Releasing GOD’s Power – Faith and Corresponding Action
Releasing GOD’s Power – Faith and Corresponding Action
In this life-transforming series Faith And Corresponding Action, Dr. Winston teaches that when you believe God for something, your actions must correspond with what you believe for manifestation to take place. Faith cooperates with your actions and with your actions faith is perfected, but sometimes it takes violent faith to get your answers.
The believer’s walk of Faith is paid for by Bill Winston, Ministries, partners and viewers.
Hello, I’m Bill Winston and welcome to another program.
The problem that you’re watching is called the Believers Walk of Faith where we walk by faith and not by sight.
Praise God. Well, we have a special teaching today.
We’re gonna be teaching on the subject of faith, but we’re gonna be talking about faith and corresponding action, faith and corresponding action.
Well, Let’s look at Romans chapter 1: verse 16.
He says for, I’m not ashamed of the gospel of Christ.
For it is the power of God unto salvation.
To everyone that believe it to the Jew first and also to the Greek for their in is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith as it is written.
The just shall live by faith. Now, what is the gospel? The gospel is really heaven on earth.
The gospel is good news about what God has already done for you. It’s posted, he’s got it.
He’s sending an email right here and he’s saying this is what I’ve done for you.
So what we have to do is go in here and find out what God has done and take that, acquire that and get it into our spirit and then begin to speak it or act on it and manifest what God has done here on earth.
Here’s what Jesus put it. I pray pray thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven. See, it’s already done in heaven.
Nothing is undone in heaven. Heaven is eternity and eternal means it’s no time there.
So all the things that God is ever gonna do for you. He’s already done.
The Bible even talks about over in Ephesians chapter one in verses three and four and verse four, he talked about he has chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world.
So we were chosen in Him. See, when God chose you, he made everything and appropriated everything for you.
Let’s go back to Adam. Same thing happened.
Adam remember God didn’t create Adam on the sixth day until God had already made everything else.
See, everything was in place. Now he made a man. Same thing about you.
You were born in this earth, everything was already in place.
Every time you would go through something that you challenge that you need provisions, you need uh wisdom, you need all that was laid up.
It’s all laid up. The gospel is the good news about what’s laid up and giving you the faith that you can have to access it because it can’t be brought into this three dimensional world except by faith.
So we walk by faith and not by sight. The just shall live by faith.
That living by faith means to um to live according to something God has already done that, that’s the way we make our living is by faith.
Now, let’s go on over to um uh James James chapter chapter two, I want to read three versus two verses.
Pardon me in James chapter two. And the first one here is found in verse 14.
He says, what does it profit my brethren though a man say he hath faith and has not works.
Can faith save him? Come on down here to verse 19 thou believe it that there is one God thou do as well.
The devil also believes and trembles but will thou know o vain man that faith without works is dead.
Faith without works is dead. And so what we said is faith without corresponding action is dead.
It won’t, it won’t give you any results. Faith without corresponding action is dead.
So put some things down here in my notes for today’s lesson about faith.
One of the things we know about faith is and if you don’t know what you’re gonna know it now is that faith speaks.
Faith speaks no, you gotta watch it.
Because if you’re around people that for some reason, you’re a little intimidated about saying things that God says in his word versus saying things that are popular among the world.
You find that you can’t walk that well by faith because it will eventually bring you to a place where you’re gonna have to say something.
It really is. And, and, and that’s why I say sometimes the believers are behind four walls and don’t want to take it out to the streets.
You know, he talked about the preparation of the Gospel of Peace, even put the shoes on shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace that found open Ephesians chapter six.
What he was talking about there is that the Gospel of Peace is that, you know, a lot of times people think that the preacher is the one who does the preaching in, in reaching and so forth.
No, no, no, no, no, no. He wants you and I to take the gospel to people.
He wants us to not only tell people about what God has done but demonstrate have a life that people can see that.
Hey, look what he’s done for me, he’ll do that for you.
I think that if there were more manifestation or demonstration of God’s word, we have churches be packed out, packed up, people standing in line waiting and so forth.
And I’m just saying it’s once we get this gospel, there has to be a corresponding action to it.
We gotta do something with this because this gospel is made to manifest in this earth.
He wants heaven to be an earth when people see heaven and said, wow, I remember one time I was preaching a message um at a funeral going home service, God said, preach on heaven.
I said, okay. Well, you know, people sad and everything and so forth and so on.
I then began to preach on heaven. I began to tell them what the streets were like.
I began to tell them what the gates were like. Did you come through?
