Resting in the Realm of Finished Works Pt.2 – Wednesday Service

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Resting in the Realm of Finished Works Pt.2 – Wednesday Service

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father we thank you for this another opportunity to minister to these your precious sheep thank you Lord that Revelation knowledge will flow freely uninterrupted and unhindered by any satanic or demonic force and father I pray that you will speak through my vocal cords and think through my mind none of me and all of you it’s in Jesus name we pray everybody said amen come on give the Lord a big big big big big big big [Music] one you can be seated all day yesterday especially and today wondering should I teach
this um to give you some understanding of some of the stuff that we we talked about last week and stuff and and um let’s rock and roll let’s see what happens okay um so uh I want you to take notes uh I don’t claim to be a Greek scholar but I I know how to you know read uh a Greek word and know what it means and how it applies to where we are and I think as a result tonight you might kind of begin to understand how things uh can somehow get so twisted um in in our understanding and just kind of show you uh the path that I took to
just to see some of these things and so the first thing I want you to think about and I want you to just really think about some of these things I’m saying in the first 10 minutes of this teaching tonight is that the Greek language as well as the Hebrew language we have a Bible old Covenant is written in and and written from the Hebrew language and the New Covenant is is mostly in Greek but it’s not the the perfect Greek it’s the Greek that um uh culturally uh anywhere you speak it in the world you
would be able to understand what’s going on it’s it’s more of a universal Greek language that is spoken and so what happens is we fail in the Western World to to realize that you know sometimes translating it from the Greek language to English language when you go up to the English language there might there may not even be a word to be able to say that but what we do we we get caught up in religion and we’re reading the Bible and and we kind of we kind of go dumb and we we kind of forget about all of
the harmonics or the principles of interpretation and and we we forget this was translated from this language to this one so let me make sure I’m on course and go look at what it was before it was translated because just a little small adjustment May mean the difference in my understanding in how to live my life you understand what I’m saying so I’m not I’m not teaching this tonight you know uh you know just to be doing it I really think if you can see this it’s going to just going to it’s going to
make you even more aware you might go on the internet tonight and are you a a Greek Bible That’s translated in English so you can see it and and kind of keep yourself squared away as you go and so language as well as the Hebrew language is so vastly different from English and sometimes you come across a word where like I said before there is no equivalent in the English language and because our Bible is translated in English we tend to read it with an English understanding we read it with an English understanding and we weigh it by
the culture that we are used to and if you’ve ever gone certain places some of the stuff we do here don’t make no sense over there and vice versa okay in other words words understanding it from the perspective of our English Western culture is something I’m saying tonight let’s let’s take a little trip and see what we come up with here we end up understanding or if we don’t do it right we end up misunderstanding it based on our Western thinking and I’ll give you some illustrations of that and we don’t
realize the culture we don’t realize the people and we don’t realize the language that it is it’s different from ours the culture the people are different the language is different from ours every time I come up here that little thing start okay so I want to give you an illustration of what I’m talking about if you go to Matthew chapter 28 while somebody comes up here and stop this little thing again whoever’s been doing the last two weeks you obviously know exactly what it is but this week we want
to fix it Matthew 28: 19-20 now um in verse 28: 19 he says go ye go ye under word go go ye therefore and teach All Nations baptizing them in the name of the father Son and Holy Ghost and uh in verse 20 he says uh teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you lo I Am With You Always even until the end of the world Amen so when Jesus told his disciples to go and make disciples we read that with a western understanding and interpreted from our church culture language and here’s what we hear and here’s what we’ve heard we
hear what we think is the Great Commission all of our life you go there you you you hear the Great Commission which is in other words go evangelize go spread the gospel and get people to repent of their sins and get saved we’ve had that all all our lives right and and we’re reading it from this per perspective and and absolutely in our culture and in our language that that absolutely is what it says but if we understand the language and culture of the day of that day when this was written we would understand what Jesus
meant by go now I want to put this Greek word up uh poor por POA POA now po euma it means to pursue one’s journey and lead or order one’s life now if you remember when you were studying uh your English language participles and a participle is formed from a verb and so what we see here uh the Greek word for go means to pursue one’s journey and lead or order one’s life it’s a participle meaning you’re adding to that root verb it means going not go and so in this Greek language it’s going not go meaning in your in your
