of our day so that we can be a testimony to the world around us.
The prophecy of Daniel might read like fiction, but history proves the accuracy of his foresight.
God’s fulfillment of prophecy found in the death of one of antiquity’s great warriors, gives us hope for today, who was the subject of Daniel’s prophetic vision, the conqueror and agent of Babylon.
In 12 years, he conquered the Mediterranean world, much of North Africa, Mesopotamia and even extended his reach as far as India and listen to this men and women.
He never lost one single battle, Alexander the great and all of this was done by God as he manages these evil nations.
You know, I just want to pause for a moment and add this thought.
We wonder what in the world is going on in our nation today.
And I don’t know every week something new happens that you never thought would happen.
But here’s what I want you to know someday in eternity future, we will look back and say, oh, so that’s what you were doing.
God, that’s what you were up to.
Let me tell you what I know whatever it is that’s happening in our culture today.
God is up to something and if we keep our eyes on the scripture and our hearts right before God, little by little, we’ll get little glimpses of what he’s up to just as he was up to something with the Greeks and the Meto Persians.
And then finally, the Romans and each of these events that I have given to you were prophesized in this prophecy in the symbols that God gave to Daniel.
I want to remind you again, every single one of them were fulfilled to the exact detail and all of them were prophesized 200 years before they were fulfilled.
Now, let me just say if that’s true and we know it is, then what does that say about all of the prophecies of the word of God?
If God can secure a prophecy for 200 years before it’s finally fulfilled?
What do you think is going to happen with all of the other prophecies that have not yet been fulfilled?
Listen to me, what I get from studying prophecy is this, I see the prophecy of the past, I see the fulfillment of it in history.
And I know that all of the prophecies that are yet unfulfilled will be just as accurately fulfilled as the early ones were so studying prophecy, especially prophecy that is fulfilled in history, gives me great confidence to believe every single word of this book.
If God said it, he will do it and you can count on it and it’s going to happen when evil appears to rule the world, hope can be found in scripture.
Another of Daniel’s fulfilled prophecies, foretold of a wicked ruler who appeared unstoppable for a time.
The mad man, an agent of Babylon.
If God prophesized the antics epiphany rebellion 350 years before it happened.
And now we can take our history books and look back and see what he said would happen, happened exactly as he said, it would.
Then we should also realize that when he prophesized another, another tyrant who’s gonna walk on this earth during the tribulation period, we better take it seriously because if it was true from here to here, it’s true from here to here.
That’s what old Testament prophecy teaches us.
That’s why it constantly gives me the greatest confidence in the word of God that I can stand here before you every week and preach it with authority because it is an authoritative book that has been demonstrated beyond any possibility to be accurate and inherent.
And the story reminds us that evil does not triumph.
And even in our own experience as believers in our culture.
Today, oftentimes evil seems to be in the driver’s seat and inevitably God will intervene and evil will be defeated and he will rise up and we see victory.
But I know a lot of Christians who think that if we’re Christians and we’re following God, there should never be any encounter with evil.
Listen to me, ladies and gentlemen, we live in an evil world. Righteousness is the exception.
Evil is the norm. But the Bible gives us this incredible picture of what happens that God is victorious, that Jesus Christ reigns and no one can fight against him and win.
And if you’re with God, you’re on the winning side.
If you’re with Jesus, you’re going to triumph one day in victory and you’re going to have a lot of triumphs before that day.
But those triumphs are only sweeter when you realize they’re a picture of the ultimate triumph.
When the king of kings and the Lord of Lords reigns over this earth and evil is forever destroyed.
God sent a messenger to an agent, Daniel with a vision, a vision that would form the backbone of prophecy concerning the Messiah, who was this messenger who gave Daniel a panorama of prophecy.
The angel Gabriel, the Herald, an agent of Babylon.
He said, I have come forth to give you skill to understand at the beginning of your supplications.
The command went out and I have come to tell you Daniel, you are greatly loved.
Therefore, consider the matter and understand the vision.
The angel Gabriel said to Daniel, I’m here to answer your prayer.
God sent me because you are beloved in heaven.
And God wants you to know that He has a plan for you and your people that He hasn’t forgotten you.
And that plan is a wonderful plan. Now, Daniel consider this and understand it.
