Snatched! – Bishop T.D. Jakes
Snatched! – Bishop T.D. Jakes
When Joshua the high priest was accused by Satan, the Lord rebuked Satan and snatched Joshua from the fire. God replaced his filthy clothing with clean garments. That word, “snatched,” implies something instantaneous. Some of God’s moves are processes, but in moments of crisis, we can trust the Lord to snatch us from the fire and return us to safety. Joshua could not save himself, and God did not expect him to clean himself before coming to stand in His presence. Even if you feel your life is a mess, now is the time to respond to the Lord’s call. He will restore you.
The book of Zechariah chapter three verse one through seven, I will be reading it out of the n I v when you have it say, man.
Then he showed me.
Then he showed me Joshua, the high priest standing before the angel of the lord.
And Satan standing at his right side to accuse him.
The Lord said to Satan, The lord rebuke you, Satan.
The lord who has chosen Jerusalem The Lord who has chosen Jerusalem rebuke you is not this a man is not this man a burning stick
from the fire. Remember that, is not this man a burning stick?
Snatch from the fire.
Now Joshua was dressed in filthy clothes as he stood before the angel And generally when you see the angel is some theophonic reference to god.
The angel said to those who were standing before him take off his filthy clothes.
Then he said to Joshua, see Oh, I have taken away your sin.
Oh, Who are you still walking in guilt?
See, I have taken away your sin.
And I will put fine garments on you. Then I said, put a clean turban on his head.
So they put a clean turban on his head and closed him while the angel of the lord stood by.
The angel of the Lord gave this church to Joshua.
This is what the Lord almighty says, If you will walk in obedience to me and to keep my requirements, then you will govern my house.
If you obey me, I’ll make you the boss.
Then you will govern my house and have charge of my court and I will give you a place among these standing here.
Whoo! Your gift will get you there But your obedience will keep you there.
We are so focused on gifts.
And we wanna be in the room where it happens.
Well, once you get in the room, how do you stay in the room?
This this there’s so much in this text. I don’t even know what to do with it.
I got pages of notes And then I got stuff in my head, and it’s just driving me crazy because god keeps talking to me out of this text.
This text is so powerful.
I’m gonna try to focus my attention on the assignment he gave me in the b clause of the second verse.
Look at that. The lord sent to Satan. That’s a clause.
The lord rebuke you, Satan, the lord who have chosen Jerusalem rebuke you. That’s a, I want B.
He is not this man. A burning stick snatched.
Somebody holler snatched is not this man a burning stick.
Snatched from the fire. My subject this morning is snatched. Let’s pray.
Some of us, Lord, are leisurely developing.
But some of us sense the urgency of this present moment.
There is an urgency, sometimes externally. There is an urgency, sometimes internally.
There is a point that we sense because we are spiritual beings, that if we don’t move now, we’re gonna miss it.
As we go into the word of god today, speak to us out of the volume of the book, oh god, feed us till we want no more feed us, lord, in Jesus’ name.
Amen. Relax, kick your shoes off.
I would take your stockers off, but y’all don’t wear them no more.
I’m a big believer in process because God processed me, and it took me a long time.
God spent twenty years of my life in the hills of West Virginia, just working some of the kinks out.
Not that I don’t have any left, but you should’ve seen me when he started.
And I teach process because most people teach promise.
And it’s touted over our pulpit about promise, and people get excited about promise.
And if I wanna get, uh, uproar in the church, you start talking about the promises of god, and everybody starts shouting.
But the truth of the matter is, especially in this generation, where you are inundated with so much instant stuff.
Things we had to work for, travel for, go to get walk to get, catch the bus to get, finally got a car to go get, you can snap a button and they’ll bring it to you.
And so it’s natural. This is not a criticism. It’s an observation.
It’s natural that you would think that the things of god work that way.
That you can you can just Uber it, that you can just click a button and it happens.
And that creates a depression because you think you’re behind when in fact you are not behind.
Real greatness takes time. It takes time. It really does take time.
And you said, no, uh, Tupac got it quick. So and so got it quick. This one got it quick.
He did, but you get my point.
And you you the the people that are advertised to you are not the rule.
They’re the exception to the rule.
There aren’t gonna be, but so many people that make it in the NFL.
There aren’t gonna be you you be if I had every guy in here who was practicing to be a rapper, Stan, it would feel the choir stand twice.
He all in the mirror with the hairbrush.
Got demo tapes everywhere.
No job, no car, no transportation, but demo tapes everywhere. And it’s not your fault.
You’re not douless. You’re not lazy. You’re responding to what’s been modeled in front of you.
And you don’t understand that you’re following the exception, not the rule.
You’re following the minority, not the majority, the likelihood of you making it in this industry, in the industry that you are after may be very difficult.
You need a backup plan, but you don’t want to take a backup plan because that requires process, classes, learning, training, information, and you think you’re gonna beat the odds, never noticing that you’ve lost an entire decade trying to beat the odds.
And so by the time you beat the odds, even if you do beat the odds, you’ve lost ten years.
Trying to be dogs,
and you’re
probably not gonna beat them. It’s an important message then for me to talk about process It’s important that we understand as it relates to our goals, whether they’re personal life goals, or whether it’s spiritual growth, time matters.
I just got through feeling the poster tell you time matters.
Experience and exposure often take time. I asked the lawyer.
I said, god, you got a sense of humor.
The doors you’re opening up for me, why didn’t you open them up for me when I was thirty?
You know? For my for my knees hurt.
And needs to make you know what time it is.
I carry watch, but I don’t need one because I got steps.
And steps tell me I I watch pastor Michael running up and down them steps, I could’ve hit him in the head with my Bible.
Cause he don’t even know that that won’t last long.
In a few minutes, you’ll be going down these steps like.
I like the steps go bite me.
You have to understand that that that even though I thought that I knew when it ought to be, god knew when I was ready for it.
And god does everything in its own time and in its own season.
And even education doesn’t negate experience.
As important as it is to receive professional education and training, and I love it.
And I believe in it, Nothing prepares you like actually doing the work.
You can have a d man, a d d, a d a, a d c, a d b, but until you get up here and you start pastoring people, until you sit in front of people who got problems for which there is nothing in the manual to respond to until you find the challenge of trying to build buildings, negotiate with banks, solve problems, have insurance, deal with lawsuits, and preach the gospel you’re not even beginning to understand the dynamics of what it costs to be a leader.
Until you’ve had a crisis in your family and still had to preach the gospel anyway, you don’t understand.
They don’t teach you anything in school about the drama in your house while you’re encouraging somebody in their house but that’s the reality of it all.
Come on, somebody. You that that takes time to develop that.
And you will understand that further down in the text we see that that sanctification is a matter of process.
So this text does have process in it Joshua is in a place of true sanctification, true sanctification.
It is that effort and process. It makes us value the accomplishments that sanctification brings.
If it came easy, you wouldn’t appreciate it.
My wife and I have been married forty two years.
I Amen. I was gonna say almost everything that could happen has happened, but I’m scared.
There might be some things left. So a lot has happened in forty two years.
Other than them than pictures we put on Instagram.
We didn’t put the pictures on Instagram of the hard times.
So if you’re getting all your education by post, You have a false expectation of what reality is like.
You you have to go through things that are difficult so you appreciate them. So you value them.
So you hold on to them.
When things take time and you go through tests and you go through trials, the glue that holds you together isn’t just romanticism.
It isn’t just about thirty six, twenty four, thirty six, and fat lips.
When the fat lips become such a thing that people getting needles in their mouth.
I saw a lady the other day, her lips was big as it a plate of chitlins.
You’re coming up her whole head.
Are you hearing what I’m saying?
But but things take time in order to bring them to fruition. Process.
Somebody shall process. It is important that you understand that process is important, and yet you have to realize it is that effort and process that creates praise that brings sanctification.
That purifies our hearts, that puts us in a place of humility.
And gratitude. Because if it’s easily given, it’s easily tossed aside.
Often use this illustration.
You see people go to preaching and preaching with great power, and their anointing comes, and people start running up there and throwing money on the altar, look at the money.
It’s never big money.
You never toss five thousand dollars, ten thousand dollars, a hundred thousand dollars, on the author.
You’d get you’d throw five, ten, twenty, maybe nine hundred. But big stuff is never tossed.
And I’m not I’m not disposing the five to ten.
I’m not playing on you. I’m not hating on you because sometimes you just throwing it down and
say, ain’t that the truth. I get it.
But the reality is when you get ready to really make a sacrifice, it requires deliberation.
It requires submission. It requires contemplation, and you handle it different because it costs you more to get it.