I began to tell them what the scenery is like and what the mansions are like.
And so when I got done, everybody was laughing, I mean, they were just overjoyed. What happened?
They saw something they didn’t see before. And the gospel is good news.
I don’t care how bad a situation is.
The gospel tells you how good it can be and all you have to do is believe just have the faith to receive it.
And so that’s what the gospel is supposed to do.
It really supposed to encourage people, people supposed to have fun in church.
I mean, yes, I mean, they just come to the church meeting and, and testify and find out more things that they can do or have or what they can be and so forth.
But people should see, you should be living a pistol. She people should see it in our lives.
But like I said, if the church left the community, would the community know it?
That’s not a good testimony, I want the community.
And I believe in Jesus name that in these last days, the church is going to be that prominent um uh person or prominent things sitting on a hill, a light that cannot be hidden.
Praise God, that people gonna look up at the church because it’s gonna be phenomenal. I really believe that now.
So faith speaks and Daniel chapter three and verse 17, remember when they’re about to be thrown in the fire.
And Daniel said, you know that the God we serve, he will deliver us.
Now, he said that in the midst of an impossible situation because that’s what faith does.
Faith decrees things in the midst of an impossible situation. Why? Because faith commits God, Faith Commits God.
I want you to see something on that. Turn to John Scott. John chapter 11 Verse 39.
It’s when Jesus had come to the gravesite of Lazarus Lazarus, as you know, they said he was dead and now Jesus is coming in and Jesus gonna raise him up.
And a few verses before that, it says that Jesus wept. That’s 1st 35.
And when Jesus wept, people have preached, well, you know, Jesus was sad and he wept until with that.
Now why Jesus wept? If Jesus gonna raise the man up, you know, he didn’t weep, why would he wait?
He wept because of their unbelief, unbelief of God’s Children, Children of Israel and he just wept because of unbelief that was in there.
But he comes on down here in verse 39 39 Jesus said, take away the stone.
That’s all I want to say. Praise God, take away the stone glory to God. Why?
Because faith commits God, faith commits God.
God will do it every time it commits them, it’s powerful.
And that’s one reason you have to have faith must have faith because these last states are gonna be some things that you’re gonna need faith for.
And it’s gonna commit God. Once you say that once you release faith, um you can go to sleep.
That’s what happened over there. And uh and then I think it was Hezekiah opened in second kings chapter 19, Hezekiah prayed that powerful prayer that was brought back to him as the the prophet sent back the word to Hezekiah.
He took that word, opened it up in the, in the house of God and began to pray it well, when you pray it and release it by faith.
And the Bible says that Isaiah, the prophet spoke to one of Hesse Kai’s men said, hey, tell him that God heard his prayer.
Why did you hear it? Because he had prayed it in faith and it committed God watch this.
The king went to bed, Woke up the next morning, 185,000 dead.
I mean, looked out all dead enemies. He didn’t fight a battle. Why?
Because it commits God the God that we serve. He will deliver us. Also.
Faith acts, faith acts in Luke chapter 17 and verse 14, Jesus said to the 10 lepers.
He said, go show yourself to the priest. The Bible says, as they went, they were healed.
Now, what was the problem with that? You don’t show yourself to the priest until you are healed?
Then you go for the priest for him to ceremonially ceremonially verify the fact that you’re healed.
But what did they do while the leprosy was still manifested?
They went to show themselves to the priest and as they went, faith took over healed him.
Also, you remember in Luke chapter five, here again, faith acts corresponding action.
Here’s Peter Jesus gotten its vote. Start teaching.
Sit down, told Peter launch out into the deep, let down your nets for a job.
Peter said, wait a minute, I fished all night and caught nothing nevertheless, at thy word.
And once you release faith, faith gathered up all the fish, praise God, you got to haul him in the boat and so forth.
Now I’m just saying this, this is faith. Now faith takes faith takes.
Now that’s my scripture mark chapter 11 verse 24. Whatsoever things you desire.
When you pray believe you receive them, you shall have them.
So that desire that you have is that desire that causes faith to take what belongs to you and you’re not taking it from God.
He’s already given it. He said, I’ve given you all things belongs that pertain to life and Godliness.
So you’re not taking it from God. What do you take? Who you taking it from the devil?
The devil was sitting on the promised land. He had his people on it.
And he said, I dare you. I defy you to come get it.
Well, you have to take it, you have to take your healing.
Come on, you’re gonna have to take whatever that promises you’re gonna have to take it.
