Release Your Spiritual Wisdom – Replenish and Subdue | Dr Bill Winston Special
Release Your Spiritual Wisdom – Replenish and Subdue
We are living in unprecedented times and events that have occurred in irreversible succession from the past into the present and are prevalent today. In this first installment from the series, Reaching the World: Replenish and Subdue, Dr. Bill Winston helps you to see that now is the time to take heed and know the Church must arise and understand its vital role in establishing God’s Kingdom in the earth.
The believer’s walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston Ministries, partners and viewers.
What I said about mysteries is that mysteries might include oil.
Um Anyone among you sick, let him call for the elders of the church.
Let him annoying with all that mystery in a bottle.
That’s the power of the holy ghost released in oil and that power of the holy ghost can heal anything.
That’s a mystery. Another mystery when I told the lady to pour oil down the street, Lake Pulaski, look what it did.
It cleaned out the place. Every demon left mystery.
How about when I said I was walking down the south street, there was a guy on the other side of the street fighting people or whatever and he looked like he was kind of homeless and in the circle was gathering around him.
It’s the middle of the daytime and down in the financial district here in Chicago and something said go over there to him.
Now, why? Because I carried with me peace and that’s what he needed and he introduced and eventually introduced him to Jesus.
Now, my point is he needed to print a piece he, he was, he was without God and it was without hope.
And another one how about manifesting abundance?
And I shared that with you.
I was at IBM at that time and, and I was a man of sales manager and none of us had business and the economy was down.
And like I said, your economy, your economy of your country is not the problem.
Problem is ignorance of the covenant for a believer.
And so what happened here is I, I, you know, you know, kind of that morning sister called said, how are you doing this month?
I said, I tell you what I said, I got you call me back at five.
I have more business than I could put on the books.
Now, this is what I said, just out of the spirit.
Now, why is he saying that he is saying Over in Ephesians chapter five verse 1 in the amplified translation, I’m just following the book.
What I said about mysteries is that mysteries might include oil.
Um Anyone among you sick, let him call for the elders of the church.
Let him annoying with all that mystery in a bottle.
That’s the power of the holy ghost released in oil and that power of the holy ghost can heal anything.
That’s a mystery. Another mystery when I told the lady to pour oil down the street, Lake Pulaski, look what it did.
It cleaned out the place. Every demon left mystery.
How about when I said I was walking down the south street, there was a guy on the other side of the street fighting people or whatever and he looked like he was kind of homeless and in the circle was gathering around him.
It’s the middle of the daytime and down in the financial district here in Chicago and something said go over there to him.
Now, why? Because I carried with me peace and that’s what he needed and he introduced and eventually introduced him to Jesus.
Now, my point is he needed to print a piece he, he was, he was without God and it was without hope.
And another one how about manifesting abundance?
And I shared that with you.
I was at IBM at that time and, and I was a man of sales manager and none of us had business and the economy was down.
And like I said, your economy, your economy of your country is not the problem.
Problem is ignorance of the covenant for a believer.
And so what happened here is I, I, you know, you know, kind of that morning sister called said, how are you doing this month?
I said, I tell you what I said, I got you call me back at five.
I have more business than I could put on the books.
Now, this is what I said, just out of the spirit.
Now, why is he saying that he is saying Over in Ephesians chapter five verse 1 in the amplified translation, I’m just following the book.

He said, therefore, be imitators of God, copy him and follow his example.
Well, what did he do when he saw lack when he saw darkness? When he saw what did he do?
He called it like c and I’m only following the example, Jesus did the same thing and he said the things that I do.
So you do also, I’m talking about you and me living supernaturally the way the church is supposed to live.
This is the way we’re supposed to live now.
Let me, let me, let me say something else because I put something down here.
So the next thing you know, at five o’clock, I mean, by five o’clock business came from everywhere.
Supernaturally, nobody can explain it. I couldn’t explain it.
The only thing I know I followed God, I decreed a thing. Job chapter 22 verse 28.
And it shall be established. Ecclesiastes chapter eight in verse four.