Come on somebody. Every now, then they say, I wanna put this in the bishop’s hand.
It’s never a dollar. Is when it costs you more to get it, you don’t let go of it easily.
Yeah. The problem in life is to figure out When am I when am I in process and when am I in crisis?
That requires a speedy immediately, suddenly move from god.
We see it all over the Bible. There were certain things that were processed.
There were other things that were instantaneously. Yes, sir. And the Bible said he snatched him out.
The children of Israel walked out They walked for miles.
They walked across the desert. They walked through battle. They walked through drought.
They walked through isolation. They walked through famine.
He had to send birds in the air to feed them, and he let them walk for forty years.
He did not snatch them out. He did not snatch them out.
And there are certain things in your life.
And if you take all of our messages and put them up against each other, they look contradictory, because you’re looking for an absolute truth.
But absolute truth is like going to a pharmacy, asking them for one prescription.
It depends on the condition what message you need. Does it make sense to you?
So for the person that’s walking through, a process that God is not snatching them out.
If you come next Sunday, I got something for you. If you come next week, I got something for you.
You’re coming them up. I got something for you.
There are other times that things are so critical and so crisis oriented that you don’t have time to worry about being nice.
You gotta snatch them out.
You got you gotta snatch them out.
I’m I’m learning about this stuff they call soft parenting, and it has pros and cons.
Sometimes you can be soft. Gentle. Gentle. Is that what it is?
See, I can’t even say it.
Because what’s not gentle in my house except oatmeal.
Everything else was, you know, anyway, sometimes you you you you you sometimes I don’t have time to say Johnny.
Now, you know better than this.
Let’s sit down and think this over and the consequences that will result from the actions you’re going through.
And talk to me, Johnny. Now how are you how are you feeling at this moment?
Do you feel good about yourself? Do you feel good about what you’re going through?
Do you see mommy and daddy acting like this? Now, really Johnny.
Come on here. There are times you should do that.
There are times I said it on more than that. I get that.
But there are other times I won’t illustrate.
But there are other times. There are times for you to to to minister in such a way that’s ingratiating, that’s comforting, that’s encouraging, that’s uplifting, that moves you.
There there are other times you need to say, if you don’t stop, you’re going to hell.
If you don’t change your ways, you’re gonna wreck your marriage.
If you don’t stop yelling, you’re gonna lose that boy.
If you don’t sew and sew, do you hear the words that are coming out of my mouth?
Snats. Somebody holler snatch. Read you one twenty one through twenty three.
I’m gonna drive this home and keep yourselves in the love of god.
Waiting anxiously and looking forward to the mercy of our lord Jesus Christ, which will bring you to eternal life.
And have mercy on some who are doubting.
Sarah, some people that are doubting that Jude says you should have mercy upon. You should just have mercy.
They doubt, they don’t believe. They they they’re atheists, they’re they joined another religion, and they come to the family reunion, and they they burn in sage in your backyard, you know, and they’re weird, and they got all kinds of signs on their head and stuff and tattoos on the light leg and stuff like that, and they steal your cousin, and and and and some, some, some, some, some, not at my house, but some, you can burn it at your house, but but but I know you burn it, but I’m still gonna feed you save others,
them out of the fire.
So you can’t handle every case the same way, not in your house, not in your ministry, not in your preaching, not in your church, There’s times to be gracious and kind and comforting.
There’s times to look the other way because, you know, the person hadn’t developed in that area.
And you don’t put them out of the church because they got a problem.
There are times you have to have the sensitivity to know when to to endure some things and have mercy on them Other times, you got to snatch them out of the fire because if you don’t snatch them, you’re gonna bury them.
If you don’t snatch them, you’re gonna lose them. If you don’t snatch them, they’re gonna commit suicide.
You don’t snatch them, they’re gonna lose their mind. Somebody say snatch. Of some make a difference.
Others say with fear, snatching them out of the fire, and on some have mercy, but with fear, loathing, even the clothing spotted and polluted by their shameless immoral freedom.
Having having patience with them is not giving permission to them because you know that what they are doing, wearing, acting out is loathsome because it’s loathsome to god, not because it’s loathsome to you.
If it’s lonesomely you, you’re in your flesh. You’re in your flesh.
How can you tolerate your sin and condemn mine?
So so I’m no more lonesome than you are.
So so anytime you start operating in your flesh, sometimes we have judgment on people about their sins because it’s not what we do.
But we have mercy on our sins because we are relating to our own experience.
See, I can’t have a god like that. That’s why I can’t let you be god.
The David said I’d rather fall into the hands of god than fall in the hands of man.
Because man is prejudice. Man is biased. Man has a point of view.
Man has a prospector. Throw me in the hands of God. At least it’s gonna be fair.
Whatever happens is gonna be fair. You gonna judge me and kill me to cover up your mess.
Because sometimes killing me makes you feel better about you.
But when you are in sin and god hates sin, I cannot love what god hates and then hate what god loves.
I you have to understand that I have to reflect the mind of god.
And when it comes to certain things, god said you gotta snatch them
out of
the fire. It often appears as a double standard. I know it. It’s hard to understand.
It’s a spiritually discern thing which time is switched even for me.
Sometimes they’ll get it right, sometimes they’ll get it wrong.
But it’s spiritually discernment when to do one thing and when to do the other.
To understand in that moment what to do.
Now when you’re looking at it later on Facebook, you can have an opinion, but in that moment, you gotta split second to make a decision how to handle this situation.
Are they screaming because they lost their mother? Are they screaming because they lost their mind? Are they screaming?
Because they’re possessed with the devil, are they screaming?
Because they’re getting a killer half of the church, are they screaming? You gotta second to make a decision.
If you get it wrong, somebody’s gonna die.
There are people with whom god exercises more patience.
Raise a hand if he’s been patient with you. He’s extended mercy towards you.
Alound you to gradually evolve. It’s the mercy of the lord. But others, Jude says require an urgency.
There comes a point that you cannot expect God to continually to be patient about your weaknesses, your your peculiarities, your idiosyncrasies, and your sin.
Shall we continue in sin? Romans six said, that grace may abound god forbid.
How can we that are dead to sin live any longer there yet? I’m talking about a lifestyle.
I’m talking about laying in, and I’m talking about wallowing in the mud like a pig and you don’t wanna get out.
Still coming to church singing and acquire, still usher and still digging and still doing whatever you wanna do.
Your Sunday face don’t look nothing like your Friday night face They’re two different things, and god has winked at it in times past.
But there comes a point that god stops winking. And he doesn’t always announce when he’s gonna stop winking.
There comes a point that God gets tired, uh, you acting like you can’t walk when you know you can walk.
When you act like you can’t get over it, when you know you can get over it.
And you’ve got all of these therapeutic words They give you permission to stop getting better, but there’s gonna be a time out moment where god says enough is enough, and he’s gonna snatch you.
He’s gonna snatch you. He’s gonna snatch you. They must be snatched out of the fire.
He’s not snatching you because he hates you.
He’s snatching you because you put yourself in an environment that’s gonna get you killed.
He’s snatching you because you put yourself in an environment that’s gonna cost you to die.
He’s smatching you because you put yourself in a place that you’re gonna get destroyed.
He’s smatching you because you’re in love with a killer.
He’s snatching you because you went to bed with a murderer. He’s snatching you because you’re on fire.
You don’t even know it, but you’re on fire. You’re playing with fire.
My mother said, hot things have burned you. You’re playing with fire, and you wouldn’t listen at nobody.
You wouldn’t respond to nobody. You’re hard headed and stubborn, and the therapist can get a better name to it, but your head is hard as a rock.
And sometimes god has to snatch your attention, and that’s why you’re in the hospital.
That’s why you’re going through a test because sometimes God has to slow you down.
Cause once you get your role on, You won’t listen at nobody.
And God said sometimes I gotta snatch you out of the fire hating even the garment that was spotted by the flesh.
The sin, the carnality, the lust, the adultery, you’re sitting in the room, and your lover’s in the room, and you got a boyfriend in the back, and you’re sitting by your husband.
I gotta say I gotta deal with it. I gotta deal with it. I gotta deal with it.
You you are deacon, but you’re a player. You’re a dicker, but you’re a player. You got your game on.
You’re sitting up here trying to look cool, trying to look hot, trying to look sexy.
You’re coming to church and work the church like you were in a strip club because you have no respect for the House of God and god said, I gotta snatch you out of the fire because pretty soon you’re gonna destroy yourself.
You’re gonna implode yourself. You’re gonna end up in a place that you can’t get out of.
Look at somebody say enough is enough. I’m gonna snatch you out. I’m a snatch you out.