Now, why I say take because enemy, the struggle is trying to hold the promise back from you by having you to get into doubt or condemnation or get weak somehow in fear and so forth and so on to try to keep you from taking what belongs to you.
But just imagine Satan trying to sit on your stuff.
You have to take it from me, give me my stuff. Praise God, take that thing.
So when you do that prayer of taking your provisions, whatsoever things you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive them and you shall have them.
You have to believe that you receive them and you shall have them.
You have to take it, believe you’ve received it. Praise God. Thank you Lord. I believe I’ve received it.
All right now. Let’s just keep going. See what else. Faith does.
Faith releases God’s power.
Well, you know that because when the power is there and you could look at Mark chapter five.
Mark chapter five. When the woman with the issue of blood said, if I can just touch his clothes, I shall behold.
Notice she spoke. Now corresponding action.
She came out of the room once she came out of that, out of her house.
Once she came out of that, she pressed her way. This is faith talking.
Now she pressed her way and touched him. He said, who touched my clothes?
The disciples said, wait a minute, all these people pushing on you say, who touched me? No, no, no.
Somebody has touched me. Now what happened? Faith took, got it. Also, faith released the power.
Jesus said, virtue has gone out of me. So it released the power.
So faith that you have will release the power that’s in the word. And that’s what I do.
Sometimes I read that word and read that word and read the word.
Not, not how, how much I read, how many volumes of pages I read.
No, no, I just read this one word and it’ll lead me to another word.
Now, I’m building my faith, lead me to another word, lead me to another pretty soon.
Faith is built and I’m ready to act on that word. Now, also faith appropriates God’s blessings.
Faith appropriates God’s blessings or you might have the blessings and they have your name on them, but you’re gonna have to receive them by faith.
That’s what I mean. By appropriate, it actually receives from God.
One man described faith like this invisible hand that goes up into the heavens, the eternal, the invisible And it takes hold of what belongs to you and brings it back down into the Earth.
So if you could see that when you pray the prayer Mark 1124, if you can just imagine that happening, that this thing is coming to you.
Now, angels are bringing it to you. Now, the Holy Ghost is manifesting this thing now and keep your faith.
Praise God. Lass faith protects faith, protects. Let’s go to that scripture.
Let’s go to Ephesians, Please. Ephesians chapter six.
Okay, verse 16.
Above all taking the shield of faith where with you shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
Here’s one thing you might want to write down.
Satan cannot steal what is covered by faith at your money, your kids.
And it doesn’t make any difference. The only way he got into Joe’s life. Joe left his faith.
He dropped his faith. The only reason he got into Jacob’s life and, and so forth.
And Jacob thought that there’s some reason Joseph had gotten killed and he just dropped all his faith.
The next thing you know, Jacob is in the back of the bread lines trying to get food like the world, but he left his faith.
So I’m just saying sometimes it’s easier to get somewhere than it is to keep it.
Sometimes it’s easy to get something that is just keep it.
I’m talking about when you’re walking by faith because you’ve got to maintain faith.
That shields got to stay up so that the devil can’t penetrate it in the first place.
He tries to penetrate your mind. Tried to make you think something that God didn’t say.
And you got to just keep that shield of faith up.
Just when I see it coming in on me, I get a scripture.
Praise God and I’ll, you know, shoot off around. So, no, no, no, no, no.
By his stripes, I am healed. Praise God and just leave it right there. Alright, let’s go to Jonah.
Jonah power to God. Now, this is Jonah Chapter one that doesn’t have, I think two chapters.
But Jonah chapter one now, as you know, Jonah was supposed to preach and he’s supposed to go to And none of it’s kind of interesting.
None of it was mentioned over there in Genesis and Genesis nine of uh if you do historical study, none of it was placed where they had people of color, you know, and that’s where they live.
Jones was supposed to go down there to preach and Jonah cut out and went the other way.
Well, he got on this boat and he got on it with these people and the storm came up and the storm was so bad that the people wondering what was going on here now look what it says in verse 10 of Jonah chapter one, Then were the men exceeding Afraid and said, one said it to him.
Why Hast Thou done this for?
The men knew that he fled from the presence of the Lord because he had told them.
So he told him he was rebelling against what God told him to do and got on their boat.
No. Is somebody on your boat that is running away from an assignment from God?
And it’s, you have nothing but trouble, you know what I mean?
And so the next thing that happened Down here, Joseph says something, verse I mean, Jonas said something that verse 11 then said then to him, what should we do into the, that The sea may become calm unto us for the sea wrought and was tempestuous.
Now that means that more and more it got more and more violent.