He was saying to his people, I’m gonna do these great things for you at the end of the 70th week.
But in between now and then, here’s what’s gonna happen and he laid it out in such specific terms.
And now we as biblical students can look back and say that’s what God said and he meant it and he pulled it off.
He did what he said he would do.
So what that means is if he did what he said he would do in that construct that we can study, guess what the Jewish people are gonna one day have a time in the future when transgression will be moved out and sin will be ended and iniquity will be gone and righteousness will reign and the holy temple will be open.
How do I know that? Because God said it?
And how do I know that God can do it because He continues to do it.
And every time we turn the pages of this book, we see another evidence of the prophetic power of Almighty God and how we can study it in history and see, not only is it just almost right.
It’s not just close, it’s right. You know, if God only got close, it wouldn’t be good enough.
Ladies and gentlemen, we stand here today with a full knowledge that God has sent his messiah to this world for us.
And the Lord Jesus Christ said, I am come that you might have life and that you might have it more abundantly.
He said, I have not come to be ministered unto but to minister and to give my life a ransom.
For many, I announce to you today on the authority of the word of God that Messiah, the prince is here.
He has come to be your savior and to be mine.
Daniel received another vision from God delivered to him by another holy messenger, images of cataclysmic events and cruel leaders.
But this messenger is a supernatural warrior and the hero of the story, Michael, the archangel and agent of Babylon.
If you can go back, starting with a and every prophecy that God made concerning Him is true and Alexander and an and antics epiphanies, all of them trace them.
Here’s the prophecy, here’s the fulfillment, here’s the prophecy, here’s the fulfillment, all of them perfectly fulfilled.
Now, we have one prophecy that is yet to be fulfilled.
What do you think will be the outcome of that prophecy?
And no wonder the prince of Persia didn’t want that gospel message to get through to Daniel because it is one of the keys to believing in the living God that when he speaks His word is authoritative and it’s inherent and you can demonstrate it by the prophetic truths that you find in the scripture.
Daniel, the prophet of God experienced amazing things for one lifetime spectacles both on earth and from heaven.
Yeah, his legacy inspires us still today to stand up and remain people of God even in a godless world.
Daniel God’s agent in Babylon.
I hope you will pray for me as I pray for you that we can follow the example of this man of God who stood in the midst of a pagan culture and represented almighty God with dignity and with class, with courage and with conviction, we can do that.
And if not us, who God has called us to be stand up Christians, amen.
And I pledge to you, that’s what I will be. And I ask you to be that as well.
Doctor Jeremiah will return in a moment to close today’s program right after this.
Thank you for watching today.
When you support this program with a gift of any amount Doctor Jeremiah would like to thank you and help you find certainty in these uncertain times with a copy of his new book, answers to questions about living in the last days.
And when you send a generous gift of $100 or more, you will receive answers to questions about living in the last days, as well as the agents of Babylon set.
Doctor Jeremiah’s comprehensive and motivational study about the prophet Daniel and how he stayed faithful even in the turbulent world in which he lived lessons, we can apply to our world today.
Support the Ministry of Turning Point and receive these special resources as a thank you, go online or call Turning point today.
And now with one last word for today’s program here is Dr Jeremiah.
I hope you come away from our study of the book of Daniel feeling as encouraged as I am by the prophecies and promises of our great God.
They ought to give us the confidence to reach out boldly to the lost with the good news of salvation in these last days, knowing that God isn’t willing that any should perish and that includes you, have you accepted his gift of eternal life by asking Jesus to be your savior.
Well, I pray that you have and that your relationship with Him is so real, so vibrant that you want to share it with everyone.
You know, I’ve produced two free resources to help you stay strong in the Lord.
One is the booklet, your greatest turning point and the other is our monthly devotional magazine turning points.
I’ll send them to you free of charge when you contact us at turning point.
In addition to these free study resources, nothing is as profound as the word of God.
And now Doctor Jeremiah has a Bible for every member of the family.
There are numerous versions of the Jeremiah study Bible.
Perfect for adults and teens and the airship genesis kids study Bible will bring the truth of God’s word to the young ones in your life.
Contact turning point for more information or to order today.
Next time on turning point and I have it straight from the word of God on the authority of the word of God that Jesus Christ is at the right hand of the father and he is in control.
