Sit Down – Sarah Jakes Roberts
Sit Down
God’s Messages
Dear Lord,
Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. Many are struggling with finances and need jobs. Some are facing foreclosure and don’t even know how they are going to make it from week to week..
Many are lonely. . Many are heartbroken. . Many are facing sickness and health is fading. . Some are dealing with difficult family members. Many have lost HOPE.. Tonight, let us put our prayers and faith together decree and declare breakthrough over our families. Financial miracles WILL take place. Jobs WILL be found. Our Bodies WILL be made whole & sickness WILL flee. Marriages and relationships WILL be restored. Family members WILL find Jesus. Heartbreaks WILL be healed. JOY WILL be restored and HOPE WILL be found. In Jesus Name. Amen!!!!!! Keep God First…….
I wanna share with you guys really how this whole night in the wild wild woman came to be, I was reading in Revelation 12 and um I met this woman.
I wanna introduce you guys to her tonight. I’m gonna read my text.
If you go to the Potter’s house at one L A, then you know that we stand for the reading of the word.
That’s why our leadership team was standing.
Can I just say my husband is here and he allowed me to do this on a Friday night.
He just can we honor the gift of God. I love you so much.
I said, babe, I wanna have a ladies’ night on a Friday night and he called the team and our incredible team put this together, our staff, they showed up and they showed out and um so thank you baby for creating space.
You need a man that creates space for you that doesn’t try to shrink you or make you fit into this little box.
But he says, I see what’s down on the inside of you.
And I just wanna create space for you to become that my husband created.
So much space for me that it made me wonder what was down on the inside of me.
And it was because of that environment that God continues to reveal to me what you obviously see in me.
So I love you. I thank you for that. My text is revelation 12 verse 13.
And it says now when the dragon saw that he had been cast to the earth, he persecuted the woman who gave birth to the male child.
But the woman was given two wings of a great eagle that she might fly into the wilderness to her place where she is nourished for a time and times and half a time from the presence of the serpent.
So the serpent spewed water out of his mouth like a flood after the woman that he might cause her to be carried away by the flood.
But the earth helped the woman and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed up the flood which the dragon had spewed out of his mouth.
And the dragon was enraged with the woman and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring who keep the commandments of God and had the testimony of Jesus Christ.
Father. I thank you for the opportunity to serve these women. God.
I’ve been praying, I’ve been worshiping and I know that there’s something so important you want to say to them.
So father, I ask that you would clear the atmosphere of distractions that you would allow this message to be an intimate time with these women in you, that each woman would leave this place feeling like she was talking to me.
God sent a word through her to me.
And father may this be the kind of word that doesn’t just get us high.
But that radically changes our life that we are transformed by what takes place in this room.
So father, I give you full rein to use any and every part of me that your glory may be manifested in this place to the extent that strongholds come down, that chains are broken, that depression has to leave.
That suicidal thoughts cannot stay. That confidence is resurrected.
That businesses and books and movies and songs are all birthed out of this meeting with you.
We turn it over to you and we say have your way in Jesus name. Amen. Amen.
And now you guys tell me get seated. I love you too, child. Listen.
Now that Eve and I are friends, I often think to myself if I could go back in the garden and say anything to Eve, what would it be?
And when I think this through now that I have decided that I’m not gonna be petty.
Think to myself. I would tell Eve that your greatest, your greatest opponent, your greatest defense in this moment of you in the garden, your greatest defense is gonna be regeneration, reg generation.
We see this with animals all the time, they have the ability to regenerate.
That means if they maybe lose their tail, they’re able to grow it back.
But us physically, we don’t have that ability to regenerate.
Except for spiritually, spiritually, we have an opportunity to regenerate. We don’t always think about it.
But the reality is that when someone breaks your spirit, it doesn’t just have to stay broken that we have an opportunity through our relationship with God, through worship, to allow our spirit to regenerate.
That’s ultimately what God is saying in Genesis three and 15, when he’s giving this curse to the serpent, he’s saying if Eve generates from this moment and she produces seed, then that seed has the power to bruise your head to literally give you a crushing blow.
So all the woman has to do is regenerate. That’s exactly what I would have told myself.
When I got pregnant. At 13, I would have said this is gonna be tough.