It won’t be graceful, but you gotta get out. Jude said some people, you have to snatch out.
You gotta give them an ultimatum sooner or later comes to a point that you got to say, wait a minute.
Enough is enough. This isn’t getting any better. It’s not gonna change.
If you’re going down, I’m not going with you. If you burn up, you burn by yourself.
I’m not going down with you. You gotta snatch them out of the fire.
Glory to god, shake somebody by the head and say, this is a
snatch Sunday. It is a
Sunday of radical change. It is a Sunday of a revolution. It is a Sunday of a breakthrough.
It is a Sunday that god’s gonna do some federally.
It’s a Sunday where you’re gonna make three days journey in one. It’s a Sunday that’s gonna pull you out.
It’s a sending that’s gonna stop the burning in your life. It’s a breakthrough that god wants to give you.
I want somebody to give him thirty seconds of praise for that.
Since the time I won’t even lie, there’s been some times he
had to snatch me.
He had to snatch me out. I cried, but he had to snatch me.
was hurt, but he had to snatch me. My heart was broken, but he had to snatch me.
He ended some things. He cut some things off that broke my heart, but he had to snatch me.
I’m happy now, but I wasn’t happy at the time.
Because nobody enjoys being snatched, but my mama used to say, oh, Snats are not India.
Every night in you, you got to snatch them out of the fire. Do you hear what I’m saying?
Other areas he allowed me to mature gradually.
Refining me like a fine and exotic wine is his decision to make.
That same god has occasionally demanded an immediate response.
I don’t know who I’m preaching to, but god said he is demanding an immediate response.
He has demanded a sudden pivotal reaction.
He has demanded a quick move that didn’t allow me to gradually leave Egypt. I had to leave overnight.
I didn’t have time to bring my couch. I had to back up the essentials.
Because it’s gonna be a passover.
God said to me, I don’t know who this is for, but this Sunday is a passover.
You’re gonna make you’re gonna leave overnight.
You don’t have time to bring your couch and your refrigerator and your icebox and your coffee table.
You gotta pack for the journey. You gotta leave this time tomorrow. You’re gonna be in a new place.
This time tomorrow, you’re gonna be in a new state. This time tomorrow, Pedro’s gonna be behind you.
This time tomorrow, there’s gonna be a revolution. There’s gonna be a metamorphosis.
There’s gonna be a sudden change. There’s gonna be a resurrection.
It’s gonna be quick fast and in a hurry. Your friends are not gonna believe it.
They’re gonna laugh and say you’re a phony, but God is getting ready to snatch you out of the fire.
Tell your hand up and say snatch me Jesus.
The Bible said, the day you hear my voice, heart not your heart.
Stop playing hard to get. Stop telling me later. Stop telling me tomorrow.
Stop telling me as soon as you come back from the cruise. No.
God said the day you hear my voice harden not your heart.
Imagine if the woman with the issue of blood had waited, she would have missed her healing.
And what would have become a blind, bothered Mayas?
Had he not since the urgency of this final opportunity to cry out to god?
Every nine then, you gotta get radical. If you don’t get out right then, you’re not gonna get out.
Blah and bottom man. Stop him on the way to the cross.
If he hadn’t shouted, he would have missed every opportunity. That would have brought about a healing in his life.
Sometimes you gotta know when you’re running out of time, and God has to snatch you out of the fire.
Glory to God, I feel the anointing of the holy ghost coming in this place.
There will be a breakthrough this morning. There will be deliverance this morning.
There will be a move of god this morning. Somebody give him a praise right where you are.
I’m sick of my sin. I’m sick of myself.
I’m sick of being evil. I’m sick of I’m sick of being manipulative.
I’m sick of being a con artist. I’m sick of not feeling good about myself.
I want to be a better person.
He that hungers at first, At the righteousness shall be filled until you want better, you won’t be better until you hunger after it.
Until you first after. It didn’t say he that is righteous.
It said he that hungers, and first after righteousness, shall be filled. Somebody. Hold on. I’m hungry.
That’s who God is looking for. People who are hungry to be better.
Not people who are making excuses to wallow in their own field. God wants somebody who’s hungry.
God wants somebody who lays down at night and feel sorry and said, god, I hate that I acted like that.
I hate that I do people like that. I hate that I have that attitude.
I hate that I walk in that lust. I hate that I’m tired in bondage.
I hate that I’m running around on drugs. I hate that I’m an addict.
I hate that I’m a hate for I hate that I beat my wife.
I hate that I beat my children. I hate that I’m abusive.
I hate that I use my tongue to praise you.
And then turn around, use my tongue to curse the people I love.
And I need to be snatched out because I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired.
And I wanna break through. I feel an anointing about to take this plate. Somebody clap your hands.
I feel a breakthrough
in with. Holyness. Holyness unto the lord. Holyness. Holyness unto the Holy enough.
Sit down.
I’m I’m just kidding. I’m about to sit on my text.
Hey. I’m a sit on it
till I hatch it. I’m a sit on it till it gives birth.
I’m gonna sit on it till it gets a breakthrough. Let us be clear, my brothers and sisters.
This is not the job who marched around the walls.
This is not Joshua, the son of none. No. No. No. No.
This is a completely different Joshua. He is the son of Jahozadak.
He is not the son of nun. He comes thousands of years later.
Oh, sure.
He comes after Israel has been in exile. After they have been in Babylonian captivity.
He comes at a particular and unique time in history where they have been with heathens for years.
And when he comes back to Jerusalem, it is not the Jerusalem that he remembers.
You remember when they left, they said if I could get your rusula, let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth.
But when they got back, it did not look like the Jerusalem, they remembered.
Have you ever gone to your high school reunion?
And what you remembered And somebody walks, hey, uh, I’m Philip.
And if it wasn’t for their eyes, you wouldn’t even know who they were, and you had to stand and look at them a few minutes.
When they got back to Jerusalem, there was no smell of bread baking.
The cobblers building had been torn down.
The cobblestone streets of Jerusalem had been hacked and full of holes.
The temple had been shattered to pieces, the epitome of their religious conviction had been completely annihilated.
The place where Sakhana Glory had sat down had been disrupted All of their memories, their culture, their food, their, the, the, the landscape of their ideas have been completely rearranged.
That’s why it’s not safe to live in your head.
Be because in your head, you can imagine things to be away that they really were not.
Yeah. Yeah. In death, everybody was a hero.
And everybody remembers all the good stuff.
But but but when they came back, it wasn’t all good. It was a mess.
It was it was the ruins of Jerusalem.
The text occurs after the exile has ended.
Jerusalem has greatly declined. A mere shadow of what it once was.
They have come to a point that they return what they returned to in no way resembles what they left or even what they had in mind.
It almost looks like a community after tornado has hit it.
I’m on the right street, but it doesn’t look like it.
I’m not really certain, but I think I used to live over there.
Fragments and debris has filled the streets.
Everything that would remind them of home has been completely annihilated.
They have to clear back the rubbish that is left behind and try to rebuild the fragments of what used to be.
It is a disaster area. Yet god is worthy to be praised.
Come on with me.
Although Although I admit Jerusalem is a mess. It’s in ruins.
It’s been desecrated. It’s almost destroyed.
It is still far better than to have stayed in captivity.
You see Joshua’s dad, your Jose dad, was murdered by nebuchadnezzar.
And had he stated where he was? He was next.
When you know that you were next to be destroyed, you will stop complaining about what the church is.
What the saints didn’t do, who didn’t speak to you when you came in the lobby.
All of those are luxury items for people who have not been snacked.
When you’ve been snatched out a fire, you don’t care what seat you sit in.
You don’t care whether they put you on the front row or the back row When you’ve been snatched out of the fire, you don’t care what how nobody looks at you.
You don’t care what nobody says to you.
Because you’ve been through a hell so bad behind you that you say this is better than that.
When you really get save. You can come into an environment.
The church don’t have to be perfect, but it’s better than the crack house.
The church don’t have to be perfect, but ain’t nobody hitting me in the head with a bat anymore.
The church don’t have to be perfect. You think rolling your eyes at me gonna run me
out of here? Honey, I’ve been hitting the head with a bat.
This is better than that. Somebody shout this is better than that.
When you’ve been through hell and you come back, you praise God over stuff that other people complain about.
You don’t care about what parking space you get in. You’re just glad to be safe.
Glad to be washed in the blood. Glad to be a child of the king.
Turn me up in this mic. Glad to give God the glory. You don’t understand.
The church folk don’t understand your praise.
Because they sit up there with their cute self, five generations, the Holy Ghost Field people.