Hallelujah. Thank you for being with us today.
Join us next time for Dr Jeremiah’s series, the Jesus.
You may not know here on turning point.
Yours for a gift of any amount go online or call turning point today.
Have you ever considered that if God were able to create the universe, surely he’d have no trouble giving us accurate pictures of world events long before they happened.
Though most people believe that biblical prophecies about the final days of the earth can only be found in the last book of the Bible.
The Book of Revelation. You may be surprised to know that end time prophecies are found in the Old Testament as well recorded hundreds of years before John’s revelation.
Yet for many Bible prophecy appears to be a mystery that cannot be understood nor believed.
But the more we know about prophecies fulfilled in the past, the more we can have confidence in the prophecies that foretell our future.
If we look to the Old Testament Book of Daniel, we find amazing prophecies that have been fulfilled and many yet to be fulfilled.
Though this book might read like fiction. History has proven a strange reality.
The unchanging word of God gives us a future and a hope we can count on as being absolutely certain we live in uncertain times.
But in this new book, David Jeremiah reminds us that we can be certain that through Jesus, we have hope for every circumstance and challenge we encounter.
That theme resonates throughout answers to questions about living in the last days in which Dr Jeremiah uses scripture to answer more than 70 questions to help you stay faithful in these turbulent times.
Questions like what signs of the last days are being fulfilled in our world today?
How can I maintain a calm spirit in times of trouble? Why is it important to study prophecy?
How can I grow stronger as a person of faith in today’s world and more answers to questions about living in the last days new from Doctor Jeremiah, yours for a gift of any amount in support of this program.
And if you want to learn what it means to live in uncertain times from the first hand experience of someone who has done it, you can apply the lessons of the prophet Daniel with the agents of Babylon set or your gift of support of $100 or more.
Doctor Jeremiah will send you both the agents of Babylon set and answers to questions about living in the last days to order or to find out more call or go online today.
The book of Daniel and the prophecy found there in all begins with a Godly young teen torn from his world and exiled to Babylon where he would live the rest of his life.
Who is he Daniel, the hostage, an agent of Babylon historians record that Jerusalem fell to Nebi Nazer and the Babylonians in 65 BC.
And it also tells us that the king deported Jewish hostages from Jerusalem to Babylon leaving Jerusalem in ruins with only a few of the poor aged and infirm still in the land.
At the end of the days, verse 18 and 19, none was found like Daniel Hanaah and Michel and Azariah.
Therefore, they served before the king.
And now here we are with these four Hebrew boys in the palace with a Babylonian king in the place where God is going to use them to influence things that we’re going to see in the future.
He brought these young men out of Jerusalem.
They went through the training program, maintained their faith in God and here they are in the palace of King Nezar.
I happen to believe that most of us in this room are going to face some major issues that we have to stand up for before we go to heaven.
But let me ask you this question, what’s going to prepare us to do that?
You’re just not going to stand up for the big thing.
If you haven’t had some small victories along the way.
In the book of Daniel, we witness a powerful king disturbed by a disruptive dream and its troubling interpretation.
He would be brought to his knees by the meaning of that dream.
Who is this king? Ne ne the insomniac, an agent of Babylon.
This less than 20 year old boy stands up before the king with courage and strength.
I have a God who lives above the stars, a God in heaven who reveals secrets.
And I know that God and I walk with that God and in the name of that God, I stand before you today and I’m going to give you the answer to your dream and I’m going to give you the interpretation to it.
You will know the dream and you will know what it means. I love Daniel. He inspires me.
He was never afraid to stand in the place where God put him.
A prophetic figure emerges from the darkness of King Dean Deer’s dream bringing with it a message from the future.
What is this prophecy bearing giant, the colossus, an agent of Babylon.
He had given him an outline for all of world history from Babylon all the way to the coming of Christ.
That’s why this dream is so important.
All of the rest of the prophecies of the Bible just fit in the empty places in this massive dream.
So Daniel is done. He’s finished.
He’s told the king, this dream, the king’s kind of recovered a little bit from the shock of it all.
And Daniel 2 45 says, the great God has made known to the king.
What will come to pass after this? The dream is certain and the interpretation is sure.