It’s gonna be hard. You may not be able to go back to the way things were, but you still have power to regenerate from this moment.
You don’t have to stay in the same shape that your pain leaves you in.
That’s literally why we have access to the ultimate creator because anything that life tries to strip from us, he says, well, I can produce that again.
And this time when I produce it, it’s gonna be better than it was before.
That’s why when we talk about anything that the enemy throws our way, God using it for His glory.
It’s ultimately saying that all things are gonna work together for my good, that it may look like a setback right now.
But when God gets finished with it, I’m gonna be stronger than I was before.
I’m gonna be wiser than I was before.
I’m gonna recognize my anointing and authority in a way that I would have never done it.
But all of this depends on regeneration.
I’ll tell you, Eve became my favorite woman in the Bible.
Not just because I could relate to her, but because of what she did with that word because God promised her that her breakthrough was connected to her seed, her seed.
What is seed? Seed is that thing that God places down on the inside of you that the enemy tries to tell you doesn’t have value.
Your seed. Is that song?
It’s not just a book, it’s seed, it’s not just a family, it’s seed, it’s not just a degree, it’s seed.
Do you know what our friend broke off of her family by going to get her degree when everyone else said that she wasn’t gonna become anything she said, but I got seed.
It doesn’t matter what you say when you got seed, it doesn’t matter what you see when you’ve got seed.
God told me that the promise was connected to my seed. And so what if I were most important.
Certain role as women is not to see who can be flyer than the other person or who can be more snatched than the other person.
But what are you gonna do with the seed that God has given you?
What are you gonna do with that vision that God has given you?
I gotta protect my seed by any means necessary. I’m here on a Friday night.
It’s grammy week and we could be anywhere we in L A baby.
But I got seed that I’m trying to produce.
I got seed that I’m trying to put into the ground and Eve knew what to do with seed because God gave her that word and she starts producing because God gave her a word.
That’s somebody’s word right there that all you gotta do is start producing based on the word.
Don’t worry about what it’s gonna look like. Don’t worry about who’s gonna support it.
Don’t worry about how it’s gonna change your circle.
If God said produce it, God says take action on that word.
I’m not gonna give you another step until you take action on that word. God gave you a seed.
You’re looking for a tree. God said, I didn’t give you a tree. I gave you seed.
You’re looking for an orchard. God said, I didn’t give you an orchard. I gave you seed.
You’re looking for a billion dollars. God said I didn’t give you a billion dollars.
I gave you $100 worth that seed.
You got seeds, you got seeds, you got seed and God is looking to see what you do with your seed and Eve starts producing based off of God saying the promise is connected to your seed.
She gives birth to Kane and Abel.
And um that ain’t got um my seat doesn’t look like what you said.
What do we do when our seed doesn’t look like what God said.
Can you stand the test of your seed?
Not looking like what God said and choosing to produce anyway?
Because God said the promise was connected to my seed.
So if it wasn’t that job, if it wasn’t that gig, if it wasn’t that relationship, that doesn’t keep me from producing because I have a responsibility to keep producing until I see what God said.
I’m not producing because everything went the right way. I’m not producing because everything worked out in my favor.
I am producing because God said that I’m gonna breathe on your seed. That’s why I’m still in this city.
That’s why I’m still in this room because God said I’m gonna breathe on your seed.
I’m gonna breathe on your seed, which means that Eve had to come to a place in her mind where she wasn’t worried about the outcome.
She was just worried about producing.
I’m just, I’m just gonna focus on producing right now. I’m just gonna focus on producing.
I don’t know what it’s gonna be. I don’t know if it’s gonna take off.
I don’t know if everyone’s gonna listen to it.
I don’t know if I’m gonna blow up, but I do know that I’ve got a mandate to produce, I’m gonna keep producing.
I’m gonna keep producing. And I hear God saying that sometimes he needs to create a rhythm of producing so that you don’t produce and take off and think that there’s nothing left in you that God said if you get in a rhythm of producing, then you’ll never stop producing and people will be celebrating things that you did last month.
But you’re not worried about that because this month I’m still producing.
So Eve knows what she really has to do in this moment is just set.
What God said in motion. I don’t have to see the end.