But when you were the wine owner and a whoremonger, When you were the adult dealer, when you was HIV positive, when you saw all your friends die age, you don’t have time to be worried about no foolishness Fully with these church folk.
You gotta God to be praying. Is there anybody in the church today? Hallelujah.
You used to be captive. You used to be an exile. You used to didn’t have freedom.
And you’re glad for the glorious liberty that you have down in your soul.
And even if the singers can’t sing, you’ll still shout. Because it’s not their rift that’s making you shout.
Uh, it’s how god brought you out a bondage. It’s how god delivered you. It’s how god set you free.
It’s how god opened doors for you. Is there anybody left in the church that’s just great for,
to be a child of the king. I don’t care where you sent me.
I don’t care how you won’t pass me. If you saw hell I came from. Baby, this stuff ain’t nothing.
You think you’re gonna roll your eyes at me and run me out of the church You don’t know what kind of man I am. I can take a liquor and keep on ticket because I know who I am.
I know God has done in my life. I know where god brought me from.
Somebody who understands the words that are coming out of my mouth. Giving further seconds of crazy praise.
I mean crazy praise.
I mean crazy praise. I mean ridiculous praise.
I need a radical I need a revolutionary praise.
I mean, a praise out of the depths of your belly. I want you to look back out
of your shoulder and see where god brought you from.
And open your mouth and praise him like a mad man. Because you know, if it wasn’t
for god, you’d still be in jail. If it wasn’t for god, you’d have died with an overdose.
If it wasn’t for god, you would have blew your brains out. I wanna talk to the people who tried
suicide, wanted to get out of this world, and god snatch you out to god be the glory for the
things he has done. I feel something about the break loose in this place.
This is not a saint’s praise. This is a snatch praise.
This is for somebody that’s been snatched. Hallelujah to god. Hallelujah.
Tell your name on the right and the left. He snatched me. He snatched me.
I don’t have time for no church foolishness. He stats me. It was an emergency.
It was a crisis. It was a generational curse. But god snatched me.
He brought me from a mighty long way. He he brought me up out of the pit. Sir.
A day in his courts is better than a thousand. Uh, a year’s anywhere else.
Uh, I rather be a doorkeeper and stand at the threshold of the house of my god than to dwell in attempts of the wicked.
Uh, I’ll do anything. I’m glad to be a child of the king.
I’m glad to be a child of god. Uh, has not snatch Joshua out.
He might not have survived the tyranny of the keys that surrounded him.
If god hadn’t him out, uh, he would have died like his daddy died.
If god hadn’t spat you out, uh, you’d be somewhere eating top Lost your mind.
Uh, laying in the cutter, laying on the floor. Uh, you couldn’t get out gradually.
He had to you out. Turn around and tell your neighbor, he snatched me. It was radical.
Uh, It went futile. It went soft. It went gentle. He spatch me.
He spatch me to my senses. Uh, he snacks me to my right mind.
He snacks me till I got myself together.
Uh, I feel a praise about to break loose in this place.
Uh, I feel a breakthrough about to break loose in this place. He snaps me out.
Uh, touch seven people and tell them he snatched me.
When you hit the eighth one, give God a thirty and pray their pray. He snatched me.
He snatched me out of my sin.
He snatched me out of the bed. He snatched me out of the hotel room.
He snatched me out of the whole house. He snatched me out of the streets. He actually out
of jumping from bed to bed, uh, woman to woman,
man to man. Uh, I’ve been snatched. And I tell every devil in hell.
I’m not going back to where I came from. Uh, I dare you to praise him.
Uh, like you know who he is. Prazing in the back today. Prazing on the back row.
Prazing in the quies fan. Paying in the poor pitter. Everybody who’s ever been snatched up.
Open your mouth. Uh, stop being incognito. Uh, Stop trying to be cute. Stop trying to be impressive.
Uh, but open your mouth and give your god appraise. Thank you for snatching me.
Thank you for pulling on me. Thank you for your conviction. Thank you for how you challenged me.
Thank you for cleaning me up. Thank you for seventy three.
Touch the name and tell him he’s getting ready to statue again.
You got out of the environment.
But you need to change your clothes.
You got out of the situation, but Joshua needed to change his arraignment.
The Bible said, my cut from there, honey, I feel like reaching the power.
The anointing of tied is in this place. The bad was scared. Hallelujah.
Joshua had made it into the presence of god snatched out of Babylon.
Snatched out of the hands of another canessa, uh, but he was still dressed in filthy raiment.
The Bible teaches us in the original Hebrew, uh, that he was covered with dumb.
He didn’t look good. Uh, he didn’t smell good.
Uh, all of the senses around him are testified to the that he was a
witch undone, and still he stood in the presence of god.
He was, pretty like he was, messed up like he was, but he
made it to the presence of god. Uh, somebody made it.
I might not be quite right, but I say it enough.
I might have some work to do, but I made it.
I might have some problems to solve, but I made it.
Now, dung covered Joshua is standing in the presence of god.
And it almost looks like a trial because on one hand, the angel is the defense attorney.
On the other hand, Satan is a prosecuting attorney. And god himself is the judge.
The defendant is covered with filth. He smells bad.
He doesn’t look good, but he’s standing in the presence of god.
And satanly is a accusing him because Satan is the accuser of the brethren. My god.
Whoa. I feel like preaching up in here. Have you ever had hell accused you?
Uh, get up in your face. Bring up your mess.
Point out your weaknesses, uh, show you your indiscrepancies, uh, show you your insufficiencies.
Uh, Satan wasn’t accuser
of the brethren, uh,
and the bible said, uh, it was not Joshua, uh, that rebuked the accused but god himself, uh, rebuked the accuser.
Uh, I feel like giving him a praise, uh, because when hell had me pit the rights.
The Lord fought my battle for me. Is there anybody in here?
That god spoke up for you in the middle of your mess.
And if it had not been for the lord, the was on your side.
You would have been swollen up. That’s why you can’t be cute.
That’s why you run the high That’s why you leap the pews, uh, because god stood up for you, uh, with your stake itself.
With your smelly self with your wretched self.
Grace, how sweet, the sound that’s saved, uh, or rich, like me.
I once was lost. But now, I’m found, uh, was blind.
But now, I said, through many pain just towards the stairs.
I have already was grace.
Uh, that brought me safe thus far, and grace will lead me to honor. Can I get away with this?
Can I get a witness, sir? Can I buy me a witness, sir? Can I borrow a witness?
Somebody loan me a witness. Somebody get God of praise. Didn’t he do it?
Didn’t he stick up for you? Didn’t he do it? Uh, didn’t he make a way for you?
Didn’t he do it? Did they snatch you out? Did they do it? Did they defend you?
Did they do it? Did they help you out of silence. Not to really be the silence.
So here, Joshua is standing before the righteous judge.
The prosecuting attorney is standing off to the side.
The defense attorney is turning off to the other side. But where is his defense?
What Satan is accusing him of? He is guilty of. He is wearing his shame.
He is carrying his guilt. We can see it. We can smell it.
And yet the defense spoke up.
And said the Lord rebuke you, satan.
He is not this a brand that I snatched.
He is not this a brand that I snatch.
Do you know you’re a brand that god snatched. Somebody throw your hand up and holler.
He snatched me. May be turning, but he snatched me.
I may be sticking, but he snatched me. I may be weak, but he snatched me.
I may be broke but he snatched me. My credit might be wiped, but he snatched me.
My temperament might be wrong, but he snatched me.
It’s justification. Handling you just as if You didn’t stink.
This is justification. Guilty, Romans seven seven.
Who should deliver me? From the body of this death. Come here to Marcus.
Come here. Put your hands on my shoulder.
In Rome, when you killed a man, they would tie.
The corpse to you so that everywhere you went, the corpse had to go with you so that as the body was decomposing, the
infection that was on the
corpse would penetrate into the murderer. Who shall deliver me from the body of this death?
I can’t shake it. I can’t get it off me, but thanks be undergar, who gives us victory through Jesus Christ our Lord.
There is therefore now no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus. Get off of me.
Somebody shake yourself and say, get off of me. Get off of me.
Who walk no longer after the flesh, but after the spirit. That is justification.
But watch this, and this is where I’m gonna close. Here comes sanctification.
The accuser has been rebuked.
The case has been dismissed.
The judge has thrown it out of court, but still there is a requirement.
The judge says Take off your filthy garment.
I no. No. Don’t clap. Listen. I will not allow you to stay.
In my presence, smelling like you’re smelling.
Looking like you’re looking.
Doing like you’re doing.
You have to understand when I snatch you, it wasn’t that you were near fire.
You were on fire. So get the picture.
The brand he snatched was burning when he snatched it.
