Sarah Jakes Roberts: Answering God’s Call to Women

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 Answering God’s Call to Women

Sarah Jakes Roberts and her husband, Touré Roberts, sit down on TBN’s Praise to share an inspiring message on God’s calling to Women, and the keys to a healthy and balanced marriage.

We don’t know exactly what tomorrow will look like, but we can know who we’ll be looking to… our God whose love is unfailing and whose hand is the safest place to entrust our hope.
He has been faithful before, and He will be faithful again.

God has revealed areas where we could become I could become a stronger mother.
Our children could become stronger teenagers, and it took one another’s trust and perspective about our life to say here I am.
This is uncomfortable. It’s awkward. But here I am, I wanna grow.
I wanna learn, and I trust your perspective and your love to help me grow into who god has called me to be.
It seems to me, uh, PT and Sarah that god is opening up favor for women.
Uh, you know, unfortunately, it’s take, you know, the world had to, you know, we see that I always tell people god judges what he loves.
And it’s clear that women have been taken advantage of in the workplace taken advantage of in places of the arts like Hollywood, and god has come in and just shook.
And now we’re seeing women like you rise up with a voice that’s not just speaking to women, but to all of us.
And Uh, I want you to give you a chance to talk about your wife for a moment because you and I were talking about, uh, how men Right.
Need to handle this season where god is saying, I’m gonna make up some stuff that hasn’t been unjust unfair, and
I’m gonna bless my daughters in this season.
We’re seeing that, aren’t we?
We we are seeing it. I, uh, it was about five years ago.
The Lord gave me a word and it was the age of the woman.
And, uh, and it was crazy because why would god give a man a word that basically was saying that god was gonna use women in an unprecedented way.
I knew it was god. I remember trembling as I preached that message, not realizing I would ultimately be married to a world shaker


in in Sarah. Um, I think that the most persecuted people group on the planet is the woman.
Yeah. No doubt.
From the very beginning, and Sarah has a revelation on that that I wanted to share as it relates to Eve.
But but, you know, most men If we’re honest in the kingdom, we wanna be Joseph. Right?
But we wanna be the Joseph who was the king in Egypt second or second to pharaoh in Egypt.
We wanna be, you know, Joseph, the businessman, Joseph, the the prosperous one.
But I think that there’s another Joseph that we failed to look at.
Oh, wow.
And it was the Joseph who provided an environment for Mary to birth the Messiah. Oh my goodness.
So the the challenge for us as men is to be whole enough and secure enough in our purpose and our role that we might become Joseph’s that we might encourage our sisters that god is raising up, that we might might create an environment that we might not compete but compliment and support and lift them up because if they birth what god has placed on the inside of them just like the virgin Mary.
We’re gonna see the earth shake in the mighty name of Jesus. We’re gonna see things.
The the Bible says, that the woman I I wanna let her preach it because no one preach it like her.
In fact, what does the Bible say about the woman?
What does
the Bible say about the woman?
And Genesis three and fifteen after Eve has it be uh, eaten from the forbidden fruit. Yeah.
The god tells the serpent that the seed of the woman is gonna crush his head.
But he also says that the seed of the serpent is gonna bruise her heel.
And so I have been really, really helping so many women understand that just because your heel has been bruised by a divorce, by a teen pregnancy, doesn’t mean that you can’t crush the serpent’s head.
Specifically, I said bruised heel still crushed serpent’s hit. So I don’t know what
you’re doing,
girl. But I want you to know that that Bruce kill no matter what it is, divorce, miscarriages, whatever you’ve gone through.
That Bruce heels still crush his serpent’s head. And how do I know? Because I get up on the stage.
I hold on my foot microphone with my teen pregnancy, with my divorce, with my insecurities, with my fears, and I the devil.
You know what? You picked on the right one because this heel is just gonna pick up my foot, and I’m gonna crush it over your head every single chance I get.