I don’t have to see the outcome. I just have to set it in motion.
What if God has just called you to set it in motion?
This thing hit me down in my spirit because I don’t know if you’re like me.
But I have these moments where the enemy, he starts haunting me and taunting me about the things I haven’t finished.
But when I got this revelation, I got something to say back to the enemy and I got to tell the enemy, I may not be at the end yet.
But what I do know for sure is that I set it in motion that no, we may not be out of the hole yet.
But because I made that decision, I said something in motion.
I said something in motion that my great grandkids are gonna be living off of. I said, righteousness in motion.
I said wholeness in motion. I didn’t say that I did everything the right way, but I know for sure that I said something in motion that I changed the way we deal with money in my family because I set it in motion.
All I gotta do is set it in motion because God said if you set it in motion, I’ll finish what you start.
If you start it, I’ll finish it.
Do you know that you serve a God who will finish anything that you start?
I came to talk tonight to the women who know how to start something because I’m gonna be honest with you L A I came to start something in the spirit realm.
I came to start something that shakes up your normal, that shakes up your family down.
I heard God saying it’s time for my women to start setting some things in motion.
The kind of things that make hell nervous, set it in motion, set it in motion, set it in motion, set it in motion.
Don’t worry about the financing, set it in motion. Don’t worry about the friendships, set it in motion.
Don’t worry if they get it or not just set it in motion.
Don’t worry if your friends come with, you just set it in motion. Set it in motion.
Set it in motion. Motion seven. What is she doing all night?
She’s setting something in motion where him to watch the woman, who knows how to think.
Don’t play with her.
She knows how to start something.
You messing with the wrong better for somebody has been trying to back and I hear God saying you got the right one, baby.
It let’s work.
Let’s work. Let’s work. Let’s work. It’s 2020. It’s the year of double portion. Let’s work. Let’s work.
Came to set every day.
I wake up to set it in motion every day.
I wake up to change something for the women in my family.
Every day I wake up, I wake up to invade the culture for the sake of the kingdom and I may not have 40 million followers, but I started setting something in motion with 1000 0.4 million gossip.
Bye Gods win.
You watch and you’re thinking it’s enough to get it started.
It’s enough to get it started.
So, so God is calling us to set some things in emotional.
I heard God saying that you gotta give yourself permission to start where you are.
And that’s, that’s what eve did she started where she was and what Eve sets in motion in Genesis.
This woman, this woman in revelation, she’s gonna finish it for those of you who are theologians, you know?
Yes, there are so many theologians here.
Revelation 12 is actually an analogy about the church.
I was reading this though and I took it quite literally about a woman who’s had to hide after being persecuted.
If you read the whole chapter, it’s really gonna bless you.
Because when this woman starts off, she’s pregnant and she’s pregnant and pregnancy gives you purpose and pregnancy gives you vision and pregnancy allows you to start thinking about a vision.
And then all of a sudden she gets pregnant and, and a dragon appears and when this dragon appears, she pushes anyway and a woman evolve.
I preach this message. It’s actually on youtube. It’s called wild woman.
And I talked about how she pushed it anyway.
And when she pushed it, God pulled it up that sometimes what we got to know is that if we push it, God will pull it up.
And so she pushes out her seed, she produces the seed, she pushes out the seed, but God pulls up her seed.
And then God says that this woman runs off to this place in the wilderness where he prepared a place for her.
But when we find her in this text, she’s not in that place that God prepared for her, the place that’s supposed to nourish her, you would never believe it.
But there are some women in this room who aren’t in that place that God prepared for them.
This place is important because this is not just this temporary shelter.
God gave her this position and it was supposed to nourish her. That word nourish means to literally feed her.
Uh The Greek word here, it actually translated means stiffen. It’s supposed to stiffen her.
It’s supposed to give her strength. So she’s not tossed to and fro anymore.
That place that God positions you in, it makes you stand flat footed and declare the work of the Lord.
That place makes you not afraid to walk into any room.
You don’t need anything from anyone because you came to give something, you’re not made or break or broken by what people say about you because I’m, I’m sitting in a place that God has prepared for me.
But what happens when you’re not in that place anymore?
I think that the woman lost her place because she didn’t have her seed anymore.
