The Best of Everything – Receiving The Best of GOD

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The Best of Everything – Receiving The Best of GOD

The Best of Everything part of the single teaching “Receiving The Best of GOD”

The believers walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston Ministries Partners and viewers.
Hello. This is Bill Winston. I’m inviting you to the Business And Leadership Conference.
I want you to be there. I’m telling you not only gonna have but that’s gonna be some impartation.
You’re gonna leave with more you came with. This is gonna be a powerful conflict.
One of the best that we’ve ever had. We’ve had some excellent conferences.
March 22nd 23rd, don’t miss not only information, importation, something is gonna happen that’s supernatural.
I’ll see you there.
Up next on the believer’s block of faith.
You’re responsible for alleviating the suffering.
Watch it, and you got the kingdom inside of you, and the answer is in you to solve any problem of a company, any country, any culture, it makes no difference.
Now, some of you that don’t have well, I don’t know about that. Yes. You do.
You don’t know about it because you’re carnal.
And when you come out of that and come up to 4 d, you’re gonna see that answer are in you, and these answers are gonna make you rich.
What you desire.
It’s usually what you receive.
That desire is a deeper thing than just, you know, a thought.
Desire is something that comes way down in the emotions. You desire something.
And the Bible says, god will give you the desires of your heart
Yes, sir. Yes, sir.
Yes, sir. And this man desired Wow. Crump.
That means he desired for the most part, leftovers.
Why is this leftover buildings?
I’ve been I’ve been I’ve been I’ve been I’ve been I’ve been leftover houses.
Leftover. Leftover. I’m a design leftover. But don’t want you to have.
Come on. Come on. Somebody does the right group over here, Mike.
The best. There’s nothing wrong with desiring. Oh, yeah.
The best. And the Bible says that he was sent daily Yes, of this gated community, hoping that the rich folks would take care of him.
Yes. No. It’s tough for the church. Stop begging.
And so let me finish the story.
So then here’s the man. And the Bible says, the dogs came.
Who let the dogs out?
And they came and licked the swords.
Yes. She swords, a man had swords, and the dog slick them.
If you know anything about this life of a dog, it’s healing in it.
But he’s still a dog.
And sometimes when people been dogged out They attract dogs.
See, they’re trying to get better, but they draw adults. Because you don’t draw what you want.
You draw what you are. And I’m saying it’s time for the tech to stop pulling doors into anything we got to do from now on, we’re gonna get the best of everything.
Well, well, he he he hurt me and so forth.
The next time you see him, you’re with another man, And next thing you see, well, he hurt me too.
Well, see, you gotta this it was me that before you get married, you get healed.
Or else you might attract the dog.
Now, I’m not talking about anybody because I’m believing god by his stripes You heal.
And that that’s that’s a terrible situation to be in.
That you detracted somebody else that hurt you, attracted somebody else that did you wrong, attracted somebody else that’s beating on you, attracted somebody else.
Those days are over for you. Now you’re gonna attract the best.
Is it the right section over here?
Hey, man.
I’m I’m going I’m going all back. I’m going all back over here.
Alright. Okay.
But my point to you is, god wants you to have the best.
And if you look at Genesis in Genesis chapter 45, This is Joseph and Joseph’s, um, family is gonna come down And this is found in the new living translation
in verse 18. Let’s read that together. Ready. Read.
Stop right there.
Stop. Well, that’s that’s all you need to hear.
So what does god want you to have? The best.
He said, well, pastor, that’s just one scripture. Okay.
Let’s go to the new testament Alright. To John chapter 2.
And verse 10. John 2 verse 10, ready read.
What else?
Look at well, look, I can just go through these, but you don’t need me to go to them anymore.
You need to say, okay. Okay. I want the best. I have the best. Yes.
Now what you have to do is when I preach to you.
You got to go right away Yes. And do it.
Because if you don’t Yeah.
You’re gonna need it preached to you. Again, this is scripture.
Because you are here of the word, but not a doer.
But I decree, you’re gonna be a doer of the word.
And the best is yours.
Now, the best is that you be out of debt.
Now I told you a way of getting out of debt.
Now the way I told you to get out of debt is 4 d.
I said to you the way I got out is I put my bills on the table.
And I said, Bill? I’m talking to you. Yes, sir. Yes, sir.
Matthew chapter chapter 11 in verse, uh, 23, whose forever shall say to this mountain of bills.
And I spoke to them, and the supernatural began to happen.
And I had been in debt most of my life.
But all of a sudden, that year, I got totally out of debt.
But, uh, did something that another man taught me that I just wasn’t a hero, but I was a doer.
So I wanna challenge you. It worked for him. Yes, ma’am. It worked for me.
And I believe it’ll work for you.
So I’d like to challenge you. Alright. Put down your pride.
Come on. Yes. And go home before you eat chicken.
Before you eat that gospel bird, put the bills on the tape. That’s it.
Here we go. Come on. Nobody looking at you now. You’re in your own house.
Are you following what I’m saying?
I’m saying we’ve got to be doers of this because we just finished a campaign here in Philadelphia.