And what desert does next is nothing short of astounding.
Verse 46 he praises Daniel King Zer fell on his face prostrate before Daniel and commanded that they should present an offering and an incense to him.
In other words, he thought Daniel was a God. He wanted to worship him.
Of course, Daniel wouldn’t have anything to do with that.
The next thing that happens is Zer praises Daniel’s God.
One thing to praise Daniel the human in front of you, but he got the messy, there’s something going on here beyond just Daniel and notice what he says.
In verse 47 the king answered Daniel and said, truly, your God is the God of Gods, the Lord of Kings and a reveal of secrets since you could reveal this secret.
When Neer says that Daniel’s God is the God of Gods.
What he’s saying is next to my God, your God is the real God.
I got all these silly, sorry, unproductive Babylonian gods. You got a God. You got the God of Gods.
He was convinced three Godly men stood 3 faithful hebrews elevated to prominence in Babylon, but then they stood in flames and then another stood with him who are these fireproof men who took a stand and changed the world around them.
The firemen, agents of Babylon, these were Jewish men who knew the scripture and they believed the scripture to be God’s truth.
And they understood what Exodus 20 verse four says.
You shall not make for yourself a carved image, any likeness of anything that is in heaven above or that is in earth beneath or that is in the water under the earth at the base of Mount Sinai, the newly redeemed Hebrews created an image of a gold calf on the plain of Dura.
Nebi Kneer created an image of a golden man.
And in both cases, the second of the 10 commandments was violated.
And these men knew that to worship an idol, an image made by human hands would be to defy and defile the Almighty God.
So they had a choice either I’m gonna defy and defile Nene or I’m going to defy and defile almighty God.
A choice that we will visit some time in our lives.
A great king who accomplished greatness in Babylon.
But with his prominence came pride hubris that led him down a path of destruction.
A path into the who is this prideful king?
Ne ne the wolfman and agent of Babylon.
Humility is not thinking less of yourself.
Humility is thinking of yourself less. Don’t forget that humility is not thinking less of yourself.
Oh, I am nothing. You are something you are God’s creation. And humility is not putting yourself down.
Humility is just not thinking of yourself so much and thinking of others.
In the story, Daniel was perplexed because he had to give a message of judgment to kneer whom he loved.
And oh, if we could get that message, men and women, this whole lesson would be worthwhile. Almighty.
God’s not gonna turn any of us into a wolf man.
But the Bible does say this, that pride goes before a fall and I have lived long enough on planet earth to watch that happen more than I wish I could remember.
Pride goes before a fall. When you see a man who is full of himself, you almost want to take him inside and say, look out, you’re headed for trouble.
It was in the midst of decadence, excess and godlessness that God made his appearance.
The handwriting was on the wall for the new ruler of Babylon who was this mysterious prophetic messenger, the fingers of God and Egypt of Babylon.
The message is numbered, weighed and divided.
It’s little wonder that the Babylonians couldn’t figure it out.
It was a cryptic code, impossible to make sense of unless you already knew the meaning and Daniel could read it because God had given the meaning to him.
The Babylonian kingdom had been measured, it had been weighed, it had been found short and it was going to end and it was going to be given to the medes and the Persians that very night.
But Daniel walked right out of Babylon and became a leader in the Persian Empire.
The Godly people who love the Lord will not be touched by the disaster that hits the world.
They will be taken to heaven ahead of time.
But the judgment will come when God says it’s time for it to come.
A new ruler, Persia, the same faithful man, Daniel, as always, Daniel’s loyalty to the throne was not greater than his faithfulness to God.
And so he was punished.
But this prayer warrior placed his hands in God’s Daniel, the lion king and agent of Babylon.
God usually intervenes in our behalf.
When with all of our hearts, we’re standing up for what we know to be right and true.
We can almost expect God to do that when we stand for him.
And that’s why we should never be afraid to stand for God.
I know that sometime this week having heard this message, something’s going to happen, you’re going to be in a place where you’re going to have to do the right thing or the wrong thing and the right thing is going to be hard.
Just remember Daniel, he stood up when everything was against him and in the midst of his standing up, not only did he feel the blessing of God on his life, but almighty God intervened in his behalf and helped him come through it with his hands up high.