So they’re right there in Genesis from the very beginning is the pronouncement that through the woman.
Yeah. The serpent would be defeated. No wonder. She’s the most persecuted people group on the planet.
No matter any place you go to in the world, the woman is the most persecuted, but I’ll tell you what, time’s up.
Me too. And whatever else you wanna say, It is the year of the woman,
and I’m rolling with him.
Yeah. Rolling with exactly. I think
and I think it it is important.
I think with, We see all these movements, uh, even among some of our our teaching team here at TBM, Christine Kane, and Joyce Myers and Beth Moore, all of these women.
And I actually I’m gonna encourage you. We need to have a conference on
for men that had to handle these powerful strong women.
I’m passionate about it. Yeah.
I’m passionate about it.
I think that as women, though, I think that as we’re really learning how to navigate this power and this platform, that one of the things we have to comp constantly keep at the forefront of our mind is that our power is not meant to crush the man.
Yeah. He too is meant to compliment and support the man So just because I finally have an opportunity to speak out doesn’t mean I wanna crush my partner.
At the end of the day, I need him to win. Yeah. Because we are in partnership.
And at the end of the day, honestly outside of the lights, the camera, and the church.
We have children and families to raise.
And I don’t wanna be so powerful as a woman that I don’t teach my son how a woman still needs to be held and supported and to really live in that environment that her husband creates.
So there is a place for
Yeah. And it doesn’t it does not take value away from the man.
That that’s a that’s a perversion in the movement. Yeah.
Where, you
know, we don’t need no man. Shut up. Because that that
that that’s stupid. That’s stupid.
Yeah. Yeah.
And and I’m not saying can
I say stupid on TVN? No.
Yeah. Excuse me. No. Okay. Because and of course, I’m not promoting being codependent on you.
I’m not saying that. But, um, but the men his job, he he is validated.
He’s a part of this movement. Right? Right. He he should pray prayerfully and offer wisdom to it.
Offer covering to it. Joseph wasn’t a nobody. He was creating an environment. Mary couldn’t have done what she did.
She couldn’t have birth Jesus without Joseph covering her, covering her reputation. Right? Covering her financially in other ways.
And so so this is not you know, pro women does not mean anti man.
Right. Right.
Uh, women evolving or a women’s empowerment movement does not mean the the emasculation of men. Yeah.
You know, that that’s and and and we have to get we have to have a a clear and concise conversation so that we will understand stand what our roles are what our roles are as been in the context of this move.
And I believe it is simple. It is to cover It is to support. Yeah. It is to protect.
It is to pray into. We are the midwives to this movement.
Wow. Well, it it is, and it’s for real.
Uh, Jeanie and I, uh, founded a church and And, actually, this is our fortieth year of marriage.
And she had a call of god on her life
that I fought for a long time, and she would You know, I would say, you’re called because you married me.
And, uh, I’m a little ashamed of that now, but, uh, uh, that’s all under the blood.
And, and, uh, I remember you know, it stupid is a good word.
But I remember saying to her, you know, okay. So what happens if I die?
If I die, what happens to you?
And at that point, it was gonna be like, Well, I would be devastated and I would be out of the ministry.
Of course. And she said, I would continue my ministry. Yeah.
And and because god called me before I ever married you.
And that’s when I knew. Okay. This is not your father’s religion,
but it it is important And and you kinda brushed over something I think is important that I wanna drill down on for a couple minutes, and that is, yeah, how do you write books, conference speaker, pastor a church.
Uh, and at the same time, uh, find balance.
Both as a man, a woman, keeping your marriage together.
At the same time, managing, you know, from two year old to twenty one year old.
Talk to us about the The challenges in how you guys have found grace in that whole journey.
Well, when Terrain and I got married.
One of the things that was important to me, especially as a single mom bringing kids into a relationship, was that I married someone who saw me properly.
Because I knew that if he saw me properly, that he would be able to help facilitate everything attached to my name, calling, and purpose included.