And he said this where the word of a king is. There’s power.
See angels come and they, they fulfill your, your decree, your command.
Now, I’m only saying this because we’re gonna subdue, which means I put something down here.
Subdue means to conquer by force.
If we’re gonna subdue, we’re gonna have to have a relationship with the one that is giving us the ability to do that.
He said you can’t do it unless you’re attached to this vine.
Now, unless you’re depending on me, you can’t do it.
It won’t happen because there is no, no, no confidence in, in what, what we do. There’s no faith.
Faith says that God is not only your source is your only source.
Now, I’m not saying you won’t use other resources and you know, you say that people and I’m not taking my medication you take unless God tells you differently.
My point to you is is that eventually you’re gonna come off and mature to the point that you’re gonna depend only on God the man told David Bishop he had high blood pressure.
He said, no, I don’t. He said, what do you mean? I’m looking at it right here.
He said, can a woman have a, can a man have a baby? She said no.
And then I can’t have high blood pressure. Now he went home, apply the word.
Now, why don’t you apply the word? Because that’s something we’ve left.
And the word of God, the Bible says over in Proverbs chapter four verse 20 the word of God will do something for you.
Watch this. He said this, my son attend to my words incline the near to my saying, let them not depart from the eyes.
Keep them in the midst of thy heart for they are what?
Life to those that find them and their health to all their flesh. Look at that.
Give me that in the N I V translation. Let me see.
Can I break it down a little bit more please?
For they are life to those that find them and health to one’s whole body. Okay. That’s good too.
Let’s try the amplified. If you will please for their life to those who find them healing and health to all their flesh.
Doesn’t make any difference. What you’ve got did Jesus didn’t ask him what, what has he got?
He didn’t ask him that one place. He asked him. He said, how long has he been like this?
That’s all he asked why? Because he represented the word he knew if he applied a word to it, everything got to get up and get out of there.
So it doesn’t make any difference. My point to you is, is this word has God’s divine nature.
Look what it says in second Peter chapter one and verse four, see if, if I shouldn’t, I can’t go on if you’re not practicing what I’m what I’m saying here because because it’s gonna just get deeper.
Look what it says, whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious, precious promises that by these you may be part takers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.
In other words, that which is in the world won’t bother you because you’re gonna escape through the word. Okay.
Now my point to you is put some word on it. You know what I mean?
Put, put, put, take your mouth, the law of confession and start speaking it into your body, starts speaking it into your, you won’t overdose.
You can’t take too much so forth and speaking three times a day just like the doctor would say, take this because this, he made it so that whatever comes, you don’t have to go to the world’s source to be able to sustain your, yourself or to complete your mission.
God is Jehovah. That means the all sufficient one. He’s got everything you’ll ever need.
That’s why he let him out in the wilderness because he wanted to lead him out there where there was no grocery stores.
No, nothing. Why? Because he’s saying I’m gonna make you a producer.
I’m gonna show you what you got in you so that you go in that promised land, you won’t have to go and get the man to do this and to borrow this and, and be tied into that world and bring forth eventually some fruit that I didn’t ever plan to come about.
I want you to hear that. I’m not, I’m not coming down on you.
I’m just trying to put emphasis on the fact that hey, I can live independent of that place.
That, that that thing. What, what I don’t care what it is look like something coming on me.
Hey, take a dose before you go to bed, Man. Take it, take it, take that word.
That word is also seed that God said by that shopping mall. I said, Lord, I have no seed.
He gave me Joshua 13 every place, the sole of your foot, your tread above that shall I give you?
Boy? That that was seed. What did it do brought forth fruit?
See, once the seed gets so developed inside of you, the seed takes over.
In other words, brother Hagin said some men were holding down this air balloon and holding it down by the rope and this big dirigible, you know, like the Goodyear blimp and they were holding it down, but a gust of wind came up, lifted it up.
Some people let go, others held on till they got 10 or 20 ft off the ground.
Some fell down and hurt themselves or got hurt or one died so forth.
But there’s one man kept holding the rope.