going in your going make disciples in your going in your everyday life make disciples in your going in your everyday life and Everywhere You Go Make Disciples and whatever you do when you’re at work when you’re at school when you go hang out with a friend when you go to church or even when you go for a walk make disciples what does the kingdom of God look like it’s not about we do or don’t do but it’s Christ in us it is righteousness peace and joy and the Holy Spirit all of which are are finished and
it’s in us that’s going and making disciples it’s bringing others to an awareness of the finished Kingdom Life in them and so what we saw was go and do this and so we we kind of you know segregate it and say now you got to go and evangelize you got to no but what he he intends for us to know is as you’re living in your daily goings make disciples in your daily goings see because he intends for our life to be a w witness and as we do what we do every day make disciples not a special Mission not a special mission
trip nothing wrong with a mission trip but the idea was let’s let’s go and and do this assignment and he was like saying so the Greek culture was as you’re living as you go to the grocery store as you go to the par Park as you walk your dog as you’re living make disciples now why is that a lot more powerful because people read your life like they would a epistle and where they may not read the word they read your life they see how you talk they see how you walk they see how you carry yourself so what he is
saying is in your living let your living be the instrument to make disciple IES oh my God so maybe that’s not a huge difference but in my thinking knowing that this is a participle and knowing that this Greek word is saying going not just go see it’s it’s small things like that but how many you know the Bible says it’s the small foxes that spoil the vine right and so we want to pay attention to those those those those small areas so let’s let’s let’s go back to harmonics here and if if anybody ask you what
y’all learn Bible study night say we we did harmonics they said what’s what’s that you know that’s a seminary term that that I used to make fun of that now I I I I regret because I see a whole generation that came up without getting educated on how to interpret the Bible and so we interpret it through our emotions we interpret it based on what everybody else says we interpret it based B on what everybody else has already said we interpret it by the commentaries that got the wrong idea we interpret it by everything except
understanding how ourselves to go and to find out what was the intended language of the day and to and to read it for our own selves and so understanding that what we read in English translations may or may not accurately reflect what was written in the original language so it may reflect the translator’s personal beliefs or it may reflect the translators understanding of God and in English nouns are big time in English they are essential parts of a sentence in in in in in this English language but in Greek it’s all about the
verb in Greek it’s all about verbs and these Greek verbs each of these verbs have a mood they have a tense and they have a voice a mood a tense and a voice now I want to stick up another Greek word arist a o r i s t and arys is a tense so the AIS tense from the Greek language and and I don’t have but one more so this is not going to be like this all night cuz some of you like we that Bible study what about Abraham them and talking about some Aris you know if I didn’t think it would help I wouldn’t I wouldn’t do it and and and
then we’ll get get back into where we were going but it’s a tense and uh it’s of it often gets mistranslated as past tense but it’s a tense meaning it is a completed tense so the arist tense it’s complet it means it’s a completed tense it’s a done tense is a finished tense in other words it doesn’t need to be done again and in fact it can’t be done again nor can it ever be undone the arist tense while English is built primarily on the present tense the aist tense is the default tense in Greek and in other
words finished is the default tense of the New Testament so when you read the New Testament it it’s written in arys tense which is the finished tense which is the done tense which is the completed tense boy I got a smart Bible study group here tonight I don’t know if y’all knew what I said or not but you sure looking like it you I got that Bring it on Bring it on you ain’t did nothing Reverend I thought you had some now let let me give you an illustration of this look at look at Luke 23 and 34 and then basically what
we’re going to do just with this understanding I got one more thing show just with this understanding we’re going to go and look at some scriptures from last week and you’ll see oh got it all right in Luke 23 and 34 Jesus said father forgive them now forgive is in an arist tense it is finished the father is not forgiving anyone today why because he has completely and fully forgiven us finish Dawn it’s in the arist tense you follow what I’m saying in fact when we mess up and we ask him to forgive us we will always hear him say
forgiven not because he is right now forgiving us for what we’ve done but because forgiven is who we are finished do we have to receive his forgiveness if it’s already given of course we’d have to receive it yeah we just we keep receiving it but it’s it’s received by understanding that he’s already completely fully forgiven us and and you receive that you receive it’s it’s it’s in that arist tense it has it it is done it is it it is finished it can’t be undone well that just got me
all excited I’m like I’m like there are some things that Jesus did in the arist tense that cannot be undone okay I said I wasn’t going to holler tonight there are some things in the arist tense that that [Applause] Jesus but but but it’s received by understanding see I I receive it by understanding that it’s done so I receive it done I I am not ever having to question whether or not did God forgive me is he going to forgive me because in this tense his forgiveness towards me is finished it’s finished so our receiving