The last phrase of verse 23 gives us the underlying reason for God’s intervention in Daniel’s life says in verse 23, because he believed in His God.
Daniel believed in His God. Let me ask you this. Do we believe in our God?
Do we believe that God can help us?
How many of you know that sometimes God doesn’t want to take us away from our problems.
He wants to show us his strength in the midst of our problems.
He wants us to be stand up people who stand up in the secularism of our day so that we can be a testimony to the world around us.
The prophecy of Daniel might read like fiction, but history proves the accuracy of his foresight.
God’s fulfillment of prophecy found in the death of one of antiquity’s great warriors, gives us hope for today, who was the subject of Daniel’s prophetic vision, the conqueror and agent of Babylon.
In 12 years, he conquered the Mediterranean world, much of North Africa, Mesopotamia and even extended his reach as far as India and listen to this men and women.
He never lost one single battle, Alexander the great and all of this was done by God as he manages these evil nations.
You know, I just want to pause for a moment and add this thought.
We wonder what in the world is going on in our nation today.
And I don’t know every week something new happens that you never thought would happen.
But here’s what I want you to know someday in eternity future, we will look back and say, oh, so that’s what you were doing.
God, that’s what you were up to.
Let me tell you what I know whatever it is that’s happening in our culture today.
God is up to something and if we keep our eyes on the scripture and our hearts right before God, little by little, we’ll get little glimpses of what he’s up to just as he was up to something with the Greeks and the Meto Persians.
And then finally, the Romans and each of these events that I have given to you were prophesized in this prophecy in the symbols that God gave to Daniel.
I want to remind you again, every single one of them were fulfilled to the exact detail and all of them were prophesized 200 years before they were fulfilled.
Now, let me just say if that’s true and we know it is, then what does that say about all of the prophecies of the word of God?
If God can secure a prophecy for 200 years before it’s finally fulfilled?
What do you think is going to happen with all of the other prophecies that have not yet been fulfilled?
Listen to me, what I get from studying prophecy is this, I see the prophecy of the past, I see the fulfillment of it in history.
And I know that all of the prophecies that are yet unfulfilled will be just as accurately fulfilled as the early ones were so studying prophecy, especially prophecy that is fulfilled in history, gives me great confidence to believe every single word of this book.
If God said it, he will do it and you can count on it and it’s going to happen when evil appears to rule the world, hope can be found in scripture.
Another of Daniel’s fulfilled prophecies, foretold of a wicked ruler who appeared unstoppable for a time.
The mad man, an agent of Babylon.
If God prophesized the antics epiphany rebellion 350 years before it happened.
And now we can take our history books and look back and see what he said would happen, happened exactly as he said, it would.
Then we should also realize that when he prophesized another, another tyrant who’s gonna walk on this earth during the tribulation period, we better take it seriously because if it was true from here to here, it’s true from here to here.
That’s what old Testament prophecy teaches us.
That’s why it constantly gives me the greatest confidence in the word of God that I can stand here before you every week and preach it with authority because it is an authoritative book that has been demonstrated beyond any possibility to be accurate and inherent.
And the story reminds us that evil does not triumph.
And even in our own experience as believers in our culture.
Today, oftentimes evil seems to be in the driver’s seat and inevitably God will intervene and evil will be defeated and he will rise up and we see victory.
But I know a lot of Christians who think that if we’re Christians and we’re following God, there should never be any encounter with evil.
Listen to me, ladies and gentlemen, we live in an evil world. Righteousness is the exception.
Evil is the norm. But the Bible gives us this incredible picture of what happens that God is victorious, that Jesus Christ reigns and no one can fight against him and win.
And if you’re with God, you’re on the winning side.
If you’re with Jesus, you’re going to triumph one day in victory and you’re going to have a lot of triumphs before that day.
But those triumphs are only sweeter when you realize they’re a picture of the ultimate triumph.
When the king of kings and the Lord of Lords reigns over this earth and evil is forever destroyed.
God sent a messenger to an agent, Daniel with a vision, a vision that would form the backbone of prophecy concerning the Messiah, who was this messenger who gave Daniel a panorama of prophecy.
The angel Gabriel, the Herald, an agent of Babylon.
He said, I have come forth to give you skill to understand at the beginning of your supplications.