I didn’t wanna get married because I felt like it was a prize.
I wanted to get married because I felt like he understood I was a Mission Field and he was a Mission Field, and we wanted to bring out the best and glory and one of another.
And so one of the things that has helped us as we blend our family and imbalanced our lives, our churches are blended families.
Okay? Like, everything in life — Exactly.
— is blended is that he sees me properly, and I see him properly.
And because I see him properly whenever, I notice that he needs down time, or when I noticed that the church in LA may need something.
We’re able to look at one another’s lives and say, babe, this is where, you know, you could stretch yourself this is doing well.
And so I think we added perspective to one another’s life through our marriage that has helped us to balance things out.
Yeah. Yeah. So true. And we, um, we we know to to whom much is given uh, much is required and much is required from, you know, those have been given much.
So we, we are very, very intentional about checking on where things are.
Um, checking on where we are in our relationship. Do we need time together? Uh, we prioritize things.
A lot comes at us, but we have really a checklist on whether or not we do it.
And we have, you know, four quadrants that that really help us to define what to take and what not to take.
And If we find ourselves out of balance, we have no problem calling in sick to work.
On a Sunday.
On a Sunday. He’s called in
and said we’re having family
We’re having you know, we I was traveling with the book, and, uh, and this was actually just less than a month ago.
And we just felt the tension you know, from our kids in the house, and we felt like we needed Sunday off.
And I have great staff in both campuses. And I said, guys, We’re taking this Sunday off.
We’re gonna make it a family day, run on with it. And we did that.
And so balances everything and, uh, and making certain that what’s most important, which for us is our individual relationship with God, our marriage, and our family doing well.
And then we get down to our spiritual family.
And I think having a great team to help protect that is important as
well. Absolutely.
Uh, what do what do you think is the most important ingredient for, uh, and and you really we we got
a parallel going of a blended family and a blended vision.
What what would be the overall attitude that someone needs to be able to embrace to watch god take two paths and make them one.
I think I think faith first, faith to believe that god has brought these two universes together.
Okay. So so god, if you brought these two universes together, then you have a strategic plan as to how to integrate them if we get ourselves out of the way.
Um, I think humility is very important. Um, the Bible talks about esteeming others more highly than yourselves.
And, uh, and communication. You know, I know you asked for two, but I gave you three, but but but communication, let’s talk about how we feeling.
You know, I won’t birthed a ministry without her approval.
You know, woman evolved this incredible conference that we’re doing in Denver in July, you know, it’s it’s her face, but it’s us behind the scenes.
Yeah. And so so you get two for even when you’re getting one, you’re really getting two.
You’re getting both of And so, so I think communication, humility, uh, and faith trusting that if god brought these two universes together, he’ll give you the wisdom as to how to steward the integration.
No. I think that’s powerful. You’re standing behind him. Is that unique? Does that happen every once in a while?
Or what are you doing behind him?
I love him.
I’m praying for him. Yeah. I’m I don’t just because I have a platform doesn’t mean that every time he’s on stage, that I need to be on stage, I feel like as his wife that I’m there to pray and push back any darkness that would there keep his message from coming forth.
So, I mean, for me being behind the scenes doesn’t feel like odd or strange.
It feels like the perfect place for me to stand and cover and watch his back.
And he does the same thing for me. I can hear him when I’m speaking.
I can be in an auditorium arena Philip people, and I hear them going, go, baby. First baby.
Get it, baby.
Yeah. Yeah. No.
I love that, and I think that’s what you have to do. You know, bringing your families together.
And let me just lean into the church thing a bit.
How obviously, the number the most important thing is that you knew god did this.
I mean, let’s back up a little bit. You’re pastoring, uh, one church LA, and then you guys get married.
The Denver situation. I mean, very unique.
The millennials, the entertainment industry, and then a church without casting any shadow, a lot of churches Gone through a lot of pain.
Yeah. Think one of you guys preached on how to deal with pain caused by the church. Yeah.