Let’s come on down the verse 12 and he said, unto them, take me up and cast me forth into the sea.
I’m not sure how to say that, but that’s what he said.
He said, go ahead and throw me into the sea.
They said, all right, we’ll oblige you and he threw him into the sea and look at verse 17.
Now the Lord had prepared a great fish to swallow up. Jonah. Lord fish swallowed him up.
So here Jonah running from his assignment connects on with people who uh hopefully would take him the other way.
But he causes all kinds of problems. Why?
Because it’s, it’s the problem is not with the people, the problems with the person who is associated with them.
So you gotta watch your association sometimes and people will cause you more problems because you’re not supposed to connect up with them.
And so what happens now is they throw him overboard? Well, the fish swallowed him up.
God prepared to split fish, fish. Now, he’s down there.
Now, if you look at the scripture, it’s a type of Christ going down and paying the price for us in hell.
If you especially read uh chapter two talks about weeds around its neck and so forth and being in torment and so forth.
Now, coming down the verse seven of chapter two, when my soul fainted within me, I remembered the Lord and my prayer came in unto the unto thy holy temple.
They observe lying vanities, forsake their own mercy.
But I will sacrifice to the with a voice of Thanksgiving and I will pay that, that I have vowed salvation is of the Lord and the Lord speak to the fish and it vomited out Jonah upon dry land.
Alright, let’s just look and see what happened here when Jonah is in his worst place.
He praised God.
He gave Thanksgiving to God in his worst place. Now, now notice what he’s gotta do.
He’s got to get out of there and he tried probably moaning or whatever have you.
But he started sacrificing appraise. He called it sacrifice because you know, that’s not what I want to do.
Lord, I could cry, I could, I could whatever but not, not, not praise you, not be happy in the midst of this trial.
Yes, that’s the way faith works. And I put something down here.
I said, it says, I said praise celebrates what is written.
Thanksgiving celebrates what is happening two different types of celebration.
So notice here, praise celebrates what is written. And Thanksgiving celebrates what is happening.
And I’m saying, he gave thanks to God.
The Bible says, be anxious for nothing but everything by prayer and Thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God and the peace of God that passes all understanding will guard your heart and mind through Christ Jesus Philippians in chapter four verses six and seven.
So my point to you is one time I got home from school in full time seminary.
And I tell you I was just troubled. It’s just everything was happening, looked like wrong.
And I came home, my wife saw how weary I looked. She said, sweetheart, let’s just praise the Lord.
I said, I don’t want to praise the Lord.
I mean, you could be at that point, you need somebody to pray for you to just praise the Lord and I just, and, and she can she just praise the Lord and so forth.
Boom. Something started breaking Isn’t that something at a time that, that here they are, the enemy had surrounded them.
And, and the Bible says over in second chronicles chapter 20 you will not need to fight.
This battle of battle is not yours, but God just start praising him.
And when they start praising God, the enemy turned on one another.
Look at that praise, why it’s an act of faith, it releases your faith in God to care for you.
And I’m telling you a lot of times people don’t understand it.
The Bible says it’s a mystery but it releases that, anointing it releases the power of God and God in.
It will shift the battle so God can come in and fight your battles.
Praise the power of praise and Thanksgiving.
And we’re coming up on Thanksgiving Day that we give thanks glory to God for what is happening.
Give Him thanks even in advance. What’s gonna happen? Just thank God for it, wouldn’t he?
Thank God when he gave him praise, the fish vomited him out on dry land.
I think it’s a type of Christ Jesus said over in Mark Chapter 10, he said, listen, I’m going to Jerusalem.
I’m going to be crucified and I’m going to be killed in three days.
I’m gonna rise again and down in that place for three days.
Uh What it takes to come out of there is praise when you lift your hands up in praise.
Notice a child, they’re lifting their hands up to the father and notice what a parent does picks them right up, they expect it.
And I’m saying a lot of times people don’t like to lift your hands up, but when you do lift your hands up and praise him, you’ll see God lift you right up, out of your and set you on dry land.
Well, that’s all we have.
Now, this is called faith and corresponding action To order today’s series, faith and corresponding action on CD or MP three on DVD or MP four.
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You can also contact us online at Bill Winston dot org or order today’s Acts of Faith Bundle, which includes faith and corresponding action series and Dr Winston’s best selling book, The God Kind of Faith, the expanded edition in this book, you’ll receive clarity and a deeper understanding of how to truly live by faith in this special bundle.
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The believer’s walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston Ministries, partners and viewers remember you need faith to get to your destiny.