And when you don’t think you have seed, you don’t think there’s any reason for you to stay in this position of faith because everything that I thought was gonna give me purpose and value was now gone.
So now I don’t really do what I used to do anymore because I’m not so sure I have anything down on the inside of me.
But the dragon gives us an indication of what the woman really is.
Sometimes your greatest, greatest blessing is your enemy because your enemy tells you who you are.
Because when I started studying this and I saw that the dragon was persecuting the woman.
I thought to myself, why is the dragon persecuting the woman?
If the woman doesn’t have seed, the child is gone. Why is he persecuting the woman?
And in my study, and God told me it’s because the woman is soil and what the enemy knows about the woman that the woman doesn’t know is that if God throws another seed at her, that she can produce something again that has the power to crush the head of the enemy.
I don’t know who you are, but you’ve been being, you’ve been feeling burnt out.
You’ve been feeling like all of your creativity is running out that you don’t have vision anymore that you don’t have purpose anymore.
And I came here to tell you that you are soil, that there is nothing that God is gonna do in your life that is behind you, that everything that He wants to do is ahead of you.
And the moment that you recognize that you are soil, you will stop letting any old thing live down on the inside of you.
Because when your soil, anything that lives in you will only become more of what it already is.
And I hear God saying there are some mindsets and some paradigms that you need to uproot.
If you’re really gonna be a woman who evolves, if you’re really gonna be a woman who shakes up the earth.
Then you gotta to uproot some depression.
You gotta to uproot some anxiety because it’s been living down on the inside of me for too long.
You may be the first one in your family to ever go to a therapist.
You better check in baby because you got some things that you need to uproot.
I’m spoil you and I’ve been letting things live down on the inside of me for too long.
I’m coming to church on Friday and on Sunday, I don’t care who’s preaching.
I came because I’m waiting to see the next seed that God is gonna throw in my direction.
I hear God saying that he’s throwing seed all 2020 and he’s looking for a woman who recognizes she’s good ground, baby, I’m good ground.
If you throw something in my direction, you’re gonna become more of what you already are.
I’m throwing seed, I’m throwing vision, I’m throwing creativity. I’m throwing opportunities.
I hear God saying it’s gonna come from an unexpected place.
I hear God saying that you’re gonna be looking for it in one way and that seed is gonna hit you in a place you would have never expected because God sees something about your soil that you don’t see.
That’s why it had to end. That’s why it couldn’t last.
Were gonna let the wrong thing live down on the inside of you that ought to heal somebody in this room.
You’re crying over what left? I hear God saying, start rejoicing over what I Yes, I’m rejoicing.
I’m rejoicing. I’m rejoicing because God’s getting ready to plant something down on the inside of me, the planet because I found my place.
The throw another seed in my direction.
My breath is a promise. Fetus Gregson.
Oh I feel that for you.
Feel that for you. God’s throwing seed.
He’s throwing a vision. He’s throwing the right relationships.
He’s throwing the right opportunities. He’s throwing the right ideas.
Oh I feel that prophetically for you. I don’t know who you are.
You’ve been feeling like you’re in a drought. And I hear God saying that I just made room.
It looks like a drought but I really just been digging to make room.
What God is gonna do that on the turn up in the microphone.
But God is gonna do that on the look like a the roots large and the roots are so great so that you have generational fruit you would have settled with only having enough for you.
Mm And I hear God saying I got generational fruit connected to your name and shout out for everywhere.
There’s a generational blessing for everywhere you can say no one’s ever done this in my family before.
God says there’s a generational blessing connected to every generational curse.
And I hear God saying, you’re gonna be the one who does it.
I hear God saying you’re gonna be the woman wild enough woman, crazy enough you’re gonna be the woman super anointed enough to do it.
Not just for you, for the generations connected to you and you think because you fail and because you’re out of place that you lost access, but I hear God saying you moved, but the place didn’t move, which means your only responsibility is to get back to the place where you’re nourished.
Nourish, nourished is different than just being fed.
Nourished is when you eat the vegetables you don’t really like to eat because you know, it’s good for you.
Nourished is when you have the discipline to say no to what you really want to do so that you can have access to what you really need to do.
I didn’t get up and do this because I wanted to, I got up because I needed to, I needed to release what was down on the inside of me.