If I’d have left you in there any longer.
If I would have left
you in there any longer, you would have burned up.
I snatched you just in time,
but I’ve been too good to you.
To let you stand here stinking and smelling and doing your thing.
I’m gonna give you new arraignment.
But you’re going to take off that smelly garment.
I’m going to give you a new cap covering for your head.
I’m I’ve got one that says
Then he showed me.
Then he showed me Joshua, the high priest standing before the angel of the lord.
And Satan standing at his right side to accuse him.
The Lord said to Satan, The lord rebuke you, Satan.
The lord who has chosen Jerusalem The Lord who has chosen Jerusalem rebuke you is not this a man is not this man a burning stick
from the fire. Remember that, is not this man a burning stick?
Snatch from the fire.
Now Joshua was dressed in filthy clothes as he stood before the angel And generally when you see the angel is some theophonic reference to god.
The angel said to those who were standing before him take off his filthy clothes.
Then he said to Joshua, see Oh, I have taken away your sin.
Oh, Who are you still walking in guilt?
See, I have taken away your sin.
And I will put fine garments on you. Then I said, put a clean turban on his head.
So they put a clean turban on his head and closed him while the angel of the lord stood by.
The angel of the Lord gave this church to Joshua.
This is what the Lord almighty says, If you will walk in obedience to me and to keep my requirements, then you will govern my house.
If you obey me, I’ll make you the boss.
Then you will govern my house and have charge of my court and I will give you a place among these standing here.
Whoo! Your gift will get you there But your obedience will keep you there.
We are so focused on gifts.
And we wanna be in the room where it happens.
Well, once you get in the room, how do you stay in the room?
This this there’s so much in this text. I don’t even know what to do with it.
I got pages of notes And then I got stuff in my head, and it’s just driving me crazy because god keeps talking to me out of this text.
This text is so powerful.
I’m gonna try to focus my attention on the assignment he gave me in the b clause of the second verse.
Look at that. The lord sent to Satan. That’s a clause.
The lord rebuke you, Satan, the lord who have chosen Jerusalem rebuke you. That’s a, I want B.
He is not this man. A burning stick snatched.
Somebody holler snatched is not this man a burning stick.
Snatched from the fire. My subject this morning is snatched. Let’s pray.
Some of us, Lord, are leisurely developing.
But some of us sense the urgency of this present moment.
There is an urgency, sometimes externally. There is an urgency, sometimes internally.
There is a point that we sense because we are spiritual beings, that if we don’t move now, we’re gonna miss it.
As we go into the word of god today, speak to us out of the volume of the book, oh god, feed us till we want no more feed us, lord, in Jesus’ name.
Amen. Relax, kick your shoes off.
I would take your stockers off, but y’all don’t wear them no more.
I’m a big believer in process because God processed me, and it took me a long time.
God spent twenty years of my life in the hills of West Virginia, just working some of the kinks out.
Not that I don’t have any left, but you should’ve seen me when he started.
And I teach process because most people teach promise.
And it’s touted over our pulpit about promise, and people get excited about promise.
And if I wanna get, uh, uproar in the church, you start talking about the promises of god, and everybody starts shouting.
But the truth of the matter is, especially in this generation, where you are inundated with so much instant stuff.
Things we had to work for, travel for, go to get walk to get, catch the bus to get, finally got a car to go get, you can snap a button and they’ll bring it to you.
And so it’s natural. This is not a criticism. It’s an observation.
It’s natural that you would think that the things of god work that way.
That you can you can just Uber it, that you can just click a button and it happens.
And that creates a depression because you think you’re behind when in fact you are not behind.
Real greatness takes time. It takes time. It really does take time.
And you said, no, uh, Tupac got it quick. So and so got it quick. This one got it quick.
He did, but you get my point.
And you you the the people that are advertised to you are not the rule.
They’re the exception to the rule.
There aren’t gonna be, but so many people that make it in the NFL.
There aren’t gonna be you you be if I had every guy in here who was practicing to be a rapper, Stan, it would feel the choir stand twice.
He all in the mirror with the hairbrush.
Got demo tapes everywhere.
No job, no car, no transportation, but demo tapes everywhere. And it’s not your fault.
You’re not douless. You’re not lazy. You’re responding to what’s been modeled in front of you.
And you don’t understand that you’re following the exception, not the rule.
You’re following the minority, not the majority, the likelihood of you making it in this industry, in the industry that you are after may be very difficult.
You need a backup plan, but you don’t want to take a backup plan because that requires process, classes, learning, training, information, and you think you’re gonna beat the odds, never noticing that you’ve lost an entire decade trying to beat the odds.
And so by the time you beat the odds, even if you do beat the odds, you’ve lost ten years.
Trying to be dogs,
and you’re
probably not gonna beat them. It’s an important message then for me to talk about process It’s important that we understand as it relates to our goals, whether they’re personal life goals, or whether it’s spiritual growth, time matters.
I just got through feeling the poster tell you time matters.
Experience and exposure often take time. I asked the lawyer.
I said, god, you got a sense of humor.
The doors you’re opening up for me, why didn’t you open them up for me when I was thirty?
You know? For my for my knees hurt.
And needs to make you know what time it is.
I carry watch, but I don’t need one because I got steps.
And steps tell me I I watch pastor Michael running up and down them steps, I could’ve hit him in the head with my Bible.
Cause he don’t even know that that won’t last long.
In a few minutes, you’ll be going down these steps like.
I like the steps go bite me.
You have to understand that that that even though I thought that I knew when it ought to be, god knew when I was ready for it.
And god does everything in its own time and in its own season.
And even education doesn’t negate experience.
As important as it is to receive professional education and training, and I love it.
And I believe in it, Nothing prepares you like actually doing the work.
You can have a d man, a d d, a d a, a d c, a d b, but until you get up here and you start pastoring people, until you sit in front of people who got problems for which there is nothing in the manual to respond to until you find the challenge of trying to build buildings, negotiate with banks, solve problems, have insurance, deal with lawsuits, and preach the gospel you’re not even beginning to understand the dynamics of what it costs to be a leader.
Until you’ve had a crisis in your family and still had to preach the gospel anyway, you don’t understand.
They don’t teach you anything in school about the drama in your house while you’re encouraging somebody in their house but that’s the reality of it all.
Come on, somebody. You that that takes time to develop that.
And you will understand that further down in the text we see that that sanctification is a matter of process.
So this text does have process in it Joshua is in a place of true sanctification, true sanctification.
It is that effort and process. It makes us value the accomplishments that sanctification brings.
If it came easy, you wouldn’t appreciate it.
My wife and I have been married forty two years.
I Amen. I was gonna say almost everything that could happen has happened, but I’m scared.
There might be some things left. So a lot has happened in forty two years.
Other than them than pictures we put on Instagram.
We didn’t put the pictures on Instagram of the hard times.
So if you’re getting all your education by post, You have a false expectation of what reality is like.
You you have to go through things that are difficult so you appreciate them. So you value them.
So you hold on to them.
When things take time and you go through tests and you go through trials, the glue that holds you together isn’t just romanticism.
It isn’t just about thirty six, twenty four, thirty six, and fat lips.
When the fat lips become such a thing that people getting needles in their mouth.
I saw a lady the other day, her lips was big as it a plate of chitlins.
You’re coming up her whole head.
Are you hearing what I’m saying?
But but things take time in order to bring them to fruition. Process.
Somebody shall process. It is important that you understand that process is important, and yet you have to realize it is that effort and process that creates praise that brings sanctification.
That purifies our hearts, that puts us in a place of humility.
And gratitude. Because if it’s easily given, it’s easily tossed aside.
Often use this illustration.
You see people go to preaching and preaching with great power, and their anointing comes, and people start running up there and throwing money on the altar, look at the money.
It’s never big money.
You never toss five thousand dollars, ten thousand dollars, a hundred thousand dollars, on the author.
You’d get you’d throw five, ten, twenty, maybe nine hundred. But big stuff is never tossed.
And I’m not I’m not disposing the five to ten.
I’m not playing on you. I’m not hating on you because sometimes you just throwing it down and
say, ain’t that the truth. I get it.
But the reality is when you get ready to really make a sacrifice, it requires deliberation.
It requires submission. It requires contemplation, and you handle it different because it costs you more to get it.
Come on somebody. Every now, then they say, I wanna put this in the bishop’s hand.
It’s never a dollar. Is when it costs you more to get it, you don’t let go of it easily.
Yeah. The problem in life is to figure out When am I when am I in process and when am I in crisis?
That requires a speedy immediately, suddenly move from god.
We see it all over the Bible. There were certain things that were processed.
