The Act of Holy Comparison | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Act of Holy Comparison
“And America has done much good. And there’s no shortage of nations far exceeding any of its faults or sins. But no nation in the modern world has ever been given so much. None has been so blessed. To whom much is given, much is required. If a nation so blessed by God should turn away from Him, what then? It’s blessing will be replaced with curses? Yes. And has America turned away from God? I asked. It has turned and is turning. How? In the same way Israel turned. It started with a spiritual complacency, then spiritual confusion, then the merging of God with idols and then, ultimately, the rejection of his ways. Just as with ancient Israel, America began ruling God out of its life, turning, step by step, against His ways, at first subtly and then more and more brazenly.”
― Jonathan Cahn, The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery that Holds the Secret of America’s Future
Prac and practice wholly comparing in your heart. It says magnify the Lord. How do you magnify the Lord?
How could you make the Lord bigger? He’s already as big as it gets. How do you magnify the Lord?
Well, you can’t make him any bigger.
You can’t, but in your heart, you can because your heart doesn’t even fathom how big he is.
So the bigger he is in your heart, magnify him in your heart and, and the and then you’re gonna get closer to what things are, put him above everything else.
Lord, you are better than this. I I know Lord, I was going after this but you’re better than this.
I love you more than this. You are sweeter than that. You’re more awesome than that thing.
You’re more beautiful than that and not only in your heart, but in your actions, put the Lord above Lord, I’ve been spending so much time on this, but I’m gonna put you above this now, I’m putting you back.
I’m gonna spend time in your presence instead of spending time, so much time in that and not spending time in your presence.
Magnify him in your actions Lord, you are better than this sin. You are better than this temptation.
You’re being tempted. Lord, you are better.
I get, I will have more joy from you than I could ever get out of that.
I care more about you. I love you more than that. I will put that away.
I’ll say no this time because I’m putting you first. I love you more.
I don’t wanna grieve you because I love you.
Psalm 63 says my soul longs for you early will I seek you? What does that mean? First thing?
You’re first or early, I’m gonna seek you. My soul thirsts for you.
Your loving kindness is better than life, better than life itself. That’s pretty big.
When you enter into a covenant of, of love of marriage, you put away everything else.
If you’re getting married and someone says you don’t have to put away every other relationship, then it’s not love.
If they, if they, if they say they’re not gonna love you with all their heart, it’s not love.
If you say if you don’t love them, it’s not love. Marriage isn’t worth anything without that.
But the more precious, the higher the commitment, the higher the sacrifice.
Listen, our whole faith is based on love and that love is shown through a sacrifice.
How much God loves you. So God is the most precious thing and this covenant you have with Him is one.
The the walk you have is the most precious, the salvation you have is the most valuable thing you have in your life.
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