The balloon, the, the, uh, the, uh, dirigible began to go across the field.
They got in their cars and began to follow it. Then they began to descend.
Come on down the man still holding the rope and he got down there and now he was with distance uh that they could grab him.
They grabbed the man and put him on a gurney and take him into the ambulance, take him to the hospital.
He said, whoa, whoa, whoa, what are you doing? They said we’re taking you to the hospital, aren’t you hurt?
He said, no, they said, well, how did you hold on that, that, that rope?
He said, oh, I didn’t hold the rope.
I just tied it around me and just tied it up and just went for a ride.
You see what I’m saying? That word inside of you can mature to a certain place until you are no longer under control.
That thing has got you.
It’s almost like when I was a kid, You know, we had a swimming pool at the university that the public could use in the summer.
And I was a kid, I was getting, I don’t know, 12 years or whatever.
And here I’m The pool had three ft on this side, three ft deep And it was a 9, 10 ft deep on the deep side.
Well, I’m on the, I’m on the shallow side, walking around doing this. Like I’m swimming.
I wasn’t really swimming. I’m doing it like I’m swimming and then, you know, trying to fake it.
And so what happened is I messed around there and I was doing something, somebody called me and I went but it was on the, on the, on the ledge there, the part that you walk on.
But the deep end, I was down to the deep end And somebody ran and pushed me off in that deep end.
The first thing I realized is that I had no more control.
That’s the first thing I realized I was not under control. See God wants you.
So when the stream of the Holy Ghost comes by, it will sweep you right into the place where you were.
Look at Joseph Life. He said over Joseph in Genesis 45. He said you didn’t bring me down here.
I know you’re trying to take some credit for it, but you didn’t send me down here.
He said, God brought me here. Why? That seed was taken over?
That vision was taken over and it’ll, at a certain point, it changes you no longer have it.
It’s got you and it’s gonna be lining up. If people resources everything to make that thing come to pass.
That’s the danger of confession. You confess it enough that seed comes alive in you and God takes over.
Boy, you can’t lose, you can’t lose. I’m telling you. So I’m just saying it’s, it’s, it’s creative.
Meaning that in Ezekiel, Ezekiel chapter um 37 God told Ezekiel, hey, can these bones live?
Zika said, well, Lord, you know, he said, speak to him.
Next thing you know, dry bones came together and beat, came on the bones.
And next thing you know there’s a rising army.
What God says to you in someone 27 I think in 1 28 about your Children, he said they’re like olive plants around about the table, shoot them like an arrow, the same decree, things over them, me and that this, this is powerful stuff, folks, but this is for the believer.
He said this stuff is foolish to a natural man and he didn’t know it.
But this law of confession, I tell you a lot of those people, I mean, they know it but you talk about fruitful as they understand it.
You understand that it will draw them to Christ.
Now, I wanted to do one more thing and talking about that.
I want to talk about this other thing because what happens is people see these kinds of things, the word or the name of Jesus.
Well, how can that do anything?
Just calling his name, calling his name releases the power that is on the anointing to do what it said it would do.
Calling His name is the way that you take your power of attorney rights to walk in.
That same anointing that he walked in.
I leave you with power of attorney and I go to Africa, that means you can sign away my house if you want to.
So Jesus left you with his name called power of attorney and you can sign anything and God will back it just like that the headquarter of wetland.
So the name what a baptism, powerful communion, powerful.
See, I’m trying to take you somewhere but but I got a sense that, that I need to get you to study and show yourself a proof.
Understand, start using these things. See a lot of things are happening out there because the church is not resorting to it’s supernatural abilities that God has for the church.
John chapter four, this is Jesus and his encounter with the Samaritan woman. This woman came to draw water.
Alright, Jesus said, hey, if you knew who was talking to you, you would never have thirst again.
And so she still didn’t figure it out. And now here’s Jesus. Now I’m talking about worship, say worship.
All right now I’m saying because people don’t think it’s it’s much. But look what he said.