that truth means we’ve grasp it and we are now free in our thinking to experience his forgiveness let’s let’s tackle one more I think is a very important part the arist tense is a completed action and it took place at a point in time all right so when did God forgive well he forgave us on on the cross it was it was uh fleshed out in time like 2,000 years ago right done but the cross is what Eternal which means he’s completely he completely forgave all this is this is cool this is the part that just gets me every time he has
completely woo let me say this he has completely forgiven he has completely forgave excuse me English all mankind Before Time Ever began y y y’all don’t understand what I’m saying somebody said what what you trying to say now you heard what I said he has already forgiven all of mankind the issue is I’ve Got to Now receive it now this is cool I I heard going say walk this is cool I’m I’m going to say something you’re forgiven whether you believe it or not whether you receive it or not and whether you walk in it or
not I don’t think you hear what I’m saying you’re forgiven what what what you whether you whether you believe it or not it still is oh my God whether you believe it or not it still is whe whe whether you believe it or not you are you are you are you are forgiven whether you believe it or not you are righteous whether you believe it or not you are redeemed what Jesus did he did for man kind whether they believe it or not so what am I going to do I am going to respond to what he’s done and and rest
in it somebody else says while it’s already done for them they’re just not ready to to respond to it you remember when Titus Titus says that Grace has been given to to to the whole world but the whole world hadn’t responded to it yet that’s the torment of hell I believe I believe that I believe the torment is you were already all that and you just wouldn’t accept the gift you were so busy thinking you had to do XYZ and all you had to do is rest and once you start resting in it the benefit of all of that would begin to
work in you and with you the things we have done to try to get forgiveness from God the sleep you have lost to try to get forgiveness for God see all you do in the middle of a crazy time when it’s finished you just Echo remember that from last week yeah you just Echo you open your mouth you remember this it was uh what was it we I think we were in Mark 11 it said have that word have is translated in our English word Echo have faith in God Echo faith that you have in God what’s your echo in other words when you’re going
through trouble you ought to be echoing what’s finished your mouth ought to be echoing what has already been done when you get diagnosed as sick you need to Echo e I’m already healed when you start facing when you start facing um a lack of Provisions you need to Echo my God supplies all of my need and he asked the question to those guys in that illustration I showed you ask he said why are you not echoing Faith he says why is your faith little have faith in God you should be echoing what what’s finished man y’all don’t hear me
boy echoing was finished all right just a little bit more and we’ll get started somebody say we ain’t started yet all right now here’s here’s another essential element of the Greek grammar that we need to understand uh and and it’s something called the genitive possessive and a genitive possession in this case of a noun that we’ll look at it’s it’s a genitive possessive case of nouns now what it does when you see something that’s operating in the genitive possessive case it it
equals ownership so it’ll it’ll it’ll it’ll use The genitive Possession to describe that this is ownership and as I was looking at this especially today I couldn’t find where we owned nothing follow me carefully here are you with me now in our English Bibles the word of o f is usually added in transition to help the verse read a lot easier and although at times a different preposition is used by the translator such as the word n i n which can cause us to interpret the verse as something we need to
do but now watch this illustration look at Romans 3 and verse 22 and in theing King James version for instance Romans 3:22 and you you you’ll begin to see this Romans 3 and22 says even righteousness even the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ to all and on all who believe for there is no difference now the phrase is consistently rendered in English transition as is consistently rendered as faith in Jesus Christ and that’s how most people have read it and that’s how most we understood it faith in Jesus
Christ but the Greek however says and it uses the Greek word ptis Leo Christos no big deal just it’s it’s a Greek word okay but I figure since I practice saying these words all day today I’m going to use them but that that’s not big the big deal is what it means in the Greek it’s not not faith in God it means the faith of Jesus Christ or Jesus Christ Faith because both of the nouns faith and Jesus Christ are in the genitive possessive so what he is saying is this is not faith in Jesus Christ it’s Jesus
is Faith he possesses that faith it is it is the faith of Jesus Christ so you remember the genitive possession it it shows ownership meaning Jesus owns the faith Jesus owns the faith but translating it as in makes it sound like we need to put our faith in Jesus and we miss the importance of understanding that the faith belongs to Jesus you do you see how big that is so so understanding the Greek language in the genitive posit uh possession when you see that it was translated you have faith in Jesus he says no it’s Jesus’s
Faith it’s not just your faith in his faith it’s his faith boy I tell you what all right look look look at this one more time I need I need to stop stop all right Romans 3:22 is an important verse to correctly understand how God’s righteousness has come is it by Jesus’s Faith or putting our faith in Jesus that we are made righteous ain’t that interesting isn’t it by because harmonics wants to dig down on this is it by Jesus’s faith that we’ve been made righteous or is it by we have faith in


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