There were other things that were instantaneously. Yes, sir. And the Bible said he snatched him out.
The children of Israel walked out They walked for miles.
They walked across the desert. They walked through battle. They walked through drought.
They walked through isolation. They walked through famine.
He had to send birds in the air to feed them, and he let them walk for forty years.
He did not snatch them out. He did not snatch them out.
And there are certain things in your life.
And if you take all of our messages and put them up against each other, they look contradictory, because you’re looking for an absolute truth.
But absolute truth is like going to a pharmacy, asking them for one prescription.
It depends on the condition what message you need. Does it make sense to you?
So for the person that’s walking through, a process that God is not snatching them out.
If you come next Sunday, I got something for you. If you come next week, I got something for you.
You’re coming them up. I got something for you.
There are other times that things are so critical and so crisis oriented that you don’t have time to worry about being nice.
You gotta snatch them out.
You got you gotta snatch them out.
I’m I’m learning about this stuff they call soft parenting, and it has pros and cons.
Sometimes you can be soft. Gentle. Gentle. Is that what it is?
See, I can’t even say it.
Because what’s not gentle in my house except oatmeal.
Everything else was, you know, anyway, sometimes you you you you you sometimes I don’t have time to say Johnny.
Now, you know better than this.
Let’s sit down and think this over and the consequences that will result from the actions you’re going through.
And talk to me, Johnny. Now how are you how are you feeling at this moment?
Do you feel good about yourself? Do you feel good about what you’re going through?
Do you see mommy and daddy acting like this? Now, really Johnny.
Come on here. There are times you should do that.
There are times I said it on more than that. I get that.
But there are other times I won’t illustrate.
But there are other times. There are times for you to to to minister in such a way that’s ingratiating, that’s comforting, that’s encouraging, that’s uplifting, that moves you.
There there are other times you need to say, if you don’t stop, you’re going to hell.
If you don’t change your ways, you’re gonna wreck your marriage.
If you don’t stop yelling, you’re gonna lose that boy.
If you don’t sew and sew, do you hear the words that are coming out of my mouth?
Snats. Somebody holler snatch. Read you one twenty one through twenty three.
I’m gonna drive this home and keep yourselves in the love of god.
Waiting anxiously and looking forward to the mercy of our lord Jesus Christ, which will bring you to eternal life.
And have mercy on some who are doubting.
Sarah, some people that are doubting that Jude says you should have mercy upon. You should just have mercy.
They doubt, they don’t believe. They they they’re atheists, they’re they joined another religion, and they come to the family reunion, and they they burn in sage in your backyard, you know, and they’re weird, and they got all kinds of signs on their head and stuff and tattoos on the light leg and stuff like that, and they steal your cousin, and and and and some, some, some, some, some, not at my house, but some, you can burn it at your house, but but but I know you burn it, but I’m still gonna feed you save others,
them out of the fire.
So you can’t handle every case the same way, not in your house, not in your ministry, not in your preaching, not in your church, There’s times to be gracious and kind and comforting.
There’s times to look the other way because, you know, the person hadn’t developed in that area.
And you don’t put them out of the church because they got a problem.
There are times you have to have the sensitivity to know when to to endure some things and have mercy on them Other times, you got to snatch them out of the fire because if you don’t snatch them, you’re gonna bury them.
If you don’t snatch them, you’re gonna lose them. If you don’t snatch them, they’re gonna commit suicide.
You don’t snatch them, they’re gonna lose their mind. Somebody say snatch. Of some make a difference.
Others say with fear, snatching them out of the fire, and on some have mercy, but with fear, loathing, even the clothing spotted and polluted by their shameless immoral freedom.
Having having patience with them is not giving permission to them because you know that what they are doing, wearing, acting out is loathsome because it’s loathsome to god, not because it’s loathsome to you.
If it’s lonesomely you, you’re in your flesh. You’re in your flesh.
How can you tolerate your sin and condemn mine?
So so I’m no more lonesome than you are.
So so anytime you start operating in your flesh, sometimes we have judgment on people about their sins because it’s not what we do.
But we have mercy on our sins because we are relating to our own experience.
See, I can’t have a god like that. That’s why I can’t let you be god.
The David said I’d rather fall into the hands of god than fall in the hands of man.
Because man is prejudice. Man is biased. Man has a point of view.
Man has a prospector. Throw me in the hands of God. At least it’s gonna be fair.
Whatever happens is gonna be fair. You gonna judge me and kill me to cover up your mess.
Because sometimes killing me makes you feel better about you.
But when you are in sin and god hates sin, I cannot love what god hates and then hate what god loves.
I you have to understand that I have to reflect the mind of god.
And when it comes to certain things, god said you gotta snatch them
out of
the fire. It often appears as a double standard. I know it. It’s hard to understand.
It’s a spiritually discern thing which time is switched even for me.
Sometimes they’ll get it right, sometimes they’ll get it wrong.
But it’s spiritually discernment when to do one thing and when to do the other.
To understand in that moment what to do.
Now when you’re looking at it later on Facebook, you can have an opinion, but in that moment, you gotta split second to make a decision how to handle this situation.
Are they screaming because they lost their mother? Are they screaming because they lost their mind? Are they screaming?
Because they’re possessed with the devil, are they screaming?
Because they’re getting a killer half of the church, are they screaming? You gotta second to make a decision.
If you get it wrong, somebody’s gonna die.
There are people with whom god exercises more patience.
Raise a hand if he’s been patient with you. He’s extended mercy towards you.
Alound you to gradually evolve. It’s the mercy of the lord. But others, Jude says require an urgency.
There comes a point that you cannot expect God to continually to be patient about your weaknesses, your your peculiarities, your idiosyncrasies, and your sin.
Shall we continue in sin? Romans six said, that grace may abound god forbid.
How can we that are dead to sin live any longer there yet? I’m talking about a lifestyle.
I’m talking about laying in, and I’m talking about wallowing in the mud like a pig and you don’t wanna get out.
Still coming to church singing and acquire, still usher and still digging and still doing whatever you wanna do.
Your Sunday face don’t look nothing like your Friday night face They’re two different things, and god has winked at it in times past.
But there comes a point that god stops winking. And he doesn’t always announce when he’s gonna stop winking.
There comes a point that God gets tired, uh, you acting like you can’t walk when you know you can walk.
When you act like you can’t get over it, when you know you can get over it.
And you’ve got all of these therapeutic words They give you permission to stop getting better, but there’s gonna be a time out moment where god says enough is enough, and he’s gonna snatch you.
He’s gonna snatch you. He’s gonna snatch you. They must be snatched out of the fire.
He’s not snatching you because he hates you.
He’s snatching you because you put yourself in an environment that’s gonna get you killed.
He’s snatching you because you put yourself in an environment that’s gonna cost you to die.
He’s smatching you because you put yourself in a place that you’re gonna get destroyed.
He’s smatching you because you’re in love with a killer.
He’s snatching you because you went to bed with a murderer. He’s snatching you because you’re on fire.
You don’t even know it, but you’re on fire. You’re playing with fire.
My mother said, hot things have burned you. You’re playing with fire, and you wouldn’t listen at nobody.
You wouldn’t respond to nobody. You’re hard headed and stubborn, and the therapist can get a better name to it, but your head is hard as a rock.
And sometimes god has to snatch your attention, and that’s why you’re in the hospital.
That’s why you’re going through a test because sometimes God has to slow you down.
Cause once you get your role on, You won’t listen at nobody.
And God said sometimes I gotta snatch you out of the fire hating even the garment that was spotted by the flesh.
The sin, the carnality, the lust, the adultery, you’re sitting in the room, and your lover’s in the room, and you got a boyfriend in the back, and you’re sitting by your husband.
I gotta say I gotta deal with it. I gotta deal with it. I gotta deal with it.
You you are deacon, but you’re a player. You’re a dicker, but you’re a player. You got your game on.
You’re sitting up here trying to look cool, trying to look hot, trying to look sexy.
You’re coming to church and work the church like you were in a strip club because you have no respect for the House of God and god said, I gotta snatch you out of the fire because pretty soon you’re gonna destroy yourself.
You’re gonna implode yourself. You’re gonna end up in a place that you can’t get out of.
Look at somebody say enough is enough. I’m gonna snatch you out. I’m a snatch you out.
It won’t be graceful, but you gotta get out. Jude said some people, you have to snatch out.
You gotta give them an ultimatum sooner or later comes to a point that you got to say, wait a minute.
Enough is enough. This isn’t getting any better. It’s not gonna change.
If you’re going down, I’m not going with you. If you burn up, you burn by yourself.
I’m not going down with you. You gotta snatch them out of the fire.
