Thankful Saturday Blessings July 27, 2024

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Thankful Saturday Blessings

Lord, I know that when I give You what I do have, You will do great things through me. Help me to trust Your perfect timing and thank You for developing trust and patience in me today, amen.

Holy Spirit, I ask that this Saturday would be a day of rest. Give me peace in my heart and mind. Help to trust you with the situations in my life that I can’t control. Help me to break off worry, and striving. So that I can fully hand over every area of my life to You. In the powerful name of Jesus, Amen and amen!

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In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

My God, as this beautiful morning begins, I want to place my life and the lives of all my loved ones in your hands. Blessed God, grant me the necessary strength to stay away from anything that takes away my joy and peace. I am surrounded by my loved ones and I must always thank you for this blessing.

Take my hand and lead me on a safe path to your presence. Guide me in each of the activities I have to carry out today so that at the end of it, I can feel confident that I have acted according to your holy will. Blessed are you, for despite my burdens and my fatigue, you give me the strength to rise and live in your presence.

I want to ask you to give me physical and emotional health, so that I may always be able to praise and bless you with all my strength. I pray for the world, that you may inspire good intentions in those with great power so that they may act for the common good. I need you to help me live with patience through all the difficulties of life, to not let myself be filled with hatred or negative feelings.

I open myself to all manifestations of your love, for I am sure they will help me grow and become a better person. I entrust to you every situation I have to face, the difficulties, the moments of joy, the worries, and everything that will happen by your grace. I know that you will be with me at all times; I commend myself to your company and trust that everything will work out according to your will.

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Here I am, ready to move forward, growing and giving my best in each of the situations I am experiencing. How can I not praise you when you are the one who can light so many lights in the midst of my darkness? I ask you to give me the necessary wisdom to create strategies with which I can achieve my personal fulfillment.

Lord, help me overcome every obstacle; encourage my heart so that it does not get stuck in problems. I want to live joyfully, smile, and make the best of my life. I love you and trust in your merciful power, so I put everything in your hands with the assurance that I will be happy today.

How great is your mercy, my Lord, for by your immense love you have blessed me with a new day to fulfill your will. Thank you for every new dawn you give me, for the opportunity to be better each day, and for the confidence of knowing that you are always by my side. Help me to be a reflection of your love and goodness in the world, so that everyone can see your light in me and feel your peace.

My Lord, trusting in your infinite mercy, I go forth to conquer this day, ready to build your kingdom of love in my life. Amen.

I will take a pause during the day to admire God’s creation, whether by observing nature, listening to music, or contemplating a work of art.

Arise, Lord, come to your resting place, you and the ark of your might. May your priests be clothed with righteousness, may your faithful people sing for joy. Psalm 131.

May the Lord bless us on this day. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

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