I didn’t do it because it was easy. I didn’t do it because I felt eloquent.
I did it because God told me that I needed to do it.
And when you need to do something, when you need to do something, it changes the way you show up, it grows you up, it nourishes you.
So the question is, how do I get back to that place?
How do I get back to that place where I fell whole?
How do I get back to that place where I believed?
How do I get back to that?
Place where I still believed that nourishment even exists for me.
I’ve been malnourished for so long that I’m not even sure that I believe that nourishment exists for me.
I know how to celebrate someone else.
Thanks better than I know how to celebrate me.
I can pray you through your storm. I can clap while you dance.
But when it’s time for me to get on the dance floor, I don’t believe I can keep up.
This woman is not out of place because she had something better to do.
She’s out of place because she doesn’t believe in her seed anymore.
But this woman, she makes one decision.
God brings it back to her remembrance.
Go back to the place where I promise to nourish, you go back to being that woman who could stay in position.
So the woman starts moving in that direction.
She starts moving in that direction because now the dragon is chasing me.
There’s some women in this room and it feels like dragons have been chasing them.
Feels like every time I turn around there’s something new and God says there’s a place that will protect you.
I used to be angry with God. I said, God, you pulled up her seat.
Why didn’t you pull her up?
God, if you knew the dragon was gonna come down and persecute this woman, why didn’t you pull her up the way that you pulled up her seat?
And God said, I didn’t have to pull her up, sir.
I didn’t have to rescue her because I was protecting her and rescuing is a worst case scenario.
Instead of rescuing her, I created a place for her and everything she needs is in that place and everyone she’s gonna love is in that place and everyone she’s gonna touch is already in that place.
You were waiting on me. I was waiting on you.
I was waiting on you to get in place and you were waiting on me to get in place because God said they get and place the dragon will back up off of them.
They get in place. They can take over this generation in place.
Something that changes the way we see women of faith.
So she goes, she goes back to that place and she’s got to make a decision to sit there.
Mhm Some of you are gonna have to make a decision to sit in that place.
I wanted to title this message, sit down because sometimes we’re so busy running looking for next.
We know how to fight.
We know how to stand up to things, but sometimes we don’t know how to just sit down.
And I hear God saying that your strength is not gonna come from running this time.
Your strength is gonna come from sitting down because when you sit down, I’m gonna nourish you.
When you sit down, I’m gonna stiffen you.
I heard God saying as I was praying that God has watched you work long enough.
Now it’s time for you to watch him work.
It’s time for you to watch him move.
So the woman, she starts moving, I’m laying in the plane.
The woman, she starts moving back to that place.
And there’s two things I want to tell you that happened.
The woman starts moving back to that place.
And when she makes that decision to start moving back to that place of nourishment, when she believes that there is something down on the inside of her worth protecting.
And so she starts making decisions that are a reflection of what she believes about herself, says that I can work with.
And in verse 14, it says that the woman was given two wings of a great eagle that she might fly into the wilderness to her place.
So God gives the woman wings so that she can get back to her place.
She would have gone by foot if she had to.
That’s how desperate you gotta be that no matter how far along you are or far away you are that you’ll go by foot if you have to and her willing to go by footsteps to God, that she’s serious about this thing.
So he gives her wings to get to her place faster than she would have gotten there.
Had she had to do it on her own.
That’s what happens when we partner with God is that we get to places faster than we would have ever been there.
Had we had to do it on our own.
And it continues, it said the woman was given two wings of a great eagle that she might fly into the wilderness to her place where she is nourished for a time and times and half a time from the presence of the serpent.
Now, you’ll remember in verse 13, this started off a dragon and now in verse 14, it ends up a serpent.
And I was asking God what happened between verse 13 and the end of verse 14, besides the woman getting to her place that shrunk this dragon into a serpent.
And the only thing I could see is that in that same exchange that the woman received winks and it was almost as if God took the wings of the dragon that was chasing the woman and put them on the back side of the woman and said, for instance, that everything the devil meant for evil, I’m going to use it for good.
That’s somebody’s word because that means the very thing that is chasing you right now.
The very thing that is disqualifying you right now is going to be the very thing that God uses to accelerate you.
