Thankful Monday Blessings July 29, 2024

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Thankful Monday Blessings

God has you in the palm of His hand. You may have things coming against you in your health, but you have to know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, Jehovah Rapha, the Lord, is your healer. The price has been paid. As a child of the Most High, that’s one of your benefits. Now clear out all the doubts, the discouragement. Get away from the dream stealers, and get in agreement with God. Start making the promise bigger than the problem. The bigger you make God, the smaller your problems become and the more faith will rise in your heart.

Heavenly Father, I come before You this Monday and I ask that this would be a blessed day. That Your presence would go before me and with me in everything I do. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Lord, I ask that You would protect me this Morning. I ask for the full armor of God to be placed on me. That every attack of the enemy would fail and that I would remain steadfast in the faith. Lord give me the wisdom to navigate everything that comes my way this Monday. And help me to be kind and good like you are. I ask for divine appointments and your guidance in all my tasks. In the name of Jesus, amen.

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In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Eternal Father, thank you for this beautiful sunrise where I can once again contemplate your wonderful face through the perfection of your creation. Today, I seek your loving help so that every encounter with my fellow beings develops in peace and under the grace of your company.

Lord, today I lift my hands to you to praise and worship you for the magnitude of your redemptive work. I need you to strengthen me so that I am prepared to continue fighting throughout this day. I praise you because when I call you, you answer; you are my defender, coming forth like a warrior to help me fight my battles. In narrow places, you give me space; you have mercy on me and listen to my prayer when I cry out to you for blessing.

I want all my decisions to lead me on the path of holiness. My God, I want your will to be fulfilled in my actions and for all my works to be like a praise to you, for you are such a good God. I ask you to make me feel your love so that I am never afraid of anything, and to know that your grace alone is enough for me to rise and walk in happiness.

I fear nothing because you are by my side, filling me with your strength to fight this day with all my might. I want to start this new day by placing in your hands everything I will experience. I am sure that if you look at me with your eyes of love and embrace me with your being, I will not feel discouraged or afraid of the trials life may present.

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Pour out the grace of your Spirit upon me to live this day in your love, with the full certainty that you created me to be happy alongside the people I love. Also, pour out upon them the grace of your mercy so they may live within your heart. My Lord, today I recognize that only you are the giver of life and that true happiness exists in you.

I surrender the fruits of my efforts to you and ask you to guide my steps with wisdom and love. I thank you, beloved Father, for the opportunity to live another day under your protection and grace. Allow me to be a reflection of your love and goodness, bringing your light to all I encounter. Fill my heart with gratitude, peace, and joy, and help me share these blessings with those around me.

May your Holy Spirit accompany me in every step I take, infusing me with the strength and determination to overcome any obstacle. I praise and bless you, Lord, for your infinite love has granted me the grace to witness a beautiful sunrise.

Amen. I will read and meditate on a passage from the Holy Bible, seeking comfort, hope, and strength for my day in its words.

Lord, grant good to those who are good, to those who are upright in heart. But those who turn aside to crooked ways the Lord will banish with the evildoers.

Psalm 125. May the Lord bless us on this day.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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