Glory to god, shake somebody by the head and say, this is a
snatch Sunday. It is a
Sunday of radical change. It is a Sunday of a revolution. It is a Sunday of a breakthrough.
It is a Sunday that god’s gonna do some federally.
It’s a Sunday where you’re gonna make three days journey in one. It’s a Sunday that’s gonna pull you out.
It’s a sending that’s gonna stop the burning in your life. It’s a breakthrough that god wants to give you.
I want somebody to give him thirty seconds of praise for that.
Since the time I won’t even lie, there’s been some times he
had to snatch me.
He had to snatch me out. I cried, but he had to snatch me.
was hurt, but he had to snatch me. My heart was broken, but he had to snatch me.
He ended some things. He cut some things off that broke my heart, but he had to snatch me.
I’m happy now, but I wasn’t happy at the time.
Because nobody enjoys being snatched, but my mama used to say, oh, Snats are not India.
Every night in you, you got to snatch them out of the fire. Do you hear what I’m saying?
Other areas he allowed me to mature gradually.
Refining me like a fine and exotic wine is his decision to make.
That same god has occasionally demanded an immediate response.
I don’t know who I’m preaching to, but god said he is demanding an immediate response.
He has demanded a sudden pivotal reaction.
He has demanded a quick move that didn’t allow me to gradually leave Egypt. I had to leave overnight.
I didn’t have time to bring my couch. I had to back up the essentials.
Because it’s gonna be a passover.
God said to me, I don’t know who this is for, but this Sunday is a passover.
You’re gonna make you’re gonna leave overnight.
You don’t have time to bring your couch and your refrigerator and your icebox and your coffee table.
You gotta pack for the journey. You gotta leave this time tomorrow. You’re gonna be in a new place.
This time tomorrow, you’re gonna be in a new state. This time tomorrow, Pedro’s gonna be behind you.
This time tomorrow, there’s gonna be a revolution. There’s gonna be a metamorphosis.
There’s gonna be a sudden change. There’s gonna be a resurrection.
It’s gonna be quick fast and in a hurry. Your friends are not gonna believe it.
They’re gonna laugh and say you’re a phony, but God is getting ready to snatch you out of the fire.
Tell your hand up and say snatch me Jesus.
The Bible said, the day you hear my voice, heart not your heart.
Stop playing hard to get. Stop telling me later. Stop telling me tomorrow.
Stop telling me as soon as you come back from the cruise. No.
God said the day you hear my voice harden not your heart.
Imagine if the woman with the issue of blood had waited, she would have missed her healing.
And what would have become a blind, bothered Mayas?
Had he not since the urgency of this final opportunity to cry out to god?
Every nine then, you gotta get radical. If you don’t get out right then, you’re not gonna get out.
Blah and bottom man. Stop him on the way to the cross.
If he hadn’t shouted, he would have missed every opportunity. That would have brought about a healing in his life.
Sometimes you gotta know when you’re running out of time, and God has to snatch you out of the fire.
Glory to God, I feel the anointing of the holy ghost coming in this place.
There will be a breakthrough this morning. There will be deliverance this morning.
There will be a move of god this morning. Somebody give him a praise right where you are.
I’m sick of my sin. I’m sick of myself.
I’m sick of being evil. I’m sick of I’m sick of being manipulative.
I’m sick of being a con artist. I’m sick of not feeling good about myself.
I want to be a better person.
He that hungers at first, At the righteousness shall be filled until you want better, you won’t be better until you hunger after it.
Until you first after. It didn’t say he that is righteous.
It said he that hungers, and first after righteousness, shall be filled. Somebody. Hold on. I’m hungry.
That’s who God is looking for. People who are hungry to be better.
Not people who are making excuses to wallow in their own field. God wants somebody who’s hungry.
God wants somebody who lays down at night and feel sorry and said, god, I hate that I acted like that.
I hate that I do people like that. I hate that I have that attitude.
I hate that I walk in that lust. I hate that I’m tired in bondage.
I hate that I’m running around on drugs. I hate that I’m an addict.
I hate that I’m a hate for I hate that I beat my wife.
I hate that I beat my children. I hate that I’m abusive.
I hate that I use my tongue to praise you.
And then turn around, use my tongue to curse the people I love.
And I need to be snatched out because I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired.
And I wanna break through. I feel an anointing about to take this plate. Somebody clap your hands.
I feel a breakthrough
in with. Holyness. Holyness unto the lord. Holyness. Holyness unto the Holy enough.
Sit down.
I’m I’m just kidding. I’m about to sit on my text.
Hey. I’m a sit on it
till I hatch it. I’m a sit on it till it gives birth.
I’m gonna sit on it till it gets a breakthrough. Let us be clear, my brothers and sisters.
This is not the job who marched around the walls.
This is not Joshua, the son of none. No. No. No. No.
This is a completely different Joshua. He is the son of Jahozadak.
He is not the son of nun. He comes thousands of years later.
Oh, sure.
He comes after Israel has been in exile. After they have been in Babylonian captivity.
He comes at a particular and unique time in history where they have been with heathens for years.
And when he comes back to Jerusalem, it is not the Jerusalem that he remembers.
You remember when they left, they said if I could get your rusula, let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth.
But when they got back, it did not look like the Jerusalem, they remembered.
Have you ever gone to your high school reunion?
And what you remembered And somebody walks, hey, uh, I’m Philip.
And if it wasn’t for their eyes, you wouldn’t even know who they were, and you had to stand and look at them a few minutes.
When they got back to Jerusalem, there was no smell of bread baking.
The cobblers building had been torn down.
The cobblestone streets of Jerusalem had been hacked and full of holes.
The temple had been shattered to pieces, the epitome of their religious conviction had been completely annihilated.
The place where Sakhana Glory had sat down had been disrupted All of their memories, their culture, their food, their, the, the, the landscape of their ideas have been completely rearranged.
That’s why it’s not safe to live in your head.
Be because in your head, you can imagine things to be away that they really were not.
Yeah. Yeah. In death, everybody was a hero.
And everybody remembers all the good stuff.
But but but when they came back, it wasn’t all good. It was a mess.
It was it was the ruins of Jerusalem.
The text occurs after the exile has ended.
Jerusalem has greatly declined. A mere shadow of what it once was.
They have come to a point that they return what they returned to in no way resembles what they left or even what they had in mind.
It almost looks like a community after tornado has hit it.
I’m on the right street, but it doesn’t look like it.
I’m not really certain, but I think I used to live over there.
Fragments and debris has filled the streets.
Everything that would remind them of home has been completely annihilated.
They have to clear back the rubbish that is left behind and try to rebuild the fragments of what used to be.
It is a disaster area. Yet god is worthy to be praised.
Come on with me.
Although Although I admit Jerusalem is a mess. It’s in ruins.
It’s been desecrated. It’s almost destroyed.
It is still far better than to have stayed in captivity.
You see Joshua’s dad, your Jose dad, was murdered by nebuchadnezzar.
And had he stated where he was? He was next.
When you know that you were next to be destroyed, you will stop complaining about what the church is.
What the saints didn’t do, who didn’t speak to you when you came in the lobby.
All of those are luxury items for people who have not been snacked.
When you’ve been snatched out a fire, you don’t care what seat you sit in.
You don’t care whether they put you on the front row or the back row When you’ve been snatched out of the fire, you don’t care what how nobody looks at you.
You don’t care what nobody says to you.
Because you’ve been through a hell so bad behind you that you say this is better than that.
When you really get save. You can come into an environment.
The church don’t have to be perfect, but it’s better than the crack house.
The church don’t have to be perfect, but ain’t nobody hitting me in the head with a bat anymore.
The church don’t have to be perfect. You think rolling your eyes at me gonna run me
out of here? Honey, I’ve been hitting the head with a bat.
This is better than that. Somebody shout this is better than that.
When you’ve been through hell and you come back, you praise God over stuff that other people complain about.
You don’t care about what parking space you get in. You’re just glad to be safe.
Glad to be washed in the blood. Glad to be a child of the king.
Turn me up in this mic. Glad to give God the glory. You don’t understand.
The church folk don’t understand your praise.
Because they sit up there with their cute self, five generations, the Holy Ghost Field people.
But when you were the wine owner and a whoremonger, When you were the adult dealer, when you was HIV positive, when you saw all your friends die age, you don’t have time to be worried about no foolishness Fully with these church folk.
You gotta God to be praying. Is there anybody in the church today? Hallelujah.
You used to be captive. You used to be an exile. You used to didn’t have freedom.
And you’re glad for the glorious liberty that you have down in your soul.