The command went out and I have come to tell you Daniel, you are greatly loved.
Therefore, consider the matter and understand the vision.
The angel Gabriel said to Daniel, I’m here to answer your prayer.
God sent me because you are beloved in heaven.
And God wants you to know that He has a plan for you and your people that He hasn’t forgotten you.
And that plan is a wonderful plan. Now, Daniel consider this and understand it.
He was saying to his people, I’m gonna do these great things for you at the end of the 70th week.
But in between now and then, here’s what’s gonna happen and he laid it out in such specific terms.
And now we as biblical students can look back and say that’s what God said and he meant it and he pulled it off.
He did what he said he would do.
So what that means is if he did what he said he would do in that construct that we can study, guess what the Jewish people are gonna one day have a time in the future when transgression will be moved out and sin will be ended and iniquity will be gone and righteousness will reign and the holy temple will be open.
How do I know that? Because God said it?
And how do I know that God can do it because He continues to do it.
And every time we turn the pages of this book, we see another evidence of the prophetic power of Almighty God and how we can study it in history and see, not only is it just almost right.
It’s not just close, it’s right. You know, if God only got close, it wouldn’t be good enough.
Ladies and gentlemen, we stand here today with a full knowledge that God has sent his messiah to this world for us.
And the Lord Jesus Christ said, I am come that you might have life and that you might have it more abundantly.
He said, I have not come to be ministered unto but to minister and to give my life a ransom.
For many, I announce to you today on the authority of the word of God that Messiah, the prince is here.
He has come to be your savior and to be mine.
Daniel received another vision from God delivered to him by another holy messenger, images of cataclysmic events and cruel leaders.
But this messenger is a supernatural warrior and the hero of the story, Michael, the archangel and agent of Babylon.
If you can go back, starting with a and every prophecy that God made concerning Him is true and Alexander and an and antics epiphanies, all of them trace them.
Here’s the prophecy, here’s the fulfillment, here’s the prophecy, here’s the fulfillment, all of them perfectly fulfilled.
Now, we have one prophecy that is yet to be fulfilled.
What do you think will be the outcome of that prophecy?
And no wonder the prince of Persia didn’t want that gospel message to get through to Daniel because it is one of the keys to believing in the living God that when he speaks His word is authoritative and it’s inherent and you can demonstrate it by the prophetic truths that you find in the scripture.
Daniel, the prophet of God experienced amazing things for one lifetime spectacles both on earth and from heaven.
Yeah, his legacy inspires us still today to stand up and remain people of God even in a godless world.
Daniel God’s agent in Babylon.
I hope you will pray for me as I pray for you that we can follow the example of this man of God who stood in the midst of a pagan culture and represented almighty God with dignity and with class, with courage and with conviction, we can do that.
And if not us, who God has called us to be stand up Christians, amen.
And I pledge to you, that’s what I will be. And I ask you to be that as well.
Doctor Jeremiah will return in a moment to close today’s program right after this.
Thank you for watching today.
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And now with one last word for today’s program here is Dr Jeremiah.
I hope you come away from our study of the book of Daniel feeling as encouraged as I am by the prophecies and promises of our great God.
They ought to give us the confidence to reach out boldly to the lost with the good news of salvation in these last days, knowing that God isn’t willing that any should perish and that includes you, have you accepted his gift of eternal life by asking Jesus to be your savior.
Well, I pray that you have and that your relationship with Him is so real, so vibrant that you want to share it with everyone.
You know, I’ve produced two free resources to help you stay strong in the Lord.
One is the booklet, your greatest turning point and the other is our monthly devotional magazine turning points.
I’ll send them to you free of charge when you contact us at turning point.
In addition to these free study resources, nothing is as profound as the word of God.
And now Doctor Jeremiah has a Bible for every member of the family.
There are numerous versions of the Jeremiah study Bible.
Perfect for adults and teens and the airship genesis kids study Bible will bring the truth of God’s word to the young ones in your life.
Contact turning point for more information or to order today.
Next time on turning point and I have it straight from the word of God on the authority of the word of God that Jesus Christ is at the right hand of the father and he is in control.
Hallelujah. Thank you for being with us today.
Join us next time for Dr Jeremiah’s series, the Jesus.
You may not know here on turning point.