So don’t forget to subscribe and click on the notification bell so that you don’t miss any of our videos This is Bill Winston.
I love you and keep walking by faith.
Hello, I’m Bill Winston and welcome to another program.
The problem that you’re watching is called the Believers Walk of Faith where we walk by faith and not by sight.
Praise God. Well, we have a special teaching today.
We’re gonna be teaching on the subject of faith, but we’re gonna be talking about faith and corresponding action, faith and corresponding action.
Well, Let’s look at Romans chapter 1: verse 16.
He says for, I’m not ashamed of the gospel of Christ.
For it is the power of God unto salvation.
To everyone that believe it to the Jew first and also to the Greek for their in is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith as it is written.
The just shall live by faith. Now, what is the gospel? The gospel is really heaven on earth.
The gospel is good news about what God has already done for you. It’s posted, he’s got it.
He’s sending an email right here and he’s saying this is what I’ve done for you.
So what we have to do is go in here and find out what God has done and take that, acquire that and get it into our spirit and then begin to speak it or act on it and manifest what God has done here on earth.
Here’s what Jesus put it. I pray pray thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven. See, it’s already done in heaven.
Nothing is undone in heaven. Heaven is eternity and eternal means it’s no time there.
So all the things that God is ever gonna do for you. He’s already done.
The Bible even talks about over in Ephesians chapter one in verses three and four and verse four, he talked about he has chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world.
So we were chosen in Him. See, when God chose you, he made everything and appropriated everything for you.
Let’s go back to Adam. Same thing happened.
Adam remember God didn’t create Adam on the sixth day until God had already made everything else.
See, everything was in place. Now he made a man. Same thing about you.
You were born in this earth, everything was already in place.
Every time you would go through something that you challenge that you need provisions, you need uh wisdom, you need all that was laid up.
It’s all laid up. The gospel is the good news about what’s laid up and giving you the faith that you can have to access it because it can’t be brought into this three dimensional world except by faith.
So we walk by faith and not by sight. The just shall live by faith.
That living by faith means to um to live according to something God has already done that, that’s the way we make our living is by faith.
Now, let’s go on over to um uh James James chapter chapter two, I want to read three versus two verses.
Pardon me in James chapter two. And the first one here is found in verse 14.
He says, what does it profit my brethren though a man say he hath faith and has not works.
Can faith save him? Come on down here to verse 19 thou believe it that there is one God thou do as well.
The devil also believes and trembles but will thou know o vain man that faith without works is dead.
Faith without works is dead. And so what we said is faith without corresponding action is dead.
It won’t, it won’t give you any results. Faith without corresponding action is dead.
So put some things down here in my notes for today’s lesson about faith.
One of the things we know about faith is and if you don’t know what you’re gonna know it now is that faith speaks.
Faith speaks no, you gotta watch it.
Because if you’re around people that for some reason, you’re a little intimidated about saying things that God says in his word versus saying things that are popular among the world.
You find that you can’t walk that well by faith because it will eventually bring you to a place where you’re gonna have to say something.
It really is. And, and, and that’s why I say sometimes the believers are behind four walls and don’t want to take it out to the streets.
You know, he talked about the preparation of the Gospel of Peace, even put the shoes on shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace that found open Ephesians chapter six.
What he was talking about there is that the Gospel of Peace is that, you know, a lot of times people think that the preacher is the one who does the preaching in, in reaching and so forth.
No, no, no, no, no, no. He wants you and I to take the gospel to people.
He wants us to not only tell people about what God has done but demonstrate have a life that people can see that.
Hey, look what he’s done for me, he’ll do that for you.
I think that if there were more manifestation or demonstration of God’s word, we have churches be packed out, packed up, people standing in line waiting and so forth.
And I’m just saying it’s once we get this gospel, there has to be a corresponding action to it.
We gotta do something with this because this gospel is made to manifest in this earth.
He wants heaven to be an earth when people see heaven and said, wow, I remember one time I was preaching a message um at a funeral going home service, God said, preach on heaven.
I said, okay. Well, you know, people sad and everything and so forth and so on.
I then began to preach on heaven. I began to tell them what the streets were like.
I began to tell them what the gates were like. Did you come through?
I began to tell them what the scenery is like and what the mansions are like.
And so when I got done, everybody was laughing, I mean, they were just overjoyed. What happened?
They saw something they didn’t see before. And the gospel is good news.
I don’t care how bad a situation is.
The gospel tells you how good it can be and all you have to do is believe just have the faith to receive it.
