Prophetic Word From Jonathan Cahn – The Mystery Behind And America’s Shaking

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Prophetic Word From Jonathan Cahn

“One heartbeat,” he replied, “one heartbeat. That’s it. That’s all. You’re only one heartbeat away from eternity. Everything you have—your life, your breath, this moment, it’s all borrowed, it’s all a gift. And at any moment it all ends with a heartbeat…just one heartbeat, and there’s no more time. One heartbeat and the chance to be saved is gone. One heartbeat and there’s no more choosing—it’s all sealed for eternal life or eternal death.”
― Jonathan Cahn, The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery that Holds the Secret of America’s Future

This is Jonathan Cahn.
I’ve held back on saying something in this way until now, the shaking that have taken place around us that have changed our lives.
Are they a sign that we’re approaching?
Judgment is the mystery that began in the harbinger now coming to pass.
And if so, where is it leading? Where is it all heading?
How much time do we have? Is there hope?
What are the keys we need to know for the days ahead.
I’m gonna open up the biblical mystery behind the shaking that are happening around us.
What it means for the future of America, the world and you and me, this will be the first of a number of prophetic messages concerning this hour.
A number of years ago, I wrote the Harbinger.
It reveals the ancient template of national judgment that appeared in biblical times before the destruction of a nation In the last days of ancient Israel nine.
Harbingers prophetic signs of warning appeared in the land. They were warning of judgment and destruction that would come.
Those same nine harbingers have now appeared on American soil.
The first sign is that the nation’s hedge of protection is lifted an enemy makes a strike on the land.
A wake up call for the nation that happened in America on September 11, It was then followed by other harbingers all nine.
But that wasn’t the end of the mystery or the end of the template or the end of the progression.
The mystery of judgment was just beginning. So what happens next?
The next stage is that a nation under judgment is given a window of time to turn back, to come back to God for revival or to continue in its course, it’s defiance of God and head to judgment.
The window of time given is a span of years since 9-11, America has all the more departed from God and warred against his ways.
And that’s just what ancient Israel did.

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It’s following the same mystery that would mean that America is heading for judgment.
And the harbinger is a chapter called things to come.
It speaks of the shaking that will come upon the nation.
If the nation doesn’t turn back, greater shaking, even shaking, that can lead to its destruction.
We are experiencing. The beginning of those shaking is right now.
The harbinger goes on to speak of what kind of shake ing’s will come.
And I’m quoting from what I wrote years ago, they may take the form of economic disintegration.
Well, we’ve been experiencing that disorder. It’s happening now.
Military defeat, not yet, but wait, division of the nation is happening.
Now the collapse of infrastructure is happening now man made calamities, happening, calamities of nature happening, decline and fall the withdrawal of its blessings, the blessings of prosperity, protection, and peace, the shaking that are happening now that we’re seeing, we’re seeing a withdrawal of these blessings and then in the harbor during the same chapter as it speaks of the coming of these shaking.
Zit gives the word crown. Crown is the modern English version of the word corona. Corona means crown.
But there’s more in the harbinger.
The question is asked, when will the great shaking Zor resuming of the mystery or judgments begin?
How long after that first strike on the land?
The warning strike, the the enemy attack on the land, the beginning warning strike until the greater shaking is come upon the nation and a Spanish given there’s more than one answer in the Bible.
The span that applies with regard to the destruction of the Southern Kingdom of Israel.
The first strike came in the year 605 BC.
The calamity, the greater calamities that were to destruction came in 586 PC.
So how long is the span of time? 19 years?
The destruction came in the 19th year of King Nebuchadnezzar.
19 years after the first strike, the Bible says, so when was the first strike? In the case of America?
It was 9 11, the year was 2001.
So when is the 19th year will this mystery foretell and pinpoint when the year of shaking will come when it will begin?
The 19th year is the year 2020 And 2020 is the year that the shaking is have come upon the land.
And so for years after riding the harbinger, I looked at the year 2020 and wondered if the template would manifest in that year and it has we are living in the midst of this template of national judgment.
The plague is not only called Corona crown but has another name, COVID 19.
The number of judgment 19, the prophet Jeremiah foretold prophecy, the shake Ing’s and the judgments that would come to the nation that had been warned that they had had the first strike that would come in the 19th year, which was 5 86 BC.
One of those judgments he says will come in the 19th year.
Listen is that of a disease, a plague pestilence. In other words, epidemic, what does it mean?
I believe we are in a most dangerous time. The days of approaching judgment.
I also believe this time is critical. I believe September, critical time.
This September this autumn will be critical for America.
And that’s why before this year began, I was led to do what I had held off doing for years.
And that is to finally write the sequel to the Harbinger.
People have always asked and I said, no, it’s not time.
And that it had and I knew it had to come out this year to warn his people, to warn America of what was actually happening, what was going to happen, how to prepare that is the harbinger to which is coming out as I’m writing or as I’m doing this right now, what I’ve just shared with you is contained in the book and I will only say that there’s so much more revealed and more about all of this that I couldn’t even begin to do so here to get the harbinger to, you can just go online.
It should be everywhere when you see this and in stores that have books that are open.
One other thing, if you’re seeing this before September 26 I believe that. Well, I’ll say it this way.
September, as I said, I believe this is going to be critical and the autumn critical as we approach the 19th year anniversary of 9 11 and the holy days that start with a feast of trumpets, the sounding of the trumpets and beyond.
And I felt that for a long time, this is a critical time.
I and others before this year began, have called for the return the national and global day of prayer and repentance, not just prayer, repentance according to the scripture.
If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves.
Now, if it is and, and seek my face and turn from their evil ways, I will hear from heaven, I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
Now, if that has ever been needed ever, it is now, the time is now, it has never been more critical than now for the future of America.
And if we don’t take this now, this seriously, we may not have the chance again.
So I invite you to join me and this crucial critical undertaking throughout the month of September, also during the biblical days of repentance, which are the 10 days of all that begins with the feast of trumpets and goes to the day called the David Thomas.
For the day of the, the day of the return will be September 26th. The specific concentrated September’s market.
September 26. It’ll be on the National Mall in Washington D C A Sacred Assembly.
I believe it will be a prophetic and historic event in God’s sight. If you can come, it’s there.
It’s going to begin in the morning of September 26 on the National Mall.
But if you can, you can bring your church, bring spread the word.
But if you can’t devote, still devote that day, be part join with in your churches, tell your pastors in your homes, you can have your own event in a field in a public place, doesn’t matter, spread the word, it will be streamed and simulcast.
You can do it, you’ll do it with us at the end of this posting.
You’ll see the context on how to get more on these things.
I will have more prophetic messages to give you for this hour as the Lord uh designates, stay tuned for now.
Be strong and let us seek the Lord as never before for this hour.
God bless you shalom.

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