And Jesus said to her, go and call her husband and come hither and the woman answered and said to him, I have no husband and Jesus said unto her.
Yeah. Well, said, I have no husband For Thou has had five husbands and he whom thou now has is not thy husband.
In that said, thou truly, in other words, you told the truth about that.
And the woman said to him, I perceived that you must be a prophet.
Now notice what he just did. He just told this woman’s business.
Can’t you see a line of people waiting to get prayer and all of a sudden the profits start telling business.
Hey, you know, that’s that man’s wife at that man’s husband.
You know that you got this house, you know, oh boy, can’t you see people getting out of line when I see that, you know, but my point to you is is that this, this whole He’s about to teach her about worship.
And he goes on down here and let’s look at verse 21 if you will.
And Jesus said to the woman, believe me, the hour is coming when you shall neither worship at this mountain nor yet in Jerusalem worship the father you worship, you know not what underline that We know what we worship for salvation is of the Jews.
So he’s saying you can’t worship if you don’t know God now watch this but the hour cometh.
And now is when the true worshipers shall worship the father in spirit and in truth for the father is seeking such to worship him.
Look at Matthew chapter 15 And verse eight and nine, these people draw nigh to me with their mouths and honor with me, with their lips.
But their heart is far from me. But in vain, they do worship me teaching for doctrines.
The commandments of men shall notice what he’s saying. Now he’s saying, wait, wait, wait, wait, you’re worshiping.
But that’s imitation worship. That, that’s, that, that worship won’t go anywhere, it won’t do anything for you.
See, worship changes you, it changes you because it brings you in the very presence of God.
It always changes you and you’re continuing to change when you worship no change, no worship.
Oh, they’re worshiping but it’s called invitation.
Let me show you another one going down here and look at acts chapter 17, verse 23 different kinds of worship.
Now, first you’ve got imitation worship for as I passed by, I beheld your devotions talking to the Greeks.
Now, he’s very intellectual. I found an altar with this inscription to the unknown God.
This is what Jesus said.
You don’t even know what you worship because you, you got all these gods out here that you worship and you got even one that’s gonna cover everything called the unknown God.
So now you’ve got imitation worship. You got what I call ignorant worship.
But Jesus is saying, hey, there is a true worship that you can have and if you look here, if you will.
At Genesis chapter 22 verse five, this is Abraham being called to take his son up to the mountain to offer him up.
And Abraham said unto his young men abide ye here with the donkey and I, and the lad will go yonder.
Watch this and worship and we’ll come again to you. Worship removes you out of Satan’s territory.
One of the first things it does, it raises you up out of Satan’s territory. Worship.
Worship is a super natural experience. Worship. Worship takes knowing who the Father is.
Worship. Worship close to God.
I’ve got a lot of things that happened here brings miracles so forth.
Now these wait a minute, the oil, the foot, washing the baptism so forth. So on.
These are mysteries, mysteries. And I’m telling you how powerful they are.
I believe you can get a congregation in these last days that you’re gonna worship and everybody in there gonna be healed.
I really believe it. I’m standing here and I’ll say it again. Everybody in here gonna be healed.
Last thing turned the first Peter please.
And first Peter chapter one in verse three, he said, blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy has begotten us again into a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus from the dead to an inheritance, incorruptible, undefiled.
That faith is not away reserved in heaven for you. When he says heaven, he means on a higher plane.
See heaven is not a place so much, but it’s dimensional. It’s, it’s you leave this body.
You’re in the presence of the Lord you that it’s a dimensional thing. So this, this is in you.
And what I’m getting at is that you are a walking supply house that everything is in you.
You’re gonna act like God. God doesn’t have to go anywhere to get light. Where did life come from?
Came from inside of God. Jesus didn’t have to go anywhere to get uh this man dis lame, this maimed man’s arm where you have to get it from inside.
It’s already in there. And that’s why he said in Luke.
Luke chapter 12, Please and verse 31 but rather seek ye the Kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you.
He said, fear not little flock for. It’s your father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.
You got the kingdom. Now look what he says, sell that you have and give homes.
