Finite Problems and the Infinite Answer | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
Finite Problems and the Infinite Answer
Martha is running around trying to do God has a good heart, but running around million things, million things that our mind, million things mary is just sitting at his feet and the Lord says, but mary has chosen the better part, Martha wisdom before you go crazy and worry about everything because the enemy is never gonna stop if he can get a charge out of you is that you can press your buttons, he’s gonna keep doing it before you get before you go great, he’s gonna keep doing this, this, this, this, So until you say enough, before you go crazy and worry over everything, try to figure everything out.
First thing lifted up to God trusted to God, committed to God, committed to God.
I remember the early days of the ministry very, I mean super hyper early in the very early days when it was gonna be an outreach about Israel and everybody was, they had no place and and there’s the first meetings and they were saying there was going on and we have no place, there’s nothing we can do, we can go there and at one point I wasn’t the leader and I said, I said, hey guys, why don’t we pray?
And everyone’s like, and it wasn’t that they weren’t spiritual is that sometimes you can get so wrapped up in the thing that to stop and pray is like radical.
So we did the next day, we got the place, see the wisdom of God is infinite, he knows everything he knows every, everything that’s gonna happen in your life, he knows it, you know, he knows when you go home, he knows every car on the road.
He knows the one that’s gonna be, he knows it all. He knows everything up ahead. You can’t know it.
So the wisdom wisdom is to not rely on your wisdom and rely on his wisdom, how be led by his spirit.
Because when you do that, you’re walking in infinite wisdom.
There are those who, because of the spirit they didn’t get, they didn’t go on an airplane ended up crashing.
I know personally there were those who couldn’t couldn’t have known it.
There are those who didn’t know why, but it said, but I’m not going there.
I got, I can’t do that. I don’t have peace. I’m not going there.
It saved their walk, saved their ministry, saved their life. How much needless trouble do we go through?
Because we didn’t trust the Lord when all he wanted to do because we didn’t pray.
It’s worth an ounce of prayer is worth a pound of worry that just came to me.
So might be the Lord may not be. I don’t know high.
I’m Jonathan cahn, thanks for checking out my youtube channel. I hope you were blessed with the video.
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- The Watchman Must Stay Above | Jonathan Cahn SermonTháng 10 24, 2023