And so that’s what the gospel is supposed to do.
It really supposed to encourage people, people supposed to have fun in church.
I mean, yes, I mean, they just come to the church meeting and, and testify and find out more things that they can do or have or what they can be and so forth.
But people should see, you should be living a pistol. She people should see it in our lives.
But like I said, if the church left the community, would the community know it?
That’s not a good testimony, I want the community.
And I believe in Jesus name that in these last days, the church is going to be that prominent um uh person or prominent things sitting on a hill, a light that cannot be hidden.
Praise God, that people gonna look up at the church because it’s gonna be phenomenal. I really believe that now.
So faith speaks and Daniel chapter three and verse 17, remember when they’re about to be thrown in the fire.
And Daniel said, you know that the God we serve, he will deliver us.
Now, he said that in the midst of an impossible situation because that’s what faith does.
Faith decrees things in the midst of an impossible situation. Why? Because faith commits God, Faith Commits God.
I want you to see something on that. Turn to John Scott. John chapter 11 Verse 39.
It’s when Jesus had come to the gravesite of Lazarus Lazarus, as you know, they said he was dead and now Jesus is coming in and Jesus gonna raise him up.
And a few verses before that, it says that Jesus wept. That’s 1st 35.
And when Jesus wept, people have preached, well, you know, Jesus was sad and he wept until with that.
Now why Jesus wept? If Jesus gonna raise the man up, you know, he didn’t weep, why would he wait?
He wept because of their unbelief, unbelief of God’s Children, Children of Israel and he just wept because of unbelief that was in there.
But he comes on down here in verse 39 39 Jesus said, take away the stone.
That’s all I want to say. Praise God, take away the stone glory to God. Why?
Because faith commits God, faith commits God.
God will do it every time it commits them, it’s powerful.
And that’s one reason you have to have faith must have faith because these last states are gonna be some things that you’re gonna need faith for.
And it’s gonna commit God. Once you say that once you release faith, um you can go to sleep.
That’s what happened over there. And uh and then I think it was Hezekiah opened in second kings chapter 19, Hezekiah prayed that powerful prayer that was brought back to him as the the prophet sent back the word to Hezekiah.
He took that word, opened it up in the, in the house of God and began to pray it well, when you pray it and release it by faith.
And the Bible says that Isaiah, the prophet spoke to one of Hesse Kai’s men said, hey, tell him that God heard his prayer.
Why did you hear it? Because he had prayed it in faith and it committed God watch this.
The king went to bed, Woke up the next morning, 185,000 dead.
I mean, looked out all dead enemies. He didn’t fight a battle. Why?
Because it commits God the God that we serve. He will deliver us. Also.
Faith acts, faith acts in Luke chapter 17 and verse 14, Jesus said to the 10 lepers.
He said, go show yourself to the priest. The Bible says, as they went, they were healed.
Now, what was the problem with that? You don’t show yourself to the priest until you are healed?
Then you go for the priest for him to ceremonially ceremonially verify the fact that you’re healed.
But what did they do while the leprosy was still manifested?
They went to show themselves to the priest and as they went, faith took over healed him.
Also, you remember in Luke chapter five, here again, faith acts corresponding action.
Here’s Peter Jesus gotten its vote. Start teaching.
Sit down, told Peter launch out into the deep, let down your nets for a job.
Peter said, wait a minute, I fished all night and caught nothing nevertheless, at thy word.
And once you release faith, faith gathered up all the fish, praise God, you got to haul him in the boat and so forth.
Now I’m just saying this, this is faith. Now faith takes faith takes.
Now that’s my scripture mark chapter 11 verse 24. Whatsoever things you desire.
When you pray believe you receive them, you shall have them.
So that desire that you have is that desire that causes faith to take what belongs to you and you’re not taking it from God.
He’s already given it. He said, I’ve given you all things belongs that pertain to life and Godliness.
So you’re not taking it from God. What do you take? Who you taking it from the devil?
The devil was sitting on the promised land. He had his people on it.
And he said, I dare you. I defy you to come get it.
Well, you have to take it, you have to take your healing.
Come on, you’re gonna have to take whatever that promises you’re gonna have to take it.
Now, why I say take because enemy, the struggle is trying to hold the promise back from you by having you to get into doubt or condemnation or get weak somehow in fear and so forth and so on to try to keep you from taking what belongs to you.
But just imagine Satan trying to sit on your stuff.
You have to take it from me, give me my stuff. Praise God, take that thing.