When God slaps those wings on your back, that you’re gonna see every enemy that was once a dragon as nothing but a serpent.
I’m gonna be flying over the very things that the devil once meant for evil.
I feel like that’s somebody’s word in this room tonight because somebody has been waiting to see why is the enemy tracking me down?
And I hear God saying that that depression won’t get off of you and that anxiety won’t get off of you because it’s carrying your wings.
And when you realize that it’s carrying your wings, you’ll start looking that thing face off because you recognize that you’re coming from me.
But what you’re really carrying is my next dimension of breakthrough.
Somebody’s gonna start a ministry based off of the very thing that was holding them back is going to stay because of the very thing that was holding the devil gave me wings wings off in that thing generation baby.
I’m waiting on my wings. I’m waiting on my wings.
I’m waiting on my wings. I’m waiting on my wings. I’m waiting on my wings. I’m waiting on my wings.
Daughter is 10 years old. She’s been acting crazy.
I’ve been worshiping all day because I’ve been telling my husband, I can’t wait till we see her pack out of declaring the work of the Lord.
You can’t have much hell no direction.
You better get ready to give her wings.
Your wings, your wings are coming, your wings are coming, your wings are coming, your wings are coming, your wings are coming, your wings are coming.
I’m not talking to you. I’m talking to your depression.
Your wings are coming your wings are coming, the wings are coming, the wings are coming, the wings are coming.
It’s ladies’ night out not when this started.
It’s ladies night out when this is finished because when we leave this place, the ladies are going out with the wings.
They didn’t come in with, they came in crawling even with wings with the win real fast.
We gotta go, God, he gives the woman wings and the enemy spews out water out of his mouth because he thinks I’m gonna drown the woman.
But my text says that the earth opened its mouth and consume the flood.
This is important because the woman is in her place.
But it didn’t keep the enemy from trying to attack her.
But this is what I mean by staying in that place where God nourishes you and sitting there so that you can watch God work because my bible says that the earth is the Lord.
So when the enemy thought he was gonna use the earth against the woman, God says, no, I run that too and the earth opened its mouth and it consumed the flesh.
What does that mean? That means the earth is gonna be working on your behalf. Yeah.
Your way down where I down where I placed you, the flood don’t move, don’t move, don’t move, don’t move.
Because the flood is coming in here, don’t move because the pain is coming, don’t move because the grief is coming.
God says, I know how to open up the earth and consume the very thing that thinks is gonna take you out.
Don’t move, don’t move, don’t move, don’t move, don’t move.
It’s too early in the year for you to be giving up on what God, yes, it’s harder than you thought.
Yes, it’s gonna take more work than you thought. Yes, you’re gonna have to become someone different.
That’s all right. That place is gonna nourish you don’t move.
Going back to what you used to know that place is going.
The park started a revolution.
Not because she stood up, she started a revolution because she knew how to sit down somebody for the women.
He’s shaking black.
That your wheel, Ralph frightening.
Stay right there.
Stay right there. Stay right there. That’s where your next dose is coming from.
That’s where that second wind is coming from. That’s where that faith is coming from. Let the flood come.
God says I can do something with the flood.
What’s most important to me is that I stay in the place where I’m nourished.
This part of the year is where we learn how to sit down.
This part of the year is where we learn to not just keep moving on autopilot, we learn to feel what we feel, we learn to speak what we’re afraid of and we learned to do it anywhere.
I wanna pray with you.
I know I’m over time.
If you don’t have to leave though.
Please don’t leave because I’m gonna do an ultra call as crazy as it may seem because there’s so many of us in here.
There’s someone who came into this room running.
I came in here running.
I wasn’t really expecting to be put on blast.
But as you were preaching, I realize that I’m out of alignment that I got afraid of the place that was meant to nourish me, that I let the flood make me believe that my best days were behind me.
And I wanna invite you to come to this altar as crazy as it sounds.
I just feel like there’s something about you moving in this season.
I don’t care how flooded it gets.
If you can only take one step, even you’re in the lobby, if you can only take one step.
But as you step, I want you to see you stepping back to that place of nourishment.
I want you to envision yourself stepping into that woman who God says she’s not finished growing yet, but I got something that’ll grow her.