This is one campaign. We got 10 campaigns in run. Mhmm. Amen. Amen.
And I should have a congregation at the point when some hand goes up over here and say, pastor, how much is your next campaign?
I say the budget on it is 1.6. And you say, I got the check.
I’m gonna have it at the office by tomorrow. Come on now.
You see, if you’ve been doing other work, you’ll be up there by now.
Till now. Alright. We did really good. Please.
It’s it’s it’s that I’ve been here And and now, your debts should be paid off.
But people are listening to me preach and need one more sermon. You don’t need one more sermon.
Thank god you’re saved, but the man was saved and he went into Abraham’s bosom but he was sick.
He was broke. He come on now. And those disciples traveled with Jesus for 3 years.
And he said, feed them. And they said, we don’t have it.
We got if we worked for half a year, no, we wouldn’t have enough and still thinking like a natural man.
Your days are thinking like a natural man, uh, over. I decree it in Jesus’ name. Say amen.
Amen. That’s what I preach you’re gonna practice. Yes.
From this day forward, you’re gonna you you’re gonna have so much faith that you’re gonna make people nervous in Jesus’ name.
Man, that came out of the spirit Sit out.
Sit out. Man, that’s a lot of faith. Do you know that?
Can I keep going? Yes. Now I don’t care if you criticize me.
I’ve been criticized before. But where were you when couldn’t pay my bills.
You see what I’m saying? No. Yeah.
I came here with 200 doll Look at me now.
I’m going to these cities And I’m certainly not trying to be ethnic now or trying to be, uh, the the racial conscience, whatever, nothing like that.
But I there’s a wealth gap in these cities.
Then I ask you, if Philadelphia and I, okay, where do they stand in terms of revenue?
You got revenue comes into the city from businesses. Alright.
Where does the businesses that are owned by African Americans, how much of that revenue are they putting in?
Less than 1%. Watch this. It 3.3%.
They don’t have no money. Now where are the kids running crazy?
They don’t own anything. You’re not gonna smash and grab what you want.
That ain’t gonna happen. Don’t own anything.
Maybe it’s time for you to own something. Time for you to have so bulllife. Yeah.
Well, he’s just talking about money. Yeah. Because you don’t have none. You broke.
You are you can’t even pay your bill They gotta call you and tell you to pay your bills.
Now I ain’t backing up.
You can get mad if you want me to walk out but I ain’t backing up off of you.
I’m gonna tell them like it’s supposed to be. You’re supposed to be rich by now.
You’re supposed to be fine hands accept by now. You’re supposed to be the lender by now.
You’re supposed to be the head by now.
People should look at you and say, that’s what Jesus is like.
So now, I had to I had to go off there just a minute there.
Sometimes you got to tell the truth and shame that that yeah.
You got that money is in the wrong hand. Come on. That money’s got to change hands.
That money doesn’t belong to the heathen. That money doesn’t belong to the wicked. No.
That Bible said the wealth of the wicked is what? It laid up for the just.
That will adjust, folks. We got things to do. We got crusades. We got we got campaigns.
We got we got we got to save the loss. We got to rebuild that neighborhood.
You follow what I’m saying? I mean, all that you got to do.
It don’t be looking at the government. Don’t be looking at the mayor’s office. He’s gonna look at you.
You’re supposed to have the money to go ahead and do everything needs to be done to these cities.
Folks, we’re taking back these cities. Say amen.
All those people with all that money there helping you. They’re not you.
Apple got, what, 30,000,000,000 sitting up there looking cool.
And I’m just I’m not talking about them now because that’s what people do sometimes.
Who don’t have any money getting mad at the people who do. You don’t need to get mad.
Don’t get bitter. Get better.
You get your act together and get some skills and get some ideas and get some innovation and take it like it’s supposed to be taken.
My point to you is you’ve got Jesus.
You’re hooked up with god he’s inside of you and waiting for you to do the impossible.
He’s backing you right now. He said, let go. Get a building downtown. Come on.
Alright. Let me just see where I am. I came back with some fire.
There’s time for some fire in the body of Christ. Come on.
We set by this wayside too long. We set by the gate beautiful too long. Alright.
Do y’all follow me? What I’m saying? No. No. No. No. No. No.
We’re just as capable of anybody else. Of owning things of of wealth producing assets.
You’re just as capable? Yeah.
See, what god spoke to me about is he said, what are my people waiting on?
He said, these delays are not from me.
He said over to Josh, with chapter 18 verse 3, how long Are you gonna wait?
There’s an urgency to the gospel.
Yeah. That people dying each day that are not saved.
And the church wants another service.
Now just hear what I’m saying.
Now I’m I’m being kind, but I got to be straight. Alright. The next section.
Is time to solve global problems. Global.
Not just problems in your backyard. It’s time to solve global problems.
If there are any problems We have a solution.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
God, saw it was coming and put the answer Yes. In the kingdom.
You with me? Yes.
So an example of that is 1st kings and chapter 1, And we’re gonna read verses 1 through 3.
I want you to read this. Now you’ve got the same anointing on you. Alright?