So when you do that prayer of taking your provisions, whatsoever things you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive them and you shall have them.
You have to believe that you receive them and you shall have them.
You have to take it, believe you’ve received it. Praise God. Thank you Lord. I believe I’ve received it.
All right now. Let’s just keep going. See what else. Faith does.
Faith releases God’s power.
Well, you know that because when the power is there and you could look at Mark chapter five.
Mark chapter five. When the woman with the issue of blood said, if I can just touch his clothes, I shall behold.
Notice she spoke. Now corresponding action.
She came out of the room once she came out of that, out of her house.
Once she came out of that, she pressed her way. This is faith talking.
Now she pressed her way and touched him. He said, who touched my clothes?
The disciples said, wait a minute, all these people pushing on you say, who touched me? No, no, no.
Somebody has touched me. Now what happened? Faith took, got it. Also, faith released the power.
Jesus said, virtue has gone out of me. So it released the power.
So faith that you have will release the power that’s in the word. And that’s what I do.
Sometimes I read that word and read that word and read the word.
Not, not how, how much I read, how many volumes of pages I read.
No, no, I just read this one word and it’ll lead me to another word.
Now, I’m building my faith, lead me to another word, lead me to another pretty soon.
Faith is built and I’m ready to act on that word. Now, also faith appropriates God’s blessings.
Faith appropriates God’s blessings or you might have the blessings and they have your name on them, but you’re gonna have to receive them by faith.
That’s what I mean. By appropriate, it actually receives from God.
One man described faith like this invisible hand that goes up into the heavens, the eternal, the invisible And it takes hold of what belongs to you and brings it back down into the Earth.
So if you could see that when you pray the prayer Mark 1124, if you can just imagine that happening, that this thing is coming to you.
Now, angels are bringing it to you. Now, the Holy Ghost is manifesting this thing now and keep your faith.
Praise God. Lass faith protects faith, protects. Let’s go to that scripture.
Let’s go to Ephesians, Please. Ephesians chapter six.
Okay, verse 16.
Above all taking the shield of faith where with you shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
Here’s one thing you might want to write down.
Satan cannot steal what is covered by faith at your money, your kids.
And it doesn’t make any difference. The only way he got into Joe’s life. Joe left his faith.
He dropped his faith. The only reason he got into Jacob’s life and, and so forth.
And Jacob thought that there’s some reason Joseph had gotten killed and he just dropped all his faith.
The next thing you know, Jacob is in the back of the bread lines trying to get food like the world, but he left his faith.
So I’m just saying sometimes it’s easier to get somewhere than it is to keep it.
Sometimes it’s easy to get something that is just keep it.
I’m talking about when you’re walking by faith because you’ve got to maintain faith.
That shields got to stay up so that the devil can’t penetrate it in the first place.
He tries to penetrate your mind. Tried to make you think something that God didn’t say.
And you got to just keep that shield of faith up.
Just when I see it coming in on me, I get a scripture.
Praise God and I’ll, you know, shoot off around. So, no, no, no, no, no.
By his stripes, I am healed. Praise God and just leave it right there. Alright, let’s go to Jonah.
Jonah power to God. Now, this is Jonah Chapter one that doesn’t have, I think two chapters.
But Jonah chapter one now, as you know, Jonah was supposed to preach and he’s supposed to go to And none of it’s kind of interesting.
None of it was mentioned over there in Genesis and Genesis nine of uh if you do historical study, none of it was placed where they had people of color, you know, and that’s where they live.
Jones was supposed to go down there to preach and Jonah cut out and went the other way.
Well, he got on this boat and he got on it with these people and the storm came up and the storm was so bad that the people wondering what was going on here now look what it says in verse 10 of Jonah chapter one, Then were the men exceeding Afraid and said, one said it to him.
Why Hast Thou done this for?
The men knew that he fled from the presence of the Lord because he had told them.
So he told him he was rebelling against what God told him to do and got on their boat.
No. Is somebody on your boat that is running away from an assignment from God?
And it’s, you have nothing but trouble, you know what I mean?
And so the next thing that happened Down here, Joseph says something, verse I mean, Jonas said something that verse 11 then said then to him, what should we do into the, that The sea may become calm unto us for the sea wrought and was tempestuous.
Now that means that more and more it got more and more violent.
Let’s come on down the verse 12 and he said, unto them, take me up and cast me forth into the sea.
I’m not sure how to say that, but that’s what he said.
He said, go ahead and throw me into the sea.
They said, all right, we’ll oblige you and he threw him into the sea and look at verse 17.