And even if the singers can’t sing, you’ll still shout. Because it’s not their rift that’s making you shout.
Uh, it’s how god brought you out a bondage. It’s how god delivered you. It’s how god set you free.
It’s how god opened doors for you. Is there anybody left in the church that’s just great for,
to be a child of the king. I don’t care where you sent me.
I don’t care how you won’t pass me. If you saw hell I came from. Baby, this stuff ain’t nothing.
You think you’re gonna roll your eyes at me and run me out of the church You don’t know what kind of man I am. I can take a liquor and keep on ticket because I know who I am.
I know God has done in my life. I know where god brought me from.
Somebody who understands the words that are coming out of my mouth. Giving further seconds of crazy praise.
I mean crazy praise.
I mean crazy praise. I mean ridiculous praise.
I need a radical I need a revolutionary praise.
I mean, a praise out of the depths of your belly. I want you to look back out
of your shoulder and see where god brought you from.
And open your mouth and praise him like a mad man. Because you know, if it wasn’t
for god, you’d still be in jail. If it wasn’t for god, you’d have died with an overdose.
If it wasn’t for god, you would have blew your brains out. I wanna talk to the people who tried
suicide, wanted to get out of this world, and god snatch you out to god be the glory for the
things he has done. I feel something about the break loose in this place.
This is not a saint’s praise. This is a snatch praise.
This is for somebody that’s been snatched. Hallelujah to god. Hallelujah.
Tell your name on the right and the left. He snatched me. He snatched me.
I don’t have time for no church foolishness. He stats me. It was an emergency.
It was a crisis. It was a generational curse. But god snatched me.
He brought me from a mighty long way. He he brought me up out of the pit. Sir.
A day in his courts is better than a thousand. Uh, a year’s anywhere else.
Uh, I rather be a doorkeeper and stand at the threshold of the house of my god than to dwell in attempts of the wicked.
Uh, I’ll do anything. I’m glad to be a child of the king.
I’m glad to be a child of god. Uh, has not snatch Joshua out.
He might not have survived the tyranny of the keys that surrounded him.
If god hadn’t him out, uh, he would have died like his daddy died.
If god hadn’t spat you out, uh, you’d be somewhere eating top Lost your mind.
Uh, laying in the cutter, laying on the floor. Uh, you couldn’t get out gradually.
He had to you out. Turn around and tell your neighbor, he snatched me. It was radical.
Uh, It went futile. It went soft. It went gentle. He spatch me.
He spatch me to my senses. Uh, he snacks me to my right mind.
He snacks me till I got myself together.
Uh, I feel a praise about to break loose in this place.
Uh, I feel a breakthrough about to break loose in this place. He snaps me out.
Uh, touch seven people and tell them he snatched me.
When you hit the eighth one, give God a thirty and pray their pray. He snatched me.
He snatched me out of my sin.
He snatched me out of the bed. He snatched me out of the hotel room.
He snatched me out of the whole house. He snatched me out of the streets. He actually out
of jumping from bed to bed, uh, woman to woman,
man to man. Uh, I’ve been snatched. And I tell every devil in hell.
I’m not going back to where I came from. Uh, I dare you to praise him.
Uh, like you know who he is. Prazing in the back today. Prazing on the back row.
Prazing in the quies fan. Paying in the poor pitter. Everybody who’s ever been snatched up.
Open your mouth. Uh, stop being incognito. Uh, Stop trying to be cute. Stop trying to be impressive.
Uh, but open your mouth and give your god appraise. Thank you for snatching me.
Thank you for pulling on me. Thank you for your conviction. Thank you for how you challenged me.
Thank you for cleaning me up. Thank you for seventy three.
Touch the name and tell him he’s getting ready to statue again.
You got out of the environment.
But you need to change your clothes.
You got out of the situation, but Joshua needed to change his arraignment.
The Bible said, my cut from there, honey, I feel like reaching the power.
The anointing of tied is in this place. The bad was scared. Hallelujah.
Joshua had made it into the presence of god snatched out of Babylon.
Snatched out of the hands of another canessa, uh, but he was still dressed in filthy raiment.
The Bible teaches us in the original Hebrew, uh, that he was covered with dumb.
He didn’t look good. Uh, he didn’t smell good.
Uh, all of the senses around him are testified to the that he was a
witch undone, and still he stood in the presence of god.
He was, pretty like he was, messed up like he was, but he
made it to the presence of god. Uh, somebody made it.
I might not be quite right, but I say it enough.
I might have some work to do, but I made it.
I might have some problems to solve, but I made it.
Now, dung covered Joshua is standing in the presence of god.
And it almost looks like a trial because on one hand, the angel is the defense attorney.
On the other hand, Satan is a prosecuting attorney. And god himself is the judge.
The defendant is covered with filth. He smells bad.
He doesn’t look good, but he’s standing in the presence of god.
And satanly is a accusing him because Satan is the accuser of the brethren. My god.
Whoa. I feel like preaching up in here. Have you ever had hell accused you?
Uh, get up in your face. Bring up your mess.
Point out your weaknesses, uh, show you your indiscrepancies, uh, show you your insufficiencies.
Uh, Satan wasn’t accuser
of the brethren, uh,
and the bible said, uh, it was not Joshua, uh, that rebuked the accused but god himself, uh, rebuked the accuser.
Uh, I feel like giving him a praise, uh, because when hell had me pit the rights.
The Lord fought my battle for me. Is there anybody in here?
That god spoke up for you in the middle of your mess.
And if it had not been for the lord, the was on your side.
You would have been swollen up. That’s why you can’t be cute.
That’s why you run the high That’s why you leap the pews, uh, because god stood up for you, uh, with your stake itself.
With your smelly self with your wretched self.
Grace, how sweet, the sound that’s saved, uh, or rich, like me.
I once was lost. But now, I’m found, uh, was blind.
But now, I said, through many pain just towards the stairs.
I have already was grace.
Uh, that brought me safe thus far, and grace will lead me to honor. Can I get away with this?
Can I get a witness, sir? Can I buy me a witness, sir? Can I borrow a witness?
Somebody loan me a witness. Somebody get God of praise. Didn’t he do it?
Didn’t he stick up for you? Didn’t he do it? Uh, didn’t he make a way for you?
Didn’t he do it? Did they snatch you out? Did they do it? Did they defend you?
Did they do it? Did they help you out of silence. Not to really be the silence.
So here, Joshua is standing before the righteous judge.
The prosecuting attorney is standing off to the side.
The defense attorney is turning off to the other side. But where is his defense?
What Satan is accusing him of? He is guilty of. He is wearing his shame.
He is carrying his guilt. We can see it. We can smell it.
And yet the defense spoke up.
And said the Lord rebuke you, satan.
He is not this a brand that I snatched.
He is not this a brand that I snatch.
Do you know you’re a brand that god snatched. Somebody throw your hand up and holler.
He snatched me. May be turning, but he snatched me.
I may be sticking, but he snatched me. I may be weak, but he snatched me.
I may be broke but he snatched me. My credit might be wiped, but he snatched me.
My temperament might be wrong, but he snatched me.
It’s justification. Handling you just as if You didn’t stink.
This is justification. Guilty, Romans seven seven.
Who should deliver me? From the body of this death. Come here to Marcus.
Come here. Put your hands on my shoulder.
In Rome, when you killed a man, they would tie.
The corpse to you so that everywhere you went, the corpse had to go with you so that as the body was decomposing, the
infection that was on the
corpse would penetrate into the murderer. Who shall deliver me from the body of this death?
I can’t shake it. I can’t get it off me, but thanks be undergar, who gives us victory through Jesus Christ our Lord.
There is therefore now no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus. Get off of me.
Somebody shake yourself and say, get off of me. Get off of me.
Who walk no longer after the flesh, but after the spirit. That is justification.
But watch this, and this is where I’m gonna close. Here comes sanctification.
The accuser has been rebuked.
The case has been dismissed.
The judge has thrown it out of court, but still there is a requirement.
The judge says Take off your filthy garment.
I no. No. Don’t clap. Listen. I will not allow you to stay.
In my presence, smelling like you’re smelling.
Looking like you’re looking.
Doing like you’re doing.
You have to understand when I snatch you, it wasn’t that you were near fire.
You were on fire. So get the picture.
The brand he snatched was burning when he snatched it.
If I’d have left you in there any longer.
If I would have left
you in there any longer, you would have burned up.
I snatched you just in time,
but I’ve been too good to you.
To let you stand here stinking and smelling and doing your thing.
I’m gonna give you new arraignment.
But you’re going to take off that smelly garment.
I’m going to give you a new cap covering for your head.
I’m I’ve got one that says