1st kings chapter chapter 10, versus one through 3, ready. Read.
Uh, So notice global problems.
Yeah. The church is to solve global problems.
Whether it’s Afghanistan, Africa, whether it’s in Ukraine, the church is supposed to step up
Say amen. Now, I’m saying, how do you get the answer?
Go over to Psalms chapter 18 and verse 28. Let’s think how you get the answer Ready Read.
God says, I’m gonna light your candle. Yes.
That’s go to Proverbs chapter 2027, please.
So when you’re sleeping, your spirit’s gonna go on a search.
Now, you’ve got to realize that you are the one that’s held responsible for the planet. Yeah.
He said, subdue the earth. He said that he’s giving you dominion over how much of the earth, all the earth.
You’re the one that can spare people’s lives. You’re the one that can preserve humanity. What’s going on over there?
What’s going on in the places that they’re starving?
What going you’ll think when you look at it, oh, we’re in that bad.
In that bad, you’re responsible for alleviating the suffering. Watch it. And you got the kingdom inside of you.
And the answer is in you to solve any problem in any company, any country, any because culture, it makes no difference.
Now, some of you that’s on that, man, I don’t know about that. Yes, you do.
You don’t know about it because you’re carnal.
And when you come out of that and come up to 4 d, you’re gonna see that answers are in you and these answers are gonna make you rich.
Yeah. Amen. Let’s go. Look what it says in 1st King, chapter 10 in verse 10, Freddy Reed.
Stop. Gave him how much?
In my con uh, corn Courtens at home, it says a talent is roughly a $1,000,000.
So if a talent is roughly a $1,000,000 and she gave him a 120, then how much is that?
120 mil for just giving her some answers that she needs for her government told that she can stop the crime that’s going on in the streets and the carjacking that’s taking place.
You got the end inside of you. You don’t need to go nowhere except to god.
And that answer is already in the kingdom, and he put the kingdom in you And when you put a demand on that anointing and go to sleep at night, the kingdom of god starts revealing to you what it is that you should do and you take what you should do and then give it to the government.
Death like Joseph did with pharaoh and the pharaoh said, you’re the man. Yeah.
Joseph was a Jew and pharaoh wasn’t a It doesn’t make any difference what color you are.
If you got the right answer, they’re gonna hire you.
Today’s dynamic message, receiving the best of god is filled with life changing through that can turn your circumstances to receive this single teaching in its entirety on MP3 or CD on MP4 or DVD ordered today by calling 18 711-9327 or go online at
Hello. This is Bill Winston.
I would like to share with you what changed my life.
And that was when I came to the lord, when I Jesus has lord in my life.
I switched kingdoms. I came out of the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of his just and look what god has done.
Now I’m saying the same thing that happened to you.
I don’t know what you stand, but I do know this.
God desires that all be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth.
All you have to say is lord Jesus, I ask you, come into my heart.
Live your life in me and through me forever, and he will.
So right now, receive him into your heart as your new lord and savior, and I guarantee you, nothing will be the same again.
I you to get my book, it’s called Born Again in Spirit Fill.
Now, you can download it free of charge. It’s for you. It’ll tell you what the next steps are.
This is Bill Winston saying, god bless you and keep walking by faith.
Operation 10 City is a 10 city campaign empowering communities of people across challenged metropolitan cities throughout the US.
Restoring hope, providing resource, and imparding entrepreneurial education.
Operation 10 city features a free mega event with programming for you and next generation leaders, business owners, and entrepreneurs centered on community outreach business and entrepreneurship and faith.
Operation 10 City has impacted 1000 today in St. Louis, Detroit, Cleveland, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, and Chicago.
With a singular vision to inspire people and communities to access true economic prosperity and out sufficiency through wealth building and ownership.
It’s a
lot of single parents like myself that’s doing everything by themselves, and it’s actually is a big help.
In these days and times, the way it is in this world today, it is very hard.
You know, and people are doing what they can to take what they have to make
some of us are, like, swamped in bills and in in property taxes. And then, um, this is excellent.
We appreciate the blessing.
Today, are you here because I would love to expunge my record.
I have made several mistakes at a young age.
Me having my record expunge will be the most powerful and packing in my life because I plan on getting CDL so I can be a truck driver.
I have a future.
I’m Robert Alexander Cacher, and I just won $10,000 here at Operation 10 City.
You’re gonna be ten times better than the best that the world can produce. This is your seat.
I felt the presence of god. It was so powerful when praise and worship started. I just felt the anointing.
And if you’re looking for change and you just wanna change your life, this is a place to come when they come to your city.
Uh, no, no, no, this is your day. This is your day.
I can tell you that many people told me what a blessing it is that you’ve done this.
Gas cards have been incredibly excellent lift cards and Uber cards along with groceries free clothing, not just any clothing, but brand new clothing for folks who would have otherwise not been able to keep and do it.
You don’t know what we’ve been through here? But I feel extremely blessed.
I just wanna thank you.
Thank you, living word, Doctor Bill Winston, and operation 10 city for what you’ve done for
this city.
Remember, you need faith to get to your destiny.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.

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