Now the Lord had prepared a great fish to swallow up. Jonah. Lord fish swallowed him up.
So here Jonah running from his assignment connects on with people who uh hopefully would take him the other way.
But he causes all kinds of problems. Why?
Because it’s, it’s the problem is not with the people, the problems with the person who is associated with them.
So you gotta watch your association sometimes and people will cause you more problems because you’re not supposed to connect up with them.
And so what happens now is they throw him overboard? Well, the fish swallowed him up.
God prepared to split fish, fish. Now, he’s down there.
Now, if you look at the scripture, it’s a type of Christ going down and paying the price for us in hell.
If you especially read uh chapter two talks about weeds around its neck and so forth and being in torment and so forth.
Now, coming down the verse seven of chapter two, when my soul fainted within me, I remembered the Lord and my prayer came in unto the unto thy holy temple.
They observe lying vanities, forsake their own mercy.
But I will sacrifice to the with a voice of Thanksgiving and I will pay that, that I have vowed salvation is of the Lord and the Lord speak to the fish and it vomited out Jonah upon dry land.
Alright, let’s just look and see what happened here when Jonah is in his worst place.
He praised God.
He gave Thanksgiving to God in his worst place. Now, now notice what he’s gotta do.
He’s got to get out of there and he tried probably moaning or whatever have you.
But he started sacrificing appraise. He called it sacrifice because you know, that’s not what I want to do.
Lord, I could cry, I could, I could whatever but not, not, not praise you, not be happy in the midst of this trial.
Yes, that’s the way faith works. And I put something down here.
I said, it says, I said praise celebrates what is written.
Thanksgiving celebrates what is happening two different types of celebration.
So notice here, praise celebrates what is written. And Thanksgiving celebrates what is happening.
And I’m saying, he gave thanks to God.
The Bible says, be anxious for nothing but everything by prayer and Thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God and the peace of God that passes all understanding will guard your heart and mind through Christ Jesus Philippians in chapter four verses six and seven.
So my point to you is one time I got home from school in full time seminary.
And I tell you I was just troubled. It’s just everything was happening, looked like wrong.
And I came home, my wife saw how weary I looked. She said, sweetheart, let’s just praise the Lord.
I said, I don’t want to praise the Lord.
I mean, you could be at that point, you need somebody to pray for you to just praise the Lord and I just, and, and she can she just praise the Lord and so forth.
Boom. Something started breaking Isn’t that something at a time that, that here they are, the enemy had surrounded them.
And, and the Bible says over in second chronicles chapter 20 you will not need to fight.
This battle of battle is not yours, but God just start praising him.
And when they start praising God, the enemy turned on one another.
Look at that praise, why it’s an act of faith, it releases your faith in God to care for you.
And I’m telling you a lot of times people don’t understand it.
The Bible says it’s a mystery but it releases that, anointing it releases the power of God and God in.
It will shift the battle so God can come in and fight your battles.
Praise the power of praise and Thanksgiving.
And we’re coming up on Thanksgiving Day that we give thanks glory to God for what is happening.
Give Him thanks even in advance. What’s gonna happen? Just thank God for it, wouldn’t he?
Thank God when he gave him praise, the fish vomited him out on dry land.
I think it’s a type of Christ Jesus said over in Mark Chapter 10, he said, listen, I’m going to Jerusalem.
I’m going to be crucified and I’m going to be killed in three days.
I’m gonna rise again and down in that place for three days.
Uh What it takes to come out of there is praise when you lift your hands up in praise.
Notice a child, they’re lifting their hands up to the father and notice what a parent does picks them right up, they expect it.
And I’m saying a lot of times people don’t like to lift your hands up, but when you do lift your hands up and praise him, you’ll see God lift you right up, out of your and set you on dry land.
Well, that’s all we have.
Now, this is called faith and corresponding action To order today’s series, faith and corresponding action on CD or MP three on DVD or MP four.
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You can also contact us online at Bill Winston dot org or order today’s Acts of Faith Bundle, which includes faith and corresponding action series and Dr Winston’s best selling book, The God Kind of Faith, the expanded edition in this book, you’ll receive clarity and a deeper understanding of how to truly live by faith in this special bundle.
Doctor Winston teaches that when you believe God for something, your actions must correspond with what you believe for manifestation to take place.
Order this Revelation Rich Bundle. Today, I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to turn these cities around calling all entrepreneurs bosses, owners, millionaires.
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The believer’s walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston Ministries, partners and viewers remember you need faith to get to your destiny.
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I love you and keep walking by faith.