Provide yourselves bags which wax not old. A treasure in the heavens that fail.
If not where no thief approaches neither moth corrupted. He said, provide yourselves not with a bag. That’s the world.
They got a candy bag. You become the bag. See you produce out of you.
Everything that’s needed for your journey. This is, this is powerful stuff folk. It’s powerful.
I’m telling you what you got, you are loaded at Luke chapter 17 21 says the Kingdom of God is within you.
Well, it’s got everything you’ll ever need watch this in an inexhaustible supply.
According to Ephesians chapter three, Christ, swear in you God is where in you?
You don’t have to go to a temple to worship, worship right here because he’s in you.
The one whose worship is inside of the worship. And that’s the power of Christianity, Christ in you.
And let me tell you if that spirit Romans chapter eight verse 20 verse 11, that is in him that, that raised him from the dead dwells in you.
He that raised Christ from the dead shall repair your mortal body. Boy, you can’t get sick.
You can’t, I’ll tell you something.
Try to hit you every advise disease and germs hit your body dies and something you need a fix for this thing that’s going on out here.
Lord, give me the wisdom for fixing this property. It’s inside of you.
He loaded wisdom in Christ in you has become wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption.
Well, I trusted you a bless and empowered by that powerful message.
Now, this is called reaching the world. That’s what God has placed us here to do to reach the world.
Now, let me share with you one point that I want you to remember from this teaching.
The Kingdom of God is in you now because the kingdom of God is in you.
Wisdom is in you. God has wisdom in you and me to solve any problem that the world has.
Once you become born again, the kingdom of God comes in you and wisdom comes and is right now available for you To solve any problems that the world might have personal problems, family problems, city problems, government doesn’t make any difference.
This wisdom that we have is able to solve any problems now, we need to learn how to tap into it.
Praise God. Well, what I want you to do is get this message downloaded on MP three, MP 4.
Download it, let it play continuously once you do even, you know, in the house, let it play in the house while you’re there and so forth.
Why you need that word flowing all the time.
Faith comes what by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Praise God. Well, this is Bill Winston.
We love you and until next time, keep walking by faith blessed by today’s message order, replenish and subdue series in its entirety to receive the full teaching.
This three part series is available on CD or MP three on DVD or MP four to order in the US.
Contact us at 1 807 1193 to 7 or online at Bill Winston dot org in Canada, contact us at 844298 29 100 or online at Bill Winston dot C A.
Now, is the time to take heed and know that the church must arise and understand its vital role in establishing God’s kingdom in the earth.
Get your copy of replenish and subdue today.
Well, hello, I have written a new book. It’s called Revelation of Royalty.
Now, this book was written because many Christians have not been receiving the divine inheritance because they really don’t know their identity in Christ Jesus.
They really don’t know who they are.
I’m talking about in the eyes of God, not talking about your relatives or, or the boss man or whatever, but who you are in the eyes of God because your image affects everything.
It affects how high you climb.
It affects how rich you become, it affects all of that and nobody really can affect that.
But you now what we do is we allow other people to call us names or put us in certain positions and we take on that identity.
But God is telling you who you really are. He sees you as royalty.
He sees you as one of his family.
It is the richest and wealthiest family that has ever been known to mankind. You are in that family.
If you’re born again, now this book will help you.
It will help you identify who you are, what you have and how to get it.
We have been missing out on our inheritance and that’s wrong.
We want you to get what God says is yours the first step to it, change your image.
Go and understand who God says you are and be that. Praise God.
Well, this is Bill Winston saying we love you and keep walking by faith.
Doctors, Bill and Veronica Winston are dedicated to seeing lives changed through the power of prayer.
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We want to thank our partners who have made this prayer call center possible.
Together, we are transforming lives throughout the world.
If you are not a partner, we encourage you to pray about joining us in partnership and be a part of the wonderful work that God is doing through this ministry.
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The believers walk of faith is paid for by Bill Winston ministries, partners and viewers remember you need faith to get to your destiny.
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This is Bill Winston. I love you and keep walking by faith.