But she’s too afraid to do it.
I hear specifically she’s too afraid to use it.
She’s too afraid to use what I gave her.
But God says, I’m throwing out seed to good ground.
Can you say goddamn good ground?
You gotta be able to say that you have to make the decisions that allow you to say that.
And sometimes it means that we end up a little lonely.
I’m gonna be honest with you, that’s what the enemy spewing out.
The flood looks like. It looks like I don’t know if I can stay here because here I have to see myself.
I don’t know if I can stay here because here means I lose access to people who know a version of me.
That’s not even true, but it’s the most comfortable version of myself that I’m used to living in.
But you’ve made a decision to make that.
I wanna be the real deal.
I don’t wanna be one of those people who post the quotes but don’t live battle.
Oh We post quotes. We think it’s for other people, child.
You know, that’s for you time somebody need to hear this, you, you need to hear you.
The one I want to give you permission to do what you know, to do because we’re rescuing Eve but we’re not living like Eve.
We understand how we relate to her.
But if we’re going to tap into our divinity, if we’re gonna be married, we gotta be able to carry what God is doing, which means we got to be able to have clean hands and pure hearts.
And at this altar, I believe that God wants to clean your hands.
You better and purify your heart.
Mm I wanna throw my hands up because these hands, these hands have been doing some things that don’t really look like you these hands have been building some things that you can’t get the glory out of.
I’m, I’m throwing my hands and I’m throwing my hands and I don’t wanna build anything unless it looks like you.
I don’t wanna touch anything unless it looks like you. Father.
Help me to stop touching things that make my hands dirty.
God help me to stop and things that make me think less of myself.
Father, I’m turning my hands in God. You tell me when to move. You tell me what to touch.
I clean my hands and then I’m gonna offer up my heart too.
His father, my heart has gotten dirty.
My heart has gotten bitter father.
How could you let that thing happen to me?
How could you allow me to be on the back burner for this long?
My heart got dirty. I don’t trust you anymore.
I don’t believe like I used to believe, I know all the songs.
I know all the scriptures but I just can’t believe that you took my mother from me.
I just can’t believe that that disease is in my body.
My heart, my heart is a little dirty towards you. But tonight I’m making a decision.
I’m offering up my heart to, I wanna have a pure heart when it comes to you.
I wanna trust you in spite of what I see. I wanna, you still see the best in me.
I want to believe that you have plans to prosper me and not to harm me.
And if I’m honest, there’s some poison in my heart doesn’t believe that it’s true anymore.
The only thing about the poison in my heart though is that, is killing me.
That poison has taken my joy. That poison is taking my faith.
I don’t believe like I used to, I’m isolated. I don’t trust people that poison.
He’s trying to take me out.
And so father in this holy atmosphere, we came to this altar so that we can sit down either.
We’re tired of running letting comparison tell us who we need to be and how we should act.
Father. We’re tired of doing what our fear tells us to do what our culture tells us to do.
Father and we’re losing ourselves in the process.
So we are running to use so that we can finally father sit down. Father. It is my prayer.
Wherever there is a woman with her hands or heart lifted that you wouldn’t meet her, not when the service is over, but that you would meet her right now.
Oh Father, we make room for you, father. We make room for you.
Some of us only have an inch to give father. That’s all we got. But we make room for you.
Some of us haven’t opened up in a long time but we make room for you.
We make room for you. We make room for you. Father get into the cracks and the crevices.
Father, that wall isn’t too strong that you can’t knock it down.
Those excuses aren’t too strong that you can’t invade them.
Father, make room, make room, make room for you and their lives.
These women have experienced so many things, so many pains they’ve carried in their hearts and we’re finally turning them over to you.
What does that look like? That means father.
We trust that you were gonna show us how even these pains can work together for our good father.
We trust that because you have always been faithful, that you will continue to be faithful.
We place our trust back in you and father, we ask that you would forgive us for being angry with you.
It is evident because of the word that you sent that you see us and that you know us.
And so father, because you see us and you know us, then you know exactly what this moment in our life is supposed to produce.
And so we’re not gonna ask you to rush us past this season or to make everything, ok.
We’re simply gonna ask that you would sit with us that you would nourish these women father that they would come to know you and themselves in a fresh new way.