So you’re dealing with such a unique It was god.
And then what do you see as being something that has been a part of making this work?
Yeah. Well, I think that that move itself was just obedience. You know, I went to the church.
I went there with my father-in-law, Bishop James to encourage him as he was encouraging the leaders through their transition.
I walked in there because I had a heart for Bishop.
I saw the people and walked out of there with the heart for them.
And, uh, and god said, you know, through over a series of months, I’m calling you, uh, to that church.
Um, but I think that you know, we we are called to pain. We’re we’re we’re attracted to pain.
There’s a lot of pain in LA, you know.
And, uh, and I don’t I I just You know, what isaiah sixty one, the spirit of the lord is upon me.
He’s anointed me to bind up the brokenhearted to proclaim liberty to the captives, and so Um, I’m at my best when I find somebody broken.
Uh, you know, I I a wholeness is is my mandate, you know, getting people whole and set free as a new book is, you know, out, you know, but, um, I I think that I’m just drawn.
Wow. To the pain of people, and I also see the best in every person.
I don’t care how a person sees themselves, I see them as one created an image of god, whether that’s an individual or a church.
There was a destiny on the potter’s house Denver Uh, you know, and and and just because there was some transition, again, the destiny wasn’t lost.
I think to a certain degree, the potter’s house Denver represented my own life. Right? We had some transition.
We had some trouble, but guess what? We’re gonna get back on this thing. We’re gonna press in.
We’re gonna lay hold of all the promises that that were uh, on that church before I got there.
And, uh, and we’re seeing incredible things take place. I believe god can fix anything.
Yeah. Yeah. No. I think you said I think you said something very revealing that, uh, I think that You know, every pastor, every Christian, the whole Christian community,
when you said, uh, you you were made for pain, that you you’re drawn to pain.
Uh, I think the best definition of sin is is pain. Mhmm.
I think the wages of sin is death by pain. Yeah.
And I think that I tell I try to tell pastors.
I work with Joel Osteyn, the Champions Network, and we work with hundreds of pastors.
And I say, you know, if you’re working on your message, stand back and make sure How’s this addressing the pain?
Yeah. Because people are in pain. So you said something I think is powerful, drawn to pain.
Don’t be afraid of pain.
I mean, that That’s, you know, the old story of the guy that they issue company sent him to a country, and he was there for two or three weeks and said, man, send me back.
Why’d you send me here? These people don’t even wear shoes.
And then a few years later, another salesman was sent, and he was there for like two three days.
And he said, send me fifty thousand pairs. These people don’t even wear shoes.
I mean, you have to see pain as why we’re here.
And and when you embrace that, and then, uh, and then it says that sin is falling short of the glory of god.
So Pain is the result of sin, and sin is missing the mark of god’s best. Yes.
You know, I think we’re so sideways.
We’re talking about people’s habits their dysfunction, what they do wrong as if that’s bothering god. Yeah. Right.
You know, is god bothered by our bad habits?
He’s bothered when he had a destiny that before time began, and you’re not walking in it.
That’s what hurts god. So to see you doing that, uh, I think is a reflection on the fact that, uh, pastor’s leaders, moms.
Blended families. Don’t run from pain.
Yeah. Yeah? Absolutely.
Yeah. Absolutely. I think one of the things that has really been a mark in our life is our pursuit.
Of uncovering that, which makes us uncomfortable so that we can understand who we are as a result of experiencing that this comfort.
So even Denver, we had to be willing to leave that, which we did well in order to understand where our weakness is and ultimately for god to show us where his strength could be made perfect.
And the same has existed in every area of our life as our family has come together.
Got as revealed areas where we could become I could become a stronger mother.
Our children could become stronger teenagers, and it took one another trust and perspective about our life to say, here I am.
This is uncomfortable. It’s awkward. But here I am, I wanna grow. I wanna learn, and I trust your perspective.
And your love to help me grow into who god has called me to be.

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