And father, when the enemy comes in like a flood, God, we know that you will raise up a standard.
Father, they are that standard.
And so we ask that you would take this word and that you would seal it in our hearts.
I rebuke the spirit of second guessing. I rebuke the spirit of depression.
I rebuke the spirit of anxiety. I rebuke the spirit of control. I rebuke the spirit of worry.
I rebuke it right now. In the name of Jesus, I speak Jesus to over your life.
I speak victory over your life of the one who defeated death itself.
I rebuke the spirit of death in this place. Your dream is not dead, your purpose is not dead.
Your passion is not dead. You are alive. God says that the bed is still on.
So I speak Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. Jesus resurrecting Jesus resurrecting power.
Jesus start saying Jesus is it until and yes.
May you be glorified in our lives?
Fill these women with your spirit like never before let it overflow.
God get together for another quarter.
But between now and the we get together even in the of is for real.
Out of here. She’s gonna be up all night but she’s gonna be working and some my dick have what the right everything he stole from me.
We believe it.
We claim it and we lay hold of it in Jesus name in Jesus.
Name in Jesus name. Amen. Can we celebrate in this place?
Can we celebrate for real?
Listen, who I am in the spirit?
Who I am you? For who?
Listen, I told them we weren’t gonna live stream this or put it on youtube.
But I may have to see if they’ll put it on the podcast because somebody’s got to listen to this message over and over again until it gets down in your spirit.
I was intentional about not live streaming because I wanted it to be specifically for the women in this room.
And God did something in this message that he hasn’t done before, which means there are some people in this room who have calls that are so great and so mighty that this just snatched them back to where they need to be.
Can you celebrate with me? Just one more time?
Listen, it’s 10 o’clock in Los Angeles. Y’all yawning.
Some of y’all yawning like y’all grandmas don’t play me.
I see you out in West Hollywood all hours of the night listening.
I asked P T if he would turn the lights on in the building and if he would staff this building so that the women could come together.
And I just wanna ask that we would show our appreciation by at least sewing back into this moment.
I’m not gonna preach a message about giving.
I just wanna say gratitude that God created this environment and this atmosphere for us says, whatever the Edison sends us for turning the lights on and having the air conditioning running.
I wanna make sure that this doesn’t cost the ministry to bless me because at the end of the day, I didn’t just come to receive.
I came to give to, I’m not gonna make a big fancy thing about it.
I’m just gonna ask. I think maybe they’ve got, yeah, they’ve got directions on the screen.
Please give just something on your level.
If you’re like me and you believe in sewing, then you give according to what that word meant to you.
There’s some words that God spoke in this atmosphere about setting things in motion.
Maybe that was your word, getting back in position, whatever that word means to you in your own level, just sow into it.
And it’s gonna be our way of saying that woman evolve.
Los Angeles, which I think we’re gonna have chapters.
I would love to start a woman evolve chapter here in L A. That woman evolve.
Los Angeles appreciates the environment that was created for them to be transformed.
And most importantly, when I asked to do this again, I want P T to know that my girls, we hold it down, we can hold our own.
OK? You can turn the lights on, we can cover that. All right. We got jobs. All right.
Just kidding. That was eve blame it on eve. Just help me.
So into this moment, please, our worship team is gonna come up, we’re gonna worship and we’re gonna give and uh we’re gonna go home and let this word marinate and change the atmosphere of our homes.
So I’m gonna just pray a blessing. Father over every woman who’s giving according to what she received.
Father act that she would multiply that seed in her life, whether she’s given by text or cash, whatever it is, father, you know, the sacrifice connected to her seed, somebody’s given something they don’t really have it to give.
But father, because you have given us everything in this moment, we wanna show you that we can match your effort.
So father, we’re sowing into this word.
Allow it to not just be a moment but allow it to bless our families for generation after generation that every woman I feel this for you.
For every woman connected to us, we receive this word tonight.
Even the women who couldn’t be in this room, may we all leave and have the spirit of woman evolve all over us that we would never settle for where we are or where we used to be.
But that we would always always keep pressing and pressing to discover what it is.
You placed inside of us. Receive our gift, our tithe our offering in Jesus name. Amen.
I love you L A.